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Офіційна екскурсія по центральному вокзалу

A historic hub of life in New York, Grand Central Terminal holds countless untold stories within its halls. From secret staircases to a onetime movie theater, there’s a lot more than meets the eye—and you’re about to discover it all firsthand. On this revealing experience, you’ll see a side of the world’s most famous train terminal that even the most frequent commuters never encounter. Get to know the colorful historic figures who brought Grand Central to life, and gain a new appreciation for its near-magical scale.
Місто: Нью-Йорк
Sat 29 Mar
Обрати дату можна вже на сайті бронювання
Починаючи з $39.00
Sat 29 Mar
Починаючи з $39.00
Що включено
Пішохідна екскурсія з фахівцем
Local English-speaking guide
Expertly guided walking tour
Local English-speaking guide
Expertly guided walking tour
Local English-speaking guide
Expertly guided walking tour
Додаткова інформація
  • Wheelchair accessible
  • Infants and small children can ride in a pram or stroller
  • Public transportation options are available nearby
  • Transportation options are wheelchair accessible
  • All areas and surfaces are wheelchair accessible
  • Travelers should have at least a moderate level of physical fitness
  • Walks / Devour complies with all local government regulations. Please refer to local government guidelines for the most up-to-date information.
  • The tour is in English.
  • This is a walking tour. Guests should be able to walk at a moderate pace without difficulty.
  • Grand Central Terminal is accessible to all persons with disabilities. There are public elevators and ramps to help people move smoothly through the Terminal.
Чого очікувати
Центральний термінал
Ваша пригода починається в сучасному центрі Центрального терміналу: у жвавому головному залі. Подивуйтеся на знаменитий годинник, який стоїть на інформаційному стенді, і дізнайтеся, скільки, за чутками, він коштує, коли ваш гід розкаже вам історію про Корнеліуса Вандербільта, головного ідейного головного ідея створення Grand Central Depot (як воно спочатку називалося). Звідти вирушайте до Вандербільт-Холлу, який сам по собі є живим свідченням перетворення Гранд-Сентрал у лахміття до багатства у 1980-х роках.
42-а вулиця
Потім вийдіть на мить на вулицю, щоб подивитися на найбільший у світі годинник Тіффані з жвавої площі Першинг-сквер.
Квартира Кемпбелл
Повертаючись усередину, настав час подорожувати в часі, до Ревучих 20-х. Зайдіть у бар у стилі спікізі, який століття тому служив приватним офісом одного з найвидатніших залізничних магнатів Нью-Йорка.
Центральний термінал
Після набігу в Галерею Шепоту, де ви дізнаєтеся, як прошепотіли таємниці переміщаються через жваву розв’язку, щоб бути чудово чутними на іншому боці, ви зможете зазирнути в один із найбільших відділів знахідок у будь-якій країні. світ. Потім ознайомтеся з дизайном та ювелірними виробами ручної роботи, які продають місцеві ремісники в Graybar Passage, перш ніж зайти в захоплюючий колишній кінотеатр, де втомлена від подорожей молодь могла насолоджуватися розвагами ще в часи розквіту Grand Central.
Великий центральний ринок
І останнє, але не менш важливе: ви прогуляєтеся барвистим Центральним ринком, перш ніж повернутися до головного залу, маючи справжній інсайдерський погляд на найвідоміший залізничний термінал у світі.
Grand Central Terminal
Your adventure begins in Grand Central Terminal’s modern-day heart: the lively main concourse. Marvel at the famous clock perched atop the information booth—and learn the eye-watering amount it’s rumored to be worth—as your guide regales you with the story of Cornelius Vanderbilt, the mastermind behind Grand Central Depot (as it was originally called). From there, head into Vanderbilt Hall, itself a living testament to Grand Central’s rags-to-riches transformation in the 1980s.
42nd Street
Next, pop outside for a moment to gaze upon the largest Tiffany clock in the world from the busy Pershing Square plaza.
Campbell Apartment
Heading back inside, it's time to travel back in time to the Roaring 20s. Step into a speakeasy-style bar that, a century ago, served as the private office of one of New York’s most prominent railroad tycoons.
Grand Central Terminal
After a foray into the Whispering Gallery, where you’ll learn just how whispered secrets travel across the busy interchange to be perfectly heard on the other side, you’ll get a peek at one of the largest lost-and-found departments anywhere in the world. Then, peruse the handcrafted designs and jewelry on sale from local artisans in the Graybar Passage before stepping into a fascinating former movie theater, where travel-weary youngsters could enjoy some entertainment back in Grand Central’s heyday.
Grand Central Market
Last but not least, you’ll weave through the colorful Grand Central Market before making your way back to the main concourse, having gotten a true insider’s look at the most famous train terminal in the world.
Chrysler Building
Chrysler Building (pass by)
Grand Central Terminal
Your adventure begins in Grand Central Terminal’s modern-day heart: the lively main concourse. Marvel at the famous clock perched atop the information booth—and learn the eye-watering amount it’s rumored to be worth—as your guide regales you with the story of Cornelius Vanderbilt, the mastermind behind Grand Central Depot (as it was originally called). From there, head into Vanderbilt Hall, itself a living testament to Grand Central’s rags-to-riches transformation in the 1980s.
42nd Street
Next, pop outside for a moment to gaze upon the largest Tiffany clock in the world from the busy Pershing Square plaza.
Campbell Apartment
Heading back inside, it's time to travel back in time to the Roaring 20s. Step into a speakeasy-style bar that, a century ago, served as the private office of one of New York’s most prominent railroad tycoons.
Grand Central Terminal
After a foray into the Whispering Gallery, where you’ll learn just how whispered secrets travel across the busy interchange to be perfectly heard on the other side, you’ll get a peek at one of the largest lost-and-found departments anywhere in the world. Then, peruse the handcrafted designs and jewelry on sale from local artisans in the Graybar Passage before stepping into a fascinating former movie theater, where travel-weary youngsters could enjoy some entertainment back in Grand Central’s heyday.
Grand Central Market
Last but not least, you’ll weave through the colorful Grand Central Market before making your way back to the main concourse, having gotten a true insider’s look at the most famous train terminal in the world.
Chrysler Building
Chrysler Building (pass by)
Grand Central Terminal
Your adventure begins in Grand Central Terminal’s modern-day heart: the lively main concourse. Marvel at the famous clock perched atop the information booth—and learn the eye-watering amount it’s rumored to be worth—as your guide regales you with the story of Cornelius Vanderbilt, the mastermind behind Grand Central Depot (as it was originally called). From there, head into Vanderbilt Hall, itself a living testament to Grand Central’s rags-to-riches transformation in the 1980s.
42nd Street
Next, pop outside for a moment to gaze upon the largest Tiffany clock in the world from the busy Pershing Square plaza.
Campbell Apartment
Heading back inside, it's time to travel back in time to the Roaring 20s. Step into a speakeasy-style bar that, a century ago, served as the private office of one of New York’s most prominent railroad tycoons.
Grand Central Terminal
After a foray into the Whispering Gallery, where you’ll learn just how whispered secrets travel across the busy interchange to be perfectly heard on the other side, you’ll get a peek at one of the largest lost-and-found departments anywhere in the world. Then, peruse the handcrafted designs and jewelry on sale from local artisans in the Graybar Passage before stepping into a fascinating former movie theater, where travel-weary youngsters could enjoy some entertainment back in Grand Central’s heyday.
Grand Central Market
Last but not least, you’ll weave through the colorful Grand Central Market before making your way back to the main concourse, having gotten a true insider’s look at the most famous train terminal in the world.
Chrysler Building
Chrysler Building (pass by)
Grand Central Terminal
Your adventure begins in Grand Central Terminal’s modern-day heart: the lively main concourse. Marvel at the famous clock perched atop the information booth—and learn the eye-watering amount it’s rumored to be worth—as your guide regales you with the story of Cornelius Vanderbilt, the mastermind behind Grand Central Depot (as it was originally called). From there, head into Vanderbilt Hall, itself a living testament to Grand Central’s rags-to-riches transformation in the 1980s.
42nd Street
Next, pop outside for a moment to gaze upon the largest Tiffany clock in the world from the busy Pershing Square plaza.
Campbell Apartment
Heading back inside, it's time to travel back in time to the Roaring 20s. Step into a speakeasy-style bar that, a century ago, served as the private office of one of New York’s most prominent railroad tycoons.
Grand Central Terminal
After a foray into the Whispering Gallery, where you’ll learn just how whispered secrets travel across the busy interchange to be perfectly heard on the other side, you’ll get a peek at one of the largest lost-and-found departments anywhere in the world. Then, peruse the handcrafted designs and jewelry on sale from local artisans in the Graybar Passage before stepping into a fascinating former movie theater, where travel-weary youngsters could enjoy some entertainment back in Grand Central’s heyday.
Grand Central Market
Last but not least, you’ll weave through the colorful Grand Central Market before making your way back to the main concourse, having gotten a true insider’s look at the most famous train terminal in the world.
Chrysler Building
Chrysler Building (pass by)
Grand Central Terminal
Your adventure begins in Grand Central Terminal’s modern-day heart: the lively main concourse. Marvel at the famous clock perched atop the information booth—and learn the eye-watering amount it’s rumored to be worth—as your guide regales you with the story of Cornelius Vanderbilt, the mastermind behind Grand Central Depot (as it was originally called). From there, head into Vanderbilt Hall, itself a living testament to Grand Central’s rags-to-riches transformation in the 1980s.
42nd Street
Next, pop outside for a moment to gaze upon the largest Tiffany clock in the world from the busy Pershing Square plaza.
Campbell Apartment
Heading back inside, it's time to travel back in time to the Roaring 20s. Step into a speakeasy-style bar that, a century ago, served as the private office of one of New York’s most prominent railroad tycoons.
Grand Central Terminal
After a foray into the Whispering Gallery, where you’ll learn just how whispered secrets travel across the busy interchange to be perfectly heard on the other side, you’ll get a peek at one of the largest lost-and-found departments anywhere in the world. Then, peruse the handcrafted designs and jewelry on sale from local artisans in the Graybar Passage before stepping into a fascinating former movie theater, where travel-weary youngsters could enjoy some entertainment back in Grand Central’s heyday.
Grand Central Market
Last but not least, you’ll weave through the colorful Grand Central Market before making your way back to the main concourse, having gotten a true insider’s look at the most famous train terminal in the world.
Chrysler Building
Chrysler Building (pass by)
Grand Central Terminal
Your adventure begins in Grand Central Terminal’s modern-day heart: the lively main concourse. Marvel at the famous clock perched atop the information booth—and learn the eye-watering amount it’s rumored to be worth—as your guide regales you with the story of Cornelius Vanderbilt, the mastermind behind Grand Central Depot (as it was originally called). From there, head into Vanderbilt Hall, itself a living testament to Grand Central’s rags-to-riches transformation in the 1980s.
42nd Street
Next, pop outside for a moment to gaze upon the largest Tiffany clock in the world from the busy Pershing Square plaza.
Campbell Apartment
Heading back inside, it's time to travel back in time to the Roaring 20s. Step into a speakeasy-style bar that, a century ago, served as the private office of one of New York’s most prominent railroad tycoons.
Grand Central Terminal
After a foray into the Whispering Gallery, where you’ll learn just how whispered secrets travel across the busy interchange to be perfectly heard on the other side, you’ll get a peek at one of the largest lost-and-found departments anywhere in the world. Then, peruse the handcrafted designs and jewelry on sale from local artisans in the Graybar Passage before stepping into a fascinating former movie theater, where travel-weary youngsters could enjoy some entertainment back in Grand Central’s heyday.
Grand Central Market
Last but not least, you’ll weave through the colorful Grand Central Market before making your way back to the main concourse, having gotten a true insider’s look at the most famous train terminal in the world.
Chrysler Building
Chrysler Building (pass by)
Grand Central Terminal
Your adventure begins in Grand Central Terminal’s modern-day heart: the lively main concourse. Marvel at the famous clock perched atop the information booth—and learn the eye-watering amount it’s rumored to be worth—as your guide regales you with the story of Cornelius Vanderbilt, the mastermind behind Grand Central Depot (as it was originally called). From there, head into Vanderbilt Hall, itself a living testament to Grand Central’s rags-to-riches transformation in the 1980s.
42nd Street
Next, pop outside for a moment to gaze upon the largest Tiffany clock in the world from the busy Pershing Square plaza.
Campbell Apartment
Heading back inside, it's time to travel back in time to the Roaring 20s. Step into a speakeasy-style bar that, a century ago, served as the private office of one of New York’s most prominent railroad tycoons.
Grand Central Terminal
After a foray into the Whispering Gallery, where you’ll learn just how whispered secrets travel across the busy interchange to be perfectly heard on the other side, you’ll get a peek at one of the largest lost-and-found departments anywhere in the world. Then, peruse the handcrafted designs and jewelry on sale from local artisans in the Graybar Passage before stepping into a fascinating former movie theater, where travel-weary youngsters could enjoy some entertainment back in Grand Central’s heyday.
Grand Central Market
Last but not least, you’ll weave through the colorful Grand Central Market before making your way back to the main concourse, having gotten a true insider’s look at the most famous train terminal in the world.
Chrysler Building
Chrysler Building (pass by)
Grand Central Terminal
Your adventure begins in Grand Central Terminal’s modern-day heart: the lively main concourse. Marvel at the famous clock perched atop the information booth—and learn the eye-watering amount it’s rumored to be worth—as your guide regales you with the story of Cornelius Vanderbilt, the mastermind behind Grand Central Depot (as it was originally called). From there, head into Vanderbilt Hall, itself a living testament to Grand Central’s rags-to-riches transformation in the 1980s.
42nd Street
Next, pop outside for a moment to gaze upon the largest Tiffany clock in the world from the busy Pershing Square plaza.
Campbell Apartment
Heading back inside, it's time to travel back in time to the Roaring 20s. Step into a speakeasy-style bar that, a century ago, served as the private office of one of New York’s most prominent railroad tycoons.
Grand Central Terminal
After a foray into the Whispering Gallery, where you’ll learn just how whispered secrets travel across the busy interchange to be perfectly heard on the other side, you’ll get a peek at one of the largest lost-and-found departments anywhere in the world. Then, peruse the handcrafted designs and jewelry on sale from local artisans in the Graybar Passage before stepping into a fascinating former movie theater, where travel-weary youngsters could enjoy some entertainment back in Grand Central’s heyday.
Grand Central Market
Last but not least, you’ll weave through the colorful Grand Central Market before making your way back to the main concourse, having gotten a true insider’s look at the most famous train terminal in the world.
Chrysler Building
Chrysler Building (pass by)
Show 50 більше зупинок
Політика скасування
For a full refund, cancel at least 24 hours before the scheduled departure time.
Фотографії мандрівників
Відгуки (235)
Mar 2025
I was very impressed with our tour of Grand Central Station. The tour operation was very professional. They sent us reminders and clear directions where to meet. Our tour guide LizaBanks was awesome. Very knowledgeable and her love of New York was evident.
Mar 2025
Jo, our guide, was excellent. I learned a lot about the beautiful building of Grand Central Terminal. Fascinating! I would highly recommand the tour to anyone interested in the history of New York
Mar 2025
Joe (tour guide) was extremely knowledgeable GCT historian who made the tour/presentation pure delight with his friendly and approachable manner . The information was concise and understandable. Joe was able to answer questions with confidence and pivot when appropriate. Would highly recommend this tour and Joe in particular.

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