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Тур спостереження за китами в Сан-Дієго

Наші подорожі відправляються з Мішн-Бей, що вимагає лише короткого 10-хвилинного доступу до відкритого океану, де можна побачити китів і дельфінів! Пошуки китів та інших тварин починаються, щойно ви виходите з доку, а наші морські біологи в мікрофоні пояснюють, чого очікувати та що ви бачите з самого початку!
Місто: Сан - Дієго
Tue 11 Mar
Обрати дату можна вже на сайті бронювання
Починаючи з $65.00
Tue 11 Mar
Починаючи з $65.00
Що включено
Морські біологи в мікрофон пояснюють, чого саме очікувати.
Додаткова інформація
  • Немовлят і маленьких дітей можна катати в колясці
  • Дозволено поводження з тваринами-поводирами
  • Неподалік є громадський транспорт. мандрівники з поганим серцево-судинним здоров’ям
  • Підходить для будь-якого рівня фізичної підготовки
  • Маски для обличчя потрібні гідам у громадських місцях
  • Дезінфікуючий засіб для рук доступний мандрівникам і персоналу
  • Регулярно дезінфікувати місця з інтенсивним рухом людей
  • Дезінфікувати спорядження/обладнання між використаннями
  • Посібники повинні регулярно мити руки
  • Оплачувана політика перебування вдома для персоналу з симптомами
Чого очікувати
Ocean Beach
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Політика скасування
Щоб отримати повне відшкодування, скасуйте принаймні за 24 години до запланованого часу відправлення.
Фотографії мандрівників
Відгуки (820)
Jun 2013
We took a 4 hour whale watching tour over Memorial Day weekend. This was a bit early for blue whale season, so we were a bit nervous we wouldn't see anything, and we were also nervous that the boat would be packed due to the holiday weekend. We were pleasantly surprised on both fronts! We found a blue whale and a pod of dolphins. We were able to stay with the whale for quite a while and that was a lot of fun. We also hung out with a pod of dolphins as they played with the bow of the boat when we were passing through. The boat was big, and wasn't super crowded - we were able to get my preferred seating at the front of the boat. there were quite a few people that got sea sick and stayed at the back of the boat, but it looked like the boat crew took care of them by passing out bags and crackers. The boat crew was very helpful, knowledgeable about the sealife in the area, and we enjoyed talking to a few different folks. One even gave us recommendations of where/when to go snorkeling when we let her know some of our plans for the rest of the weekend. I'd highly recommend San Diego Whale Watch! Only reason I'm not rating 5 is because the speaker at the front of the boat was broken, and so we weren't able to hear some of the announcements as we were on the tour. When we slowed down/stopped, the crew would come out on the deck so we could hear, but I still feel like we missed some of the commentary. We used a groupon type deal for $22, but I think the normal price is around $44.
Jun 2013
We had a fantastic time and were amazed by all the dolphins we saw. Unfortunately, no whales (well, the big ones at least because we did learn dolphins are whales!) as we expected this time of year. The weather was great and crew was helpful, funny and tried very hard to give us the best time possible. The dolphins though stole the show and we got a good 40min bombardment as they came out and showed their stuff.. fantastic to see! You also pass by the dog beach and I have to say that was one of the funnest parts of the trips because you've never seen animals so damn happy playing and running. Also, saw seals and sea lions on the way out. Made a good impression in the way they handled a whale watch that wasn't able to spot any whales. Were very friendly, invited everyone out again and gave 50% coupons, that do not expire to come again and we just might. Also, saw some tremendous customer service when we checked in as the guy at desk was extremely friendly and helpful to the family in front of us, clearly they care about you having a good time, not just taking your money. Always refreshing! PS..don't underestimate how cold it can get out there, even during nice weather, it will make the trip that much nicer!
May 2013
They really need to clarify that if you don't go out on the whole day trip, there is little chance of seeing whales when migration is over. I brought a book, and studied. I enjoyed being out on the water, and seeing San Diego from the water. And for those who haven't seen dolphins and seals, there is something to see.
Відповідь від хоста
May 2013
Hey Fairwren- I apologize if you didn't get the chance to see any whales. However, we do have whales in our waters year-round in San Diego. Many people are under the impression that there is only one time of the year to see whales, during the gray whale migration. However, the blue whale migration occurs during the summer and we are just entering it now. We also have fins, minkes, humpbacks and killer whales in our waters year-round. Unfortunately, during the beginning and ends of both migrations, it is a bit harder to see whales, so, again, I apologize for being unable to deliver. Hopefully you were able to receive your 50% off pass and we hope to see you again soon! My suggestion is to come a bit further in the summer, when blue whales are more numerous. Thank you very much for your review and thanks for joining us! -Chris S, owner.

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