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Ми вважаємо, що для нас нічого не коштує включити пакети фотографій як частину туру, і ми включаємо їх у вартість туру, щоб наші гості можете сміливо сидіти зручніше та насолоджуватися подорожжю, не платячи за руки та ноги за ваші фотографії!

Наше підприємство керує 6-пасажирським судном, забезпечуючи максимально приватне враження для вас та ваших близьких . Якщо у вас менша група, ви можете орендувати цілий човен, щоб забезпечити усамітнення, якого ви бажаєте.

Як невелика місцева компанія, для нас якість — це головне, і наша досвідчена команда подбає про те, щоб ви отримали найкращий досвід!

Місто: Кришталева річка
Sat 26 Oct
Обрати дату можна вже на сайті бронювання
Починаючи з $89.95
Sat 26 Oct
Починаючи з $89.95
Що включено
Фотографії, зроблені In-water Guide
Використання спорядження для підводного плавання
Додаткова інформація
  • Дозволено розміщення тварин-поводиків
  • Немовлята повинні сидіти на колінах у дорослих
  • Відповідає будь-якому рівню фізичної підготовки
  • Спорядження/обладнання продезінфіковано між використання
  • Регулярно дезінфікувати транспортні засоби
  • Вказівки щодо регулярного миття рук
  • Ми приділяємо велику увагу тому, щоб наше спорядження відповідало найвищим стандартам дезінфекції та забезпечення безпечної поїздки для всіх пасажирів.
Політика скасування
Щоб отримати повне відшкодування, скасуйте принаймні за 24 години до запланованого часу відправлення.
Фотографії мандрівників
Відгуки (165)
Feb 2022
Jake and Evan were fantastic - great personalities, very patient and knowledgeable, focused on the safety of the manatees above all. We went on the three hour tour - wet suits, snorkels, and noodles to help with flotation were all provided in addition to a flash drive full of pictures taken by Jake during our trip! We were a party of three and were on the boat with another couple who had booked the same time slot. A short boat ride and we were in the water floating along with the manatees. We swam with a pair of manatees for about an hour before moving to another location where we were able to swim with a few more. Both Evan and Jake are clearly passionate about these beautiful creatures and made sure that we did not disturb them and instead passively observed the manatees. They were able to answer all of our questions about the manatees and shared lots of interesting information about King’s Bay and the spring system that feeds it. The trip was emotional and inspiring and not something we will soon forget. Highly recommend this company if you are looking for a great experience, a great value, and want to be sure that the welfare of the manatees is prioritized!
Feb 2022
Jack was an awesome leader. Our trip ended up being private which was also a great experience. We went out at 10am and were seeing Manatees within 20 minutes. The Sanctuary area was full of gentle giants. I was in awe and just stayed still to keep my heart rate slow and steady.as Jack said they can hear your heart beat. They were right below me and they would come up for air right in front of me. They are mesmerizing. There were 2 babies. One was playing with a piece of rope in its mouth. Finally I got near a man who took it away and the baby came right up to us like he wanted it back. The other baby was nursing. This was a once in a lifetime experience and Captain and Jack made it memorable. I can’t wait to watch the photos that they put on a jump drive for us. Thank you for everything fellas!
Feb 2022
This was such a beautiful, unique, and authentic experience. We didn’t know what to expect, but opted to drive over to the gulf coast to see the manatees and experience nature rather than going to an Orlando theme park. I am so glad we did! King’s Bay is stunning, with clear water, amazing fish, birds, and sea grasses, and a local community that seems really committed to protecting wildlife and sharing it with visitors. And the manatees!! They are so beautiful (yes, strange to use this word for a giant floating gray sea cow, but yes!!) and gentle. We swam next to bunches of them, Who seemed totally unconcerned by our presence and would swim right up to us (or just sleep peacefully as we gazed at them). Several times we ended up face-to-face with them, and I mean face to face, like 12 inches. Our eight-year-old daughter was terrified by the idea before we arrived, but ended up elated by her “manatee blessing” face to face encounter. Evan and Jessica were fabulous guides — exactly what one hopes a small local business run by longtime community members would be like. They were so knowledgeable, thoughtful and accommodating with our kids, and fun! I can’t believe I’ve been on this planet 47 years, with so many trips to Florida, and have never done this before. And as soon as we left, the kids started asking when we can go back and swim with the manatees again! Thank you, Evan and Jessica!

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