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Оглядовий круїз по затоці Біскейн

Цей оглядовий круїз Маямі на двопалубному човні є єдиним у Маямі способом знайомства з містом. Насолоджуйтеся 80-хвилинним оглядовим круїзом по затоці Біскейн. Подивіться на панораму центру Маямі, розкішні особняки, Венеціанські острови, порт Маямі. (Необов’язково з коктейлем у руці), пропливаючи повз район Miami Skyline, Венеціанські острови та особняки знаменитостей.
Місто: Маямі
Sat 21 Sep
Обрати дату можна вже на сайті бронювання
Починаючи з $30.00
Sat 21 Sep
Починаючи з $30.00
Що включено
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Додаткова інформація
  • Немовлят і маленьких дітей можна катати в колясці або колясці
  • Поруч є зупинки громадського транспорту
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  • Чайові не включені та залишаються на індивідуальний розсуд.
  • Реєстрація відбувається за 30 хвилин до початку заброньованого туру.
  • Час посадки займе приблизно 10 хвилин до початку туру. .
  • Діти повинні бути в супроводі дорослого.
  • Ця діяльність проводиться за більшості погодних умов.
  • Ви повинні носити зручний одяг.
  • Розміщення здійснюється в порядку черги. Якщо круїз буде заповнений, коли ви прибудете, вас посадять на наступний човен, залежно від наявності.
Чого очікувати
Bayside Marketplace
Торговий центр
Політика скасування
Усі продажі остаточні. У разі скасування бронювання кошти не повертаються.
Фотографії мандрівників
Відгуки (217)
Mar 2019
We went on the bright line high speed train from West Palm Beach Miami on a day trip. I made a reservation through groupon and changed the time frame, due to the train time schedule. Then I asked to change the date due to cold weather in the forecast. The agent gave me hard time and said I could only change the date or time time once, but I argued with her, and she finally gave in. The boat was docked in the farthest point on the pier, and it was hard for my husband with his walker. The boat ride itself was pleasant and we noticed that several different cruises did the exact same circle around the bay. The tour guide was difficult to understand. She spoke very quickly, and also intermingled speaking English along with the Spanish translation. She often didn't even finish a sentence in one language before she would switch to the other. Latin music was also pleasant ,but I was sick of it by the end of the cruise. My husband found the music to loud as well. So we had a mixed review, but we did enjoy our day in Miami.
Відповідь від хоста
Apr 2019
We are glad to know that I finally enjoy the tour. Unfortunately, when we are in high season it is difficult to change the established reserves, we hope to have the opportunity to attend them on another occasion Nos alegra saber que finalmente disfruto del tour. Desafortunadamente cuando estamos en temporada alta es difícil cambiar las reservas establecidas, esperamos tener la oportunidad de atenderlos en otra ocasion
Jim B
Jan 2019
It started with the ticket girl not having change and talking non-stop on her cellphone. Then a 15 min. delay boarding - so okay. Then once on boat they spent 45 minutes trying to get the boat to work. Then they moved us down the pier to another boat and another wait. I told them I couldn't go now because my ship would depart without me before we got back. They acted shocked that I wanted my money back. I insisted, they said I'd have to wait on girl that took my money (while at the same time refunding a group that missed the boat.) 20 minutes - what's happening, they call her, she's on the way. I wait, again call and she's on the way. The next group that approached the booth I told them "We're closed!" They were mad. I told I would continue to turn people away until I got my cash. She was there in less than a minute. They couldn't care less about their customers.
Відповідь від хоста
Apr 2019
Unfortunate moment! When a ship is damaged we immediately leave on another of our ships. The important thing for our company is to go sailing with a pleasant and safe trip for our clients. Desafortunado momento! Cuando un barco se daña salimos inmediatamente en otro de nuestros barcos. Lo importante para nuestra compania es salir a navegar con un paseo agradable y seguro para nuestros clientes.
Feb 2018
We took the 4:30 cruise on a Friday afternoon. We booked our tickets online and was double charged by their system. It took several phone calls and we eventually got it straightened out. There was hardly anyone on the boat. The insisted on taking a photo of everyone as they boarded but never did anything with it. Maybe a total of 20 people on the top of the boat. The staff arrived late and we were late in leaving the dock even though they told us to be there quite early. It was a very slow moving exursion with blasting music when we went by a famous persons home who use to live there. We liked the boat ride and to be out on the water but this tour needs updating and more explanation of the area historically, culturally and areas of interest other than homes you go by with blasting music. The guide did a great job with English and Spanish. We will not ever do a boat tour with this company again.
Відповідь від хоста
Jun 2022
Thank you for choosing us and for your comments and feedback. We have shared this with our team to prevent it from happening again.

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