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Приватний розкішний годинник китів

Приватний. Ексклюзив. Розкіш. Як випливає з назви, LUXURY це різниця. Якщо вам не подобаються натовпи, автобуси та заповнені човни, тоді ви знайшли правильний тур для себе! Цей 4-годинний досвід дає вам більше часу на воді та 5-зіркове обслуговування. Немає порівняння.
Місто: Джуно
Fri 20 Sep
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Починаючи з $2999.00
Fri 20 Sep
Починаючи з $2999.00
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Фотографії мандрівників
Відгуки (70)
Laurel C
Jun 2018
When the group whale watching tour we originally booked called to say that the cruise line was "code red" with a disease, and that we might be out of luck, I panicked and went to Kris (the concierge at the Four Points hotel) who said he may be able to get the yacht guys to make a special evening trip for us. Brent picked us up in a nice van and drove us to the yacht which was outfitted with snacks and a full bar. Krishelle (the naturist), Brent, and Captain Steve were all fun, knowledgeable, and thoughtful. I told them I was a vegetarian, and they got vegetables and other snacks just for me. Honestly can't recommend this enough. We were watching whales from the comforts of our chairs with complimentary beers, watching the huge whale watching ship rock side to side as customers clamored to get to the edge to see the whale. Although this is slightly more expensive than your average tour, between the food/drinks and additional comforts - it was well worth it.
Відповідь від хоста
Jul 2018
Thank you for the review! We were glad you told us about your vegetarian needs, we are always happy to cater to you! Glad you enjoyed your trip with us!
Jun 2018
What an incredible experience for our family aboard a truly luxurious, air-conditioned boat with our captain Steve & naturalist Emma. The boat is even equipped with a hydrophone to listen to whales. This customized trip included drinks & Tasty appetizers including the world's yummiest salmon spread. Although whale sightings are guaranteed on the tour, we had no idea we were in for a unique treat of a lifetime as we witnessed at least a dozen humpback whales engage in bubble net hunting just a few feet from the boat. As my son described it, it was like a giant mountain rose up out of the water. So close we could smell the strong odor afterwards! Naturalist Emma was full of interesting info and took lots of photos of the whales flukes as they dove back down - on the trip home, we looked up the tails in a Juneau humpback ID photo book and matched up and identified whales by name! After spending some time with Emma's guidance, we were even able to identify several by name as they flashed their flukes for us over and over. We are filled with gratitude to Steve & Emma and Brent for a once in a lifetime experience our family will never forget!
Відповідь від хоста
Jul 2018
Thank you so much for the amazing review Lisa!! What an incredible day of whale watching!! P.S Emma was extremely excited to get to spend that evening with you and your amazing family! Thanks again!
Jun 2018
From the first step on board to the last one off; Steve and Brent provided hands down the best customer service you could ever ask for. You will never experience Alaska in the same way again. The boat will take your breath away, the scenery will keep you mesmerized for hours, and the wildlife will leave you entertained beyond belief. This is perfect for families, friends, corporate retreat, team building, or just a local get away. Add this to your Juneau bucket list and you will not be disappointed! Thank you guys for a memorable trip!
Відповідь від хоста
Jun 2018
Awe....Thank you for the memorable review! It means a lot, we're glad you had a great time!

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