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Техаська гірська країна та тур на ранчо LBJ із зупинкою для дегустації вин

Подивіться на Техас, про який ви завжди чули. Досліджуйте мальовничі кулі Техас Хілл Кантрі та дізнайтеся про техаських ковбоїв і Великі Техаські перегони худоби. Відвідайте державний парк та історичне місце імені Ліндона Б. Джонсона. Пройдіть повз відзначені нагородами виноробні та фруктові сади, перш ніж відвідати Фредеріксбург, історичне та мальовниче німецьке місто. Ви матимете час самостійно зробити покупки (за бажанням), пообідати в автентичному німецькому ресторані та пивному саду (за бажанням) або відвідати одну з багатьох кімнат для дегустації вин (за бажанням). Час у Фредеріксбурзі ви можете провести на свій розсуд. Нарешті, зануртеся в музику та магію Лукенбаха, де "кожен є кимось!"
Місто: Сан-Антоніо
Sun 22 Sep
Обрати дату можна вже на сайті бронювання
Починаючи з $109.00
Sun 22 Sep
Починаючи з $109.00
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Транспортний засіб з кондиціонером
Зустріч з готелів у центрі міста з 8:30
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Фотографії мандрівників
Відгуки (96)
Feb 2020
Gary, cowboy, rancher, retired firefighter, and incredibly knowledgeable tour guide was top notch today! Communication prior to pickup, and throughout the day was professional, friendly, and clear. The tour was as promised, and with Gary we definitely walked away with an appreciation for the area from a resident who has strong connections to the land, it’s history, and is proud of his heritage. We learned so much! Gary answered everyone’s questions clearly, providing personal anecdotes and making this a truly meaningful day on our visit to Texas. We could not have had a better day; he is a fantastic ambassador for your company and this area of Texas!
Відповідь від хоста
Feb 2020
Thank you for taking your time to write such a beautiful and detailed review. If you found our Texas Hill Country & LBJ Ranch Tour informative and fun, I think you will love our San Antonio Missions UNESCO World Heritage Site Tour. Gary and all our Guides are interesting, knowledgeable and fun. Best in Texas really and that's a big statement but we don't brag in Texas - much! All of us at Gray Line Tours of San Antonio are thrilled that you had a great and meaningful experience, that's our goal for each and every guest on each and every tour. Hope you can come back and visit with us soon!!
Feb 2020
My spouse and I visited San Antonio January 28th -31st and took the Grey Line tour: Texas Hill Country with LBJ Ranch and Vineyard Stop. Our tour guide, Gary, was absolutely amazing. He was our guide for the best eight-hour tour we’ve ever had! Gary warmly welcomed us, introduced himself, and spent the first part of the morning sharing tales and details from his life on a Texas ranch. Gary knew a great deal about the German settlers who found themselves in Texas in the late 1400’s. Gary also shared details about his family’s German/Texas heritage and had several anecdotes surrounding growing up in Texas as a ranch hand. Gary provided information and details surrounding Texas’ many wineries, game preserves, wildlife, and industry. He gave us ample time at the beautiful LBJ ranch, Fredericksburg, Luckenbach, and Sister’s Creek Vineyard. He also recommended several great shopping spots in Fredericksburg and suggested we eat some TX brisket at Mac’s BBQ, where we had the best brisket we’ve had ANYWHERE. We just can’t say enough about Gary’s warm personality, depth of historical Texas knowledge, and gift at guiding. He was simply wonderful, and we highly recommend this tour with Grey Line.
Відповідь від хоста
Feb 2020
Thank you very much for taking your time to write such a nice review. Gary is great - we have the Best Guides in all of Texas and we're not just bragging! Please come back and visit with us soon and try our San Antonio Mission UNESCO World Heritage Site Tour, I think you will find it fascinating.
Richard P
Feb 2020
Our driver, Gary, was excellent. He was polite, accommodating, knowledgeable and fun to be with. But the trip itself has issues in my mind. First, anyone signing up needs to appreciate that you are not allowed into the Texas White House. Somehow I had missed that fact when I signed up. Second, you make two 30-minutes stops, one at a one-store town, Luckenbach, TX, and the other at a tiny winery. Ten minutes is more than enough at both. Third, at the LBJ birthplace, we got off the bus and the Park Service tour began. As soon as it finished, we left with no time to walk around the grounds or to see the exhibit at the Park Service headquarters.
Відповідь від хоста
Feb 2020
Thanks for taking your time to write a review. All of the stops and limitations are clearly stated on the itinerary including the fact that the Johnson City birthplace stop is brief. Although the Texas White House is not open do to renovations, the rest of the LBJ Ranch is open and there is very much to do and see at the Ranch. We apologize if these things were not clear to you but hope that otherwise the 8 hour tour was fun and interesting.

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