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Екскурсія по Сан-Дієго: тролейбус Hop-on Hop-off

Відкрийте для себе Сан-Дієго на дозвіллі з унікальною екскурсією по «Найкращому місту Америки». Створіть свій власний маршрут, щоб побачити найпопулярніші пам’ятки Сан-Дієго та Коронадо у своєму власному темпі, стрибаючи туди-сюди з варіантами, які найкраще відповідають вашим інтересам.
Місто: Сан - Дієго
Mon 23 Sep
Обрати дату можна вже на сайті бронювання
Починаючи з $49.00
Mon 23 Sep
Починаючи з $49.00
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Екскурсія на тролейбусі в Сан-Дієго
Додаткова інформація
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  • Дозволено перевезення тварин-поводир
  • Поруч є громадський транспорт
  • Немовлята повинні сидіти на колінах у дорослого
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  • Доступний для інвалідного візка, повідомте під час бронювання, чи є візок для інвалідного візка потрібне
  • Тварин або домашніх тварин для емоційної підтримки заборонено
  • Регулярно дезінфікувати місця з інтенсивним рухом людей
  • Регулярно дезінфікувати транспортні засоби
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Фотографії мандрівників
Відгуки (1000)
Jun 2019
Great day!! Easy to get on or off. Good drivers/facilitators. Good locations. All around good for the money.
Jun 2019
Pro tip: if you book online instead of purchasing your tix at one of the kiosks, you save a few $. You can also save $ on some of the additional sights at some of the trolley stops, such as the Maritime Museum (fabulous). Ditto for some of the venues in Balboa Park (another stop) such as the San Diego Zoo and the art museum (another pro tip: if you are a member of an art museum in your home city, check your membership level: it may entitle you to reciprocity/free or discounted entry at certain art museums in other cities; so before you buy a ticket to the SD art museum discounted through the Trolley Tours, check your own art museum’s member card: you might already qualify to get in free!). The San Diego trolley tour is one of the best values in the city. There is much to see at nearly every stop and you can hop on and hop off as many times as you like and return to the stop where you got off and wait for the next trolley to come along (they come by every 20 minutes or so). the only drawback is that San Diego has such a wealth of things to see and do that you need to spend a few days on the trolley because they really only run 9-5. I found myself spending a few hours at the Zoo, or at 1 museum, then add in time for meals, and getting back around the circuit to where you first boarded (presumably near your hotel) and there goes the day. You need at least 1 day (maybe 2) just for all the incredible sights in Balboa Park (MANY museums, plus the Zoo, plus several gardens and the Old Globe theatre; — and it’s just so beautiful and lush); you could spend at least a half-day in Old Town (another stop), and at least 2.5 hours at the Maritime Museum and/or the Midway aircraft carrier (another stop). Leave plenty of time for Coronado (if you aren’t already staying there). You will find that in the course of several hop-on’s and offs that you’ll experience several driver-guides. Some are better than others. And even though the tour is scripted, with various points where the driver will press a button for a musical cue, some drivers are just natural raconteurs and have a terrific ease with the passengers. Others have just memorized the script and are not adding much personal oomph to it. The drivers who have a personal connection to some of the items of interest on the tour are the stronger ones. A couple of the older guys (there seem to be a lot of military veterans) — Jack and Hatch—in particular were excellent. But another driver just told silly one-liners in lieu of providing meaningful historical background and context to the script. After 3 days I was finding it interesting to hear what some drivers left out, and what others had either embellished or where the “facts” differed from info their colleagues had provided. In any case, several of the drivers seem to be passionate about guiding visitors to San Diego and the Trolley Tour is one of the best values in the city if you use it to really explore every stop.
Jun 2019
Hop on and off is a good idea, usually!! I don't want to name and shame so I will just say that the driver had an affected way of speaking which he had obviously got into over time which made him almost impossible to understand. He sounded almost programmed like a robot! We did the tour late from the harbour near Midway but thought it would be good just to hop on and not get off to get a look around. We were not told when paying for the ticket which by the way I think is expensive at around the equivalent of 40 UK pounds, that as it was nearing the end of the day it would not return to the harbour but in fact would terminate at old town! This is about 6 miles from the harbour and we were not the only couple not told this so after asking for the complaints department the driver agreed to drop us off at the harbour, but for a good 5 mins this was in the balance and we didn't have a clue where we were.... Not nice to think we could have been stranded as a tourist and for that reason I wouldn't use trolleytours.com. Not a highlight for me

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