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Місто: Орегон
Sat 15 Mar
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Починаючи з $2500.00
Sat 15 Mar
Починаючи з $2500.00
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  • Мандрівники повинні мати щонайменше помірний рівень фізичної підготовки
  • Потрібні маски для мандрівників у громадських місцях
  • Маски для обличчя необхідні для гідів у громадських місцях
  • Дезінфікуючий засіб для рук доступний для мандрівників та персонал
  • Регулярно дезінфікувати зони з інтенсивним рухом людей
  • Спорядження/обладнання дезінфікувати між використаннями
  • Регулярно дезінфікувати транспортні засоби
  • Потрібні посібники з регулярного мийте руки
  • Регулярне вимірювання температури для персоналу
  • Оплачувана політика перебування вдома для персоналу з симптомами
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Політика скасування
Щоб отримати повне відшкодування, скасуйте принаймні за 24 години до запланованого часу відправлення.
Відгуки (3)
May 2021
My husband and I have lived in Oregon for several years but were looking for an introduction to wineries that were new to us. Chevonne picked a perfect mix of wineries and delivered a really personalized tour. She was friends with the owners/staff at the wineries we visited and it made such a difference in level of service and warmth of the experience. We also just enjoyed our day with Chevonne, she was very knowledgeable about the wine, patient with all our questions and was also a lovely person to get to know. We came away with a few new favorite wines and are looking forward to repeat visits. We highly recommend this tour!
Apr 2021
Fun, fabulous, and flawless are not only how I would describe our trip, but also how I would describe Chevonne Ball of Dirty Radish Travel Company. Chevonne listened attentively, took avid notes, entertained all of our questions, and developed a trip itinerary that hit every checkbox (and more) on our first, but not the last, trip to Oregon’s Willamette Valley and Columbia Gorge AVA’s. OK, truth be told, we geeked out knowing that we were hanging out with one of Wine Enthusiast’s 40 Under 40 Tastemakers in 2020. However, from our first virtual Zoom meet-and-greet to the first time we met Chevonne in person when she picked us up at our hotel, we felt extremely at ease despite Chevonne’s rock star-like recognition and well-deserved accolades in the wine industry. So, here’s our two cents if you’re looking to plan a trip with Dirty Radish Travel Company… • Let Chevonne know how long you’ll be in town and if you will need some suggestions on hotel, restaurants, side excursions (e.g., hiking and sightseeing), etc. • Give her a hint of your taste profile and maybe the names of some of your favorite bottles, varietals, etc. • Pick a third of the number of wineries that you would like to visit from your personal list and, then, let Chevonne surprise you with the remaining wineries. • For example, if you plan on visiting 6 wineries during your trip, then pick 2 and let Chevonne pick the remaining 4. Remember, part of the adventure is discovering new wineries and wines that you may have never heard before. For us, we literally purchased 36 bottles of wine and joined a wine club from 2 wineries that were not even on our list. • Keep in mind that while Chevonne is well-connected and well-liked by many in the area, there are some wineries that may simply be closed to the public (e.g., COVID precautions). In addition, there may be some wineries on your list that are logistically difficult to visit (i.e., too geographically spread apart) given your timeline and other activities on your wishlist. Based on the above, Chevonne will work closely with you to craft an amazing itinerary and memorable experience. Highly recommended!!!
Lauren G
Jan 2020
Honestly, the whole day was intimate and informative and I just felt like a friend of the family. Which is what I ALWAYS want on a tour. Just knocked it out of the park.
Відповідь від хоста
Jan 2020
Thank you Lauren! So glad you enjoyed the tour and I am always happy to be your wine bestie!

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