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Екскурсія контрастами Нью-Йорка $39

If your intention is to get a complete idea of New York, you should not miss the opportunity to know the districts of Brooklyn, Bronx and Queens with a Spanish-speaking guide who will accompany you throughout the tour, making stops to take pictures, talking about History and sharing experiences.

The whole cultural and tourist offer does not end in Manhattan, with the excursion contrasts of New York: The authentic excursion with which you will be able to appreciate the daily life of the New Yorquinos.
Місто: Нью-Йорк
Tue 01 Apr
Обрати дату можна вже на сайті бронювання
Починаючи з $44.00
Tue 01 Apr
Починаючи з $44.00
Що включено
Транспорт мінівеном або автобусом з кондиціонером
Водій /гід
Трансфер в готель
Transport by air-conditioned minivan or bus
Driver / guide
Pickup hotel
Transport by air-conditioned minivan or bus
Додаткова інформація
  • Public transportation options are available nearby
  • Infants are required to sit on an adult’s lap
  • Suitable for all physical fitness levels
  • Children must be accompanied by an adult
Чого очікувати
Після зустрічі з готелем ми їдемо до району Гарлем, щоб дізнатися трохи про його історію та зупинимося біля Браунстоуна, де можна сфотографуватися.
Ми зробимо нашу першу зупинку в Гарлемі, щоб дізнатися його історію та сфотографувати будинки Браунстоун.
Стадіон Янкі
Зробимо зупинку, щоб сфотографувати стадіон
Ми продовжимо нашу подорож до Гранд-Конкорд-авеню та найвідомішого куратора цього округу, району 42, відомого як район Апачі, для зйомок фільму з Полом Ньюманом (Форт Апачі), а потім вирушимо на південь до Бронкса, де найвідоміший графіті, кожне зі своїми окремими історіями, зупиняючись на деяких із них, щоб зробити різні фотографії.
Всесвіт графіті
Ми дослідимо деякі графіті в Бронксі
Ми переїдемо до Квінса, найбільшого та найбільш мультикультурного округу Нью-Йорка, увійдемо до Мальби, приватного району середнього рівня та найдорожчого за межами Манхеттена, ми продовжимо рух до парку Флашинг Медоуз, який для Квінса є таким же, як і Центральний Припаркуйтеся для Манхеттена, там ми можемо побачити стадіон Mets, команду-суперницю Yankees, Національний тенісний комплекс, де святкується Відкритий чемпіонат США, більш відомий як US OPEN, і глобус фільму «Люди в чорному». Ми залишаємо Флашинг, щоб пройти через одну з головних авеню Квінс (Рузвельта), де ми можемо побачити імміграційну культуру, представлену в кожному з її роздрібних магазинів, розташованих уздовж авеню, ми проїдемо через маленьку Індію, де розташована найбільша концентрація індуїстів. Нью-Йорка, щоб продовжити нашу подорож до району Бруклін.
Ми входимо до округу Бруклін, де відвідуємо єврейський район Вільямсбурга, де найбільша концентрація ультраортодоксальних євреїв-хасидів. Наприкінці цього візиту ми прямуємо до Манхеттенського мосту, де пропонуємо два варіанти: • Зійдіть біля Бруклінського мосту, щоб прогулятися вздовж Дамбо та пройти Бруклінський міст і насолодитися панорамним краєвидом Манхеттена або продовжити рух до Чайната-тауну/Маленької Італії, де наша екскурсія закінчується, і насолодитися найкращою італійською кухнею в місті Нью-Йорк.
After the hotel pick-up we go to the Harlem neighborhood to learn a little about its history and make a stop at the Brownstone where you can take pictures.
We will continue our journey to Grand Concord Avenue and the most famous curator of this county Precinct 42, known as the Apache district, for the filming of the Movie with Paul Newman (Fort Apache) and then head south to the Bronx where the most famous graffiti, each with its different stories, making stops in some of them to make the different photographs.
Yankee Stadium
We will make a stop to photograph the Stadium
Joker Stairs
We will visit the stairs of the movie Joker in the Bronx.
We move to Queens, the largest and most multicultural county in New York City, we will enter Malba a private neighborhood of medium high stratum and the most expensive outside of Manhattan, we continue to the Flushing Meadows park which is for Queens what it is Central Park for Manhattan, there we can see the stadium of the Mets, rival team of the Yankees, the National Tennis complex where the United States Open is celebrated, more known as the US OPEN and the globe of the movie Men In Black. We leave Flushing to pass through one of the main avenues of Queens (Roosevelt) where we can see the culture of Immigration represented in each of its retail stores located along the avenue, we will pass through the small India where the largest is located Hindu concentration of New York City to continue our journey to the district of Brooklyn.
We enter Brooklyn County where we tour the Jewish neighborhood of Williamsburg neighborhood where the largest concentration of Ultra-Orthodox Hasidic Jews. At the end of this visit we head towards the Manhattan Bridge where we give two options:  • Get off near the Brooklyn Bridge to walk along Dumbo and walk through the Brooklyn Bridge and enjoy the panoramic view of Manhattan or continue towards China Town / Little Italy where our excursion ends and enjoy the best Italian food in the city of New York
After the hotel pick-up we go to the Harlem neighborhood to learn a little about its history and make a stop at the Brownstone where you can take pictures.
We will continue our journey to Grand Concord Avenue and the most famous curator of this county Precinct 42, known as the Apache district, for the filming of the Movie with Paul Newman (Fort Apache) and then head south to the Bronx where the most famous graffiti, each with its different stories, making stops in some of them to make the different photographs.
Yankee Stadium
We will make a stop to photograph the Stadium
Joker Stairs
We will visit the stairs of the movie Joker in the Bronx.
We move to Queens, the largest and most multicultural county in New York City, we will enter Malba a private neighborhood of medium high stratum and the most expensive outside of Manhattan, we continue to the Flushing Meadows park which is for Queens what it is Central Park for Manhattan, there we can see the stadium of the Mets, rival team of the Yankees, the National Tennis complex where the United States Open is celebrated, more known as the US OPEN and the globe of the movie Men In Black. We leave Flushing to pass through one of the main avenues of Queens (Roosevelt) where we can see the culture of Immigration represented in each of its retail stores located along the avenue, we will pass through the small India where the largest is located Hindu concentration of New York City to continue our journey to the district of Brooklyn.
We enter Brooklyn County where we tour the Jewish neighborhood of Williamsburg neighborhood where the largest concentration of Ultra-Orthodox Hasidic Jews. At the end of this visit we head towards the Manhattan Bridge where we give two options:  • Get off near the Brooklyn Bridge to walk along Dumbo and walk through the Brooklyn Bridge and enjoy the panoramic view of Manhattan or continue towards China Town / Little Italy where our excursion ends and enjoy the best Italian food in the city of New York
After the hotel pick-up we go to the Harlem neighborhood to learn a little about its history and make a stop at the Brownstone where you can take pictures.
We will continue our journey to Grand Concord Avenue and the most famous curator of this county Precinct 42, known as the Apache district, for the filming of the Movie with Paul Newman (Fort Apache) and then head south to the Bronx where the most famous graffiti, each with its different stories, making stops in some of them to make the different photographs.
Yankee Stadium
We will make a stop to photograph the Stadium
Joker Stairs
We will visit the stairs of the movie Joker in the Bronx.
We move to Queens, the largest and most multicultural county in New York City, we will enter Malba a private neighborhood of medium high stratum and the most expensive outside of Manhattan, we continue to the Flushing Meadows park which is for Queens what it is Central Park for Manhattan, there we can see the stadium of the Mets, rival team of the Yankees, the National Tennis complex where the United States Open is celebrated, more known as the US OPEN and the globe of the movie Men In Black. We leave Flushing to pass through one of the main avenues of Queens (Roosevelt) where we can see the culture of Immigration represented in each of its retail stores located along the avenue, we will pass through the small India where the largest is located Hindu concentration of New York City to continue our journey to the district of Brooklyn.
We enter Brooklyn County where we tour the Jewish neighborhood of Williamsburg neighborhood where the largest concentration of Ultra-Orthodox Hasidic Jews. At the end of this visit we head towards the Manhattan Bridge where we give two options:  • Get off near the Brooklyn Bridge to walk along Dumbo and walk through the Brooklyn Bridge and enjoy the panoramic view of Manhattan or continue towards China Town / Little Italy where our excursion ends and enjoy the best Italian food in the city of New York
After the hotel pick-up we go to the Harlem neighborhood to learn a little about its history and make a stop at the Brownstone where you can take pictures.
We will continue our journey to Grand Concord Avenue and the most famous curator of this county Precinct 42, known as the Apache district, for the filming of the Movie with Paul Newman (Fort Apache) and then head south to the Bronx where the most famous graffiti, each with its different stories, making stops in some of them to make the different photographs.
Yankee Stadium
We will make a stop to photograph the Stadium
Joker Stairs
We will visit the stairs of the movie Joker in the Bronx.
We move to Queens, the largest and most multicultural county in New York City, we will enter Malba a private neighborhood of medium high stratum and the most expensive outside of Manhattan, we continue to the Flushing Meadows park which is for Queens what it is Central Park for Manhattan, there we can see the stadium of the Mets, rival team of the Yankees, the National Tennis complex where the United States Open is celebrated, more known as the US OPEN and the globe of the movie Men In Black. We leave Flushing to pass through one of the main avenues of Queens (Roosevelt) where we can see the culture of Immigration represented in each of its retail stores located along the avenue, we will pass through the small India where the largest is located Hindu concentration of New York City to continue our journey to the district of Brooklyn.
We enter Brooklyn County where we tour the Jewish neighborhood of Williamsburg neighborhood where the largest concentration of Ultra-Orthodox Hasidic Jews. At the end of this visit we head towards the Manhattan Bridge where we give two options:  • Get off near the Brooklyn Bridge to walk along Dumbo and walk through the Brooklyn Bridge and enjoy the panoramic view of Manhattan or continue towards China Town / Little Italy where our excursion ends and enjoy the best Italian food in the city of New York
After the hotel pick-up we go to the Harlem neighborhood to learn a little about its history and make a stop at the Brownstone where you can take pictures.
We will continue our journey to Grand Concord Avenue and the most famous curator of this county Precinct 42, known as the Apache district, for the filming of the Movie with Paul Newman (Fort Apache) and then head south to the Bronx where the most famous graffiti, each with its different stories, making stops in some of them to make the different photographs.
Yankee Stadium
We will make a stop to photograph the Stadium
Joker Stairs
We will visit the stairs of the movie Joker in the Bronx.
We move to Queens, the largest and most multicultural county in New York City, we will enter Malba a private neighborhood of medium high stratum and the most expensive outside of Manhattan, we continue to the Flushing Meadows park which is for Queens what it is Central Park for Manhattan, there we can see the stadium of the Mets, rival team of the Yankees, the National Tennis complex where the United States Open is celebrated, more known as the US OPEN and the globe of the movie Men In Black. We leave Flushing to pass through one of the main avenues of Queens (Roosevelt) where we can see the culture of Immigration represented in each of its retail stores located along the avenue, we will pass through the small India where the largest is located Hindu concentration of New York City to continue our journey to the district of Brooklyn.
We enter Brooklyn County where we tour the Jewish neighborhood of Williamsburg neighborhood where the largest concentration of Ultra-Orthodox Hasidic Jews. At the end of this visit we head towards the Manhattan Bridge where we give two options:  • Get off near the Brooklyn Bridge to walk along Dumbo and walk through the Brooklyn Bridge and enjoy the panoramic view of Manhattan or continue towards China Town / Little Italy where our excursion ends and enjoy the best Italian food in the city of New York
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For a full refund, cancel at least 24 hours before the scheduled departure time.
Фотографії мандрівників
Відгуки (52)
Mar 2025
Loved every minute Thankyou Cecilia Definitely worth the money A must to see New York in its many facets A great way to see the less popular areas
Mar 2025
It was great and I'm willing to do it again. I enjoyed every minute of it. All the historical information provided by the tour guide name Agustin was awesome.
Jul 2024
Guillermo and your driver were great! We learned a lot exploring the Bronx, Queens and Brooklyn with them. Thank you!

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