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Іноді найкращий спосіб наблизитися - це втекти. Немає кращого місця для якісного проведення часу разом, ніж Північний берег Гаваїв, і ви не бачили острів, доки не побачите його верхи на коні, катаючись лісовими стежками та милуючись океаном.
Це унікальний і незабутній досвід, далеко від шуму звичайних туристичних місць. Ви побачите частину Оаху, про яку багато хто не знає, і насолодитеся приватним пікніком разом, доповненим смачними бутербродами на свіжому домашньому хлібі, фруктами та пляшкою шипучого сидру. Найважливішим моментом поїздки є приголомшливий панорамний вид на океан з нашого оглядового майданчика, де ви зможете побачити повний масштаб і красу острова. (Якщо ви можете відірвати погляд один від одного, тобто.)

Якщо вам комфортно їздити на конях і ви хочете перейти на просунуту верхову їзду, просто дайте нам знати!
Місто: Оаху
Sat 21 Sep
Обрати дату можна вже на сайті бронювання
Починаючи з $148.00
Sat 21 Sep
Починаючи з $148.00
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Додаткова інформація
  • Немовлят і маленьких дітей можна їздити в колясці
  • Поруч є зупинки громадського транспорту
  • Не рекомендується мандрівникам із травмами хребта
  • Не рекомендовано для вагітних мандрівників
  • Не рекомендовано для мандрівників із поганим серцево-судинним здоров’ям
  • Підходить для будь-якого рівня фізичної підготовки
  • Потрібно щонайменше 2 особи на бронювання
  • Мінімальний вік становить 7 років.
  • Вага всіх пасажирів ПОВИННА бути повідомлена під час бронювання. Обмеження ваги 240 фунтів/109 кг
  • Рекомендуються довгі штани та закрите взуття; візьміть із собою легку куртку, якщо погода холодна
  • Ми їдемо дощ чи сонце. У разі скасування через несприятливу погоду вам буде надано можливість вибрати іншу дату або повне повернення коштів
  • Невеликі телефони або камери дозволено
  • Вагітним водіям заборонено
  • ЧАС РЕЄСТРАЦІЇ: Реєстрація відбувається за 30 хвилин до початку екскурсії
Політика скасування
Щоб отримати повне відшкодування, скасуйте принаймні за 24 години до запланованого часу відправлення.
Фотографії мандрівників
Відгуки (51)
Tayler S
Nov 2019
Just wanted to thank Camilla, raider, and Klint for being amazing and helping with our special day! Would 100% recommend to all my friends!
Відповідь від хоста
Nov 2019
THank you so much for letting us be a part of this wonderful experience! We are so happy you had a wonderful experience and we hope you come again!
Oct 2019
Awesome experience on the private sweetheart ride! Ty took us on several trails including the scenic lunch stop and lookout. Learned the history of the ranch and the wildlife and plants. Wife and I had an amazing time! Thanks Ty!!
Відповідь від хоста
Oct 2019
Thank you so much for leaving us such a kind review! We are so glad to hear you had such a good experience with us here at Gunstock Ranch with your guide Ty! We hope you come again! Mahalo Nui!
Oct 2019
This excursion was absolutely AMAZING! I've ridden most of my life, but my husband has only been on a horse maybe 10ish times; we still paid a bit extra to do the ride as an advanced ride so we could canter on the trails and explore a bit more of the rugged paths less traveled. We had a BLAST! I rode Purdy and my husband rode Gus and they were both super well behaved and took great care of us. They tried to snack along the trail, but listened to us when we redirected them or when we were cantering and needed to slow down. The horses at this ranch are very, very well taken care of and it's completely obvious they're happy doing their job and not barn sour or tired of tourists. Their coats are glossy and they have great muscle mass and the ones we rode got along with one another perfectly. As a horse person, I really appreciated seeing them so happy and enjoying the trots and canters along the trail. I really wanted to take both Purdy and Gus home with us afterward; they were such amazing horses. All the quicker gaits were done on the way to our lunch spot, which is located at a peak on the ranch with great views and picnic tables set up to soak in everything. The lunch was fresh and delicious! Ours was build-it-yourself turkey sandwiches, fresh fruit, chips, and cookies for dessert. There was also Hawaiian fruit juice and some sparkling apple cider to drink. Our guide even picked some fresh guava on the way up and we ate a few, but saved one for each of our horses and they absolutely loved the treat! Ari was our guide and she was fantastic! She knows so much about the history of the ranch and the area and we really enjoyed hearing about how Gunstock got started and the quarter horse line that was nurtured there. We got to ride past the cattle on the ranch and they were not shy of the horses, but they didn't bother us. It was great getting to see the new calves too. Ari told us all about them and the other critters on the ranch, like the miniature horses and the donkey, as well as one of the palomino yearlings who was going to be sent to the mainland to train in barrel racing. Ari was obviously a skilled horse woman as well; when my husband's horse slipped a bit and spooked, she stayed perfectly calm and caught up to him and calmly told him to sit back and pull back on Gus. She got the situation under control immediately and I can appreciate that as someone who has lead trail rides at a prior job. I felt completely safe with her (yes, helmets are optional, but I always wear a helmet because you never know what can happen on even the most tame horses). She even did a few pictures for us at our picnic spot and I cannot wait to blow one up to print and put up in our home. This ride made me wish I lived on Oahu, or at least didn't live in North Carolina, so far away. The ranch is run so well and the horses are so happy and the scenery is absolutely amazing. I would do this again in a heartbeat and I would pay the additional amount for an advanced ride again (worth every single penny)!!! Bring a tip for your guide and make sure to visit the other animals they have in the barnyard area. We got to see some brand new baby goats and they were so adorable! I highly, highly recommend this excursion. If you are a horse lover, you will love it. I will cherish the memories and photos we got, for forever. This was a trip of a lifetime.

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