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Пішохідний гастрономічний тур «Смак Чарлстона».

Прогуляйтеся, поговоріть і скуштуйте свій шлях історичним Чарлстоном у Південній Кароліні. Цей 2,5-годинний тур для невеликої групи занурить вас в історію та культуру Лоукантрі та дозволить відчути надзвичайну кулінарну сцену в центрі Чарльстона. Зупинки на цьому шляху включатимуть багато провідних ресторанів міста по всьому місту. Типові дегустації включають: мелену крупу, південне праліне, солодкий чай, зелень, шашлик у регіоні Lowcountry та смажені зелені помідори.

***ЗВЕРНІТЬ УВАГУ: якщо у вас є харчові алергії, ми повинні знати принаймні за 48 годин, інакше деякі ресторани можуть не вмістити. Ми також не можемо гарантувати, що в кожному місці буде заміна через деякі алергії.
Місто: Чарльстон
Sat 21 Sep
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Починаючи з $95.00
Sat 21 Sep
Починаючи з $95.00
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  • Купуючи цей тур, ви заявляєте, що ви та ваша група здорові та не маєте жодних ознак або симптомів COVID-19 за останні 14 днів. Якщо це зміниться, негайно повідомте Bulldog Tours.
Чого очікувати
Бульдог Тури
Штаб-квартира найкращої туристичної компанії Чарльстона, Bulldog Tours, яка пропонує різноманітні екскурсії з історії, їжу, паби та екскурсії до привидів за щоденним/щовечірнім графіком.
Чарльстонський міський ринок
Цей чотириквартальний історичний пам’ятник, побудований на початку 1800-х років, спочатку був міським продуктовим магазином. Сьогодні міський ринок є домом для різноманітних місцевих продавців, які продають своє мистецтво, ремісничі вироби та місцеві товари.
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Щоб отримати повне відшкодування, скасуйте принаймні за 24 години до запланованого часу відправлення.
Фотографії мандрівників
Відгуки (693)
Nov 2022
We took a 10 a.m. Savor the Flavors walking tour on Sunday, November 6, 2022. The food wasn't great. We went to restaurants on our own that were great but this was a disappointment. However, the most egregious problem was that our tour guide called the four-block long Charleston City Shopping Market the Old Slave Mart. She then proceeded to insist that no slaves were ever sold there and gave a long explanation that they must have called it that since the slaves were the ones that bought the food there for their masters. In fact, we had just toured the Old Slave Mart the previous day. It is a couple blocks away on a cobble street where they did indeed sell slaves. She had pronounced herself an expert on Charleston since she had been born there. If you had been born in that particular city, wouldn't you think you would have made it a point to find out about that history. A pronouncement on our colleges is that she is a History major. I'd give the tour three stars and our guide one star.
Відповідь від хоста
Nov 2022
We are sorry to hear you were disappointed in the tour. We will be sure to share your comments about the food with our Culinary Tour Manager. We apologize if there was any confusion about what your guide said, but based on your comments, what she said is correct. For generations, the Charleston City Market was given the moniker of the Slave Market. Longtime residents and locals of the Charleston, still call it that today, because they are not aware of its history. In reality, the Charleston City Market was the primitive "grocery store" of city, where enslaved persons would come down to buy/sell foods to be used in the cooking of nearby homes. Your guide was clarifying that point. Confusion sets in because directly south of the Charleston City Market is the Thomas Ryan Slave Mart, which is the last of its kind to still stand in the city where enslaved persons were physically bought and sold. It was one of forty slave marts in a four block radius which extended to the Charleston City Market. We are not clear on the egregiousness of the guide, since what she said was historically factual. We do appreciate any and all feedback, but we wanted to make sure to provide some more clarification on this point.
Phil P
Nov 2022
We take food tours in every city we visit. NOLA, Savannah, St. Augustine, Boston, Dallas, overseas and this was at the bottom of the list. Look, the food was good, but I knew it was suspect when the first stop was a chain brunch place with 100+ US locations. The other 2 restaurants were also part of concepts including Texas style barbecue. Finally, 2 more franchise specialty shops. One for candy and pralines, the other spices and teas. Would recommend if you have never taken a food tour before. Would not recommend if you have high expectations of eating truly local “can’t get it anywhere else” food.
Відповідь від хоста
Nov 2022
Phil, We are sorry to hear you were disappointed in the tour with us. Concerning the stops on the tour, many people expect to attend historically significant restaurants. The truth is-they don't exist in Charleston. Charleston has only grown to culinary significance in the past 20-30 years. You mentioned "can't get it anywhere else" food, and we feel that is exactly what we provide. The first stop, which is a southern-based restaurant with multiple locations, you received grits and beignets. Outside of the south, where can you get grits and beignets on a regular basis--especially ones that do not taste like porridge? Same for pralines? Also, there is only one Texas-style barbecue restaurant in Charleston and it is nowhere near where we go on tours. We do have one stop where we sample traditional Carolina barbecue in a local restaurant. We appreciate your feedback and do hope you enjoyed the rest of your time in Charleston.
Nov 2022
Blane led our food tour with enthusiasm and chock full of Charleston history. And we dined at 5 restaurants/ shops. From beignets and creamy grits, gourmet chocolate, hush puppies & grit cake with shrimp, finishing off with wine tasting and beef ribs. Come hungry and with good walking shoes.
Відповідь від хоста
Nov 2022
We always love to hear when our guides can educate and entertain at the same time. Thank you so much!

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