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Приватний розкішний годинник китів

Приватний. Ексклюзив. Розкіш. Як випливає з назви, LUXURY це різниця. Якщо вам не подобаються натовпи, автобуси та заповнені човни, тоді ви знайшли правильний тур для себе! Цей 4-годинний досвід дає вам більше часу на воді та 5-зіркове обслуговування. Немає порівняння.
Місто: Джуно
Sat 21 Sep
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Починаючи з $2999.00
Sat 21 Sep
Починаючи з $2999.00
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  • Не рекомендується для мандрівників із поганим серцево-судинним здоров’ям
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  • Максимум 8 осіб на бронювання
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Фотографії мандрівників
Відгуки (70)
Oct 2018
Wow, I can't begin to tell you what an experience the Private Luxury Whale Watch Tour was by Alaskan Luxury Tour. Our whole family loved every minute of it and will definitely be back again to use this company. If you're in Alaska look these guys up, this is a must!
Aug 2018
Being land locked in Phoenix, we were excited for our week at sea on a cruise. Whale watching was definitely on the itinerary and we could not have chosen anything better than the Luxury Whale Watch with Alaska Luxury Tours. The whole experience had an aura of exclusivity to it from start to finish. We were picked up in a plush Mercedes Sprinter people-mover and chauffeured to the Marina where we boarded Opus, a 42' Marquis Yacht - and welcomed by Captain Brent and First Mate - Amanda. From start to finish it was a truly first-class experience. Complimentary breakfast treats, coffee and champagne helped us celebrate our passage under-way to search for Humpback Whales. Captain Brent, for want of better words - really knows his stuff! It seemed like we were only at sea for a short while before he spotted the first whale via the spray from the whale's blow-hole! Before long, the other charter whale watching vessels were following ours - such is Brent's prowess and sixth-sense for finding these stunning and majestic creatures! Our picture-taking opportunities were endless and we were even able to identify what whale we were lucky enough to see via it's markings on the under-side of the tail: aboard Opus is a book that depicts the markings that are unique to each whale. Alaska Luxury Tours is to be commended for it's stellar customer service and completely second to none experience. Deserves more than 5 stars!
Відповідь від хоста
Sep 2018
This is great! Thank you so much for coming out with us and thank you for the review!
Amanda M
Jul 2018
I am beyond blown away by the service of this luxury team. Captains Brent and Steve, and naturalists Amanda and Katie, are very knowledgeable and passionate about providing the best service to guests. We had a rare sighting of 2 merging orca pods and 3 humpback whales all feeding in the same location. And we had perfect weather to boot, nature at its finest. I love my new souvenir shirt I was able to purchase aboard Opus for a very affordable cost might I add and had my eye on this gorgeous sweater. If only it had been a little cooler outside it might have come home with me too. The shirt will always remind me of a happy memory I was fortunate enough to share with loved ones, along with all our photographs of this awesome experience! From pick up to drop off I felt comfortable and well looked after. Thank you to this 5 star team for this 5 star experience. Hope to see you next year!
Відповідь від хоста
Aug 2018
Thank you so much for the great review! We’re happy you came out with us!

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