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Оглядовий круїз по затоці Біскейн

Цей оглядовий круїз Маямі на двопалубному човні є єдиним у Маямі способом знайомства з містом. Насолоджуйтеся 80-хвилинним оглядовим круїзом по затоці Біскейн. Подивіться на панораму центру Маямі, розкішні особняки, Венеціанські острови, порт Маямі. (Необов’язково з коктейлем у руці), пропливаючи повз район Miami Skyline, Венеціанські острови та особняки знаменитостей.
Місто: Маямі
Tue 24 Sep
Обрати дату можна вже на сайті бронювання
Починаючи з $30.00
Tue 24 Sep
Починаючи з $30.00
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  • Немовлят і маленьких дітей можна катати в колясці або колясці
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  • Реєстрація відбувається за 30 хвилин до початку заброньованого туру.
  • Час посадки займе приблизно 10 хвилин до початку туру. .
  • Діти повинні бути в супроводі дорослого.
  • Ця діяльність проводиться за більшості погодних умов.
  • Ви повинні носити зручний одяг.
  • Розміщення здійснюється в порядку черги. Якщо круїз буде заповнений, коли ви прибудете, вас посадять на наступний човен, залежно від наявності.
Чого очікувати
Bayside Marketplace
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Усі продажі остаточні. У разі скасування бронювання кошти не повертаються.
Фотографії мандрівників
Відгуки (217)
Aug 2022
The view was my favorite part. The music was satisfying and soothing right along with the ride. The water was clear and clean.
Jul 2022
It was an amazing experience and love the environment and how beautiful Miami is its excellent the whole team was perfect
Відповідь від хоста
Jul 2022
Thank you !!! Miami is unique and nothing like a boat party! Our team was delighted to hear that you enjoyed the trip; see you soon!
Jul 2022
Here's the real deal: there are a bunch of companies who do this same tour. If I were to do one of these again (I wouldn't - one and done), I'd pick a different company or different cruise . I do wonder if many of the 5 star reviews are fake (they all say the same thing basically) or just not for the daytime regular cruise, cause the cruise we went on was meh. PROS- music was upbeat and fun. It wasn't too crowded on our 12:30 tour boat- plenty of room to spread out. Scenery beautiful and fun to see celebrity mansions. I assume these pros apply to the many companies who offer similar tours (but don't know as only have been on this one). Boat itself was fine - bathroom on board and they sell drinks on board. I could hear guide fine (sound system loud enough) - just couldn't understand some of what she said. Cons - 1- TIMESHARE SCAM. they do a weird raffle and the "winners" get a chance to go to a timeshare presentation the next day along with the typical "free hotel or airfare , only pay tax" if you do this. Incredible turn off - and I missed part of boat ride to hear this pitch after "winning" the raffle. I should of known better than to fill out the "raffle ticket." 2- tour guide difficult to understand - talked very. Plus it's a bilingual tour but sometimes, she wouldn't finish the sentence before switching between languages so couldn't understand all she said . Probably not as much of a con if you're a native spanish speaker (as guide was) or speak Spanish. 3- finding this place - where to check in - was a huge pain if you enter the harbor area on the "Wrong" end. The directions on the ticket if you buy online don't take you to the check in , but to above the actual boat -- but you have to go someone else to check in (and actually board the boat) -which makes zero sense . We walked around for 20 min and asked 4 people how to get there. other companies have much better signage and coverage so easier to find . OTHeR INFO- not unexpected if you've been on enough of these tourist trap type of tours and not a pro/con for me, but may be for others: 1- they do a photo at beginning and offer to sell it to you on boat. $15. 2- they sell drinks on boat. tHEY oNLY TAKE CASH for this. 3- hard sell for tips for the tour guide.
Відповідь від хоста
Jul 2022
Hello, thank you for your feedback and we are glad to know that you found many good things in our tour, we would have loved that everything went as you expected! We are here more than happy to answer your questions. Regarding your question about whether our comments on Tripadvisor are real? Forks! Yes they are!! Thank goodness most of our customers love our ships and fully enjoy the tour and our staff on board. We love to know that in its PROS: The music was happy, the space is good, I enjoy the trip, I admire the mansions. Bathrooms, bar were fine. Regarding timeshare, this company works on board our boats and they explain carefully to people what they offer, it is a client's option if they decide to buy it. Just like the photo (this is NOT a tourist trap), in most attractions around the world, photos are taken to remember and people decide at the end of the trip if they want to buy them or not. (It is NOT mandatory to buy it) As for the instructions to board the boats, these are sent immediately when you buy the ticket and it is very clear. Now the shopping center is being remodeled and this can make boarding the boats a bit difficult, all boat companies hope that soon we will be working normally. The bar offers 2 options to buy drinks and snacks, credit or debit card and cash. The tour guide, as in any tourist activity, asks for tips at the end of the tour, it is something very common in attractions. I hope that all your answers and concerns have been answered and I hope that you will have the opportunity to compare a boat tour with another company so that you can compare us. I hope you have a good day!!!

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