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National Geographic - Beyond Tut Tut: The Immersive Experience

National Geographic – Beyond King Tut: The Immersive Experience – це революційна кінематографічна виставка, що відображає справжню історію легендарного єгипетського короля-хлопчика. Вирушайте в подорож до одного з найбільших археологічних відкриттів усіх часів через 100 років після відкриття гробниці та приєднайтеся до короля Тутанхауса в його пошуках безсмертя та подорожі підземним світом. Завдяки візуальному оповіданню наступного покоління Beyond Tut Tut виходить за рамки традиційного показу артефактів і використовує неймовірні фотографії, об’єкти та масштабніші мультимедійні засоби, щоб перенести гостей у світ Тутанхамана та архівів National Geographic, як ніколи раніше. Ця історія створювалася 3300 років!
Місто: Нью-Йорк
Thu 27 Mar
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Починаючи з $54.00
Thu 27 Mar
Починаючи з $54.00
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National Geographic - Beyond Tut Tut: The Immersive Experience
National Geographic – Beyond King Tut: The Immersive Experience – це революційна кінематографічна виставка, що відображає справжню історію легендарного єгипетського короля-хлопчика. Вирушайте в подорож до одного з найбільших археологічних відкриттів усіх часів через 100 років після відкриття гробниці та приєднайтеся до короля Тутанхауса в його пошуках безсмертя та подорожі підземним світом. Завдяки візуальному оповіданню наступного покоління Beyond Tut Tut виходить за рамки традиційного показу артефактів і використовує неймовірні фотографії, об’єкти та масштабніші мультимедійні засоби, щоб перенести гостей у світ Тутанхамана та архівів National Geographic, як ніколи раніше. Ця історія створювалася 3300 років!
Політика скасування
Щоб отримати повне відшкодування, скасуйте принаймні за 24 години до запланованого часу відправлення.
Фотографії мандрівників
Відгуки (6)
Ken D
Dec 2022
Knowing my interest in Egyptology, my wife treated me to the King Tut Immersive Experience in NYC. Approaching the vast warehouse-like structure, the parking lot appeared to only have a few cars. The $40 parking fee was outrageous! As we entered the non-descript "front door", a person who appeared homeless and disoriented wanted to engage us in conversation. Security quickly led him away. We then began our walk-thru of the many curtained ares that displayed, via projected graphics, the King's After Life treasurers. The images appeared to be timed to a point where one had to stand and watch them over to complete reading the text and viewing the image, quite disappointing. Several of the rooms contained multi-media presentations with audio. Clearly, National Geographic went to hugh lengths to retro-fit structural ceiling supports, computerized projectors, and sound throughout several of the display rooms. Much of the tomb's contents are more easily viewable within print, and, at other shows where the actual items were on display prior to them being stored in Egypt's new museum. The most significant disapointment came near the end of our walk-thru where a staff member tries to get your attention by coaxing you to have your photo taken behind a very large image of the boy King. This appeared to be lame and embarrassing to me and distracted from the entire intent of the exhibit. I'm sure that your photo would be presented to you afterwards for a fee. Speaking about cost, their gift shop was full of "made in Egypt" wares with price tags that were absolutely insane. I can not recommend this venue when considering the manner in which it was presented and managed. (At one point, several adults began to stand on a replica of an Egyptian boat to get their photo taken. Clearly, this boat was a part of the display and not a toy to be disrespected.)
Nov 2022
Beyond King Tut was a fun way to learn about Egyptian history and culture around King Tut’s reign. After an introductory film guests enter the tomb where they view pictures and information inscribed on the walls. Some walls crumble away to reveal artifacts. At the end of the path guests enter a spacious burial chamber where a narration interprets the hieroglyphics on the walls. The artifacts found in the tomb are showcased in the next room. The entire room is draped in royal indigo lighting that enhanced the mysterious atmosphere. None of the authentic artifacts are present, but there were replicas of a playable senet game and a chair where guests can take a seat for a photo-op. A stamping station with king tut’s cartouche (name in hieroglyphics surrounded by an oval) was available, but only a single piece of used paper was there for stamping. I suppose you can stamp your skin and have a temporary tattoo. The gold mask family tree portion was interesting. Tut’s parents were siblings - a discovery made through DNA testing (as mentioned in a video towards the end of the exhibit). After stepping behind the larger than life illuminated King Tut gold mask guests enter a columned section where the mummification process is explained in detail through video (on the wall) and pictures (on the scroll at the base). Symbols found on the linens of King Tut are described between sheets of suspended linens. In the final section guests join King Tut on his journey to the afterlife experienced through an immersive ~20 minute looping movie. Images are projected onto all walls and the floor (not the ceiling). The ship in the center of the room serves as seats and an additional screen. No need to stay in one spot during the movie - guests can stroll around the space or take a seat. The graphics and sound are high quality which does indeed make it feel like being part of it. I happened to walk in during the circling leaves and feathers part and did feel a bit dizzy from them circling so it was quite effective. After the movie guests can take a photo where they appear with King Tut on a National Geographic cover before exiting into the gift shop. There is an option for a VR experience that would be $20 in addition to admission ($54 peak, $47 off peak). Fortunately I was able to see this for free, so just basing this on the experience itself without considering the cost.
Nov 2022
DON’t waste your time! TOTAL rip off and tourist trap I unfortunately purchased 8 tickets and ALL of thought it was a total waste of money and time. I would have thought since this was a National Geographic titled experience it would have been better. SOOOO disappointed!

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