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Підводне плавання з нашими прекрасними мантами Kona — це досвід, який ви не хочете пропустити. Ви ніколи не забудете, як ці ніжні гіганти так витончено плавали перед вашими очима. Цей приватний чартер до 6 осіб забезпечує особисту увагу вашої групи. Ми — сімейний бізнес, який пишається тим, що поділяє важливість піклування про нашу землю, океан, тварин і один одного.
Місто: Великий острів Гаваї
Sat 19 Oct
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Починаючи з $550.00
Sat 19 Oct
Починаючи з $550.00
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Фотографії мандрівників
Відгуки (38)
Aug 2021
Hawaii Island & Ocean Tours did a fantastic job. I highly recommend this tour. Booking was easy, they communicated what was included, where to be and what to expect. We arrived and got outfitted and received our instructions. Once on the boat, we were out to the viewing spot within 5 minutes. Our captain was Sam and she was fantastic. Our diver was Ely and he was terrific - very knowledgeable about Manta Rays and helpful at explaining everything that was happening. We were in the water for about 30 minutes and saw 3 Manta Rays. They were beautiful. The system with the lighted/modified surfboard is brilliant - both for the safety/protection of the manta rays and for you to easily float for an extended period of time. In our group of 6, I'm the least comfortable in the water and I never felt uneasy or panicked with this setup. The Manta Rays are beautiful creatures and watching them feast on the plankton was an incredible experience.
Відповідь від хоста
Aug 2021
Thank you. We're so please to hear that you enjoyed your tour out with us and got to experience Kona's one of a kind Mantas...up close and personal! Our team is very passionate about what they do while ensuring guests feel safe and comfortable in the water with these gentle giants. I'll be sure to pass the kudos on to Captain Sam and Guide Eli. They are both great humans and we are very lucky to have them. Mahalo for the high recommendation and we hope to see you again. Aloha.
Aug 2021
This was such an incredible experience. The team we worked with were so friendly from the start. The girl riding is out to the area and then Eli in the water, we’re amazing and so helpful. I can’t say enough about the manga rays. We had 5-6 large rays swimming around us the entire time! Swooping up toward us with their wide mouths open, flipping upside down in the water. It was so majestic. The best part was one ray would swoop by every minute and go upside down and rub its belly along our arms! I couldn’t believe how soft they are. I’ve read that this is a must do in Hawaii and I totally agree! I would also say this is a must operation to do it with!
Відповідь від хоста
Aug 2021
Thank you. We are pleased to hear that you had a great time out with our crew and Kona's friendly mantas. I couldn't agree with you more about this tour being a big must do. We've been doing it for years and love sharing it with others. Mahalo for the review and we hope to see you again. Aloha.
Jul 2021
I am writing this review as I am still on vacation. This was by far, one of my favorite experiences. This is a smaller company but the experience is unparalleled. We were greeted by Li'Hao (sorry for butchering your name) and he put my friends nerves at ease and was super patient with us. There were two of us and a family of four in our tour (a total of 6 people) which made the experience much more enjoyable. The staff was so friendly and accommodating. I had a mishap with the cord of my cellphone snapping when I jumped into the water but our guide LeAnn was able to recover it. We were told that there weren't too many manta rays at that time but the captain and LeAnn did everything they could spot a few. Seeing the majestic manta rays is an something you should experience for yourself. This is such unique experience and a must do. Word to the wise, LEAVE YOUR PHONE ON DRY LAND!!!
Відповідь від хоста
Jul 2021
Thank you! We're stoked you were able to experience the manta magic and that Leanna was able to pull off a trick of her own and recover your cell phone. Hopefully it wasn't damaged and you were able to snap some cool pictures. Your not alone when it comes to highlights and favorite excursions done by visitors when touring the Big Island. The manta ray night snorkel surely is one not to be missed and smaller group sizes really get you right where all the action is happening. Mahalo for your time writing this review (while still being on vacation) and we hope to see you again. Aloha.
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