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Приватний мафіозний тур по Нью-Йорку на розкішному автомобілі

Історичне минуле Нью-Йорка вражене похмурими подіями та впливовими злочинцями, які взяли закон у свої руки. Відчуйте напругу та гострі відчуття від усього, що пов’язано з бандами та натовпом, у цій 4-годинній автомобільній подорожі Манхеттеном або 6-годинній подорожі Мангеттеном і Квінсом. Усі тури включають транспорт на розкішному автомобілі з професійним водієм та гідом, який спеціалізується на мафії.
Місто: Нью-Йорк
Tue 17 Sep
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Починаючи з $935.00
Tue 17 Sep
Починаючи з $935.00
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Чого очікувати
Маленька Італія
Ми відвідаємо те, що було притулком натовпу
Таверна Нейрс
Найстаріший паб у Нью-Йорку, де знімали серіал Goodfellas
Колумбове коло
Де застрелили Колумба
Говард Біч
Ми проїдемо повз будинок Джона Готті
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Фотографії мандрівників
Відгуки (12)
Laini F
Jan 2019
Robin's informative and fascinating tour was an excellent kickstart for our first time in NYC. It was like we had two tours in one as Robin showed us around her city, fascinating us with mob related stories as well as pointing out interesting landmarks that you would be hard pressed to find in any guide books or ordinary tour. The six hour tour took us all over the city and to other boroughs that we otherwise would not have had the opportunity to visit. We were shown so many things that we would never have discovered on our own thanks to Robin. When we come back, we would love to try one of her other tours as I am sure they are all equally amazing!
Відповідь від хоста
Jan 2019
Thank you so much for your kind words and 5 star review. I am so glad you enjoyed it as I did showing you around. I do hope you come back so I can show you more.
Paul C
Aug 2018
I took this tour in preparation for a book on the history of the Mafia that I plan to co-author with my writing partner, who joined me on the tour. I can honestly say that I didn't expect to cover so much ground or gather so much information. Robin's knowledge spans not only the history of the Five Families but also the Jewish Mob in New York, the Chicago Outfit, the Purple Gang of Detroit, and other ancillary organized crime groups. We were amazed to see the bullet hole still visible in the lobby of the Majestic apartment building from Vincent Gigante's attempted assassination of Frank Costello. From this location on 72nd street we made our way down to the Lower East Side and Little Italy, where we saw Lucky Luciano's childhood home and John Gotti's Ravenite Social Club, and we managed to hit every major Mob-related point of interest in between. I also got a box of the best cannoli I've ever tasted, though I'm not sure if this is a standard part of the tour! I saw parts of Manhattan I never knew existed, and learned fascinating secret histories of some streets and neighborhoods I've passed through hundreds of times before. Our driver, Arkady, was somehow able to park us directly in front of many important landmarks for photo opportunities and a few quick tours. Between his professional luxury vehicle service and Robin's vast knowledge, this is the best Mafia tour of New York that I could ever imagine taking. For me it's an easy 5/5!
Відповідь від хоста
Aug 2018
Thank you so much for the great review. I really enjoyed showing you and Bill around the haunts of the mob in NYC. Can't wait for the book to come out and read it.
Feb 2018
Robin was an excellent guide. Her knowledge of the city, the landmarks and the mafia was second to none. We chose the 4 hour luxury private car tour and it was excellent. We learnt about the mafia, famous movie scenes, real life scenes and places. We also learnt a lot about NYC in general. We walked various streets including in those of Little Italy, China Town; we ate cannolis and had pizza in the same restaurant where they filmed the Sopranos and Donnie Brasco. One of the best parts of the trip was visiting the church where they filmed the christening scene from the Godfather; with the organ playing in the background it felt as through you were in the movie. The only regret we had was not booking the 6 hour tour!
Відповідь від хоста
Feb 2018
I had a blast with you guys. I am so thrilled you enjoyed your tour. Thank you for the wonderful review. I hope to see you again in the city so I can share more history of the mob and the city with you.

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