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Автобусний тур Манхеттена, який варто відвідати

This exclusive NYC tour is led by a local expert who will take you through the must-see highlights of the city. Ride in comfort on a luxury minibus with triple-cushioned leather seats and windows for panoramic views as New York City unfolds before you.

Your driver stays focused on the road while your guide is focused on you, pointing out landmarks and sharing stories that make each place — Little Italy, Rockefeller Center, Times Square, and more — come alive.

We’ll also enjoy guided visits on foot to Ground Zero and Central Park so you can see these iconic attractions up-close. This combo tour provides a convenient way to experience over a dozen iconic Manhattan attractions. From Chinatown to Greenwich Village to a ferry ride past Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty, see it all in just six hours!
Місто: Нью-Йорк
Fri 28 Mar
Обрати дату можна вже на сайті бронювання
Починаючи з $129.00
Fri 28 Mar
Починаючи з $129.00
Що включено
Професійний гід
Транспортний засіб з кондиціонером
Вид на статую Свободи та горизонт Нью-Йорка з човна
Professional guide
Guided bus tour through Manhattan
Guided ferry ride past the Statue of Liberty in New York Harbor
Guided walking tour in Central Park
Додаткова інформація
  • Infants and small children can ride in a pram or stroller
  • Public transportation options are available nearby
  • Infants are required to sit on an adult’s lap
  • Suitable for all physical fitness levels
Чого очікувати
Рокфеллерівський центр
Почніть з пішохідної екскурсії Рокфеллер-центром, щоб побачити 30 Rock (так само, як відоме телешоу) і вид на собор Святого Патріка. Звідси ви сядете на автобус з клімат-контролем і попрямуєте на 5-у авеню через гамірний торговий район.
Парк Медісон Сквер
Наша перша зупинка – це зелена перлина в центрі міста з приголомшливими видами на Емпайр-Стейт-Білдінг і Флетайрон-Білдінг.
Емпайр Стейт Білдінг
Погляньте на знаменитий хмарочос із парку Медісон Сквер.
Flatiron Building
Ця трикутна будівля є одним із найвідоміших у світі хмарочосів і, можливо, квінтесенцією символу Нью-Йорка.
Проїдьте повз Вашингтон-сквер-парк у цьому мистецькому та альтернативному районі Нью-Йорка, який є домом для художників і студентів і відомий своєю історією ЛГБТК.
Всюди в цьому районі дивовижні чавунні будівлі, дорогі магазини та мансарди.
Китайський квартал
Процвітаюча спільнота іммігрантів із яскравими видами, запахами та чим зайнятися.
Фінансове серце Америки.
Троїцька церква
Це історична церква, де похований Олександр Гамільтон.
Charging Bull (Wall Street Bull)
Помилуйтесь найбільш фотографованою скульптурою Нью-Йорка.
Статуя Свободи
Ви сідаєте на пором, щоб пропливти повз острів Елліс, статую Свободи та помилуватися чудовим видом на Нью-Йорк. Під час цього 1-годинного круїзу ви встигнете пообідати. Ви можете взяти з собою обід або купити обід на терміналі або на човні.
Національний меморіал і музей 11 вересня
Відвідайте 9/11 Ground Zero та подивіться на найбільші рукотворні водоспади на честь людей, які загинули.
Отримайте чудове враження від височезної інтерактивної скульптури в центрі Хадсон-Ярдс.
Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum
Пройдіть повз колишній авіаносець USS Intrepid, який брав участь у Другій світовій війні, холодній війні та війні у В’єтнамі, а також евакуаційне судно NASA у 1960-х роках
Колумбове коло
Офіційна відстань по шосе від Нью-Йорка вимірюється від цього кола з інтенсивним рухом.
Лінкольн-центр виконавських мистецтв
Епіцентр сценічної культури Нью-Йорка.
Американський музей природної історії
Зоряне місце для блокбастера «Ніч у музеї».
Центральний парк
Зупинка в Центральному парку та прогулянка до Strawberry Field з панорамними краєвидами.
Музей мистецтв Метрополітен
Місце проведення Met Gala, одного з найбільших благодійних заходів для моди та поп-культури
Наша екскурсія завершується висадкою на Тайм-сквер, барвисту та галасливу світову столицю розваг.
Rockefeller Center
Start with a walking tour of Rockefeller Center to see 30 Rock (just like the famous TV show), and a view St. Patrick's Cathedral From here you will board the climate controlled bus an head out on 5th Avenue through the bustling shopping district.
Madison Square Park
Our first stop is a green jewel in the midst of the city with stunning views of the Empire State Building and Flatiron Building
Flatiron Building
This triangular building is among the world's most famous skyscrapers, and perhaps the quintessential symbol of New York City.
Greenwich Village
Drive past Washington Square Park in this artistic and alternative NYC neighborhood that is home to artists and students, and is celebrated for its LGBTQ history.
Amazing cast-iron buildings, expensive shops, and lofts are everywhere in this neighborhood.
A thriving immigrant community with vibrant sights, smells, and things to do.
Wall Street
America’s financial heart.
Trinity Church Wall Street
This is the historic church where Alexander Hamilton is buried.
Charging Bull (Wall Street Bull)
Admire the most photographed sculpture of New York.
Statue of Liberty
You board your ferry to sail past Ellis Island, the Statue of Liberty and take in the magnificent New York City skyline. On this 1-hour ferry ride, you have time to eat lunch. You can bring lunch or purchase lunch at the terminal or on the boat.
The National 9/11 Memorial & Museum
Visit 9/11 Ground Zero, and see the largest man-made waterfalls in tribute to the people that lost their lives.
The Vessel
Get a great of the towering, interactive sculpture in the heart of Hudson Yards.
Intrepid Museum
Pass by the former aircraft carrier USS Intrepid which served in World War II, the Cold War and the Vietnam War as well as a NASA recovery vessel in the 1960s
Columbus Circle
Official highway distances from New York City are measured from this heavily trafficked circle.
Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts
Epicenter of New York City’s performing arts culture.
American Museum of Natural History
Star location for the blockbuster movie, “Night at the Museum”.
Central Park
A stop in Central Park and walk to the Strawberry Field with panoramic views.
The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Home to the Met Gala, one of the largest charity events for fashion and pop culture
Times Square
Our tour concludes with a drop off at Time Square, the colorful and bustling entertainment capital of the world.
Rockefeller Center
Start with a walking tour of Rockefeller Center to see 30 Rock (just like the famous TV show), and a view St. Patrick's Cathedral From here you will board the climate controlled bus an head out on 5th Avenue through the bustling shopping district.
Madison Square Park
Our first stop is a green jewel in the midst of the city with stunning views of the Empire State Building and Flatiron Building
Flatiron Building
This triangular building is among the world's most famous skyscrapers, and perhaps the quintessential symbol of New York City.
Greenwich Village
Drive past Washington Square Park in this artistic and alternative NYC neighborhood that is home to artists and students, and is celebrated for its LGBTQ history.
Amazing cast-iron buildings, expensive shops, and lofts are everywhere in this neighborhood.
A thriving immigrant community with vibrant sights, smells, and things to do.
Wall Street
America’s financial heart.
Trinity Church Wall Street
This is the historic church where Alexander Hamilton is buried.
Charging Bull (Wall Street Bull)
Admire the most photographed sculpture of New York.
Statue of Liberty
You board your ferry to sail past Ellis Island, the Statue of Liberty and take in the magnificent New York City skyline. On this 1-hour ferry ride, you have time to eat lunch. You can bring lunch or purchase lunch at the terminal or on the boat.
The National 9/11 Memorial & Museum
Visit 9/11 Ground Zero, and see the largest man-made waterfalls in tribute to the people that lost their lives.
The Vessel
Get a great of the towering, interactive sculpture in the heart of Hudson Yards.
Intrepid Museum
Pass by the former aircraft carrier USS Intrepid which served in World War II, the Cold War and the Vietnam War as well as a NASA recovery vessel in the 1960s
Columbus Circle
Official highway distances from New York City are measured from this heavily trafficked circle.
Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts
Epicenter of New York City’s performing arts culture.
American Museum of Natural History
Star location for the blockbuster movie, “Night at the Museum”.
Central Park
A stop in Central Park and walk to the Strawberry Field with panoramic views.
The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Home to the Met Gala, one of the largest charity events for fashion and pop culture
Times Square
Our tour concludes with a drop off at Time Square, the colorful and bustling entertainment capital of the world.
Rockefeller Center
Start with a walking tour of Rockefeller Center to see 30 Rock (just like the famous TV show), and a view St. Patrick's Cathedral From here you will board the climate controlled bus an head out on 5th Avenue through the bustling shopping district.
Madison Square Park
Our first stop is a green jewel in the midst of the city with stunning views of the Empire State Building and Flatiron Building
Flatiron Building
This triangular building is among the world's most famous skyscrapers, and perhaps the quintessential symbol of New York City.
Greenwich Village
Drive past Washington Square Park in this artistic and alternative NYC neighborhood that is home to artists and students, and is celebrated for its LGBTQ history.
Amazing cast-iron buildings, expensive shops, and lofts are everywhere in this neighborhood.
A thriving immigrant community with vibrant sights, smells, and things to do.
Wall Street
America’s financial heart.
Trinity Church Wall Street
This is the historic church where Alexander Hamilton is buried.
Charging Bull (Wall Street Bull)
Admire the most photographed sculpture of New York.
Statue of Liberty
You board your ferry to sail past Ellis Island, the Statue of Liberty and take in the magnificent New York City skyline. On this 1-hour ferry ride, you have time to eat lunch. You can bring lunch or purchase lunch at the terminal or on the boat.
The National 9/11 Memorial & Museum
Visit 9/11 Ground Zero, and see the largest man-made waterfalls in tribute to the people that lost their lives.
The Vessel
Get a great of the towering, interactive sculpture in the heart of Hudson Yards.
Intrepid Museum
Pass by the former aircraft carrier USS Intrepid which served in World War II, the Cold War and the Vietnam War as well as a NASA recovery vessel in the 1960s
Columbus Circle
Official highway distances from New York City are measured from this heavily trafficked circle.
Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts
Epicenter of New York City’s performing arts culture.
American Museum of Natural History
Star location for the blockbuster movie, “Night at the Museum”.
Central Park
A stop in Central Park and walk to the Strawberry Field with panoramic views.
The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Home to the Met Gala, one of the largest charity events for fashion and pop culture
Times Square
Our tour concludes with a drop off at Time Square, the colorful and bustling entertainment capital of the world.
Rockefeller Center
Start with a walking tour of Rockefeller Center to see 30 Rock (just like the famous TV show), and a view St. Patrick's Cathedral From here you will board the climate controlled bus an head out on 5th Avenue through the bustling shopping district.
Madison Square Park
Our first stop is a green jewel in the midst of the city with stunning views of the Empire State Building and Flatiron Building
Flatiron Building
This triangular building is among the world's most famous skyscrapers, and perhaps the quintessential symbol of New York City.
Greenwich Village
Drive past Washington Square Park in this artistic and alternative NYC neighborhood that is home to artists and students, and is celebrated for its LGBTQ history.
Amazing cast-iron buildings, expensive shops, and lofts are everywhere in this neighborhood.
A thriving immigrant community with vibrant sights, smells, and things to do.
Wall Street
America’s financial heart.
Trinity Church Wall Street
This is the historic church where Alexander Hamilton is buried.
Charging Bull (Wall Street Bull)
Admire the most photographed sculpture of New York.
Statue of Liberty
You board your ferry to sail past Ellis Island, the Statue of Liberty and take in the magnificent New York City skyline. On this 1-hour ferry ride, you have time to eat lunch. You can bring lunch or purchase lunch at the terminal or on the boat.
The National 9/11 Memorial & Museum
Visit 9/11 Ground Zero, and see the largest man-made waterfalls in tribute to the people that lost their lives.
The Vessel
Get a great of the towering, interactive sculpture in the heart of Hudson Yards.
Intrepid Museum
Pass by the former aircraft carrier USS Intrepid which served in World War II, the Cold War and the Vietnam War as well as a NASA recovery vessel in the 1960s
Columbus Circle
Official highway distances from New York City are measured from this heavily trafficked circle.
Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts
Epicenter of New York City’s performing arts culture.
American Museum of Natural History
Star location for the blockbuster movie, “Night at the Museum”.
Central Park
A stop in Central Park and walk to the Strawberry Field with panoramic views.
The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Home to the Met Gala, one of the largest charity events for fashion and pop culture
Times Square
Our tour concludes with a drop off at Time Square, the colorful and bustling entertainment capital of the world.
Rockefeller Center
Start with a walking tour of Rockefeller Center to see 30 Rock (just like the famous TV show), and a view St. Patrick's Cathedral From here you will board the climate controlled bus an head out on 5th Avenue through the bustling shopping district.
Madison Square Park
Our first stop is a green jewel in the midst of the city with stunning views of the Empire State Building and Flatiron Building
Flatiron Building
This triangular building is among the world's most famous skyscrapers, and perhaps the quintessential symbol of New York City.
Greenwich Village
Drive past Washington Square Park in this artistic and alternative NYC neighborhood that is home to artists and students, and is celebrated for its LGBTQ history.
Amazing cast-iron buildings, expensive shops, and lofts are everywhere in this neighborhood.
A thriving immigrant community with vibrant sights, smells, and things to do.
Wall Street
America’s financial heart.
Trinity Church Wall Street
This is the historic church where Alexander Hamilton is buried.
Charging Bull (Wall Street Bull)
Admire the most photographed sculpture of New York.
Statue of Liberty
You board your ferry to sail past Ellis Island, the Statue of Liberty and take in the magnificent New York City skyline. On this 1-hour ferry ride, you have time to eat lunch. You can bring lunch or purchase lunch at the terminal or on the boat.
The National 9/11 Memorial & Museum
Visit 9/11 Ground Zero, and see the largest man-made waterfalls in tribute to the people that lost their lives.
The Vessel
Get a great of the towering, interactive sculpture in the heart of Hudson Yards.
Intrepid Museum
Pass by the former aircraft carrier USS Intrepid which served in World War II, the Cold War and the Vietnam War as well as a NASA recovery vessel in the 1960s
Columbus Circle
Official highway distances from New York City are measured from this heavily trafficked circle.
Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts
Epicenter of New York City’s performing arts culture.
American Museum of Natural History
Star location for the blockbuster movie, “Night at the Museum”.
Central Park
A stop in Central Park and walk to the Strawberry Field with panoramic views.
The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Home to the Met Gala, one of the largest charity events for fashion and pop culture
Times Square
Our tour concludes with a drop off at Time Square, the colorful and bustling entertainment capital of the world.
Rockefeller Center
Start with a walking tour of Rockefeller Center to see 30 Rock (just like the famous TV show), and a view St. Patrick's Cathedral From here you will board the climate controlled bus an head out on 5th Avenue through the bustling shopping district.
Madison Square Park
Our first stop is a green jewel in the midst of the city with stunning views of the Empire State Building and Flatiron Building
Flatiron Building
This triangular building is among the world's most famous skyscrapers, and perhaps the quintessential symbol of New York City.
Greenwich Village
Drive past Washington Square Park in this artistic and alternative NYC neighborhood that is home to artists and students, and is celebrated for its LGBTQ history.
Amazing cast-iron buildings, expensive shops, and lofts are everywhere in this neighborhood.
A thriving immigrant community with vibrant sights, smells, and things to do.
Wall Street
America’s financial heart.
Trinity Church Wall Street
This is the historic church where Alexander Hamilton is buried.
Charging Bull (Wall Street Bull)
Admire the most photographed sculpture of New York.
Statue of Liberty
You board your ferry to sail past Ellis Island, the Statue of Liberty and take in the magnificent New York City skyline. On this 1-hour ferry ride, you have time to eat lunch. You can bring lunch or purchase lunch at the terminal or on the boat.
The National 9/11 Memorial & Museum
Visit 9/11 Ground Zero, and see the largest man-made waterfalls in tribute to the people that lost their lives.
The Vessel
Get a great of the towering, interactive sculpture in the heart of Hudson Yards.
Intrepid Museum
Pass by the former aircraft carrier USS Intrepid which served in World War II, the Cold War and the Vietnam War as well as a NASA recovery vessel in the 1960s
Columbus Circle
Official highway distances from New York City are measured from this heavily trafficked circle.
Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts
Epicenter of New York City’s performing arts culture.
American Museum of Natural History
Star location for the blockbuster movie, “Night at the Museum”.
Central Park
A stop in Central Park and walk to the Strawberry Field with panoramic views.
The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Home to the Met Gala, one of the largest charity events for fashion and pop culture
Times Square
Our tour concludes with a drop off at Time Square, the colorful and bustling entertainment capital of the world.
Show 131 більше зупинок
Політика скасування
All sales are final. No refund is available for cancellations.
Фотографії мандрівників
Відгуки (450)
Yuri L
Mar 2025
Excellent. Guide tour was very nice and helpful. He went through all the story during the visit. We did appreciate his help and guide.
Feb 2025
Tourguide Chris was amazing, a turly local New Yorker. he Had an amazing knowledge about the city. This tour is amazing to get an overview what you can do in Manhattan.
Feb 2025
Chris Lee was great. Never been to New York and you get to see everything you dream about in New York. You’re not walking all day and just tired. Walk, bus, and ferry all in one. Definitely recommended!

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English English
Ми вважаємо, що ваше місто Нью-Йорк
Яке місто ви б хотіли дослідити?
New York City