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Моторошні привиди Салема, прогулянка з привидами

Відвідайте найстрашніші місця в центрі Салема та почуйте нав’язливі історії про вбивства, таємниці та хаос під час цієї моторошної (страшної?) 60-хвилинної екскурсії цим історичним містом!
Місто: Салем
Sat 21 Sep
Обрати дату можна вже на сайті бронювання
Починаючи з $26.00
Sat 21 Sep
Починаючи з $26.00
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  • Дозволено перевезення тварин-поводир
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Чого очікувати
Відвідайте найстрашніші місця та почуйте розповіді про вбивства, божевілля та хаос у центрі Салема. Місця, відвідані під час цієї екскурсії, включають Стару Салемську в’язницю, Кінотеатр Салем, Збройову палату, Бібліотеку Філіпса, Будинок Пікмана, Олд Бірінг Пойнт, Ратушу, Будинок Джошуа Уорда, Wicked Good Books і Ліцей.
Політика скасування
Усі продажі остаточні. У разі скасування бронювання кошти не повертаються.
Фотографії мандрівників
Відгуки (245)
Oct 2019
Could have used a little more storytelling probably was a little short and maybe a little rushed don't know but overall was really good experience
Oct 2019
I signed up for this tour because lack of planning on my part meant that I missed the other popular tours. This one was a bit more expensive than the others and listed its run time to be shorter. Still, I wanted to tour "something" so bought tickets. The sign in area was easy to find and the people running it were nice and professional. The tour guide (I forget the name so sorry) was very nice and also mentioned that she was a practicing witch and would answer any questions about the tour or witchcraft at the end. Her voice, along with her microphone/speaker carried reasonably well. One bit of feedback would be to get a long stick with something bright on the top instead of holding up her hand with a flashlight. Navigating through the busy streets meant that sometimes we would lose site of her. Luckily they had someone following up the back to keep track of people. One tour I took in Vancouver had the tour guide use a large rod with a glowing skull on top. Easy to find. Something like that could work. While she seemed to know her stuff, sometimes it seemed that she was "trying to remember" her facts as opposed to just 'knowing it and telling it." Additionally, sometimes she would use the phrase "so that's cool" which seemed to take away from the presentation. Still, she had a good presence and personality and I could see her doing very well with a slightly more polished presentation. Some tour guides have a slightly more captivating presentation (though some are corny has "heck") so additional practice might make her feel more convincing. I'm not sure why this tour is shorter than some others and wonder if there are sites that we are missing from other tours? Especially since, as I mentioned, this tour was a bit more money than the others.
Cheryl B
Oct 2019
Tour guide was nice but not in character and seemed to be aiming for funny rather than spooky; stories were lacking anything eerie

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