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Нью-Йорк за один день. Оглядова екскурсія з гідом

Experience the best of New York City with a knowledgeable, licensed tour guide by your side. Our guides will make your journey unforgettable as they hop off the bus at each stop, giving you an exclusive and personalized sightseeing experience.

Relax in the comfort of our climate-controlled tour buses, ensuring a cozy and enjoyable ride while staying protected from the unpredictable weather. Choose between our glass-top or closed-top bus options for your preferred experience.

Explore NYC's most iconic locations with our 15 to 20-minute guided walking tours. Immerse yourself in the beauty of Central Park, the vibrancy of Rockefeller Center, and the solemnity of the 9/11 Memorial, among other fascinating spots.

For a truly unique perspective, don't miss the ferry ride, offering breathtaking views of the NYC skyline from the water. It's a must-see experience that will leave you with unforgettable memories!
Місто: Нью-Йорк
Sun 30 Mar
Обрати дату можна вже на сайті бронювання
Починаючи з $99.00
Sun 30 Mar
Починаючи з $99.00
Що включено
Перевезення розкішним туристичним автобусом
Пором Стейтен-Айленд
Розповідь досвідченого місцевого екскурсовода
Бутильована вода в автобусах
The Staten Island Ferry
Expert Local Tour Guide Narrative
Bottled Water on Buses
Додаткова інформація
  • Infants and small children can ride in a pram or stroller
  • Service animals allowed
  • Public transportation options are available nearby
  • Infants are required to sit on an adult’s lap
  • Not recommended for travelers with spinal injuries
  • Not recommended for pregnant travelers
  • Not recommended for travelers with poor cardiovascular health
  • Travelers should have at least a moderate level of physical fitness
  • Seats are assigned on a first-come first-served basis so please arrive 20 - 30 minutes before tour's departure time for a timely check in
  • If you're driving and need to park your vehicle - the closest garage parking is at 140 W 51st St, NY, NY 10020 and at 209 W 51st St, NY, NY 10019
  • The tour will be an even amount of walking and riding on the bus. (approx.)
  • Please note that we do not provide pick-up and drop-off service for this tour
Чого очікувати
Початок щодня о 9 ранку та 10 ранку Тривалість: 6 годин Відправляється/закінчується на 7 авеню (50/51) Автобус-трансформер із відкритим або скляним верхом
Strawberry Fields, Меморіал Джона Леннона
Після проїзду через район Таймс-Сквер перша зупинка на заході Центрального парку та 72-й вулиці, біля будівлі Дакота (колишнього будинку Джона Леннона). Зупинка включає коротку прогулянку з гідом до Центрального парку, щоб відвідати Strawberry Fields з мозаїкою Imagine, присвяченою Джону Леннону, а також види на інші місця в цьому районі, такі як розкішні кондомініуми, які численні знаменитості називають домом. Ми також проїдемо зоопарк Центрального парку, знаменитий готель Plaza та Карнегі Хол.
Центральний парк
Частина екскурсії Strawberry Fields
Частина екскурсії Strawberry Fields
Рокфеллерівський центр
Другою зупинкою в турі є Рокфеллерівський центр, звідки відкривається вид на собор Святого Патріка, місце розташування льодової ковзанки та Різдвяної ялинки, а також на телевізійну програму NBC Today Show.
Собор Святого Патріка
Прогулянка в рамках зупинки Rockefeller Center
Парк Медісон Сквер
Третя зупинка - Madison Square Park - оригінальне місце розташування Madison Square Garden Arena. З цієї території відкривається вражаючий вид на драматичну архітектуру, описану в численних книгах і фільмах: Flatiron Building (Годзілла, Людина-павук), Metropolitan Life Insurance Company Tower (The Runaway Skyscraper, Futurama) і Empire State Building (King Kong, Independence). день). Екскурсія продовжується поїздкою по деяких культових районах Нью-Йорка, таких як Грінвіч-Віллідж, Сохо, Чайнатаун ​​і фінансовий район.
Емпайр Стейт Білдінг
Вид з парку Медісон Сквер (лише зовні)
Будівля Flatiron
Вид з парку Медісон Сквер (лише зовні)
Будівля MetLife
Вид з парку Медісон Сквер
Національний меморіал і музей 11 вересня
Четверта зупинка – Всесвітній торговий центр, ми відвідаємо Меморіал 9/11. Екскурсія не включає вхід до музею 11 вересня, але відвідувачі можуть прогулятися територією Меморіалу, відвідати водоспади «Віддзеркалення відсутності» (відбитки ніг, де стояли оригінальні вежі-близнюки) і побачити дерево, що вижило. витримав руйнування 11 вересня.
Ринок свободи Gansevoort
45-хвилинна зупинка на обід на ринку Свободи Gansevoort, розташованому біля Меморіалу 11 вересня та Всесвітнього торгового центру (не входить у вартість туру)
Гавань Нью-Йорка
П'ята зупинка - це прогулянка на човні на поромі Стейтен-Айленд, щоб насолодитися чудовими видами на Манхеттен і Бруклін! Будь ласка, зверніть увагу, що в міжсезоння, з 1 січня по 31 березня, замість круїзу на човні гості (за сприятливих погодних умов) відвідають Пірс 17, щоб сфотографувати Бруклінський міст і парк Роберта Ф. Вагнера в Батері-парку, щоб побачити краєвиди Статуя Свободи з Манхеттена.
Острів Елліс
Погляд із порома Стейтен-Айленд
Бруклінський міст
Погляд із порома Стейтен-Айленд
П'ята авеню
Статуя Свободи
Погляд із порома Стейтен-Айленд
Публічна бібліотека Нью-Йорка
Радіо Сіті Мюзик Хол
Лінкольн-центр виконавських мистецтв
Троїцька церква
Маленька Італія
Район морського порту Нью-Йорка
Батері Парк
Алмазний район
Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum
Спортивно-розважальний комплекс Chelsea Piers
Китайський квартал
Times Square
Drive through Times Square
Central Park
The first stop is a guided walk into Central Park and a visit to Columbus Circle.
Rockefeller Center
The second stop on the tour is Rockefeller Center, for outside views of St. Patrick's Cathedral, the location of the ice skating rink and Christmas Tree (seasonal), and NBC's Today Show set.
St. Patrick's Cathedral
Walk-by as part of the Rockefeller Center stop
Flatiron Building
Seen from Madison Square Park (outside only)
Fifth Avenue
The third stop is on Fifth Avenue for great views of the Empire State Building. This area provides spectacular views of dramatic architecture featured in numerous books and films: the Flatiron Building (Godzilla, Spider-Man), the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company Tower (The Runaway Skyscraper, Futurama), and the Empire State Building (King Kong, Independence Day). We drive by Madison Square Park - the original location of Madison Square Garden Arena, and the tour continues with a drive through some of NYC's iconic neighborhoods, such as Greenwich Village, Soho, Chinatown, and the Financial District.
Madison Square Park
Pass by without stopping
New York Public Library
Trinity Church Wall Street
Gansevoort Liberty Market
45-minute lunch stop at Gansevoort Liberty Market, located near the 9/11 Memorial and World Trade Center (not included in the tour price)
The National 9/11 Memorial & Museum
The fourth stop is the World Trade Center, as we visit the 9/11 Memorial. The tour does not include entry into the 9/11 Museum, but visitors can walk the grounds of the Memorial, visit the waterfalls of "Reflecting Absence," (the footprints of where the original twin towers stood), and see the Survivor Tree that stood through the destruction of 9/11.
New York Harbor
The fifth stop is a ferry ride on the Staten Island Ferry to experience magnificent views of the Manhattan and Brooklyn skyline!
Statue of Liberty
Seen from the Staten Island Ferry
Times Square
Drive through Times Square
Central Park
The first stop is a guided walk into Central Park and a visit to Columbus Circle.
Rockefeller Center
The second stop on the tour is Rockefeller Center, for outside views of St. Patrick's Cathedral, the location of the ice skating rink and Christmas Tree (seasonal), and NBC's Today Show set.
St. Patrick's Cathedral
Walk-by as part of the Rockefeller Center stop
Flatiron Building
Seen from Madison Square Park (outside only)
Fifth Avenue
The third stop is on Fifth Avenue for great views of the Empire State Building. This area provides spectacular views of dramatic architecture featured in numerous books and films: the Flatiron Building (Godzilla, Spider-Man), the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company Tower (The Runaway Skyscraper, Futurama), and the Empire State Building (King Kong, Independence Day). We drive by Madison Square Park - the original location of Madison Square Garden Arena, and the tour continues with a drive through some of NYC's iconic neighborhoods, such as Greenwich Village, Soho, Chinatown, and the Financial District.
Madison Square Park
Pass by without stopping
New York Public Library
Trinity Church Wall Street
Gansevoort Liberty Market
45-minute lunch stop at Gansevoort Liberty Market, located near the 9/11 Memorial and World Trade Center (not included in the tour price)
The National 9/11 Memorial & Museum
The fourth stop is the World Trade Center, as we visit the 9/11 Memorial. The tour does not include entry into the 9/11 Museum, but visitors can walk the grounds of the Memorial, visit the waterfalls of "Reflecting Absence," (the footprints of where the original twin towers stood), and see the Survivor Tree that stood through the destruction of 9/11.
New York Harbor
The fifth stop is a ferry ride on the Staten Island Ferry to experience magnificent views of the Manhattan and Brooklyn skyline!
Statue of Liberty
Seen from the Staten Island Ferry
Times Square
Drive through Times Square
Central Park
The first stop is a guided walk into Central Park and a visit to Columbus Circle.
Rockefeller Center
The second stop on the tour is Rockefeller Center, for outside views of St. Patrick's Cathedral, the location of the ice skating rink and Christmas Tree (seasonal), and NBC's Today Show set.
St. Patrick's Cathedral
Walk-by as part of the Rockefeller Center stop
Flatiron Building
Seen from Madison Square Park (outside only)
Fifth Avenue
The third stop is on Fifth Avenue for great views of the Empire State Building. This area provides spectacular views of dramatic architecture featured in numerous books and films: the Flatiron Building (Godzilla, Spider-Man), the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company Tower (The Runaway Skyscraper, Futurama), and the Empire State Building (King Kong, Independence Day). We drive by Madison Square Park - the original location of Madison Square Garden Arena, and the tour continues with a drive through some of NYC's iconic neighborhoods, such as Greenwich Village, Soho, Chinatown, and the Financial District.
Madison Square Park
Pass by without stopping
New York Public Library
Trinity Church Wall Street
Gansevoort Liberty Market
45-minute lunch stop at Gansevoort Liberty Market, located near the 9/11 Memorial and World Trade Center (not included in the tour price)
The National 9/11 Memorial & Museum
The fourth stop is the World Trade Center, as we visit the 9/11 Memorial. The tour does not include entry into the 9/11 Museum, but visitors can walk the grounds of the Memorial, visit the waterfalls of "Reflecting Absence," (the footprints of where the original twin towers stood), and see the Survivor Tree that stood through the destruction of 9/11.
New York Harbor
The fifth stop is a ferry ride on the Staten Island Ferry to experience magnificent views of the Manhattan and Brooklyn skyline!
Statue of Liberty
Seen from the Staten Island Ferry
Times Square
Drive through Times Square
Central Park
The first stop is a guided walk into Central Park and a visit to Columbus Circle.
Rockefeller Center
The second stop on the tour is Rockefeller Center, for outside views of St. Patrick's Cathedral, the location of the ice skating rink and Christmas Tree (seasonal), and NBC's Today Show set.
St. Patrick's Cathedral
Walk-by as part of the Rockefeller Center stop
Flatiron Building
Seen from Madison Square Park (outside only)
Fifth Avenue
The third stop is on Fifth Avenue for great views of the Empire State Building. This area provides spectacular views of dramatic architecture featured in numerous books and films: the Flatiron Building (Godzilla, Spider-Man), the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company Tower (The Runaway Skyscraper, Futurama), and the Empire State Building (King Kong, Independence Day). We drive by Madison Square Park - the original location of Madison Square Garden Arena, and the tour continues with a drive through some of NYC's iconic neighborhoods, such as Greenwich Village, Soho, Chinatown, and the Financial District.
Madison Square Park
Pass by without stopping
New York Public Library
Trinity Church Wall Street
Gansevoort Liberty Market
45-minute lunch stop at Gansevoort Liberty Market, located near the 9/11 Memorial and World Trade Center (not included in the tour price)
The National 9/11 Memorial & Museum
The fourth stop is the World Trade Center, as we visit the 9/11 Memorial. The tour does not include entry into the 9/11 Museum, but visitors can walk the grounds of the Memorial, visit the waterfalls of "Reflecting Absence," (the footprints of where the original twin towers stood), and see the Survivor Tree that stood through the destruction of 9/11.
New York Harbor
The fifth stop is a ferry ride on the Staten Island Ferry to experience magnificent views of the Manhattan and Brooklyn skyline!
Statue of Liberty
Seen from the Staten Island Ferry
Times Square
Drive through Times Square
Central Park
The first stop is a guided walk into Central Park and a visit to Columbus Circle.
Rockefeller Center
The second stop on the tour is Rockefeller Center, for outside views of St. Patrick's Cathedral, the location of the ice skating rink and Christmas Tree (seasonal), and NBC's Today Show set.
St. Patrick's Cathedral
Walk-by as part of the Rockefeller Center stop
Flatiron Building
Seen from Madison Square Park (outside only)
Fifth Avenue
The third stop is on Fifth Avenue for great views of the Empire State Building. This area provides spectacular views of dramatic architecture featured in numerous books and films: the Flatiron Building (Godzilla, Spider-Man), the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company Tower (The Runaway Skyscraper, Futurama), and the Empire State Building (King Kong, Independence Day). We drive by Madison Square Park - the original location of Madison Square Garden Arena, and the tour continues with a drive through some of NYC's iconic neighborhoods, such as Greenwich Village, Soho, Chinatown, and the Financial District.
Madison Square Park
Pass by without stopping
New York Public Library
Trinity Church Wall Street
Gansevoort Liberty Market
45-minute lunch stop at Gansevoort Liberty Market, located near the 9/11 Memorial and World Trade Center (not included in the tour price)
The National 9/11 Memorial & Museum
The fourth stop is the World Trade Center, as we visit the 9/11 Memorial. The tour does not include entry into the 9/11 Museum, but visitors can walk the grounds of the Memorial, visit the waterfalls of "Reflecting Absence," (the footprints of where the original twin towers stood), and see the Survivor Tree that stood through the destruction of 9/11.
New York Harbor
The fifth stop is a ferry ride on the Staten Island Ferry to experience magnificent views of the Manhattan and Brooklyn skyline!
Statue of Liberty
Seen from the Staten Island Ferry
Times Square
Drive through Times Square
Central Park
The first stop is a guided walk into Central Park and a visit to Columbus Circle.
Rockefeller Center
The second stop on the tour is Rockefeller Center, for outside views of St. Patrick's Cathedral, the location of the ice skating rink and Christmas Tree (seasonal), and NBC's Today Show set.
St. Patrick's Cathedral
Walk-by as part of the Rockefeller Center stop
Flatiron Building
Seen from Madison Square Park (outside only)
Fifth Avenue
The third stop is on Fifth Avenue for great views of the Empire State Building. This area provides spectacular views of dramatic architecture featured in numerous books and films: the Flatiron Building (Godzilla, Spider-Man), the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company Tower (The Runaway Skyscraper, Futurama), and the Empire State Building (King Kong, Independence Day). We drive by Madison Square Park - the original location of Madison Square Garden Arena, and the tour continues with a drive through some of NYC's iconic neighborhoods, such as Greenwich Village, Soho, Chinatown, and the Financial District.
Madison Square Park
Pass by without stopping
New York Public Library
Trinity Church Wall Street
Gansevoort Liberty Market
45-minute lunch stop at Gansevoort Liberty Market, located near the 9/11 Memorial and World Trade Center (not included in the tour price)
The National 9/11 Memorial & Museum
The fourth stop is the World Trade Center, as we visit the 9/11 Memorial. The tour does not include entry into the 9/11 Museum, but visitors can walk the grounds of the Memorial, visit the waterfalls of "Reflecting Absence," (the footprints of where the original twin towers stood), and see the Survivor Tree that stood through the destruction of 9/11.
New York Harbor
The fifth stop is a ferry ride on the Staten Island Ferry to experience magnificent views of the Manhattan and Brooklyn skyline!
Statue of Liberty
Seen from the Staten Island Ferry
Times Square
Drive through Times Square
Central Park
The first stop is a guided walk into Central Park and a visit to Columbus Circle.
Rockefeller Center
The second stop on the tour is Rockefeller Center, for outside views of St. Patrick's Cathedral, the location of the ice skating rink and Christmas Tree (seasonal), and NBC's Today Show set.
St. Patrick's Cathedral
Walk-by as part of the Rockefeller Center stop
Flatiron Building
Seen from Madison Square Park (outside only)
Fifth Avenue
The third stop is on Fifth Avenue for great views of the Empire State Building. This area provides spectacular views of dramatic architecture featured in numerous books and films: the Flatiron Building (Godzilla, Spider-Man), the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company Tower (The Runaway Skyscraper, Futurama), and the Empire State Building (King Kong, Independence Day). We drive by Madison Square Park - the original location of Madison Square Garden Arena, and the tour continues with a drive through some of NYC's iconic neighborhoods, such as Greenwich Village, Soho, Chinatown, and the Financial District.
Madison Square Park
Pass by without stopping
New York Public Library
Trinity Church Wall Street
Gansevoort Liberty Market
45-minute lunch stop at Gansevoort Liberty Market, located near the 9/11 Memorial and World Trade Center (not included in the tour price)
The National 9/11 Memorial & Museum
The fourth stop is the World Trade Center, as we visit the 9/11 Memorial. The tour does not include entry into the 9/11 Museum, but visitors can walk the grounds of the Memorial, visit the waterfalls of "Reflecting Absence," (the footprints of where the original twin towers stood), and see the Survivor Tree that stood through the destruction of 9/11.
New York Harbor
The fifth stop is a ferry ride on the Staten Island Ferry to experience magnificent views of the Manhattan and Brooklyn skyline!
Statue of Liberty
Seen from the Staten Island Ferry
Times Square
Drive through Times Square
Central Park
The first stop is a guided walk into Central Park and a visit to Columbus Circle.
Rockefeller Center
The second stop on the tour is Rockefeller Center, for outside views of St. Patrick's Cathedral, the location of the ice skating rink and Christmas Tree (seasonal), and NBC's Today Show set.
St. Patrick's Cathedral
Walk-by as part of the Rockefeller Center stop
Flatiron Building
Seen from Madison Square Park (outside only)
Fifth Avenue
The third stop is on Fifth Avenue for great views of the Empire State Building. This area provides spectacular views of dramatic architecture featured in numerous books and films: the Flatiron Building (Godzilla, Spider-Man), the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company Tower (The Runaway Skyscraper, Futurama), and the Empire State Building (King Kong, Independence Day). We drive by Madison Square Park - the original location of Madison Square Garden Arena, and the tour continues with a drive through some of NYC's iconic neighborhoods, such as Greenwich Village, Soho, Chinatown, and the Financial District.
Madison Square Park
Pass by without stopping
New York Public Library
Trinity Church Wall Street
Gansevoort Liberty Market
45-minute lunch stop at Gansevoort Liberty Market, located near the 9/11 Memorial and World Trade Center (not included in the tour price)
The National 9/11 Memorial & Museum
The fourth stop is the World Trade Center, as we visit the 9/11 Memorial. The tour does not include entry into the 9/11 Museum, but visitors can walk the grounds of the Memorial, visit the waterfalls of "Reflecting Absence," (the footprints of where the original twin towers stood), and see the Survivor Tree that stood through the destruction of 9/11.
New York Harbor
The fifth stop is a ferry ride on the Staten Island Ferry to experience magnificent views of the Manhattan and Brooklyn skyline!
Statue of Liberty
Seen from the Staten Island Ferry
Show 131 більше зупинок
Політика скасування
For a full refund, cancel at least 24 hours before the scheduled departure time.
Фотографії мандрівників
Відгуки (1000)
Mar 2025
The glass top van 1 day NY tour was outstanding! Our tour guide Susan was informative and delightful! The views from the van were spectacular and we were able to get some really cool shots. The ferry ride over to Staten Island was great also inspite of the cool, breezy weather! This tour is so much fun! I highly recommend this tour. The extra money spent for the glass top was well worth it!
Mar 2025
When we went to New York the views were absolutely amazing and memorizing... So many different varieties of restaurants, cultures, food and people... Would definitely recommend going one day yourself..
Mar 2025
This was such a fun trip. I still think about it a year later and would definitely do again! We were blown away with the amount of information we learned. And it was great to see the city on the bus, because it rained that whole day.

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English English
Ми вважаємо, що ваше місто Нью-Йорк
Яке місто ви б хотіли дослідити?
New York City