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Унікальний вид на Сент-Августин, доступний лише з води.

З 1900-х років мальовничий круїз по Сент-Августину дарує відвідувачам Сент-Августіна унікальний вид на місто та можливість насолодитися історичною територією Сент-Августина. знаки та природна краса.

Наші 75-хвилинні круїзи, які розповідає капітан, забезпечують незрівнянний спосіб насолодитись історичними пам’ятками та природними пам’ятками Сент-Августина.
Місто: Святий Августин
Sat 21 Sep
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Починаючи з $22.10
Sat 21 Sep
Починаючи з $22.10
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Екскурсія історичними пам’ятками та природною красою Сент-Августина
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Національний пам'ятник Кастільо-де-Сан-Маркос
Коротка розповідь під час проходження, уповільнюючи достатню кількість, щоб пасажири могли сфотографувати
Маяк і морський музей Св. Августина, Inc.
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Фотографії мандрівників
Відгуки (683)
Sep 2019
We had some free time one Monday afternoon in St. Augustine and found this harbor cruise so decided to go at the last minute. We were staying in a hotel across the street from the marina so getting there wasn't an issue. Neither was walking up to their ticket window and buying the tickets. Tickets where reasonable - sometimes some of these tourist things can be overpriced but at (I think) $19 per adult and something less for our daughter) the price was reasonable. Do be forewarned that if you were to go during a busier weekend day you may need to plan ahead a bit more and make sure you had your parking figured out (there isn't any parking specific to the marina area). The boat itself is decent size and does have a couple restrooms aboard (nothing fancy but they get the job done) plus a snack bar (that does serve beer). You can sit on the top deck (which is open and full sun, but probably the best views) or on the main deck which is covered and has windows all around (no air-conditioning). If you get there early you can snag one of the 6 to 8 chairs on the bow which is partially covered. The boat was only about a third full when we went so we had good views from just sitting on the main deck (but you could also walk around the the little walkway at the stern provided some good overall views). The cruise itself is about 90 minutes. They cruise out and hug the mainland coast, going under the highway bridge and close to the next highway bridge, and then turn and go to the outlying breakwater island, the outlet to the ocean, the lighthouse, turn back and came back along the other side. They give an interesting narrative of what you are looking at. The timing is about right - long enough to see what is there and not too long that you are itching to get back and off the boat. We didn't really interact with any of the crew (except for boarding and disembarking) so can't say if they were polite or not - we didn't have any issues. They are basically there doing their job and you are there to stare out at the scenery. Overall this was a good little excursion, lets you see some of St. Augustine from the water side, and wont' break the bank. As long as you aren't expecting some cruise-line type of treatment and more than a spin around on the water looking at the various sights of St. Augustine you'll be good. I would recommend.
Glenda J
Sep 2019
Wow! This was a fabulous experience for us and we actually live on a lake and own a few water toys. We took the evening ride and enjoyed a historical tour from the captain. The skyline and sunset resulted in gorgeous pictures that we will treasure. The staff volunteered to take pictures for those of us wanting a memory without creating a selfie. It is well worth the nominal cost. Highly recommend this activity...
Aug 2019
The tour ride on this boat was OK but not great. This was our 2nd trip to St. Augustine and all they did was to make a big circle in their harbor and give a short description. They do serve beverages which made it slightly better, as well as adult beverages. One of the crew members is a bit rude, cannot recall his name but he has been cited before as being rude and continues to be so. His arrogance, in my belief, is costing them money and customers. The other crew member is a charmer and the captain does a great job. Overall, this tour deserves a ONE STAR because of the rude crew member but having read about him from other reviews, I gave the tour 3 stars due to the fact that it is just average. BEWARE....THERE IS NO PARKING FOR THIS EVENT AND PARKING IN DOWNTOWN ST. AUGUSTINE IS AT A PREMIUM AND HARD TO FIND....so if you are taking this tour, go there with plenty of time to spare in order to find a parking space and walk to the pier. If you have a handicap sticker, you do NOT have to pay for a pay meters in St. Augustine, they are all free for those with the required stickers and we were lucky enough to find one right across from the pier....after driving around the block about 4 times, lol.

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