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Приватний. Ексклюзив. Розкіш. Як випливає з назви, LUXURY це різниця. Якщо вам не подобаються натовпи, автобуси та заповнені човни, тоді ви знайшли правильний тур для себе! Цей 4-годинний досвід дає вам більше часу на воді та 5-зіркове обслуговування. Немає порівняння.
Місто: Джуно
Sat 21 Sep
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Починаючи з $2999.00
Sat 21 Sep
Починаючи з $2999.00
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Фотографії мандрівників
Відгуки (70)
Jul 2019
Our group of 8 recently returned from our cruise to Alaska. A few months before we left, I reached out to Brent and he responded immediately to my inquiry to go direct through them vs. the cruise line. I personally would rather deal with the company itself than go through the cruise line. Brent was so friendly and helpful with giving me all the details about our how our trip would go! Any time I had questions in the time before our trip he was also very responsive. We were picked up from where we were in town shopping and whiskey away in the most comfortable Mercedes Sprinter Van. (On the way back most of us even fell asleep it was so comfortable!) We arrived a few minutes early and the girls were still setting up the boat for our trip as they had just returned to the dock from the previous tour. The family before us said it was the best experience ever! A few minutes later we were on the boat and headed out. Emma and Julia (I believe that was her name) were both amazing. Everyone agreed that Emma’s passion for whales was amazing. We saw several whales and even a few sea lions. We enjoyed snacks, drinks, and fun conversation in a warm, cozy cabin despite the drizzly raining evening that we were having. We even had some delicious cake for desert. Emma went the extra mile to answer any and all questions that we might have had about the whales and even helped me with what settings would be best to capture the whales on my semi-new camera that I don’t know a lot about. Everyone thought the trip was one of the highlights of our trip overall! I would highly recommend using Alaska Luxury Tours as they are top notch. We got personalized service from the beginning to the end and got to experience it just as our little group. (We have stranger danger issues, just kidding). I will be recommending this tour to anyone we know that is going to Alaska. Thank you Brent for all that you do and all your hard work dealing with me and my million questions along the way! Cheers!
Відповідь від хоста
Aug 2019
This is amazing!!! Thank you so much! We are very fortunate to have Emma and Julia on the team!
Lori B
Jul 2019
I am so happy we booked with Alaska Luxury tours. From Steve who picked us up and drove us to the yacht, to Captain Jeremiah and Naturalist Emma-this day was top notch!. We lost track of time we were having so much fun. Even more fun, was how much the staff enjoyed what they are doing. We had the opportunity to see whales bubble netting 3 times. The only thing that was disappointing was when the day came to an end! AMAZING!
Відповідь від хоста
Aug 2019
What a great review! We appreciate you joining us!!
Jul 2019
I cannot recommend this tour highly enough. There were 8 people aboard for the tour, the boat was absolutely beautiful and every luxury was provided. We were greeted warmly, offered our choice of refreshments (champagne, wine, beer, water, soft drinks) and snacks. We saw a huge group of Stellar Sea Lions resting on rocks, and a number of whales including one who was apparently napping. The captain knew just what she was doing, and the naturalist was so passionate and knowledgeable about the animals. We have done other whale watching tours before, but trust me, THIS is the way to do it.
Відповідь від хоста
Aug 2019
Thank you for the great review! We agree, Captain Julia knows a lot about these waters! Thanks for coming out with us.

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