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Клас випічки Southern Belle Biscuit & Gravy у Нашвіллі

Це інтерактивне практичне заняття з випікання печива з провідним експертом з бісквітів Нашвілла Меріан Берд.

Ви будете їсти, як навчитеся, спостерігаючи за процесом приготування південного печива, демонстрованим від початку до кінця. Це весело, спокійно, смачно! Вам подадуть два улюблені рецепти печива Маріанн, включаючи її південну підливу дня; як вегетаріанські, так і м'ясні. Включає практичний урок печива, і ви йдете з власною партією домашнього гарячого печива.

Меріан Берд отримала дві нагороди EMMY® і три нагороди Telly за свій документальний фільм PBS, The Rise of the Southern Biscuit. Вона також є автором книги The Biscuit Dive Guide.
Місто: Нешвілл
Wed 26 Feb
Обрати дату можна вже на сайті бронювання
Починаючи з $82.50
Wed 26 Feb
Починаючи з $82.50
Що включено
Вода в пляшках
Доступ для людей з обмеженими можливостями
Гаряче південне печиво та соус
Безкоштовна автостоянка на території
Руки на урок південного печива
класи включають наступне:
Південна Бель
Додаткова інформація
  • Доступ для людей на інвалідних візках
  • Не рекомендовано для мандрівників із травмами хребта
  • Це вікове обмеження для дітей віком від 12 років.
  • Дезінфікуючий засіб для рук доступний мандрівникам і персоналу
Політика скасування
Усі продажі остаточні. У разі скасування бронювання кошти не повертаються.
Фотографії мандрівників
Відгуки (74)
Tina G
Nov 2021
This class was so much fun! Biscuits are one of few things that I didn't know how to make from scratch. Like another reviewer mentioned - don't judge this place by the exterior. (We drove past it and missed it at first) She made 2 different types of biscuits to pass around before the participants made theirs. If you think you might be the least bit interested, go for it! Our session did have a large group (19 people), so we were there about 3.5 or 4 hours. But, it didn't seem like we were there for that long.
Відповідь від хоста
Jan 2022
Tina, Hello. Yes.. my biscuit shop is in an industrial area. I always warm people to not be put off by all that ugly.. it all works out. Once you enter my biscuit shop it is a sanctuary of biscuits, gravy, butter, and cuteness. As for the class running over in time? I don't remember one running that long.. but it must have or you wouldn't have said so. I have worked on rearranging my content so I hit my targeted time of 2.15 to 2:30. However, the truth is, this class ends up being like a party you don't want to leave. A testament to the fun people attracted to learning how to bake a Southern biscuit. So even when I get done on time.. people stay to chat, take phots..and visit. It is that Southern love hospitality thing that the biscuit brings. So.. don't book museum tour at 1:00.. leave time for your full biscuit baking experience.
Nov 2021
What a fun little class. You aren’t sure what to expect from the looks of the outside of the building but don’t judge a book by it’s cover. Class maxes out at 16, but 16 is a good number because it’s a fun group experience. There was a woman in our class who must have called ahead to tell the teacher she was celiac, because there were biscuits already made for her to get to enjoy. I would suggest bringing your own beverage because only water is provided though. I was also very impressed by her credentials on her biscuit knowledge. I love taking cooking classes in general but I would definitely recommend this one.
Відповідь від хоста
Jan 2022
Coby, Thank you for coming to class and for you recommendation. Mostly.. for not judging my little biscuit shop for its odd location. You are the best and I hope your are baking beautiful biscuits. :)
Nov 2021
Fun class, very thorough and informative. Would have given 5 stars except for the overbooking of the class. At the time we booked, it said on the site there would be a max of 8 in the class. There were about 17. Questioned the owner when we were looking for a seat together, husband and I. She didn't address the fact that the site said a max of 8, she was busted basically. All she said was "do you want a refund?" So, that goes to owner character which left a little bit of a "bad taste" in our mouths. Other than that, we really enjoyed the class.
Відповідь від хоста
Jan 2022
Hi Victor, My class holds up to 19 people and most class are 16-18. I have that set student count for two reasons. One, I have to run a profitable business to stay in business..and if I had only 8 students I'd have to increase my prices to $125 per person,..and I want my class to accessible to all income levels. Secondly.. the more the merrier when it comes to biscuit baking. I find my students love meeting each other, as most of them are foodies and travelers and enjoy talking with each other. I do recall you coming into class as the last couple and there were not two seats together and your husband seemed very angry. I thought it best to offer him his money back to avoid a scene I didn't mean to be rude and I apologize if it came off that way. But, I'm glad we did get you both seated by each other and I felt we turned things around quick and had a great time. Just to add to anyone reading to this point; ' .people book my class on Viator and my website.., so I have to divide my seats between those two booking sites. If you're curious about what the class looks like during baking.. there are photos the website.

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