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Екскурсія по Савані

Оригінальний тур HAUNTINGS по Савані, штат Джорджія. 90-хвилинна пішохідна екскурсія з відправленням о 21:00 щовечора. БУДЬТЕ ГОТОВІ БУТИ СТРАХАНИМИ. Почуйте розповіді про зустрічі з паранормальними явищами в одному з найбільш охоплених привидами міст Америки. На основі книги Маргарет ДеБолт «Привиди Савани», а також «Барабани і тіні», написаної в 1930-х роках Writer's Project WPA, і «Привиди Савани» Роберта Еджерлі, власника та гіда Hauntings Tours. Усі тури щодня, 7 днів на тиждень, без екскурсій на Різдво. Бронювання не вимагається. Приватні та групові тури вітаються. Тури для тварин.
Місто: Саванна
Mon 24 Feb
Обрати дату можна вже на сайті бронювання
Починаючи з $20.52
Mon 24 Feb
Починаючи з $20.52
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  • Безконтактні платежі чайових і надбавок
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Примарна екскурсія Savannah Hauntings
Відвідайте наш тур «Привиди та привиди» по Савані, штат Джорджія! Почуйте про зустрічі з привидами в місті з найбільшими привидами в Америці* Досвідчені гіди проводять захоплюючі екскурсії легендарними місцями щовечора о 21:00. Екскурсії проводяться на площі Райта (кут вулиць Булл і Йорк). Бронювання не потрібне, але рекомендується. Зробіть бронювання тут. Фото привида справа, зроблене учасником туру - натисніть тут, щоб побачити більше фотографій. Дуже надійна інформація про привиди, а не «байки». Тури, засновані на різноманітних надійних джерелах, включають свідчення очевидців, які можна перевірити, і в основному відповідають цій книзі: «Привиди Савани», туроператор Роберт Еджерлі ділиться історіями про привидів, щедро посипаними історією Савани. Книга є чудовим супутником в екскурсії. Більше інформації
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Фотографії мандрівників
Відгуки (55)
Sandra F
Nov 2014
I took this tour over the weekend with some friends and it was perfect. I have been on other tours in Savannah but this was the best yet. The tour guide was very knowledgeable and help with any question that the group had. Even though the tour was not scary it was very informational and you could tell the facts that were give were very true. I even asked about when the taps team was there and she knew all the times that they were there and even talked about some of there findings and that they disproved one place that was saying that a place was haunted when in fact it was not. I can say that she has me going to get the book that goes with the tour. We diffidently got out money's worth on this tour.
Aug 2014
After debating which ghost tour to take in Savannah we decided upon this one after a recommendation from the hotel concierge. Unfortunately our tour guide (apologies we did not catch her name) appeared to be new and seemed quite nervous. As a result the tour lacked atmosphere and was neither scary nor intriguing. Additionally the tour finished earlier than the half past 10 end time. We loved Savannah but in hindsight wished we had picked an alternative ghost tour as we were very much looking forward to learning more about the city's hauntings but didn't feel this was the case on this tour.
Mark H
Aug 2014
When visiting Savannah recently with some friends, we decided to try a ghost tour. I've been on several in that area before which were excellent. This time I decided to try a different company. The guide was extremely personable. That's about all I can say for her. In a little over two hours we heard very little about ghosts or history of the area but we did learn all about the drinking laws and other strange laws in Georgia as well as where the cute bartender worked. Needless to say we were very disappointed. I emailed the owner of the company and he was very gracious and offered to take us again the following evening personally. He was an exceptional guide and the tour was very informative. I debated on writing this revue but decided that I needed to for the simple reason that he kept saying that there were so many hauntings and ghost stories in the area that there was absolutely no need for anyone to make things up. Here lies the problem. The two ghosts that the first guide mentioned (yes, only two), she told an entirely different story about them than what he told us. I did a little research of my own after we left and his stories were in line with the official register, hers on the other hand were total fabrications. Robert is a wonderful guide, it's just a shame that one of his employees can't seem to get her facts straight about the ghosts, then again I think she was much more interested in the local bar scene than in any ghosts anyway. I won't mention her name here, Robert knows who she is and I think with a little work, she could be a wonderful guide also. Thanks for the re-do, it was very good.

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