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Денний квиток на огляд визначних пам’яток Нью-Йорка: понад 100 пам’яток, у тому числі One World Observatory

Зарядіть свій Нью-Йорк доступом до понад 100 найбільших визначних місць і вражень протягом 10 днів.


Музей мадам Тюссо в Нью-Йорку
Нью-йоркський акваріум
Обсерваторія One World
Статуя Свободи та острів Елліс
Оглядовий майданчик Top of the Rock на Рокфеллерівський центр
Меморіал і музей 9/11
Американський музей природної історії
Музей моря, авіації та космосу Intrepid
Музей Соломона Р. Гуггенхайма
Музей американського мистецтва Вітні
Зоопарк Бронкса
Бруклінський ботанічний сад
Зоопарк Центрального парку
Ботанічний сад Нью-Йорка
Круїз по орієнтирам Circle Line
Circle Line Liberty Cruise
Beyond King Tut Immersive Experience by National Geographic (до лише 1 січня 2023 р.)
Місто: Нью-Йорк
Mon 21 Oct
Обрати дату можна вже на сайті бронювання
Починаючи з $154.00
Mon 21 Oct
Починаючи з $154.00
Що включено
Знижки в окремих ресторанах, роздрібних магазинах і розважальних закладах
Примітка: доступ до автобуса Hop-On, Hop-Off дійсний протягом 1 дня, незалежно від тривалості квитка.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 або 10 календарних днів із понад 100 атракціонами на вибір.
Маршрут і карта
Місце зустрічі
Відкрити в Google Maps
2900 Southern Blvd,
Ваш мобільний путівник: мобільний путівник New York Sightseeing Pass (https://www.sightseeingpass.com/en/new-york/attraction-list/ota)

Спосіб використання: Ваш пропуск доступний для негайного використання. Ваш ваучер містить унікальний штрих-код, який можна використовувати на мобільному телефоні як квиток. Атракціони відсканують код, і ви потрапите!
• Цей абонемент дійсний протягом куплених вами послідовних календарних днів і закінчується опівночі останнього календарного дня
• Перепустка активується під час першого використання
• Якщо проїзний використовується для бронювання онлайн або по телефону, ваша картка не буде активована, доки ви не прибудете в день бронювання. Усі бронювання мають бути зроблені на день, коли абонемент ще дійсний
• Кожну пам'ятку можна відвідати лише один раз
• Якщо у вас виникли запитання, зверніться до місцевого постачальника за номером +1-844-400-PASS (+1-844-400-7277)

Місце відправлення: проїзний квиток можна придбати на 42-й вулиці /станції автобусного терміналу Port Authority
Кінцева точка
Ця діяльність завершується на місці зустрічі.
Додаткова інформація
  • Неподалік є зупинки громадського транспорту.
  • Підходить для будь-якого рівня фізичної підготовки.
  • Цей квиток дійсний протягом куплених послідовних календарних днів, закінчуючи опівночі останній календарний день.
  • Кожну пам'ятку/екскурсію можна відвідати лише один раз.
  • Процедура входу та години роботи для окремих пам'яток відрізняються, особливо під час святкових періодів.
  • Може знадобитися попереднє бронювання турів з обмеженим простором, які включені в абонемент.
  • Доступність залежить від пам’ятки/туру.
  • Мандрівникам у громадських місцях потрібні маски для обличчя
  • Маски необхідні для гідів у громадських місцях
Чого очікувати
Ботанічний сад Нью-Йорка
Ви вирішуєте, куди ви йдете та що робити з цією економною абонементом, яка повністю налаштовується. Насолоджуйтесь панорамним видом на місто з вершини обсерваторії One World, досліджуйте Нью-Йорк на екскурсійному автобусі, відвідайте Музей моря, авіації та космосу Intrepid тощо. Якщо ви шукаєте активного відпочинку, спробуйте цікаві екскурсії, як-от екскурсія вуличним мистецтвом Брукліна, пішохідна екскурсія Сохо та Маленькою Італією або багатогодинний прокат велосипеда. Вибір за вами.
Статуя Свободи
Статуя Свободи
Острів Елліс
Острів Елліс
Музей Соломона Р. Гуггенхайма
Музей Соломона Р. Гуггенхайма
El Museo del Barrio
El Museo del Barrio
Музей міста Нью-Йорка
Музей міста Нью-Йорка
Музей і бібліотека Нью-Йоркського історичного товариства
Музей і бібліотека Нью-Йоркського історичного товариства
Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum
Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum
Музей мадам Тюссо Нью-Йорк
Музей мадам Тюссо Нью-Йорк
Американський музей природної історії
Американський музей природної історії
Музей на вулиці Елдрідж
Музей на вулиці Елдрідж
Медісон Сквер Гарден
Медісон Сквер Гарден
Бруклінське історичне товариство
Бруклінське історичне товариство
Музей таверни Фраунс
Музей таверни Фраунс
Культурний центр Snug Harbor
Культурний центр Snug Harbor
Музей Стейтен-Айленда в Снаг-Харбор
Музей Стейтен-Айленда в Снаг-Харбор
Музей єврейської спадщини
Музей єврейської спадщини
Музейна майстерня Ground Zero
Музейна майстерня Ground Zero
Луна-парк на Коні-Айленді
Луна-парк на Коні-Айленді
Огляд міста Нью-Йорк
Огляд міста Нью-Йорк
One World Observatory
One World Observatory
National Geographic - Beyond Tut Tut: The Immersive Experience
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Фотографії мандрівників
Відгуки (226)
Відкрити в Google Maps
Nov 2018
We purchased four 10 attraction passes for our seven day break in New York. In hindsight we probably over estimated how many attractions we could fit into the week. I think we did 8 attractions. It would’ve been 9 attractions had the Sightseeing Pass website updated their website with the correct information for the Circle Landmark cruise. We made our way to the pier for 10:15 as advised by them for the 11am boat only to be told by Circle Line cruises that the trip was at 3pm and Sightseeing Pass did not have the correct information. This was very annoying as we had planned our whole day to include this. It would have been worse for people who were in NY for only a few days. Such a waste of time. It was very easy to use the red Grayline hop on hop off buses. You don’t need to exchange your pass for a bus ticket. Just go to the bus stop. The assistant will scan your pass before you board the bus. We went on the Downtown, Brooklyn and Night tour. A word of warning, for the night tour, get on at the first stop as it is extremely popular and we had to wait for three buses before there was space. We were going to do the Uptown bus on the Sunday but it was the NY marathon. There are so many options on this pass and it was very easy to use on our mobile phones. We used the $40 vouchers to purchase Empire State Building tickets as that is not included in the pass. I would recommend this pass. ** Message for Sightseeing Pass - please ensure your website has up to date information **
Відповідь від хоста
Nov 2018
thanks for your feedback. please come again
Nov 2018
I got the 6 attraction flex pass which came with a $40 credit for an additional attraction as per their website. I later found out that the $40 credit is actually only good if you use it towards one of your 6 attractions which makes no sense as the 6 attractions are prepaid by this pass. When I called to inquire about this I was simply told that they reserve the right to change the terms and conditions as they see fit, so they could decide to give you one attraction instead of 6 and get away with it. This was something that the customer service rep considered completely normal! Furthermore, the pass itself did not work in a couple of locations which I wanted to go to. Overall, because of misleading advertising and problems with the card I would definitely not recommend the same. There seem to be better NY passes out there.
Відповідь від хоста
Nov 2018
thank you for your feedback. sorry for your inconvenience, we will look into the matter
Nov 2018
I was very sceptical initially about getting this pass, there are at least 2 other passes you can get that I know of, as well as when you are walking around New York, plenty of people trying for you to buy a pass on the street. I bought the pass-through Trip Advisor from a company called Viator. if you go to the Sightseeing Pass website, I found you would pay a lot more for the same pass. I was buying 5 adult passes; even though I had 2 children with me, if you are over 12 you are classed as an adult, on the Sightseeing Pass website it was coming in at about £960 in total on Trip Advisor I got it for £850.00 (I believe you can get $40 pp of vouchers to use if you buy it directly). On arriving in New York, I went to the main office to exchange my paper voucher for a card (I don’t think you must do this but I think the paper one would get worn out by getting it out all the time). I had to stand in a queue, where annoyingly every staff member wanted to look at my paperwork and then kept saying, yeap stay in this queue, we were in there for a good half an hour due to the popularity of the card and lack of staff in there; I then on the fourth time of asking to check my paperwork got frustrated and said it had just been checked for the third time, I was asked who by and I said the actual boss. Once I got our cards, it was just a short stop to the bus stop to catch our Bus, there are a few routes you can do:- Uptown - if you want to go to Central Park, the museums and Harlem (which even though a rundown area (this was said by the bus guide lady who lived there), looked amazing) Midtown - this is for all the main areas in Manhattan - Empire state building, Rockefeller Centre, Times Square to name a few Downtown - this is for Wall street, Statue of Liberty, Brooklyn, Chinatown, One World Observatory, 9/11, etc Night Bus - well worth doing leaves Times Square and goes down to Brooklyn, over the bridge (not Brooklyn Bridge) and back again. I did find the Downtown bus few and far between, waiting at least 50 minutes for a bus one time with quite a few other people standing at the bus stop (some of the buses did become overcrowded, and we had to stand downstairs, my concern was also if the bus was full and you were waiting at a bus stop for over 40 minutes, how long til the next one?) Whilst the pass makes boasts of saving you hundreds of dollars some of the places and things to do are free. The Natural History Museum of America is quoted as being $23; this is a suggested donation and the staff actually advise you can just pay $1 if you wanted to. I did actually work out against the prices quoted on the Sightseeing Pass App against what I felt was fair and I felt I would have spent £2000 if I had paid for everything myself. The only place I found I didn’t need to stand in the main queue was the One World Observatory, and was able to go into a queue inside for voucher holders. However, the staff at Madame Tussauds seem to let other Pass Holders ahead of us even though we were stood in the queue longer. Ripley’s was ok but the kids found both Madame Tussauds and Ripley’s boring. I would highly recommend the Rockefeller Centre (I did this at night, and with the Empire State building behind us, made a magical backdrop). I was told the hop on hop off ferry did not exist anymore and you had to get on and off one of the river cruises, which left Pier 78 @ 10, 12 and 4pm. This was the better way it turned out to visit the Statue of Liberty; on the day we went to see her there was 2 1/2-hour queue to get through security, so we walked up to the Statton Island ferry which was ok on the way back as one ferry has no upstairs outside access, and one did. When we arrived on the other side it was a quick walk to get back on to the ferry. However, when we did the now defunct Hop on Hop off boat trip it gets nice and close - for me personally this was the best way to see it as I felt very under awed when I saw the Statue close up, as it is not as big as I thought it was going to be (bloody Ghostbusters). The Madison Square Garden tour was great to see, and if we had come later in the day we could have seen Justin Timberlake doing his sound check; as Queen said the show must go on (turns out he cancelled that night anyhow). WE only managed to use the Buffalo Wings meal voucher, and whilst if you had to pay $25 pp for the meal you had you would feel short-changed, as it was part of the pass this was well worth it. I really wished I had gone to Planet Hollywood; but as for seasoned travellers I am sure you will agree there is just too much to do, and you really need to plan your days. The Bike hire was great but make sure you have i.d. as they keep it as insurance, you break it, you pay for it. I would also advise that Central Park may look quite flat but there are hills on both sides; some get very taxing for the more unfit of us. In short (sorry it wasn’t, and there is still more than I could say) would I recommend the pass, check your options, like I said other passes out there, but I felt on reading the other passes they didn’t offer the unlimited hop on, hop off buses. I bought the unlimited pass, you can buy a flex pass, but dependant on what you want to do, your budget, etc, make sure you read them all.
Відповідь від хоста
Nov 2018
thanks for your feedback

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