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Пішохідний та гастрономічний тур по Нижньому Іст-Сайду Нью-Йорка

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Місто: Нью-Йорк
Tue 17 Sep
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Починаючи з $79.99
Tue 17 Sep
Починаючи з $79.99
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  • Будь ласка повідомити про будь-які конкретні дієтичні/алергічні вимоги, коли ви відповідаєте вашим інструкціям
Чого очікувати
Нижній Іст-Сайд
Прогуляйтеся. вчитися. Нош. Тепер ви можете досліджувати перспективний модний район із багатою історією та ганебно відомими ресторанами. Пончиковий завод Russ & Daughters
Ессекс Стріт Ринок
Зупиніться та зробіть покупки (якщо хочете) на ринку Essex Street, але перед тим, як ви це зробите, ми відвідаємо мого друга Саада, який дає нам дегустацію бальзамічного оцту та оливкової олії у своєму магазині Essex Olive & Spice.
Пікл Гайз
Pickle Guys маринують майже все. Ми пробуємо три з їхніх лідерів продажів. Вони солодкі. Вони кислі. Вони чудові.
Економ Кенді
Economy Candy існує з 1937 року, продаючи шоколад, горіхи, цукерки та цукерки, на яких виросло багато поколінь.
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Фотографії мандрівників
Відгуки (426)
Mark B
Nov 2017
Love Dante and the whole experience!! He was very knowledgable about the sights and picked some great places to eat!! Katz's Economy candy, Russ and Daughters etc
Відповідь від хоста
Nov 2017
Hey Mark! I had a great time showing you and Harriet around. Thank you for writing the review. Hopefully you guys will come on another tour soon and bring Mike and Sandy! See you soon! Dante Mercadante Chief Eating Officer Nice Guy Tours
Vlad T
Oct 2017
Dante (the nice guy in Nice Guy Tours) took us on a relaxed walk to local family-owned restaurants, fed us great food and told us about the history of the places. Our fellow tour-goers were also cool. We were a small group, just 4 people, so we all got to know each other. Great experience.
Відповідь від хоста
Nov 2017
Thank you for writing the review. Hope to see you on a tour again real soon. Dante Mercadante Chief Eating Officer Nice Guy Tours
Han S
Sep 2015
Dante comes up with the goods when it comes to portion of the Lower East Side. This was primarily a Food Tour encompassing old pursuits and favorite sweet tooth candy shops involving multiethnic tastes that represent Jewish, Asian, Italian and Polish immigrant beginnings. When it comes to anything "knishery" in the Lower East Side, Dante knows these old pursuits inside-out. He'll save you small bite-size morsels even if you come in late on the tour and miss the first leg ( as we can profess having joined him late in the day and missed the initial starting point), The tour's emphasis on Russ & Daughters' main-strays of the neighborhood in around Houston Street proves to be a formidable head start on the day's affairs, One of the main highlights of the tour is the quintessential main stop known only as Katzs Delicatessen. The roast beef and pastrami is sampled by the pound here (and comes at a hefty price point), but Dante is ever so generous with the portions offered on this Walking Tour. The second main attraction on the tour is a formidable stop at the infamous all-American Economy Candy. This one is a time warp of sorts in all shapes and colors providing a satisfactory 50's sampling of all there is to sample of toffees, halva, chewing gum (even those E.T. collectors cards from 1982)! There is even a surefire sugary selection of genuine Cadbury imported chocolate selection of English candy. By the time you get to the Chinese portion of the tour, you are ready for lunch! This comes in the shape of Asian dumplings from a little kiosk that has been there for as long as the neighborhood has... Well worth the wait. Wash it down and continue on with Dante who will go on about the history and gluttony of economic scale. Wait, more awaits you as Dante pulls a few punches and winds his way for a few more bucks at the Pickle folks who go back all the way circa the late 19th century. Dante will insist on making you bite off pickled cucumbers of varying age, those left pickled for 3 days, 3 weeks and 3 months! Having walked 2 hours by now with Dante, this leaves a much needed quenched throat left to savor a wide array tastes. The tour comes to a close with a bakery that specializes in bagels and bialys baked fresh daily since 1936, all in the original neighborhood found only in New York City. You'll have the opportunity to sample an assortment of Rugelach and even purchase your own to take home. The very last stop is reserved for... What else? An oldie doughnut shop that is by far the icing on the cake in as far as the L.E.S. tour goes. You are well stuffed at this point and you cannot possibly sample any more, but you will sure be back for more (on your own), later. In the end, it was well worth our time, taking the "foodie" tour with Dante of Nice Guy Tours. He had the pleasure of showing us around through and through during the 3 hours it took us to circumnavigate the L.E.S.. When booking your next tour with Dante, make sure to come on "hungry" and ready for a few nice strolls, meeting fun people and spending a good amount of time with the "Italian" taking the lead in showing the Sights & Sounds as well as the great tastes of those alleyways and streets that he knows so well. See you soon on the next one.

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