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Оглядовий круїз по північно-західному фіорду від Сьюарда

Величезні блакитні льодовики, вузькі фіорди та багате морське життя – це лише деякі з причин, чому національний парк Кенай-Фьорди займає перше місце в списках багатьох любителів активного відпочинку. Здійснюйте круїз фіордами, вивчаючи захоплюючу природну історію регіону під час цієї 7-годинної подорожі. Проплив через незаймані води Аляски — найкращий спосіб побачити цей приголомшливий національний парк, і це єдиний щоденний тур, який відвідує чудовий Північно-Західний фіорд, де розташовані три дивовижні льодовики, що викликають припливи, і численні альпійські льодовики.
Місто: Сьюард
Mon 23 Dec
Обрати дату можна вже на сайті бронювання
Починаючи з $239.00
Mon 23 Dec
Починаючи з $239.00
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Бухта Воскресіння
Ми досліджуємо магію Кенай-фіордів з 1974 року — ми лідери, першовідкривачі та найдосвідченіша компанія в регіоні. Від вод затоки Воскресіння до далеких фіордів і льодовиків — життя, повне пристрасті та пригод, поєднується з кожним туром.
Національний парк Кенай-фіорди
Ваша пригода в Кенай-фіордах починається в гавані прекрасного Сьюарда на Алясці. Зареєструйтесь у нашому центральному офісі та насолоджуйтеся видами та звуками жвавої набережної. Коли прийде час піднятися на борт, спустіться з доку до свого судна, де вас зустріне наша команда матросів. Мандрівка починається, коли ви випливаєте з гавані Сьюард — стежте за білоголовим орланом і тюленями! Звідси різні маршрути йдуть у різних напрямках. Оскільки затока Воскресіння відкривається в сувору затоку Аляска, наше дослідження національного парку Кенай-фіорди стає все глибшим. Незалежно від туру, який ви виберете, у вас буде багато можливостей спостерігати за дикою природою, побачити приголомшливі скелясті узбережжя, познайомитися з нашою захопленою та обізнаною командою палубних матросів, навчатися та відкривати разом із нашими пристрасними капітанами та досліджувати велич Кенай-фіордів.
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Фотографії мандрівників
Відгуки (87)
Aug 2022
Captain Mark rocked!! He has been doing these glacier tours for 20 years and his narration was very interesting and humorous. When I peeked in the cabin, he was just talking from memory, no script or papers nearby. He described geographically where the glaciers use to extend to and how they have changed during his tenure. He navigated us very close to glaciers and extremely close waterfalls; so close to the water falls I thought we were going to hit the rocks! The glacier portion of the tour is 5 stars but I knocked overall score down one star because I thought the wildlife portion was a bit dull. While we did get rather close to the island to see the various birds, the seals were farther away as were the whales. Overall very good tour and recommended.
Aug 2022
The tour overall view was amazing..I love Alaska and the beautiful sights. But, I was very disappointed on the bus, I was abused and bullied by a gentleman on the bus over the fourth seat. The bus driver said to reserve the 1st 3 rows. I happened to sit in the 4th one. I was told by this man that it was his seat. And I politely said, I thought Maxwell said the 1st 3. My party had already set in the seats across. He then yelled at me to GET OUT NOW! I kindly got up left my party of 4 up front and went to the back of the bus by my self. I was hysterical, the next stop when I got out, travel friends told me I should not have moved.I cried a little and on the way to the restroom, the bus driver was ahead of me..Jessica. I told her what happened. That I was yelled at and bulled by this 6 foot tall man. His wife was so embarrassed she went to the back of the bus. So many of the people on the bus told me that was so unnecessary the way he yelled and treated me. Maxwell was very knowledgeable of Alaskan herttiage, but I would say I am glad this his last tour. He likes to avoid anything and everything right or wrong…I feel like I was totally ignored by him as if he did not care. He is going to be a defense attorney and just didn’t care about what happened to me. It is sad because this one incident had me upset the rest of the trip. I truely tried to make the best of it. But, it so sad, when u make a mistake, he said 1st 3 seats reserved not 4th seat..which i sit down in. Then he (Maxwell), tried to cover it up by saying the 1st seat was reserved for picture taking along with one of his stories, which you did it know if it was true or false. Because he said so many stories that we heard on other excursions. For example, the bear and the moose story that the guy told at the gold mine. Max told the same story. Like I said he was a very smart young man. But he lacked concern for me and I know he knew about it. He would rather let one person ( I was by my self. My husband had 3 strokes and was at home with my son. I traveled with 4 others people, so I sat at the back of the bus in tears . My friend Pamela and Bill Myers were astonished by his treatment to me from this passenger . They told me I should not have moved, But, I was not standing up to this abuse, while on vacation. . And to top it it off. The next morning, the lady his wife said to me, I just checked out the bus we are riding to the Denali NP. Come to find out, it wasn’t even the bus that we were riding. The two of them were definitely different people. But, needless to say, it did hurt me And she also told me , she and husband stayed in the room and got drunk. I just politely smiled . She was again telling me in so many words, not literally, she was putting her stuff on the seat to make a claim. I was terrified to get on the bus until most of the passengers were on board…it is really sad that a seat means so much to someone that they have to go to that extreme. I am so sorry to complain. Because it was an amazing 5 Day Tour of Alaska and I took many great pictures. But it is so sad that I had to be bullied out of a seat for no reason, or for a tour guide to say 1st three seats and not 1st 4 seats. He made a mistake I guess, or tried to cover up, his mistake by saying pictures on 1st row. But the way I saw it and many others did too, is 1, ,2 , 3 if reserved for handicap people.. NOT, 1st pictures 2, 3, and 4 as the 1st three seats. be compassionate about all your passengers, we all paid a healthy price for this tour. No one is perfect. We all make mistakes. But, don’t try and cover up, by informing the entire bus, that the 1st seat was for pictures. After this incident happened telling a story about a lady who was taking a picture and a bear ..I don’t remember the whole story…up it was suppose to be a joke.. I am sure he did this to get the best possible tips. Not caring about me and my feelings and humiliation. Even tho, my friends were sitting in the 4th ones on the other side. I was on the Tanaina, boarding pass 96 , July 39, 2022. Sincerely, Donna Welch
Aug 2022
So we are local and have been taking family out to the Kenai Fjord National Park for many years now, probably 6 times or so. This was the best by far. It helped that we had very unusual spectacular sunny weather coupled with smooth seas. The narration by the captain was informative. The trip to Northwestern Fjord was not to be missed; you visit an area that was encased in ice 50 years ago. Although only slightly a tidewater glacier it was active and we were treated to a dramatic ice fall. It is only 1 of a dozen glaciers in the fjord. That along with waterfalls, orca, humpback, dall porpoise made it a top viewing event. The captain made it a point to find more unusual birds and the return though the Chiswel Islands gave multiple viewings of puffins, auklets, murrelets, murres cormorants and subspecies that birders would want on their life list. Great crew. Decent lunch and great cookies at the end.

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