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The New York Pass®: понад 100 пам’яток, включаючи Емпайр-Стейт-Білдінг

Your New York adventure just got easier, and less expensive, with this all-inclusive pass that gives you access to more than 100 things to do. From the Big Apple's most iconic attractions, including the Empire State Building, Statue of Liberty Ferry, and 9/11 memorial, to the hidden gems and tours with locals of Harlem, Greenwich Village, and more. Your New York Pass also includes a few extra perks at many locations, including discounts at gift stores, as well as a mobile app to help plan your itinerary.

• Choose between a 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5-day New York Pass®
• Save money compared to buying individual tickets at the gate
• See and do as much as you like each day
• Browse the free Go City app for insider tips as well as entry requirements for each activity before your visit
• Show your pass on your mobile device to be scanned at each attraction or tour, and you're in - it's that simple!
Місто: Нью-Йорк
Sat 29 Mar
Обрати дату можна вже на сайті бронювання
Починаючи з $164.00
Sat 29 Mar
Починаючи з $164.00
Що включено
Цифровий путівник із інформацією про пам’ятки та інструкціями
Включено 1-денний тур Big Bus Hop-on Hop-off
Цифровий пропуск дійсний 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 або 10 днів
Відвідайте скільки завгодно пам'яток протягом вибраного періоду
Go City app with everything you need to plan your trip (also available as PDF guide)
Digital pass for 100+ things to do over 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5-days
Go City app with everything you need to plan your trip (also available as PDF guide)
Маршрут і карта
Місце зустрічі
Відкрити в Google Maps
New York City
20 West 34th Street
Click on 'Get your ticket' in your email confirmation to view your pass. It should clearly show the New York Pass by Go City logo and order number. Make sure you click the link to update the email address associated with your booking. If you do not do this, you will not be able to place reservations to selected attractions.

If you have not received a branded pass with your purchase please contact the Viator customer service team. Without a New York Pass by Go City branded pass you will not be able to use your pass and enter attractions.

For the best experience, we recommend following the instructions to sync your pass to the Go City app. The Go City app is your essential guide to all the attractions included on your pass and how to reserve (where required). It also has useful features including an itinerary planner and city map.

How does Go City work?
You now have access to the included attractions for the number of days purchased. Simply show the QR code on your pass (printed or on your mobile device) at your choice of attraction to enter. Your pass is valid for use within 2 years. Visiting your first attraction activates your pass. It is then valid for the number of consecutive calendar days purchased (not 24-hour periods). We recommend starting in the morning to maximise your time. Each attraction can only be visited once.

Do I need to place reservations with the attractions?
Some activities require reservations. Use the Go City app to plan your itinerary and reserve where necessary to avoid disappointment.

Where can I get the included guide?
For the best experience, we recommend downloading the Go City app. You will find everything you need including attraction information, a Trip Planner feature and the ability to reserve attractions directly within the app. You can also use the included guide - linked at the bottom of your Go City branded pass.

Other Questions? Call +1 617‑671‑1000
Кінцева точка
Ця діяльність завершується на місці зустрічі.
Додаткова інформація
  • Public transportation options are available nearby
  • Suitable for all physical fitness levels
  • Your pass will be available immediately upon order confirmation. Hit “Get ticket” to update your email and sync your pass in the Go City app
  • Refer to the Go City app or digital guidebook for the most up-to-date list of attractions. Included attractions are subject to change and each attraction can only be visited once
  • Please note: Some activities require reservations. Use the Go City app to plan your itinerary and reserve where necessary to avoid disappointment
  • Passes are valid for 2 years from date of purchase. Your pass is activated upon your first attraction visit and remains valid is valid for the number of consecutive calendar days purchased (not 24-hour periods).
Чого очікувати
Емпайр Стейт Білдінг
Синонім Нью-Йорка, Емпайр-Стейт-Білдінг є американською іконою та одним із семи чудес сучасного світу. Підніміться на вершину та насолодіться краєвидами до 80 миль у ясний день, оглядаючи Центральний парк, Мангеттен, Нью-Джерсі, Коннектикут і навіть Пенсільванію та Массачусетс. ЗВЕРНІТЬ УВАГУ: ця діяльність вимагає попереднього бронювання. Ознайомтеся з інструкціями в цифровому посібнику. Будь ласка, зверніть увагу, що відвідування Емпайр-Стейт-Білдінг під час заходу сонця вимагає додаткової комісії в розмірі 10 доларів США, яка сплачується безпосередньо в Емпайр-Стейт-Білдінг під час бронювання візиту онлайн або через кіоск на території готелю. Ми рекомендуємо відвідати після заходу сонця, щоб заощадити кошти та насолодитися краєвидами нічного міста!
One World Observatory
Розташована в Нижньому Манхеттені обсерваторія One World пропонує найсучасніший оглядовий майданчик на 102 поверхи над землею. Подорожуйте прямо на вершину за 47 секунд на ліфті SkyPod і занурюйтеся в культурну та фінансову історію міста за допомогою інтерактивних дисплеїв і цікавих доповідей під керівництвом амбасадорів туру. ЗВЕРНІТЬ УВАГУ: вам потрібно буде чекати в черзі, щоб отримати часовий інтервал. Ми рекомендуємо відвідати вранці або ввечері, щоб очікувати найкоротше.
Статуя Свободи
Статуя Свободи та паром до острова Елліс - *Не включає вхід на п'єдестал або рівні корони всередині Статуї Свободи - потрібно придбати окремо.* Жодне відвідування Нью-Йорка не обійдеться без офіційного привітання Леді Свободи. Відвідайте Статую Свободи та вивчіть острів Елліс, де понад 12 мільйонів іммігрантів були оформлені після прибуття до Сполучених Штатів. ЗВЕРНІТЬ УВАГУ: ця діяльність вимагає попереднього бронювання. Цей атракціон надзвичайно популярний, і його швидко заповнюють. Якщо це одне з місць, які ви повинні відвідати, забронюйте місце якомога швидше!
Вершина скелі
Захоплюючі панорами, що простягаються на милі в усіх напрямках, з Top of the Rock відкриваються найкращі краєвиди в Нью-Йорку з ідеальним видом на Емпайр-Стейт-Білдінг. Вдень і вночі дивіться на визначні пам'ятки міста та хмарочоси. ЗВЕРНІТЬ УВАГУ: вам потрібно буде чекати в черзі, щоб отримати часовий інтервал. Ми рекомендуємо прибувати між 9:00 і 15:00 для найкоротшого часу очікування.
Національний меморіал і музей 11 вересня
Музей 11 вересня детально розглядає історію за допомогою артефактів, свідчень і розповідей з перших вуст. Подивіться на відбиваючі басейни меморіалу та загляньте в спокійний павільйон меморіалу 11 вересня, перш ніж дізнатися більше про трагедії веж-близнюків за допомогою інтерактивних експонатів. ЗВЕРНІТЬ УВАГУ: вам потрібно буде чекати в черзі, щоб отримати часовий інтервал. Ми рекомендуємо відвідувати вдень, щоб очікувати найкоротше.
Edge NYC
Вийдіть на свіже повітря на скляну платформу на 100 поверхів у небі та відчуйте себе враженою найсучаснішою архітектурою. Edge — найцікавіша нова пам’ятка Нью-Йорка, розташована високо над казковими, блискучими, абсолютно новими Hudson Yards!
Музей сучасного мистецтва (MoMA)
Відкрита в 1929 році колекція сучасного мистецтва MoMA стала однією з найкращих і найбільших у світі. Змінні постійні виставки, відвідувані колекції та культові шедеври – Музей сучасного мистецтва є іконою Нью-Йорка. Архітектура, дизайн, малюнки, картини, скульптури, фотографії, гравюри, ілюстровані книги, фільми та змішана техніка – колекція Музею сучасного мистецтва приймає 2,8 мільйона відвідувачів на рік. ЗВЕРНІТЬ УВАГУ: підійдіть до квиткової каси MoMA та пред’явіть свою перепустку, щоб отримати квиток на наступний вільний час.
Американський музей природної історії
Розпаліть свою цікавість до всесвіту в улюбленому Американському музеї природної історії, якому 148 років. Від приголомшливих експонатів, таких як 94-футовий синій кит і тиранозавр-рекс, до зразків таксидермії, скам’янілостей і антропологічних артефактів, Музей природної історії не можна пропустити. ЗВЕРНІТЬ УВАГУ: ця діяльність потребує попереднього бронювання. Ознайомтеся з інструкціями в цифровому посібнику.
Круїзи Circle Line
Погляньте на культовий горизонт Нью-Йорка з води, вибравши екскурсію на човні, від найкращого Нью-Йорка до круїзу на заході сонця біля вогнів гавані тощо. Помилуйтесь красою набережної Нью-Йорка та відвідайте визначні пам’ятки міста на борту оглядових круїзів Circle Line. Відзначені нагородами путівники, відомі маршрути, найсучасніші човни та чудові краєвиди Нью-Йорка — доповніть свою пригоду в Нью-Йорку з круїзами Circle Line (вибір із п’яти круїзів Нью-Йорком). ЗВЕРНІТЬ УВАГУ: вам доведеться чекати в черзі, щоб отримати посадковий талон для одного з денних круїзів. Ми рекомендуємо відвідати рано вранці, щоб отримати посадковий талон, показавши його.
Музей мадам Тюссо Нью-Йорк
Приготуйте палиці для селфі. Музей мадам Тюссо в Нью-Йорку в центрі Таймс-сквер — це єдине місце, де жодні мотузки чи бар’єри не стримують вас від ваших улюблених зірок. Музей мадам Тюссо, визнаний однією з найунікальніших визначних пам’яток Нью-Йорка, запрошує вас «позувати в одну мить» із найвідомішими музикантами світу, зірками А-ліста, легендами спорту, світовими лідерами тощо. З понад 85 000 квадратних футів інтерактивних розваг, включаючи Mission: Undead і Marvel Super Hero 4D Experience, всесвітньо відомий восковий атракціон є більшим і кращим, ніж будь-коли.
Великий автобус Нью-Йорк
Мальовничий і спокійний спосіб досліджувати місто – розслабтеся під час екскурсій Big Bus, які проведуть вас Манхеттеном, відкриваючи для себе всі визначні пам’ятки, зокрема Емпайр-Стейт-Білдінг, Таймс-сквер, Центральний парк і Статую Свободи. Найпопулярніший автобусний тур Нью-Йорком від TripAdvisor, Big Bus New York – це єдиний автобус для огляду визначних пам’яток із коментарями в реальному часі та доступом до 25+ автобусних зупинок, розташованих по всьому місту. ЗВЕРНІТЬ УВАГУ: пропуск дійсний лише для петель Uptown і Downtown.
Музей Соломона Р. Гуггенхайма
Архітектурний шедевр Нью-Йорка, музей Гуггенхайма є домом для однієї з найкращих колекцій сучасного мистецтва у світі. Підніміться по грандіозній спіралі пам’ятки та відчуйте його спеціальні виставки та постійні колекції. Спроектований далекоглядним архітектором Френком Ллойдом Райтом і завершений у 1959 році, Музей Гуггенхайма є одним із найвідоміших музеїв Нью-Йорка, який зберігає одну з найнеймовірніших колекцій імпресіоністського, постімпресіоністського, раннього модерну та сучасного мистецтва у світі.
Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum
Плаваючий музей — познайомтеся з авіаносцем USS Intrepid, космічним шатлом «Ентерпрайз», «Конкордом» British Airways і підводним човном Growler, побродіть інтерактивними виставками, досліджуйте історичні артефакти та відкрийте для себе історію американських інновацій і хоробрості. Музей військової та морської історії США, колекція кораблів і літаків Intrepid Sea Air & Space Museum є одним із провідних історичних, культурних і освітніх закладів Америки. ЗВЕРНІТЬ УВАГУ: підійдіть до каси прийому та пред’явіть свою перепустку, щоб отримати квиток на наступний вільний час.
Музей сексу
Стрибніть у найрозпусніший музей, який може запропонувати Нью-Йорк! Понад п'ятнадцять років Музей сексу виконує свою місію, щоб зберегти та представити історію, еволюцію та культурне значення людської сексуальності. Музей організовує виставки, проводить екскурсії та проводить програми, які приносять найкраще з сучасної науки про мистецтво та вивчення сексуальності якнайширшій аудиторії. Дослідіть величезну колекцію унікальних артефактів, що охоплюють понад 22 000 квадратних футів галерей і виставок. Відчуйте більше, відвідавши відомий роздрібний магазин або випивши напої в захоплюючому барі Night Fever. Зверніть увагу: в музей не допускаються відвідувачі віком до 18 років. Це атракціон тільки для дорослих.
Музейна майстерня Ground Zero
Першою зупинкою для туристів перед відвідуванням Всесвітнього торгового центру є відзначена нагородами музейна майстерня 9/11 Ground Zero. Майстерня, відома як «Музей 9/11, орієнтований на дітей», завдяки своїй неграфічній та інтерактивній здатності м’яко розповідати дітям про цю складну тему. Майстерня дозволяє гостям забрати артефакти WTC і виграти рейтинг «25 найкращих музеїв міста» від Trip Advisor. Премія США». ЗВЕРНІТЬ УВАГУ: ця діяльність вимагає попереднього бронювання. Ознайомтеся з інструкціями в цифровому посібнику.
Музей американського мистецтва Вітні
Відвідайте один із найвидатніших художніх музеїв Нью-Йорка, Музей американського мистецтва Вітні, який спеціалізується на мистецтві 20-го та 21-го століть. Whitney належить до найкращих художніх музеїв у Нью-Йорку та створив всесвітньо відому колекцію американського мистецтва. Відвідавши музей, ви знайдете твори таких легенд, як Джорджія О'Кіф, Едвард Хоппер, Джаспер Джонс і Джексон Поллок. Ви також знайдете витвори мистецтва від нових художників, оскільки Whitney здобула репутацію, купуючи мистецтво у творців у той самий рік, коли воно було створено.
Екскурсія Рокфеллер-центром
Одна з найвидатніших будівель епохи Великої депресії, відкрийте для себе історію та скарби Рокфеллер-центру в стилі ар-деко. Будівля, відома своєю щорічною різдвяною ялинкою та катанням на ковзанах, також є домом для неймовірної колекції мистецтва та скульптур. ЗВЕРНІТЬ УВАГУ: місткість обмежена до 10 гостей на тур, і тури доступні в порядку живої черги.
Стадіон Янкі
Стадіон "Янкі" (класичний тур) - здійсніть екскурсію по стадіону "Янкі" та дізнайтеся історію 27-разового чемпіона Світової серії "Нью-Йорк Янкіз"! Познайомтеся з історичними бейсбольними артефактами, відвідайте ексклюзивні місця та дізнайтеся про різні події, які відбувалися на стадіоні протягом історії. Кожну екскурсію проводить один із наших обізнаних і досвідчених екскурсоводів, щоб подбати про повну поїздку кожного на стадіон Yankee. ЗВЕРНІТЬ УВАГУ: екскурсії по стадіону Yankee Stadium є популярними, тому ми рекомендуємо прибути до каси за 15 хвилин до початку класичного туру, який ви викупили, і, будь ласка, дайте час для безпеки.
Музей міста Нью-Йорка
Розташований на вершині Музейної милі на П’ятій авеню, Музей міста Нью-Йорка є місцем, де можна дослідити минуле міста, відзначити його сьогодення та уявити його майбутнє. Цікаві виставки розповідають жителям Нью-Йорка та відвідувачам з усього світу про особливий характер міста, особливо про його різноманітність, можливості та постійну трансформацію.
Музей і бібліотека Нью-Йоркського історичного товариства
Дослідіть чотири століття історії Нью-Йорка, відвідавши Музей історичного товариства Нью-Йорка. Через дорогу від Центрального парку дізнайтеся більше про місто Нью-Йорк і всіх американців, які створили шматочки історії в цій країні. Відвідавши музей, ви побачите культуру Нью-Йорка на срібному блюді. Використовуючи фотографії, картини та літературу, Нью-Йоркське історичне товариство збирає дивовижні експонати та інсталяції, які є свідченням багатої історії Сполучених Штатів.
Кафедральний костел Святого Івана Богослова
Дослідіть один із головних релігійних центрів країни, собор Святого Іоанна Богослова, і дізнайтеся багату історію, яку ця пам’ятка створила в Нью-Йорку. Здійсніть екскурсію найбільшим у світі собором і подивіться на прекрасну романську та готичну архітектуру, спроектовану в 1888 році. Собор Святого Іоанна Богослова також має приголомшливі сади, в яких можна побачити блукаючих павичів.
Музей мистецтв і дизайну
Розташований у самому серці Коламбус-Серкл, Музей мистецтв і дизайну дає вам можливість зупинитися та побачити чудовий шматочок культури, який додається до стрімкого темпу Нью-Йорка.
Музей китайців в Америці
Музей китайців в Америці (MOCA) було засновано в 1980 році. Він був створений для захисту та демонстрації 160 років подорожей, спогадів і внеску людей китайського походження в США. Заснований істориком Джоном Куо Вей Ченом і жителем громади та активістом Чарльзом Лаєм, музей багатий інноваційними експонатами та освітніми та культурними програмами.
Купер Гьюітт, Смітсонівський музей дизайну
Відвідайте Смітсонівський музей дизайну Cooper Hewitt і дослідіть єдиний у країні музей, присвячений історичному та сучасному дизайну. В унікальному музеї Купера Г’юїта представлено понад 210 000 предметів у їхній величезній колекції, яка була створена з моменту заснування музею в 1897 році. Об’єкти, виставлені всередині, охоплюють аж 30 століть, але також містять передові технології з багатьох років у майбутньому.
Бруклінський музей
Бруклінський музей має площу близько 560 000 квадратних футів і є другим за величиною художнім музеєм у Сполучених Штатах. Це означає, що у вас буде багато місця для вивчення під час вашого візиту. У музеї представлена ​​величезна колекція з понад 1,5 мільйона предметів, які виставлені на п’яти поверхах. Експонати, представлені в Бруклінському музеї, варіюються від давньоєгипетських шедеврів до сучасних картин і скульптур, створених під впливом багатьох культур світу. Ви також матимете можливість переглянути роботи деяких із найвідоміших художників світу, таких як Норман Роквелл, Марк Ротко, Джорджія О’Кіф та багато інших.
Бруклінський ботанічний сад
Бруклінський ботанічний сад справді дивовижний. Сад демонструє садівничу діяльність, якої ви ніколи раніше не бачили. Незалежно від пори року в Бруклінському ботанічному саду завжди щось цвіте. Неквапливо прогуляйтеся численними садами та познайомтеся з новими видами рослин з усього світу.
Музей морського порту на Південній вулиці
Пориньте в багату морську історію Нью-Йорка, відвідавши Музей морського порту Саут-Стріт! Подивіться на каюти та палуби шести історичних кораблів 19-го століття в Нью-Йорку. Усередині ви зможете побачити багато цікавих артефактів і виставок, які чудово зображують походження міста та ранні відкриття, зроблені в морі.
Міжнародний центр фотографії музей
Здійсніть подорож до провідного світового закладу фотографії та візуальної культури – Міжнародного центру фотографії. Проводячи до шести виставок щороку, ICP демонструє передові фототехнології та навички. У музеї ви знайдете презентації, присвячені історії створення зображень, а також лекції та програми.
Відвідайте одну з найстаріших і найбільших некомерційних мистецьких установ у Сполучених Штатах і огляньте чудовий виставковий простір у MoMA PS1. Відкрийте для себе деякі з експериментальних творів мистецтва, виставлені в MoMA PS1, і перегляньте численні вистави, які відбуваються в музеї. Розташований у Лонг-Айленд-Сіті, музей є чудовим приводом для організації поїздки в район Квінс. MoMA PS1 щороку приваблює близько 200 000 відвідувачів, які приходять, щоб побачити їхні унікальні та історичні виставки.
Маленька Італія
Офіційна пішохідна екскурсія по Маленькій Італії. Пройдіться «підлими вулицями», які надихнули молодого Мартіна Скорсезе стати режисером, і відкрийте для себе часто неспокійну історію цього космополітичного району. ЗВЕРНІТЬ УВАГУ: ця діяльність вимагає попереднього бронювання. Ознайомтеся з інструкціями в посібнику.
Ботанічний сад Нью-Йорка
Дослідіть безліч садів і рослин, які чекають на вас у прекрасному ботанічному саду Нью-Йорка в Бронксі. Захоптеся величезною колекцією рослин у Ботанічному саду Нью-Йорка. Ви можете побродити по 250 акрам і побачити понад 50 садів, які виставлені. У саду знайдеться щось для кожного, незалежно від віку. У них навіть є дитячий сад із 40 інтерактивними іграми та заходами, щоб розважати дітей, поки вони вивчають життя рослин.
Музей єврейської спадщини
Живий меморіал Голокосту, цей музей є внеском Нью-Йорка у глобальну відповідальність ніколи не забувати. Музей виконує важливу місію — інформувати різноманітних відвідувачів про життя євреїв до, під час і після Голокосту. Третій за величиною музей Голокосту у світі, музей розташований на найпівденнішій частині Манхеттена, доповнюючи культурний і освітній ландшафт, який він поділяє зі Статуєю Свободи та островом Елліс.
Нью-Йоркський зал науки
Насолоджуйтеся навчанням у захоплюючому та пізнавальному Нью-Йоркському залі науки! У цьому практичному технологічному центрі представлено понад 450 інтерактивних експонатів, які навчать вас про науку за допомогою веселих і захоплюючих заходів. NYSCI обслуговує понад півмільйона студентів своїми освітніми програмами та високотехнологічним обладнанням. Діти будь-якого віку можуть досліджувати 30 000 квадратних футів, які займає науковий майданчик з березня по грудень.
El Museo del Barrio
У музеї представлено широкий спектр помітних виставок, які поєднують елементи кіно, перформансу, візуального мистецтва та навіть освітніх програм. Понад 6500 експонатів існує в колекції музею, яка постійно зростає з моменту його створення в 1969 році. Відвідавши El Museo del Barrio, ви познайомитеся з багатьма художніми пейзажами, пов’язаними з латиноамериканською культурою, і ви також зрозумієте значення розташований на Музейній милі. El Museo del Barrio зібрав дивовижну колекцію мистецтва, яка висвітлює пуерториканських художників зі спільноти засновників. З роками колекція розширилася і включає роботи карибських і латиноамериканських художників.
Музей хмарочоса
Подивіться на чудові хмарочоси та архітектуру Нью-Йорка з Батері Парку, відвідавши Музей хмарочосів. Музей хмарочосів є перлиною архітектурного дизайну Нью-Йорка. Ви можете досліджувати деякі з найбільших пам’яток міста та хмарочосів, вивчаючи їх історію та технології. Усередині музею ви також дізнаєтеся про дизайнерів і архітекторів, які створили знаменитий горизонт Нью-Йорка.
Велосипедний тур Harlem Highlights з гідом із необмеженою кількістю велосипедів. Дослідіть північну частину Манхеттена під час 2-годинного велосипедного туру Harlem із супроводом гіда та познайомтеся з цим історичним, але перспективним районом Нью-Йорка. З вашим ентузіазмом і досвідченим екскурсоводом ви дізнаєтеся все про історію, культуру та населення Гарлема, а також про те, як різні економічні підйоми та падіння формували та продовжують формувати околиці. Ваш путівник навіть дасть вам уявлення про те, що буде для району, оскільки він продовжує розвиватися поблизу центру Манхеттена. БУДЬ ЛАСКА, ЗВЕРНІТЬ УВАГУ: будь ласка, приходьте в той же день, щоб зареєструватися на наступний доступний тур, принаймні за годину.
Музей Стейтен-Айленда в Снаг-Харбор
Відвідайте одну з культурних перлин Стейтен-Айленда та знайдіть захоплюючі виставки мистецтва та науки в музеї Стейтен-Айленда. Музей Стейтен-Айленда, також відомий як Інститут мистецтв і наук Стейтен-Айленда, містить вражаючу колекцію історичних артефактів, творів образотворчого мистецтва та елементів природничих наук. Багато артефактів, що зберігаються в музеї, можна датувати сучасними та давніми періодами. На додаток до постійної колекції музею, вони також демонструють артефакти, які розповідають про багато видів світу та історію Стейтен-Айленда.
Дитячий музей Стейтен-Айленда
Зупиніться в Дитячому музеї Стейтен-Айленда та відвідайте єдиний у Нью-Йорку інтерактивний музей для дітей у приміщенні та просто неба. Діти будуть у захваті від музею, вивчаючи та граючи з декількома практичними виставками, які навчать їх про жуків, воду та дослідження світу. У дитячому музеї Стейтен-Айленда ви також знайдете дитячі майстер-класи та спеціальні вистави. Це чудове середовище для дітей, щоб дізнатися більше про навколишній світ, а також подружитися з іншими дітьми.
Зоопарк Стейтен-Айленда
Дослідіть широкий спектр диких тварин, що мешкають у зоопарку Стейтен-Айленду, і дізнайтеся про свої улюблені види. Прогуляйтеся знаменитим зоопарком Стейтен-Айленда та насолодіться енергійними та харизматичними тваринами, які живуть на 8 акрах землі, яку займає зоопарк. Ви не тільки зможете відвідати кілька своїх улюблених тварин, але й дізнаєтеся про нові види, яких ви, можливо, ніколи раніше не бачили.
LEGOLAND Discovery Center Westchester
Пориньте у світ, повністю присвячений LEGO®, і відчуйте 12 повністю розважальних атракціонів LEGO® у Центрі відкриття LEGOLAND® у Вестчестері, Нью-Йорк. ЗВЕРНІТЬ УВАГУ. Будь ласка, зверніть увагу: дорослі повинні бути в супроводі дитини, щоб увійти в LEGOLAND® Discovery Center у будь-який час. «Ночі лише для дорослих» не входять у ваш квиток.
Втеча від віртуальності
Escape Virtuality — це передовий досвід віртуальної реальності та доповненої реальності, який дозволяє вам вийти за межі гарнітур у віртуальний світ. Ескейп-кімнати є приватними і потребують щонайменше чотирьох гравців. Невеликим групам або тим, хто не зарезервував, може бути запропонований вибір віртуальної реальності. Найкраща доступність у будні. ЗВЕРНІТЬ УВАГУ: ця діяльність вимагає попереднього бронювання. Ознайомтеся з інструкціями в цифровому посібнику.
Paley Center for Media
Відкрийте для себе деякі з найпопулярніших і найсучасніших форм медіа, починаючи з 1920-х років, відвідавши Центр медіа Пейлі. Понад 100 000 радіо- та телевізійних програм демонструються в Paley Center for Media, які ви можете дивитися або слухати до 2 годин за раз. Ви також зможете побачити класичні моменти на телебаченні, наприклад першу прогулянку місяця чи першу появу на американському телебаченні Beatles. Paley Center також пропонує поглиблений погляд на світ медіа з дискусіями за участю медіа та технологічних професіоналів.
Музей на вулиці Елдрідж
Відкрийте для себе синагогу, яка має таке глибоке значення в єврейській історії Нижнього Іст-Сайду, і багато артефактів, які може показати музей на Елдрідж-стрит. Усередині історичної синагоги знаходиться музей, у якому ви можете знайти величезну колекцію письмових листів і артефактів з конгрегації Елдрідж-стрит. The New York Times описала музей як «викликаючий задихання». Вам точно сподобається ностальгічне відчуття музею та інтерактивні цифрові дисплеї.
Центральний термінал
Екскурсія Marvel & DC Superheroes Tour – відвідайте відомі пам’ятки Нью-Йорка, які пов’язані зі знаковими моментами коміксів, наприклад Центральний термінал і будівлю Організації Об’єднаних Націй у цій веселій та захоплюючій екскурсії. ЗВЕРНІТЬ УВАГУ: ця діяльність вимагає попереднього бронювання. Ознайомтеся з інструкціями в цифровому посібнику.
Старий собор Святого Патрика
Екскурсія «Катакомби при свічках» — зануртеся під базиліку Святого Патріка в підземні переходи Нью-Йорка та досліджуйте історичні катакомби під атмосферним світлом свічок. Ця 1,5-годинна екскурсія приведе вас до нави базиліки Старого собору Святого Патріка, де ви дослідите місце останнього спочинку вірно померлих в історичних склепах. ЗВЕРНІТЬ УВАГУ: ця діяльність вимагає попереднього бронювання. Ознайомтеся з інструкціями в цифровому посібнику.
Музей таверни Фраунс
Дослідіть 5 будівель, які складають музей Fraunces Tavern®, і відкрийте їхню історичну колекцію експонатів. ЗВЕРНІТЬ УВАГУ: ця діяльність вимагає попереднього бронювання. Ознайомтеся з інструкціями в цифровому посібнику.
Фотографія Нью-Йорк
Фотографія у Нью-Йорку, яка не є звичайним музеєм, використовує силу фотографії, щоб надихнути більш свідомий світ за допомогою потужних неперевершених виставок, на яких демонструються деякі з найкращих фотографів світу, які розміщені в історичній пам’ятній будівлі, розташованій у районі Флетайрон.
Як зароблялися гроші: пішохідна екскурсія по Уолл-стріт – у цій інформативній екскурсії 2,5 ваш гід проведе вас через історію Уолл-стріт і познайомить з піонерами та фантазерами, які зробили її глобальною фінансовою установою, якою вона є сьогодні. ЗВЕРНІТЬ УВАГУ: ця діяльність вимагає попереднього бронювання. Ознайомтеся з інструкціями в цифровому посібнику.
Автобусна екскурсія Нью-Йорком Бронксом, Брукліном і Квінсом. У цій екскурсії ви познайомитеся з Бронксом і Брукліном, починаючи від батьківщини хіп-хопу та закінчуючи улюбленим Mets і численними культурними центрами між ними. , Квінс, Гарлем тощо. ЗВЕРНІТЬ УВАГУ: ця діяльність вимагає бронювання. Ознайомтеся з інструкціями в цифровому посібнику. Екскурсія лише англійською мовою.
Пішохідна екскурсія по Бродвею та Таймс-сквер – шукаєте, що подивитися в Нью-Йорку? Пройдіться слідами зірок і підніміть завісу над двома блискучими районами Нью-Йорка – Бродвеєм і Таймс-сквер. ЗВЕРНІТЬ УВАГУ: ця діяльність вимагає бронювання. Ознайомтеся з інструкціями в цифровому посібнику.
Бруклінський міст і пішохідна екскурсія DUMBO. Немає кращого способу відчути Бруклінський міст, ніж прогулянка архітектурною іконою. Це одна з найбільш фотографованих пам’яток Нью-Йорка, і ви побачите її з усіх боків під час цієї пішохідної екскурсії. ЗВЕРНІТЬ УВАГУ: ця діяльність вимагає бронювання. Ознайомтеся з інструкціями в цифровому посібнику
Китайський квартал
Офіційна пішохідна екскурсія Чайнатауном – відчуйте краєвиди, звуки та запахи жвавого Чайнатауна Мангеттена, прогулявшись його вузькими вуличками з гідом. ЗВЕРНІТЬ УВАГУ: ця діяльність вимагає бронювання. Перегляньте інструкції в цифровому посібнику
Хай-Лайн – Челсі – пішохідна екскурсія по околицях району Мітпекінг. Дослідіть знамениту залізницю, що стала парком високо над вулицями, і отримайте абсолютно унікальний погляд на райони Челсі та Мітпекінг Нью-Йорка. ЗВЕРНІТЬ УВАГУ: ця діяльність вимагає бронювання. Ознайомтеся з інструкціями в цифровому посібнику.
Empire State Building
Synonymous with New York City, the Empire State Building is an American icon and one of the Seven Wonders of the Modern World. Head to the top and enjoy views of up to 80 miles on a clear day, taking in Central Park, Manhattan, New Jersey, Connecticut and even out to Pennsylvania and Massachusetts. PLEASE NOTE: reservations are required for this attraction. For additional information regarding operating times and reservations, please check Go City app or digital guide provided. It's not possible to reserve a time slot for sunset hours with your pass. We recommend visiting after to enjoy views of the city at night!
One World Observatory
Situated in Lower Manhattan, One World Observatory offers a state-of-the-art viewing platform 102 stories above ground. Travel straight to the top in 47 seconds in the SkyPod Elevator and delve into the cities cultural and financial history with interactive displays, and interesting talks led by the Tour Ambassadors. PLEASE NOTE: you will need to wait in line to receive a time slot. For additional information regarding operating times, please check Go City app or digital guide provided.
Statue of Liberty
Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island Ferry - *Does not include entry to pedestal or crown levels inside Statue of Liberty - must be purchased separately.* No New York visit is complete without an official welcome from Lady Liberty. Visit the Statue of Liberty and explore Ellis Island, where more than 12 million immigrants were processed upon their arrived in the United States. PLEASE NOTE: this activity requires advanced reservations. For additional information regarding operating times and reservations, please check Go City app or digital guide provided.
Top of the Rock
Breathtaking panoramas stretching miles in all directions, Top of the Rock has the best view in NYC with its perfect view of the Empire State Building. Day and night, gaze across the city's great landmarks and skyscrapers. PLEASE NOTE: you will need to wait in line to receive a time slot. For additional information regarding operating times, please check Go City app or digital guide provided.
The National 9/11 Memorial & Museum
The 9/11 museum takes an in-depth look at the story through artifacts, testimonies and first-hand accounts. Gaze into the reflecting pools of the memorial and take in the tranquil pavilion of the 9/11 memorial before learning more about the Twin Towers tragedies through respectful interactive exhibits. PLEASE NOTE: you will need to wait in line to receive a time slot. For additional information regarding operating times, please check Go City app or digital guide provided.
Edge NYC
Take to the open air on a glass platform 100 stories in the sky and be wowed by the state-of-the-art architecture. Edge is New York City’s most exciting new attraction, set high above the fabulous, glimmering, brand new Hudson Yards! PLEASE NOTE: Please note: Visit any kiosk outside the Edge entrance to reserve your entry in the next available time slot. For additional information including operating times check the Go City app or digital guide provided.
The Museum of Modern Art (MoMA)
Opened in 1929, MoMA's collection of contemporary art has grown to be one of the best and largest in the world. Rotating permanent exhibitions, visiting collections and iconic masterpieces - the Museum of Modern Art is a New York icon. PLEASE NOTE: Head to the MoMA ticket desk and present your pass to be issued a ticket for the next available time slot. For additional information including operating times check the Go City app or digital guide provided.
American Museum of Natural History
Ignite your curiosity about the universe at the beloved 148-year old American Natural History Museum. From show-stopping displays such as the 94-foot blue whale and Tyrannosaurus Rex, to taxidermy specimens, fossils and anthropological artifacts, the Natural History Museum can't be missed. PLEASE NOTE: This activity required advanced reservation. For additional information regarding operating times and reservations, please check Go City app or digital guide provided.
Circle Line Sightseeing Cruises
See New York's iconic skyline from the water with your choice of boat tour, from the best of NYC to a sunset cruise of the harbor lights and more. Marvel at the beauty of New York's waterfront and spot the city's landmarks aboard Circle Line Sightseeing cruises. Award-winning guides, famous routes, state-of-the-art boats and magnificent views of the NYC skyline, complete your New York adventure with Circle Line cruises (choice of five NYC cruises). PLEASE NOTE: you will have to wait in line to secure a boarding pass for one of the day's cruises. For additional information including operating times check the Go City app or digital guide provided.
Madame Tussauds New York
With over 85,000 square feet of interactive entertainment, including Mission: Undead experience and Marvel Super Hero 4D Experience, the world-famous wax attraction is bigger and better than ever.
Big Bus New York
A scenic and stress-free way to explore the city - relax as Big Bus tours take you across Manhattan, discovering all the sights and landmarks including Empire State Building, Times Square, Central Park and the Statue of Liberty. TripAdvisor's top-rated NYC bus tour, Big Bus New York is the only sightseeing bus with live commentary and hop-on-hop-off access at 25+ bus stops located across the city. PLEASE NOTE: Pass is only valid for the Uptown and Downtown loops.
Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum
A NYC architectural masterpiece, the Guggenheim museum is home to one of the finest modern art collections in the world. Ascend the landmark's grand spiral and experience its special exhibitions and permanent collections. Designed by visionary architect Frank Lloyd Wright and completed in 1959, the Guggenheim Museum is one of the most recognized museums in NYC, curating one of the most incredible collections of Impressionist, Post-Impressionist, early Modern and contemporary art in the world.
Intrepid Museum
A floating museum - get up close to the aircraft carrier USS Intrepid, the space shuttle Enterprise, a British Airways Concorde and submarine Growler, wander through interactive exhibitions, explore historic artifacts and discover the history of American innovation and bravery. An American military and maritime history museum, the collection of museum ships and aircraft at Intrepid Museum is one of America's leading historic, cultural and educational institutions. PLEASE NOTE: Head to the admissions counter and present your pass to be issued a ticket for the next available time slot. For additional information including operating times check the Go City app or digital guide provided.
Museum of Sex New York City
Jump into the most raunchy museum that New York City has to offer! For over fifteen years, the Museum of Sex has sustained its mission to preserve and present the history, evolution and cultural significance of human sexuality. The Museum produces exhibitions, experiences, and programs that bring the best of current art science and the study of sexuality to the widest possible audiences. Explore the vast collection of unique artifacts covering over 22,000 square feet of galleries and exhibitions. Experience more by visiting the acclaimed retail store or having a drink in the captivating Night Fever Bar. Please note: No patrons under the age of 18 are allowed in the museum. This is an adults-only attraction.
Ground Zero Museum Workshop
The award-winning 9/11 Ground Zero Museum Workshop is the first-stop for tourists before visiting the World Trade Center site. Known as the “Kid-Friendly 9/11 Museum” for it’s non-graphic and interactive ability to teach kids about this tough subject in a gentle way, the Workshop allows guests to pick up WTC artifacts and won Trip Advisor’s “Top 25 Museums in the USA” Award. PLEASE NOTE: This activity required advanced reservation. For additional information regarding operating times and reservations, please check Go City app or digital guide provided.
Whitney Museum of American Art
Explore one of New York City's most prominent art museums, the Whitney Museum of American Art specializing in art from the 20th and 21st centuries. The Whitney is among the top tier of art museums in New York City and has built up a world renowned collection of American art. Upon your visit to the museum, you'll find pieces from some of the legends like Georgia O'Keeffe, Edward Hopper, Jasper Johns and Jackson Pollock. You'll also find art from newer artists as the Whitney has made a reputation for purchasing art from the creators within the same year that it is made.
Rockefeller Center Tour
One of the greatest buildings from the Great Depression Era, discover the history and treasures within the Art-Deco-style Rockefeller Center. Famous for its annual Christmas tree and ice-skating, the building is also home to an incredible collection of art and sculptures. PLEASE NOTE: Capacity is limited to 10 guests per tour and tours are available on a first-come, first-serve basis. For additional information including operating times check the Go City app or digital guide provided.
Yankee Stadium
Yankee Stadium (Classic Tour) - Take a tour of Yankee Stadium and learn the history about the 27-time World Series Champion New York Yankees! Get up close to historic baseball artifacts, visit exclusive locations and learn about the various events that have taken place at the Stadium throughout history. Each tour is led by one of our knowledgeable and experienced tour guides to make sure everyone's trip to Yankee Stadium is complete. PLEASE NOTE: Yankee Stadium Tours are popular, we suggest arriving 15 minutes prior to your redeemed Classic Tour start time at the box office and please allow time for security. For additional information including operating times check the Go City app or digital guide provided.
Museum of the City of New York
Located at the top of Museum Mile on Fifth Avenue, the Museum of the City of New York is the place to explore the city's past, celebrate its present, and imagine its future. The engaging exhibitions educate New Yorkers and visitors from around the world about the city's distinctive character, especially its heritage of diversity, opportunity, and perpetual transformation.
The New York Historical
Explore four centuries of New York City history when you visit the New York Historical Society Museum. Right across the street from Central Park, learn more about the city of New York and all of the Americans who have created bits of history within this country. When you visit the museum, you'll be served the culture of NYC on a silver platter. With the use of photographs, paintings and literature, the New York Historical Society puts together amazing exhibits and installations that are a testament to the rich history of the United States.
Cathedral Church of Saint John the Divine
Explore one of the nation's premiere religious centers, the Cathedral of St. John the Divine, and learn the rich history that this landmark has built in New York City. Take a tour of the world’s largest cathedral and see the beautiful Romanesque and Gothic architecture that was designed in 1888. The Cathedral of St. John the Divine also features stunning gardens in which you can spot peacocks wandering.
Museum of Arts and Design
Located in the heart of Columbus Circle, the Museum of Arts and Design gives you a chance to stop and take in a great piece of culture added to the fast pace of New York City.
Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum
Visit the Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum and explore the country's one and only museum dedicated to historic, contemporary design. The unique Cooper Hewitt museum features over 210,000 objects in their massive collection that has been built since the museum's founding in 1897. The objects displayed inside span back as far as 30 centuries but also feature cutting edge technology from years in the future.
South Street Seaport Museum
Dive into New York City's rich maritime history by paying a visit to the South Street Seaport Museum! View the cabins and decks of six historic ships dating back to the 19th Century in New York. Inside you will get to see many interesting artifacts and exhibitions that beautifully depict the origins of the city and early discoveries that were made at sea.
International Center of Photography Museum
Take a trip to the world's leading photography and visual culture institution, the International Center of Photography Museum. Hosting up to six exhibitions each year, the ICP showcases cutting edge photo technology and skills. You'll find presentations that focus on the history of image making as well as lectures and programs within the museum.
Visit one of the oldest and largest nonprofit art institutions in the United States and view the marvelous exhibition space at MoMA PS1. Discover some of the experimental art pieces displayed at the MoMA PS1 and experience the many performances that take place inside of the museum. Located in Long Island City, the museum is a great excuse to organize a trip to the borough of Queens. The MoMA PS1 attracts around 200,000 visitors each year that come to view their unique and historical displays.
Little Italy
The Official Little Italy Walking Tour - Walk the ‘mean streets’ that inspired the young Martin Scorsese to become a filmmaker and discover the often troubled history of this cosmopolitan neighborhood. PLEASE NOTE: This activity required advanced reservation. For additional information regarding operating times and reservations, please check Go City app or digital guide provided.
New York Botanical Garden
Explore the multitude of gardens and plant life waiting for you at the beautiful New York Botanical Garden in the Bronx. Become enthralled in the massive plant collection at the New York Botanical Garden. You can roam the 250 acres and see the 50 plus gardens that are on display. There's something at the garden for everyone, no matter their age. They even feature a children's garden with 40 interactive games and activities to entertain children while they learn about plant life.
Museum of Jewish Heritage
A Living Memorial to the Holocaust this museum is New York’s contribution to the global responsibility to never forget. The Museum is committed to the crucial mission of educating diverse visitors about Jewish life before, during, and after the Holocaust. The third largest Holocaust museum in the world, the Museum anchors the southernmost tip of Manhattan, completing the cultural and educational landscape it shares with the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island.
New York Hall of Science
Have a blast while learning at the exciting and educational New York Hall of Science! This hands-on technology center features over 450 interactive exhibits that teach you about science with fun and engaging activities. The NYSCI has served over a half million students with their educational programs and high-tech facility. Children of all ages are welcome to explore the 30,000 square feet occupied by the Science Playground from March through December.
Skyscraper Museum
View New York City's great skyscrapers and architecture from Battery Park when you visit the Skyscraper Museum. The Skyscraper Museum is a gem for architectural design within the city of New York. You can explore some of the city's greatest landmarks and skyscrapers while learning about their history and technology. Inside of the museum, you will also get to learn about the designers and architects that crafted the illustrious New York City skyline.
Guided Harlem Highlights Bike Tour by Unlimited Biking - Explore the northern section of Manhattan on a fully-guided 2-hour Harlem Bike Tour and get to know this historic, yet the up-and-coming area of New York City. With your enthusiastic and knowledgeable tour guide, you'll learn all about Harlem's history, culture, and population and how various economic booms and busts have shaped, and continue to shape the neighborhood. your guide will even give you a glimpse into what's to come for the borough as it continues to develop in proximity to downtown Manhattan. PLEASE NOTE: Please come in on the day to check-in for the next available tour, at least one hour in advance.
Staten Island Museum at Snug Harbor
Visit one of Staten Island's cultural gems and find exciting exhibits displaying the arts and science at the Staten Island Museum. Also known as the Staten Island Institute of Arts & Sciences, the Staten Island Museum holds an impressive collection of historic artifacts, fine art works and elements of natural sciences. Many artifacts held inside of the museum can be dated back to contemporary and ancient time periods. In addition to the museum's permanent collection, they also showcase artifacts that teach about the many species of the world and the history of Staten Island.
Staten Island Children's Museum
Stop by the Staten Island Children's Museum and experience New York's one and only indoor-outdoor interactive museum for children. Kids will have a blast at the museum as they learn and play with several hands-on exhibitions that will teach them about bugs, water and world exploration. You will also find children's workshops and special performances are the norm at the Staten Island Children's Museum. This is a great environment for kids to learn more about the world around them as well as make friends with other children.
Staten Island Zoo
Explore the wide spectrum of wildlife inhabiting the Staten Island Zoo and learn about your favorite species. Take a stroll around Staten Island's famous Zoo and enjoy the energetic and charismatic animals living within the 8 acres of land that the zoo occupies. Not only will you be able to visit a few of your favorite animals, you will also have the opportunity to learn about new species that you may have never seen before.
LEGOLAND Discovery Center Westchester
Step into an Entirely LEGO®-themed world and experience 12 totally LEGO®, totally entertaining attractions at LEGOLAND® Discovery Center in Westchester, New York. PLEASE NOTE: Please Note: Adults must be accompanied by a child to enter LEGOLAND® Discovery Center at all times. "Adults-only nights" are not included with your pass.
Escape Virtuality
Escape Virtuality is a cutting-edge VR and AR experience that allows you to go beyond the headsets into a virtual world. Escape rooms are private and require a minimum of four players. Smaller parties or those without a reservation may be offered a choice of virtual reality experiences. Weekdays have the best availability. PLEASE NOTE: This activity required advanced reservation. For additional information regarding operating times and reservations, please check Go City app or digital guide provided.
Museum At Eldridge Street
Discover the synagogue that holds such deep significance in the Jewish History of the Lower East Side and the many artifacts that the Museum at Eldridge St. has to show. Inside of the historic synagogue is the museum in which you can find a massive collection of written letters and artifacts from the congregation of Eldridge St. The New York Times has described the museum as "gasp-inducing". You'll certainly enjoy the museum's nostalgic feel and interactive digital displays.
Grand Central Terminal
Marvel & DC Superheroes Tour - Visit famous NYC landmarks that are linked to iconic comic book moments, such as the Grand Central Terminal and the United Nations building in this fun and engaging tour. PLEASE NOTE: This activity required advanced reservation. For additional information regarding operating times and reservations, please check Go City app or digital guide provided.
Basilica Of St. Patrick's Old Cathedral
The Catacombs by Candlelight Tour - Delve beneath St. Patrick’s Basilica into New York's underground passages and explore the historic Catacombs lead by atmospheric candlelight. This 1.5-hour guided tour will take you into the nave of the Basillica of St. Patrick's Old Cathedral where you will explore the faithfully departed's final resting place in the historic crypts. PLEASE NOTE: This activity required advanced reservation. For additional information regarding operating times and reservations, please check Go City app or digital guide provided.
Fotografiska New York
Anything but an ordinary museum, Fotografiska New York uses the power of photography to inspire a more conscious world with powerful, unparalleled exhibitions showcasing some of the world’s best photographers, housed in a historic landmark building located in the Flatiron District.
Central Park
Central Park Bike Rental by Unlimited Biking - You’ll be surprised how much sightseeing you can cram into four hours with the added freedom (and speed) a bike provides. So don your helmet, saddle up and set off to see The Big Apple’s best bits.
Wall Street
How Money Was Made: Wall Street Walking Tour - In this 2.5 informative tour your guide will take you through a history of Wall Street and introduce you to the pioneers and visionaries who made it the global financial institution it is today. PLEASE NOTE: This activity required advanced reservation. For additional information regarding operating times and reservations, please check Go City app or digital guide provided.
NYC Bus Tour of Bronx, Brooklyn, and Queens - From the birthplace of hip-hop to the home of the much-loved Mets and plenty of cultural hotspots in between, on this tour, you'll get to grips with the Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens, Harlem, and more. PLEASE NOTE: This activity required advanced reservation. For additional information regarding operating times and reservations, please check Go City app or digital guide provided.
Broadway & Times Square Walking Tour - Looking for things to see in New York? Walk in the footsteps of the stars and lift the curtain on two of New York City's glittering districts – Broadway and Times Square. PLEASE NOTE: This activity required advanced reservation. For additional information regarding operating times and reservations, please check Go City app or digital guide provided.
Brooklyn Bridge and DUMBO Walking Tour - There's no better way to experience Brooklyn Bridge than taking a stroll across the architectural icon. It's one of the most photographed landmarks in NYC, and you'll get to see it from all angles on this walking tour. PLEASE NOTE: This activity required advanced reservation. For additional information regarding operating times and reservations, please check Go City app or digital guide provided.
The Official Chinatown Walking Tour - Experience the sights, sounds and smells of Manhattan’s vibrant Chinatown with a guided walk through its narrow streets. PLEASE NOTE: This activity required advanced reservation. For additional information regarding operating times and reservations, please check Go City app or digital guide provided.
High Line – Chelsea – Meatpacking District Neighborhood Walking Tour - Explore the famous elevated railway-turned-park high above the streets and get a totally unique perspective on New York City’s Chelsea and Meatpacking Districts. PLEASE NOTE: This activity required advanced reservation. For additional information regarding operating times and reservations, please check Go City app or digital guide provided.
Artechouse NYC
For an immersive exhibition which crosses the boundaries of art, science and technology, head to ARTECHOUSE - New York's Original Home for Digital Art!
Empire State Building
Synonymous with New York City, the Empire State Building is an American icon and one of the Seven Wonders of the Modern World. Head to the top and enjoy views of up to 80 miles on a clear day, taking in Central Park, Manhattan, New Jersey, Connecticut and even out to Pennsylvania and Massachusetts. PLEASE NOTE: reservations are required for this attraction. For additional information regarding operating times and reservations, please check Go City app or digital guide provided. It's not possible to reserve a time slot for sunset hours with your pass. We recommend visiting after to enjoy views of the city at night!
One World Observatory
Situated in Lower Manhattan, One World Observatory offers a state-of-the-art viewing platform 102 stories above ground. Travel straight to the top in 47 seconds in the SkyPod Elevator and delve into the cities cultural and financial history with interactive displays, and interesting talks led by the Tour Ambassadors. PLEASE NOTE: you will need to wait in line to receive a time slot. For additional information regarding operating times, please check Go City app or digital guide provided.
Statue of Liberty
Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island Ferry - *Does not include entry to pedestal or crown levels inside Statue of Liberty - must be purchased separately.* No New York visit is complete without an official welcome from Lady Liberty. Visit the Statue of Liberty and explore Ellis Island, where more than 12 million immigrants were processed upon their arrived in the United States. PLEASE NOTE: this activity requires advanced reservations. For additional information regarding operating times and reservations, please check Go City app or digital guide provided.
Top of the Rock
Breathtaking panoramas stretching miles in all directions, Top of the Rock has the best view in NYC with its perfect view of the Empire State Building. Day and night, gaze across the city's great landmarks and skyscrapers. PLEASE NOTE: you will need to wait in line to receive a time slot. For additional information regarding operating times, please check Go City app or digital guide provided.
The National 9/11 Memorial & Museum
The 9/11 museum takes an in-depth look at the story through artifacts, testimonies and first-hand accounts. Gaze into the reflecting pools of the memorial and take in the tranquil pavilion of the 9/11 memorial before learning more about the Twin Towers tragedies through respectful interactive exhibits. PLEASE NOTE: you will need to wait in line to receive a time slot. For additional information regarding operating times, please check Go City app or digital guide provided.
Edge NYC
Take to the open air on a glass platform 100 stories in the sky and be wowed by the state-of-the-art architecture. Edge is New York City’s most exciting new attraction, set high above the fabulous, glimmering, brand new Hudson Yards! PLEASE NOTE: Please note: Visit any kiosk outside the Edge entrance to reserve your entry in the next available time slot. For additional information including operating times check the Go City app or digital guide provided.
The Museum of Modern Art (MoMA)
Opened in 1929, MoMA's collection of contemporary art has grown to be one of the best and largest in the world. Rotating permanent exhibitions, visiting collections and iconic masterpieces - the Museum of Modern Art is a New York icon. PLEASE NOTE: Head to the MoMA ticket desk and present your pass to be issued a ticket for the next available time slot. For additional information including operating times check the Go City app or digital guide provided.
American Museum of Natural History
Ignite your curiosity about the universe at the beloved 148-year old American Natural History Museum. From show-stopping displays such as the 94-foot blue whale and Tyrannosaurus Rex, to taxidermy specimens, fossils and anthropological artifacts, the Natural History Museum can't be missed. PLEASE NOTE: This activity required advanced reservation. For additional information regarding operating times and reservations, please check Go City app or digital guide provided.
Circle Line Sightseeing Cruises
See New York's iconic skyline from the water with your choice of boat tour, from the best of NYC to a sunset cruise of the harbor lights and more. Marvel at the beauty of New York's waterfront and spot the city's landmarks aboard Circle Line Sightseeing cruises. Award-winning guides, famous routes, state-of-the-art boats and magnificent views of the NYC skyline, complete your New York adventure with Circle Line cruises (choice of five NYC cruises). PLEASE NOTE: you will have to wait in line to secure a boarding pass for one of the day's cruises. For additional information including operating times check the Go City app or digital guide provided.
Madame Tussauds New York
With over 85,000 square feet of interactive entertainment, including Mission: Undead experience and Marvel Super Hero 4D Experience, the world-famous wax attraction is bigger and better than ever.
Big Bus New York
A scenic and stress-free way to explore the city - relax as Big Bus tours take you across Manhattan, discovering all the sights and landmarks including Empire State Building, Times Square, Central Park and the Statue of Liberty. TripAdvisor's top-rated NYC bus tour, Big Bus New York is the only sightseeing bus with live commentary and hop-on-hop-off access at 25+ bus stops located across the city. PLEASE NOTE: Pass is only valid for the Uptown and Downtown loops.
Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum
A NYC architectural masterpiece, the Guggenheim museum is home to one of the finest modern art collections in the world. Ascend the landmark's grand spiral and experience its special exhibitions and permanent collections. Designed by visionary architect Frank Lloyd Wright and completed in 1959, the Guggenheim Museum is one of the most recognized museums in NYC, curating one of the most incredible collections of Impressionist, Post-Impressionist, early Modern and contemporary art in the world.
Intrepid Museum
A floating museum - get up close to the aircraft carrier USS Intrepid, the space shuttle Enterprise, a British Airways Concorde and submarine Growler, wander through interactive exhibitions, explore historic artifacts and discover the history of American innovation and bravery. An American military and maritime history museum, the collection of museum ships and aircraft at Intrepid Museum is one of America's leading historic, cultural and educational institutions. PLEASE NOTE: Head to the admissions counter and present your pass to be issued a ticket for the next available time slot. For additional information including operating times check the Go City app or digital guide provided.
Museum of Sex New York City
Jump into the most raunchy museum that New York City has to offer! For over fifteen years, the Museum of Sex has sustained its mission to preserve and present the history, evolution and cultural significance of human sexuality. The Museum produces exhibitions, experiences, and programs that bring the best of current art science and the study of sexuality to the widest possible audiences. Explore the vast collection of unique artifacts covering over 22,000 square feet of galleries and exhibitions. Experience more by visiting the acclaimed retail store or having a drink in the captivating Night Fever Bar. Please note: No patrons under the age of 18 are allowed in the museum. This is an adults-only attraction.
Ground Zero Museum Workshop
The award-winning 9/11 Ground Zero Museum Workshop is the first-stop for tourists before visiting the World Trade Center site. Known as the “Kid-Friendly 9/11 Museum” for it’s non-graphic and interactive ability to teach kids about this tough subject in a gentle way, the Workshop allows guests to pick up WTC artifacts and won Trip Advisor’s “Top 25 Museums in the USA” Award. PLEASE NOTE: This activity required advanced reservation. For additional information regarding operating times and reservations, please check Go City app or digital guide provided.
Whitney Museum of American Art
Explore one of New York City's most prominent art museums, the Whitney Museum of American Art specializing in art from the 20th and 21st centuries. The Whitney is among the top tier of art museums in New York City and has built up a world renowned collection of American art. Upon your visit to the museum, you'll find pieces from some of the legends like Georgia O'Keeffe, Edward Hopper, Jasper Johns and Jackson Pollock. You'll also find art from newer artists as the Whitney has made a reputation for purchasing art from the creators within the same year that it is made.
Rockefeller Center Tour
One of the greatest buildings from the Great Depression Era, discover the history and treasures within the Art-Deco-style Rockefeller Center. Famous for its annual Christmas tree and ice-skating, the building is also home to an incredible collection of art and sculptures. PLEASE NOTE: Capacity is limited to 10 guests per tour and tours are available on a first-come, first-serve basis. For additional information including operating times check the Go City app or digital guide provided.
Yankee Stadium
Yankee Stadium (Classic Tour) - Take a tour of Yankee Stadium and learn the history about the 27-time World Series Champion New York Yankees! Get up close to historic baseball artifacts, visit exclusive locations and learn about the various events that have taken place at the Stadium throughout history. Each tour is led by one of our knowledgeable and experienced tour guides to make sure everyone's trip to Yankee Stadium is complete. PLEASE NOTE: Yankee Stadium Tours are popular, we suggest arriving 15 minutes prior to your redeemed Classic Tour start time at the box office and please allow time for security. For additional information including operating times check the Go City app or digital guide provided.
Museum of the City of New York
Located at the top of Museum Mile on Fifth Avenue, the Museum of the City of New York is the place to explore the city's past, celebrate its present, and imagine its future. The engaging exhibitions educate New Yorkers and visitors from around the world about the city's distinctive character, especially its heritage of diversity, opportunity, and perpetual transformation.
The New York Historical
Explore four centuries of New York City history when you visit the New York Historical Society Museum. Right across the street from Central Park, learn more about the city of New York and all of the Americans who have created bits of history within this country. When you visit the museum, you'll be served the culture of NYC on a silver platter. With the use of photographs, paintings and literature, the New York Historical Society puts together amazing exhibits and installations that are a testament to the rich history of the United States.
Cathedral Church of Saint John the Divine
Explore one of the nation's premiere religious centers, the Cathedral of St. John the Divine, and learn the rich history that this landmark has built in New York City. Take a tour of the world’s largest cathedral and see the beautiful Romanesque and Gothic architecture that was designed in 1888. The Cathedral of St. John the Divine also features stunning gardens in which you can spot peacocks wandering.
Museum of Arts and Design
Located in the heart of Columbus Circle, the Museum of Arts and Design gives you a chance to stop and take in a great piece of culture added to the fast pace of New York City.
Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum
Visit the Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum and explore the country's one and only museum dedicated to historic, contemporary design. The unique Cooper Hewitt museum features over 210,000 objects in their massive collection that has been built since the museum's founding in 1897. The objects displayed inside span back as far as 30 centuries but also feature cutting edge technology from years in the future.
South Street Seaport Museum
Dive into New York City's rich maritime history by paying a visit to the South Street Seaport Museum! View the cabins and decks of six historic ships dating back to the 19th Century in New York. Inside you will get to see many interesting artifacts and exhibitions that beautifully depict the origins of the city and early discoveries that were made at sea.
International Center of Photography Museum
Take a trip to the world's leading photography and visual culture institution, the International Center of Photography Museum. Hosting up to six exhibitions each year, the ICP showcases cutting edge photo technology and skills. You'll find presentations that focus on the history of image making as well as lectures and programs within the museum.
Visit one of the oldest and largest nonprofit art institutions in the United States and view the marvelous exhibition space at MoMA PS1. Discover some of the experimental art pieces displayed at the MoMA PS1 and experience the many performances that take place inside of the museum. Located in Long Island City, the museum is a great excuse to organize a trip to the borough of Queens. The MoMA PS1 attracts around 200,000 visitors each year that come to view their unique and historical displays.
Little Italy
The Official Little Italy Walking Tour - Walk the ‘mean streets’ that inspired the young Martin Scorsese to become a filmmaker and discover the often troubled history of this cosmopolitan neighborhood. PLEASE NOTE: This activity required advanced reservation. For additional information regarding operating times and reservations, please check Go City app or digital guide provided.
New York Botanical Garden
Explore the multitude of gardens and plant life waiting for you at the beautiful New York Botanical Garden in the Bronx. Become enthralled in the massive plant collection at the New York Botanical Garden. You can roam the 250 acres and see the 50 plus gardens that are on display. There's something at the garden for everyone, no matter their age. They even feature a children's garden with 40 interactive games and activities to entertain children while they learn about plant life.
Museum of Jewish Heritage
A Living Memorial to the Holocaust this museum is New York’s contribution to the global responsibility to never forget. The Museum is committed to the crucial mission of educating diverse visitors about Jewish life before, during, and after the Holocaust. The third largest Holocaust museum in the world, the Museum anchors the southernmost tip of Manhattan, completing the cultural and educational landscape it shares with the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island.
New York Hall of Science
Have a blast while learning at the exciting and educational New York Hall of Science! This hands-on technology center features over 450 interactive exhibits that teach you about science with fun and engaging activities. The NYSCI has served over a half million students with their educational programs and high-tech facility. Children of all ages are welcome to explore the 30,000 square feet occupied by the Science Playground from March through December.
Skyscraper Museum
View New York City's great skyscrapers and architecture from Battery Park when you visit the Skyscraper Museum. The Skyscraper Museum is a gem for architectural design within the city of New York. You can explore some of the city's greatest landmarks and skyscrapers while learning about their history and technology. Inside of the museum, you will also get to learn about the designers and architects that crafted the illustrious New York City skyline.
Guided Harlem Highlights Bike Tour by Unlimited Biking - Explore the northern section of Manhattan on a fully-guided 2-hour Harlem Bike Tour and get to know this historic, yet the up-and-coming area of New York City. With your enthusiastic and knowledgeable tour guide, you'll learn all about Harlem's history, culture, and population and how various economic booms and busts have shaped, and continue to shape the neighborhood. your guide will even give you a glimpse into what's to come for the borough as it continues to develop in proximity to downtown Manhattan. PLEASE NOTE: Please come in on the day to check-in for the next available tour, at least one hour in advance.
Staten Island Museum at Snug Harbor
Visit one of Staten Island's cultural gems and find exciting exhibits displaying the arts and science at the Staten Island Museum. Also known as the Staten Island Institute of Arts & Sciences, the Staten Island Museum holds an impressive collection of historic artifacts, fine art works and elements of natural sciences. Many artifacts held inside of the museum can be dated back to contemporary and ancient time periods. In addition to the museum's permanent collection, they also showcase artifacts that teach about the many species of the world and the history of Staten Island.
Staten Island Children's Museum
Stop by the Staten Island Children's Museum and experience New York's one and only indoor-outdoor interactive museum for children. Kids will have a blast at the museum as they learn and play with several hands-on exhibitions that will teach them about bugs, water and world exploration. You will also find children's workshops and special performances are the norm at the Staten Island Children's Museum. This is a great environment for kids to learn more about the world around them as well as make friends with other children.
Staten Island Zoo
Explore the wide spectrum of wildlife inhabiting the Staten Island Zoo and learn about your favorite species. Take a stroll around Staten Island's famous Zoo and enjoy the energetic and charismatic animals living within the 8 acres of land that the zoo occupies. Not only will you be able to visit a few of your favorite animals, you will also have the opportunity to learn about new species that you may have never seen before.
LEGOLAND Discovery Center Westchester
Step into an Entirely LEGO®-themed world and experience 12 totally LEGO®, totally entertaining attractions at LEGOLAND® Discovery Center in Westchester, New York. PLEASE NOTE: Please Note: Adults must be accompanied by a child to enter LEGOLAND® Discovery Center at all times. "Adults-only nights" are not included with your pass.
Escape Virtuality
Escape Virtuality is a cutting-edge VR and AR experience that allows you to go beyond the headsets into a virtual world. Escape rooms are private and require a minimum of four players. Smaller parties or those without a reservation may be offered a choice of virtual reality experiences. Weekdays have the best availability. PLEASE NOTE: This activity required advanced reservation. For additional information regarding operating times and reservations, please check Go City app or digital guide provided.
Museum At Eldridge Street
Discover the synagogue that holds such deep significance in the Jewish History of the Lower East Side and the many artifacts that the Museum at Eldridge St. has to show. Inside of the historic synagogue is the museum in which you can find a massive collection of written letters and artifacts from the congregation of Eldridge St. The New York Times has described the museum as "gasp-inducing". You'll certainly enjoy the museum's nostalgic feel and interactive digital displays.
Grand Central Terminal
Marvel & DC Superheroes Tour - Visit famous NYC landmarks that are linked to iconic comic book moments, such as the Grand Central Terminal and the United Nations building in this fun and engaging tour. PLEASE NOTE: This activity required advanced reservation. For additional information regarding operating times and reservations, please check Go City app or digital guide provided.
Basilica Of St. Patrick's Old Cathedral
The Catacombs by Candlelight Tour - Delve beneath St. Patrick’s Basilica into New York's underground passages and explore the historic Catacombs lead by atmospheric candlelight. This 1.5-hour guided tour will take you into the nave of the Basillica of St. Patrick's Old Cathedral where you will explore the faithfully departed's final resting place in the historic crypts. PLEASE NOTE: This activity required advanced reservation. For additional information regarding operating times and reservations, please check Go City app or digital guide provided.
Fotografiska New York
Anything but an ordinary museum, Fotografiska New York uses the power of photography to inspire a more conscious world with powerful, unparalleled exhibitions showcasing some of the world’s best photographers, housed in a historic landmark building located in the Flatiron District.
Central Park
Central Park Bike Rental by Unlimited Biking - You’ll be surprised how much sightseeing you can cram into four hours with the added freedom (and speed) a bike provides. So don your helmet, saddle up and set off to see The Big Apple’s best bits.
Wall Street
How Money Was Made: Wall Street Walking Tour - In this 2.5 informative tour your guide will take you through a history of Wall Street and introduce you to the pioneers and visionaries who made it the global financial institution it is today. PLEASE NOTE: This activity required advanced reservation. For additional information regarding operating times and reservations, please check Go City app or digital guide provided.
NYC Bus Tour of Bronx, Brooklyn, and Queens - From the birthplace of hip-hop to the home of the much-loved Mets and plenty of cultural hotspots in between, on this tour, you'll get to grips with the Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens, Harlem, and more. PLEASE NOTE: This activity required advanced reservation. For additional information regarding operating times and reservations, please check Go City app or digital guide provided.
Broadway & Times Square Walking Tour - Looking for things to see in New York? Walk in the footsteps of the stars and lift the curtain on two of New York City's glittering districts – Broadway and Times Square. PLEASE NOTE: This activity required advanced reservation. For additional information regarding operating times and reservations, please check Go City app or digital guide provided.
Brooklyn Bridge and DUMBO Walking Tour - There's no better way to experience Brooklyn Bridge than taking a stroll across the architectural icon. It's one of the most photographed landmarks in NYC, and you'll get to see it from all angles on this walking tour. PLEASE NOTE: This activity required advanced reservation. For additional information regarding operating times and reservations, please check Go City app or digital guide provided.
The Official Chinatown Walking Tour - Experience the sights, sounds and smells of Manhattan’s vibrant Chinatown with a guided walk through its narrow streets. PLEASE NOTE: This activity required advanced reservation. For additional information regarding operating times and reservations, please check Go City app or digital guide provided.
High Line – Chelsea – Meatpacking District Neighborhood Walking Tour - Explore the famous elevated railway-turned-park high above the streets and get a totally unique perspective on New York City’s Chelsea and Meatpacking Districts. PLEASE NOTE: This activity required advanced reservation. For additional information regarding operating times and reservations, please check Go City app or digital guide provided.
Artechouse NYC
For an immersive exhibition which crosses the boundaries of art, science and technology, head to ARTECHOUSE - New York's Original Home for Digital Art!
Empire State Building
Synonymous with New York City, the Empire State Building is an American icon and one of the Seven Wonders of the Modern World. Head to the top and enjoy views of up to 80 miles on a clear day, taking in Central Park, Manhattan, New Jersey, Connecticut and even out to Pennsylvania and Massachusetts. PLEASE NOTE: reservations are required for this attraction. For additional information regarding operating times and reservations, please check Go City app or digital guide provided. It's not possible to reserve a time slot for sunset hours with your pass. We recommend visiting after to enjoy views of the city at night!
One World Observatory
Situated in Lower Manhattan, One World Observatory offers a state-of-the-art viewing platform 102 stories above ground. Travel straight to the top in 47 seconds in the SkyPod Elevator and delve into the cities cultural and financial history with interactive displays, and interesting talks led by the Tour Ambassadors. PLEASE NOTE: you will need to wait in line to receive a time slot. For additional information regarding operating times, please check Go City app or digital guide provided.
Statue of Liberty
Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island Ferry - *Does not include entry to pedestal or crown levels inside Statue of Liberty - must be purchased separately.* No New York visit is complete without an official welcome from Lady Liberty. Visit the Statue of Liberty and explore Ellis Island, where more than 12 million immigrants were processed upon their arrived in the United States. PLEASE NOTE: this activity requires advanced reservations. For additional information regarding operating times and reservations, please check Go City app or digital guide provided.
Top of the Rock
Breathtaking panoramas stretching miles in all directions, Top of the Rock has the best view in NYC with its perfect view of the Empire State Building. Day and night, gaze across the city's great landmarks and skyscrapers. PLEASE NOTE: you will need to wait in line to receive a time slot. For additional information regarding operating times, please check Go City app or digital guide provided.
The National 9/11 Memorial & Museum
The 9/11 museum takes an in-depth look at the story through artifacts, testimonies and first-hand accounts. Gaze into the reflecting pools of the memorial and take in the tranquil pavilion of the 9/11 memorial before learning more about the Twin Towers tragedies through respectful interactive exhibits. PLEASE NOTE: you will need to wait in line to receive a time slot. For additional information regarding operating times, please check Go City app or digital guide provided.
Edge NYC
Take to the open air on a glass platform 100 stories in the sky and be wowed by the state-of-the-art architecture. Edge is New York City’s most exciting new attraction, set high above the fabulous, glimmering, brand new Hudson Yards! PLEASE NOTE: Please note: Visit any kiosk outside the Edge entrance to reserve your entry in the next available time slot. For additional information including operating times check the Go City app or digital guide provided.
The Museum of Modern Art (MoMA)
Opened in 1929, MoMA's collection of contemporary art has grown to be one of the best and largest in the world. Rotating permanent exhibitions, visiting collections and iconic masterpieces - the Museum of Modern Art is a New York icon. PLEASE NOTE: Head to the MoMA ticket desk and present your pass to be issued a ticket for the next available time slot. For additional information including operating times check the Go City app or digital guide provided.
American Museum of Natural History
Ignite your curiosity about the universe at the beloved 148-year old American Natural History Museum. From show-stopping displays such as the 94-foot blue whale and Tyrannosaurus Rex, to taxidermy specimens, fossils and anthropological artifacts, the Natural History Museum can't be missed. PLEASE NOTE: This activity required advanced reservation. For additional information regarding operating times and reservations, please check Go City app or digital guide provided.
Circle Line Sightseeing Cruises
See New York's iconic skyline from the water with your choice of boat tour, from the best of NYC to a sunset cruise of the harbor lights and more. Marvel at the beauty of New York's waterfront and spot the city's landmarks aboard Circle Line Sightseeing cruises. Award-winning guides, famous routes, state-of-the-art boats and magnificent views of the NYC skyline, complete your New York adventure with Circle Line cruises (choice of five NYC cruises). PLEASE NOTE: you will have to wait in line to secure a boarding pass for one of the day's cruises. For additional information including operating times check the Go City app or digital guide provided.
Madame Tussauds New York
With over 85,000 square feet of interactive entertainment, including Mission: Undead experience and Marvel Super Hero 4D Experience, the world-famous wax attraction is bigger and better than ever.
Big Bus New York
A scenic and stress-free way to explore the city - relax as Big Bus tours take you across Manhattan, discovering all the sights and landmarks including Empire State Building, Times Square, Central Park and the Statue of Liberty. TripAdvisor's top-rated NYC bus tour, Big Bus New York is the only sightseeing bus with live commentary and hop-on-hop-off access at 25+ bus stops located across the city. PLEASE NOTE: Pass is only valid for the Uptown and Downtown loops.
Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum
A NYC architectural masterpiece, the Guggenheim museum is home to one of the finest modern art collections in the world. Ascend the landmark's grand spiral and experience its special exhibitions and permanent collections. Designed by visionary architect Frank Lloyd Wright and completed in 1959, the Guggenheim Museum is one of the most recognized museums in NYC, curating one of the most incredible collections of Impressionist, Post-Impressionist, early Modern and contemporary art in the world.
Intrepid Museum
A floating museum - get up close to the aircraft carrier USS Intrepid, the space shuttle Enterprise, a British Airways Concorde and submarine Growler, wander through interactive exhibitions, explore historic artifacts and discover the history of American innovation and bravery. An American military and maritime history museum, the collection of museum ships and aircraft at Intrepid Museum is one of America's leading historic, cultural and educational institutions. PLEASE NOTE: Head to the admissions counter and present your pass to be issued a ticket for the next available time slot. For additional information including operating times check the Go City app or digital guide provided.
Museum of Sex New York City
Jump into the most raunchy museum that New York City has to offer! For over fifteen years, the Museum of Sex has sustained its mission to preserve and present the history, evolution and cultural significance of human sexuality. The Museum produces exhibitions, experiences, and programs that bring the best of current art science and the study of sexuality to the widest possible audiences. Explore the vast collection of unique artifacts covering over 22,000 square feet of galleries and exhibitions. Experience more by visiting the acclaimed retail store or having a drink in the captivating Night Fever Bar. Please note: No patrons under the age of 18 are allowed in the museum. This is an adults-only attraction.
Ground Zero Museum Workshop
The award-winning 9/11 Ground Zero Museum Workshop is the first-stop for tourists before visiting the World Trade Center site. Known as the “Kid-Friendly 9/11 Museum” for it’s non-graphic and interactive ability to teach kids about this tough subject in a gentle way, the Workshop allows guests to pick up WTC artifacts and won Trip Advisor’s “Top 25 Museums in the USA” Award. PLEASE NOTE: This activity required advanced reservation. For additional information regarding operating times and reservations, please check Go City app or digital guide provided.
Whitney Museum of American Art
Explore one of New York City's most prominent art museums, the Whitney Museum of American Art specializing in art from the 20th and 21st centuries. The Whitney is among the top tier of art museums in New York City and has built up a world renowned collection of American art. Upon your visit to the museum, you'll find pieces from some of the legends like Georgia O'Keeffe, Edward Hopper, Jasper Johns and Jackson Pollock. You'll also find art from newer artists as the Whitney has made a reputation for purchasing art from the creators within the same year that it is made.
Rockefeller Center Tour
One of the greatest buildings from the Great Depression Era, discover the history and treasures within the Art-Deco-style Rockefeller Center. Famous for its annual Christmas tree and ice-skating, the building is also home to an incredible collection of art and sculptures. PLEASE NOTE: Capacity is limited to 10 guests per tour and tours are available on a first-come, first-serve basis. For additional information including operating times check the Go City app or digital guide provided.
Yankee Stadium
Yankee Stadium (Classic Tour) - Take a tour of Yankee Stadium and learn the history about the 27-time World Series Champion New York Yankees! Get up close to historic baseball artifacts, visit exclusive locations and learn about the various events that have taken place at the Stadium throughout history. Each tour is led by one of our knowledgeable and experienced tour guides to make sure everyone's trip to Yankee Stadium is complete. PLEASE NOTE: Yankee Stadium Tours are popular, we suggest arriving 15 minutes prior to your redeemed Classic Tour start time at the box office and please allow time for security. For additional information including operating times check the Go City app or digital guide provided.
Museum of the City of New York
Located at the top of Museum Mile on Fifth Avenue, the Museum of the City of New York is the place to explore the city's past, celebrate its present, and imagine its future. The engaging exhibitions educate New Yorkers and visitors from around the world about the city's distinctive character, especially its heritage of diversity, opportunity, and perpetual transformation.
The New York Historical
Explore four centuries of New York City history when you visit the New York Historical Society Museum. Right across the street from Central Park, learn more about the city of New York and all of the Americans who have created bits of history within this country. When you visit the museum, you'll be served the culture of NYC on a silver platter. With the use of photographs, paintings and literature, the New York Historical Society puts together amazing exhibits and installations that are a testament to the rich history of the United States.
Cathedral Church of Saint John the Divine
Explore one of the nation's premiere religious centers, the Cathedral of St. John the Divine, and learn the rich history that this landmark has built in New York City. Take a tour of the world’s largest cathedral and see the beautiful Romanesque and Gothic architecture that was designed in 1888. The Cathedral of St. John the Divine also features stunning gardens in which you can spot peacocks wandering.
Museum of Arts and Design
Located in the heart of Columbus Circle, the Museum of Arts and Design gives you a chance to stop and take in a great piece of culture added to the fast pace of New York City.
Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum
Visit the Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum and explore the country's one and only museum dedicated to historic, contemporary design. The unique Cooper Hewitt museum features over 210,000 objects in their massive collection that has been built since the museum's founding in 1897. The objects displayed inside span back as far as 30 centuries but also feature cutting edge technology from years in the future.
South Street Seaport Museum
Dive into New York City's rich maritime history by paying a visit to the South Street Seaport Museum! View the cabins and decks of six historic ships dating back to the 19th Century in New York. Inside you will get to see many interesting artifacts and exhibitions that beautifully depict the origins of the city and early discoveries that were made at sea.
International Center of Photography Museum
Take a trip to the world's leading photography and visual culture institution, the International Center of Photography Museum. Hosting up to six exhibitions each year, the ICP showcases cutting edge photo technology and skills. You'll find presentations that focus on the history of image making as well as lectures and programs within the museum.
Visit one of the oldest and largest nonprofit art institutions in the United States and view the marvelous exhibition space at MoMA PS1. Discover some of the experimental art pieces displayed at the MoMA PS1 and experience the many performances that take place inside of the museum. Located in Long Island City, the museum is a great excuse to organize a trip to the borough of Queens. The MoMA PS1 attracts around 200,000 visitors each year that come to view their unique and historical displays.
Little Italy
The Official Little Italy Walking Tour - Walk the ‘mean streets’ that inspired the young Martin Scorsese to become a filmmaker and discover the often troubled history of this cosmopolitan neighborhood. PLEASE NOTE: This activity required advanced reservation. For additional information regarding operating times and reservations, please check Go City app or digital guide provided.
New York Botanical Garden
Explore the multitude of gardens and plant life waiting for you at the beautiful New York Botanical Garden in the Bronx. Become enthralled in the massive plant collection at the New York Botanical Garden. You can roam the 250 acres and see the 50 plus gardens that are on display. There's something at the garden for everyone, no matter their age. They even feature a children's garden with 40 interactive games and activities to entertain children while they learn about plant life.
Museum of Jewish Heritage
A Living Memorial to the Holocaust this museum is New York’s contribution to the global responsibility to never forget. The Museum is committed to the crucial mission of educating diverse visitors about Jewish life before, during, and after the Holocaust. The third largest Holocaust museum in the world, the Museum anchors the southernmost tip of Manhattan, completing the cultural and educational landscape it shares with the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island.
New York Hall of Science
Have a blast while learning at the exciting and educational New York Hall of Science! This hands-on technology center features over 450 interactive exhibits that teach you about science with fun and engaging activities. The NYSCI has served over a half million students with their educational programs and high-tech facility. Children of all ages are welcome to explore the 30,000 square feet occupied by the Science Playground from March through December.
Skyscraper Museum
View New York City's great skyscrapers and architecture from Battery Park when you visit the Skyscraper Museum. The Skyscraper Museum is a gem for architectural design within the city of New York. You can explore some of the city's greatest landmarks and skyscrapers while learning about their history and technology. Inside of the museum, you will also get to learn about the designers and architects that crafted the illustrious New York City skyline.
Guided Harlem Highlights Bike Tour by Unlimited Biking - Explore the northern section of Manhattan on a fully-guided 2-hour Harlem Bike Tour and get to know this historic, yet the up-and-coming area of New York City. With your enthusiastic and knowledgeable tour guide, you'll learn all about Harlem's history, culture, and population and how various economic booms and busts have shaped, and continue to shape the neighborhood. your guide will even give you a glimpse into what's to come for the borough as it continues to develop in proximity to downtown Manhattan. PLEASE NOTE: Please come in on the day to check-in for the next available tour, at least one hour in advance.
Staten Island Museum at Snug Harbor
Visit one of Staten Island's cultural gems and find exciting exhibits displaying the arts and science at the Staten Island Museum. Also known as the Staten Island Institute of Arts & Sciences, the Staten Island Museum holds an impressive collection of historic artifacts, fine art works and elements of natural sciences. Many artifacts held inside of the museum can be dated back to contemporary and ancient time periods. In addition to the museum's permanent collection, they also showcase artifacts that teach about the many species of the world and the history of Staten Island.
Staten Island Children's Museum
Stop by the Staten Island Children's Museum and experience New York's one and only indoor-outdoor interactive museum for children. Kids will have a blast at the museum as they learn and play with several hands-on exhibitions that will teach them about bugs, water and world exploration. You will also find children's workshops and special performances are the norm at the Staten Island Children's Museum. This is a great environment for kids to learn more about the world around them as well as make friends with other children.
Staten Island Zoo
Explore the wide spectrum of wildlife inhabiting the Staten Island Zoo and learn about your favorite species. Take a stroll around Staten Island's famous Zoo and enjoy the energetic and charismatic animals living within the 8 acres of land that the zoo occupies. Not only will you be able to visit a few of your favorite animals, you will also have the opportunity to learn about new species that you may have never seen before.
LEGOLAND Discovery Center Westchester
Step into an Entirely LEGO®-themed world and experience 12 totally LEGO®, totally entertaining attractions at LEGOLAND® Discovery Center in Westchester, New York. PLEASE NOTE: Please Note: Adults must be accompanied by a child to enter LEGOLAND® Discovery Center at all times. "Adults-only nights" are not included with your pass.
Escape Virtuality
Escape Virtuality is a cutting-edge VR and AR experience that allows you to go beyond the headsets into a virtual world. Escape rooms are private and require a minimum of four players. Smaller parties or those without a reservation may be offered a choice of virtual reality experiences. Weekdays have the best availability. PLEASE NOTE: This activity required advanced reservation. For additional information regarding operating times and reservations, please check Go City app or digital guide provided.
Museum At Eldridge Street
Discover the synagogue that holds such deep significance in the Jewish History of the Lower East Side and the many artifacts that the Museum at Eldridge St. has to show. Inside of the historic synagogue is the museum in which you can find a massive collection of written letters and artifacts from the congregation of Eldridge St. The New York Times has described the museum as "gasp-inducing". You'll certainly enjoy the museum's nostalgic feel and interactive digital displays.
Grand Central Terminal
Marvel & DC Superheroes Tour - Visit famous NYC landmarks that are linked to iconic comic book moments, such as the Grand Central Terminal and the United Nations building in this fun and engaging tour. PLEASE NOTE: This activity required advanced reservation. For additional information regarding operating times and reservations, please check Go City app or digital guide provided.
Basilica Of St. Patrick's Old Cathedral
The Catacombs by Candlelight Tour - Delve beneath St. Patrick’s Basilica into New York's underground passages and explore the historic Catacombs lead by atmospheric candlelight. This 1.5-hour guided tour will take you into the nave of the Basillica of St. Patrick's Old Cathedral where you will explore the faithfully departed's final resting place in the historic crypts. PLEASE NOTE: This activity required advanced reservation. For additional information regarding operating times and reservations, please check Go City app or digital guide provided.
Fotografiska New York
Anything but an ordinary museum, Fotografiska New York uses the power of photography to inspire a more conscious world with powerful, unparalleled exhibitions showcasing some of the world’s best photographers, housed in a historic landmark building located in the Flatiron District.
Central Park
Central Park Bike Rental by Unlimited Biking - You’ll be surprised how much sightseeing you can cram into four hours with the added freedom (and speed) a bike provides. So don your helmet, saddle up and set off to see The Big Apple’s best bits.
Wall Street
How Money Was Made: Wall Street Walking Tour - In this 2.5 informative tour your guide will take you through a history of Wall Street and introduce you to the pioneers and visionaries who made it the global financial institution it is today. PLEASE NOTE: This activity required advanced reservation. For additional information regarding operating times and reservations, please check Go City app or digital guide provided.
NYC Bus Tour of Bronx, Brooklyn, and Queens - From the birthplace of hip-hop to the home of the much-loved Mets and plenty of cultural hotspots in between, on this tour, you'll get to grips with the Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens, Harlem, and more. PLEASE NOTE: This activity required advanced reservation. For additional information regarding operating times and reservations, please check Go City app or digital guide provided.
Broadway & Times Square Walking Tour - Looking for things to see in New York? Walk in the footsteps of the stars and lift the curtain on two of New York City's glittering districts – Broadway and Times Square. PLEASE NOTE: This activity required advanced reservation. For additional information regarding operating times and reservations, please check Go City app or digital guide provided.
Brooklyn Bridge and DUMBO Walking Tour - There's no better way to experience Brooklyn Bridge than taking a stroll across the architectural icon. It's one of the most photographed landmarks in NYC, and you'll get to see it from all angles on this walking tour. PLEASE NOTE: This activity required advanced reservation. For additional information regarding operating times and reservations, please check Go City app or digital guide provided.
The Official Chinatown Walking Tour - Experience the sights, sounds and smells of Manhattan’s vibrant Chinatown with a guided walk through its narrow streets. PLEASE NOTE: This activity required advanced reservation. For additional information regarding operating times and reservations, please check Go City app or digital guide provided.
High Line – Chelsea – Meatpacking District Neighborhood Walking Tour - Explore the famous elevated railway-turned-park high above the streets and get a totally unique perspective on New York City’s Chelsea and Meatpacking Districts. PLEASE NOTE: This activity required advanced reservation. For additional information regarding operating times and reservations, please check Go City app or digital guide provided.
Artechouse NYC
For an immersive exhibition which crosses the boundaries of art, science and technology, head to ARTECHOUSE - New York's Original Home for Digital Art!
Empire State Building
Synonymous with New York City, the Empire State Building is an American icon and one of the Seven Wonders of the Modern World. Head to the top and enjoy views of up to 80 miles on a clear day, taking in Central Park, Manhattan, New Jersey, Connecticut and even out to Pennsylvania and Massachusetts. PLEASE NOTE: reservations are required for this attraction. For additional information regarding operating times and reservations, please check Go City app or digital guide provided. It's not possible to reserve a time slot for sunset hours with your pass. We recommend visiting after to enjoy views of the city at night!
One World Observatory
Situated in Lower Manhattan, One World Observatory offers a state-of-the-art viewing platform 102 stories above ground. Travel straight to the top in 47 seconds in the SkyPod Elevator and delve into the cities cultural and financial history with interactive displays, and interesting talks led by the Tour Ambassadors. PLEASE NOTE: you will need to wait in line to receive a time slot. For additional information regarding operating times, please check Go City app or digital guide provided.
Statue of Liberty
Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island Ferry - *Does not include entry to pedestal or crown levels inside Statue of Liberty - must be purchased separately.* No New York visit is complete without an official welcome from Lady Liberty. Visit the Statue of Liberty and explore Ellis Island, where more than 12 million immigrants were processed upon their arrived in the United States. PLEASE NOTE: this activity requires advanced reservations. For additional information regarding operating times and reservations, please check Go City app or digital guide provided.
Top of the Rock
Breathtaking panoramas stretching miles in all directions, Top of the Rock has the best view in NYC with its perfect view of the Empire State Building. Day and night, gaze across the city's great landmarks and skyscrapers. PLEASE NOTE: you will need to wait in line to receive a time slot. For additional information regarding operating times, please check Go City app or digital guide provided.
The National 9/11 Memorial & Museum
The 9/11 museum takes an in-depth look at the story through artifacts, testimonies and first-hand accounts. Gaze into the reflecting pools of the memorial and take in the tranquil pavilion of the 9/11 memorial before learning more about the Twin Towers tragedies through respectful interactive exhibits. PLEASE NOTE: you will need to wait in line to receive a time slot. For additional information regarding operating times, please check Go City app or digital guide provided.
Edge NYC
Take to the open air on a glass platform 100 stories in the sky and be wowed by the state-of-the-art architecture. Edge is New York City’s most exciting new attraction, set high above the fabulous, glimmering, brand new Hudson Yards! PLEASE NOTE: Please note: Visit any kiosk outside the Edge entrance to reserve your entry in the next available time slot. For additional information including operating times check the Go City app or digital guide provided.
The Museum of Modern Art (MoMA)
Opened in 1929, MoMA's collection of contemporary art has grown to be one of the best and largest in the world. Rotating permanent exhibitions, visiting collections and iconic masterpieces - the Museum of Modern Art is a New York icon. PLEASE NOTE: Head to the MoMA ticket desk and present your pass to be issued a ticket for the next available time slot. For additional information including operating times check the Go City app or digital guide provided.
American Museum of Natural History
Ignite your curiosity about the universe at the beloved 148-year old American Natural History Museum. From show-stopping displays such as the 94-foot blue whale and Tyrannosaurus Rex, to taxidermy specimens, fossils and anthropological artifacts, the Natural History Museum can't be missed. PLEASE NOTE: This activity required advanced reservation. For additional information regarding operating times and reservations, please check Go City app or digital guide provided.
Circle Line Sightseeing Cruises
See New York's iconic skyline from the water with your choice of boat tour, from the best of NYC to a sunset cruise of the harbor lights and more. Marvel at the beauty of New York's waterfront and spot the city's landmarks aboard Circle Line Sightseeing cruises. Award-winning guides, famous routes, state-of-the-art boats and magnificent views of the NYC skyline, complete your New York adventure with Circle Line cruises (choice of five NYC cruises). PLEASE NOTE: you will have to wait in line to secure a boarding pass for one of the day's cruises. For additional information including operating times check the Go City app or digital guide provided.
Madame Tussauds New York
With over 85,000 square feet of interactive entertainment, including Mission: Undead experience and Marvel Super Hero 4D Experience, the world-famous wax attraction is bigger and better than ever.
Big Bus New York
A scenic and stress-free way to explore the city - relax as Big Bus tours take you across Manhattan, discovering all the sights and landmarks including Empire State Building, Times Square, Central Park and the Statue of Liberty. TripAdvisor's top-rated NYC bus tour, Big Bus New York is the only sightseeing bus with live commentary and hop-on-hop-off access at 25+ bus stops located across the city. PLEASE NOTE: Pass is only valid for the Uptown and Downtown loops.
Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum
A NYC architectural masterpiece, the Guggenheim museum is home to one of the finest modern art collections in the world. Ascend the landmark's grand spiral and experience its special exhibitions and permanent collections. Designed by visionary architect Frank Lloyd Wright and completed in 1959, the Guggenheim Museum is one of the most recognized museums in NYC, curating one of the most incredible collections of Impressionist, Post-Impressionist, early Modern and contemporary art in the world.
Intrepid Museum
A floating museum - get up close to the aircraft carrier USS Intrepid, the space shuttle Enterprise, a British Airways Concorde and submarine Growler, wander through interactive exhibitions, explore historic artifacts and discover the history of American innovation and bravery. An American military and maritime history museum, the collection of museum ships and aircraft at Intrepid Museum is one of America's leading historic, cultural and educational institutions. PLEASE NOTE: Head to the admissions counter and present your pass to be issued a ticket for the next available time slot. For additional information including operating times check the Go City app or digital guide provided.
Museum of Sex New York City
Jump into the most raunchy museum that New York City has to offer! For over fifteen years, the Museum of Sex has sustained its mission to preserve and present the history, evolution and cultural significance of human sexuality. The Museum produces exhibitions, experiences, and programs that bring the best of current art science and the study of sexuality to the widest possible audiences. Explore the vast collection of unique artifacts covering over 22,000 square feet of galleries and exhibitions. Experience more by visiting the acclaimed retail store or having a drink in the captivating Night Fever Bar. Please note: No patrons under the age of 18 are allowed in the museum. This is an adults-only attraction.
Ground Zero Museum Workshop
The award-winning 9/11 Ground Zero Museum Workshop is the first-stop for tourists before visiting the World Trade Center site. Known as the “Kid-Friendly 9/11 Museum” for it’s non-graphic and interactive ability to teach kids about this tough subject in a gentle way, the Workshop allows guests to pick up WTC artifacts and won Trip Advisor’s “Top 25 Museums in the USA” Award. PLEASE NOTE: This activity required advanced reservation. For additional information regarding operating times and reservations, please check Go City app or digital guide provided.
Whitney Museum of American Art
Explore one of New York City's most prominent art museums, the Whitney Museum of American Art specializing in art from the 20th and 21st centuries. The Whitney is among the top tier of art museums in New York City and has built up a world renowned collection of American art. Upon your visit to the museum, you'll find pieces from some of the legends like Georgia O'Keeffe, Edward Hopper, Jasper Johns and Jackson Pollock. You'll also find art from newer artists as the Whitney has made a reputation for purchasing art from the creators within the same year that it is made.
Rockefeller Center Tour
One of the greatest buildings from the Great Depression Era, discover the history and treasures within the Art-Deco-style Rockefeller Center. Famous for its annual Christmas tree and ice-skating, the building is also home to an incredible collection of art and sculptures. PLEASE NOTE: Capacity is limited to 10 guests per tour and tours are available on a first-come, first-serve basis. For additional information including operating times check the Go City app or digital guide provided.
Yankee Stadium
Yankee Stadium (Classic Tour) - Take a tour of Yankee Stadium and learn the history about the 27-time World Series Champion New York Yankees! Get up close to historic baseball artifacts, visit exclusive locations and learn about the various events that have taken place at the Stadium throughout history. Each tour is led by one of our knowledgeable and experienced tour guides to make sure everyone's trip to Yankee Stadium is complete. PLEASE NOTE: Yankee Stadium Tours are popular, we suggest arriving 15 minutes prior to your redeemed Classic Tour start time at the box office and please allow time for security. For additional information including operating times check the Go City app or digital guide provided.
Museum of the City of New York
Located at the top of Museum Mile on Fifth Avenue, the Museum of the City of New York is the place to explore the city's past, celebrate its present, and imagine its future. The engaging exhibitions educate New Yorkers and visitors from around the world about the city's distinctive character, especially its heritage of diversity, opportunity, and perpetual transformation.
The New York Historical
Explore four centuries of New York City history when you visit the New York Historical Society Museum. Right across the street from Central Park, learn more about the city of New York and all of the Americans who have created bits of history within this country. When you visit the museum, you'll be served the culture of NYC on a silver platter. With the use of photographs, paintings and literature, the New York Historical Society puts together amazing exhibits and installations that are a testament to the rich history of the United States.
Cathedral Church of Saint John the Divine
Explore one of the nation's premiere religious centers, the Cathedral of St. John the Divine, and learn the rich history that this landmark has built in New York City. Take a tour of the world’s largest cathedral and see the beautiful Romanesque and Gothic architecture that was designed in 1888. The Cathedral of St. John the Divine also features stunning gardens in which you can spot peacocks wandering.
Museum of Arts and Design
Located in the heart of Columbus Circle, the Museum of Arts and Design gives you a chance to stop and take in a great piece of culture added to the fast pace of New York City.
Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum
Visit the Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum and explore the country's one and only museum dedicated to historic, contemporary design. The unique Cooper Hewitt museum features over 210,000 objects in their massive collection that has been built since the museum's founding in 1897. The objects displayed inside span back as far as 30 centuries but also feature cutting edge technology from years in the future.
South Street Seaport Museum
Dive into New York City's rich maritime history by paying a visit to the South Street Seaport Museum! View the cabins and decks of six historic ships dating back to the 19th Century in New York. Inside you will get to see many interesting artifacts and exhibitions that beautifully depict the origins of the city and early discoveries that were made at sea.
International Center of Photography Museum
Take a trip to the world's leading photography and visual culture institution, the International Center of Photography Museum. Hosting up to six exhibitions each year, the ICP showcases cutting edge photo technology and skills. You'll find presentations that focus on the history of image making as well as lectures and programs within the museum.
Visit one of the oldest and largest nonprofit art institutions in the United States and view the marvelous exhibition space at MoMA PS1. Discover some of the experimental art pieces displayed at the MoMA PS1 and experience the many performances that take place inside of the museum. Located in Long Island City, the museum is a great excuse to organize a trip to the borough of Queens. The MoMA PS1 attracts around 200,000 visitors each year that come to view their unique and historical displays.
Little Italy
The Official Little Italy Walking Tour - Walk the ‘mean streets’ that inspired the young Martin Scorsese to become a filmmaker and discover the often troubled history of this cosmopolitan neighborhood. PLEASE NOTE: This activity required advanced reservation. For additional information regarding operating times and reservations, please check Go City app or digital guide provided.
New York Botanical Garden
Explore the multitude of gardens and plant life waiting for you at the beautiful New York Botanical Garden in the Bronx. Become enthralled in the massive plant collection at the New York Botanical Garden. You can roam the 250 acres and see the 50 plus gardens that are on display. There's something at the garden for everyone, no matter their age. They even feature a children's garden with 40 interactive games and activities to entertain children while they learn about plant life.
Museum of Jewish Heritage
A Living Memorial to the Holocaust this museum is New York’s contribution to the global responsibility to never forget. The Museum is committed to the crucial mission of educating diverse visitors about Jewish life before, during, and after the Holocaust. The third largest Holocaust museum in the world, the Museum anchors the southernmost tip of Manhattan, completing the cultural and educational landscape it shares with the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island.
New York Hall of Science
Have a blast while learning at the exciting and educational New York Hall of Science! This hands-on technology center features over 450 interactive exhibits that teach you about science with fun and engaging activities. The NYSCI has served over a half million students with their educational programs and high-tech facility. Children of all ages are welcome to explore the 30,000 square feet occupied by the Science Playground from March through December.
Skyscraper Museum
View New York City's great skyscrapers and architecture from Battery Park when you visit the Skyscraper Museum. The Skyscraper Museum is a gem for architectural design within the city of New York. You can explore some of the city's greatest landmarks and skyscrapers while learning about their history and technology. Inside of the museum, you will also get to learn about the designers and architects that crafted the illustrious New York City skyline.
Guided Harlem Highlights Bike Tour by Unlimited Biking - Explore the northern section of Manhattan on a fully-guided 2-hour Harlem Bike Tour and get to know this historic, yet the up-and-coming area of New York City. With your enthusiastic and knowledgeable tour guide, you'll learn all about Harlem's history, culture, and population and how various economic booms and busts have shaped, and continue to shape the neighborhood. your guide will even give you a glimpse into what's to come for the borough as it continues to develop in proximity to downtown Manhattan. PLEASE NOTE: Please come in on the day to check-in for the next available tour, at least one hour in advance.
Staten Island Museum at Snug Harbor
Visit one of Staten Island's cultural gems and find exciting exhibits displaying the arts and science at the Staten Island Museum. Also known as the Staten Island Institute of Arts & Sciences, the Staten Island Museum holds an impressive collection of historic artifacts, fine art works and elements of natural sciences. Many artifacts held inside of the museum can be dated back to contemporary and ancient time periods. In addition to the museum's permanent collection, they also showcase artifacts that teach about the many species of the world and the history of Staten Island.
Staten Island Children's Museum
Stop by the Staten Island Children's Museum and experience New York's one and only indoor-outdoor interactive museum for children. Kids will have a blast at the museum as they learn and play with several hands-on exhibitions that will teach them about bugs, water and world exploration. You will also find children's workshops and special performances are the norm at the Staten Island Children's Museum. This is a great environment for kids to learn more about the world around them as well as make friends with other children.
Staten Island Zoo
Explore the wide spectrum of wildlife inhabiting the Staten Island Zoo and learn about your favorite species. Take a stroll around Staten Island's famous Zoo and enjoy the energetic and charismatic animals living within the 8 acres of land that the zoo occupies. Not only will you be able to visit a few of your favorite animals, you will also have the opportunity to learn about new species that you may have never seen before.
LEGOLAND Discovery Center Westchester
Step into an Entirely LEGO®-themed world and experience 12 totally LEGO®, totally entertaining attractions at LEGOLAND® Discovery Center in Westchester, New York. PLEASE NOTE: Please Note: Adults must be accompanied by a child to enter LEGOLAND® Discovery Center at all times. "Adults-only nights" are not included with your pass.
Escape Virtuality
Escape Virtuality is a cutting-edge VR and AR experience that allows you to go beyond the headsets into a virtual world. Escape rooms are private and require a minimum of four players. Smaller parties or those without a reservation may be offered a choice of virtual reality experiences. Weekdays have the best availability. PLEASE NOTE: This activity required advanced reservation. For additional information regarding operating times and reservations, please check Go City app or digital guide provided.
Museum At Eldridge Street
Discover the synagogue that holds such deep significance in the Jewish History of the Lower East Side and the many artifacts that the Museum at Eldridge St. has to show. Inside of the historic synagogue is the museum in which you can find a massive collection of written letters and artifacts from the congregation of Eldridge St. The New York Times has described the museum as "gasp-inducing". You'll certainly enjoy the museum's nostalgic feel and interactive digital displays.
Grand Central Terminal
Marvel & DC Superheroes Tour - Visit famous NYC landmarks that are linked to iconic comic book moments, such as the Grand Central Terminal and the United Nations building in this fun and engaging tour. PLEASE NOTE: This activity required advanced reservation. For additional information regarding operating times and reservations, please check Go City app or digital guide provided.
Basilica Of St. Patrick's Old Cathedral
The Catacombs by Candlelight Tour - Delve beneath St. Patrick’s Basilica into New York's underground passages and explore the historic Catacombs lead by atmospheric candlelight. This 1.5-hour guided tour will take you into the nave of the Basillica of St. Patrick's Old Cathedral where you will explore the faithfully departed's final resting place in the historic crypts. PLEASE NOTE: This activity required advanced reservation. For additional information regarding operating times and reservations, please check Go City app or digital guide provided.
Fotografiska New York
Anything but an ordinary museum, Fotografiska New York uses the power of photography to inspire a more conscious world with powerful, unparalleled exhibitions showcasing some of the world’s best photographers, housed in a historic landmark building located in the Flatiron District.
Central Park
Central Park Bike Rental by Unlimited Biking - You’ll be surprised how much sightseeing you can cram into four hours with the added freedom (and speed) a bike provides. So don your helmet, saddle up and set off to see The Big Apple’s best bits.
Wall Street
How Money Was Made: Wall Street Walking Tour - In this 2.5 informative tour your guide will take you through a history of Wall Street and introduce you to the pioneers and visionaries who made it the global financial institution it is today. PLEASE NOTE: This activity required advanced reservation. For additional information regarding operating times and reservations, please check Go City app or digital guide provided.
NYC Bus Tour of Bronx, Brooklyn, and Queens - From the birthplace of hip-hop to the home of the much-loved Mets and plenty of cultural hotspots in between, on this tour, you'll get to grips with the Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens, Harlem, and more. PLEASE NOTE: This activity required advanced reservation. For additional information regarding operating times and reservations, please check Go City app or digital guide provided.
Broadway & Times Square Walking Tour - Looking for things to see in New York? Walk in the footsteps of the stars and lift the curtain on two of New York City's glittering districts – Broadway and Times Square. PLEASE NOTE: This activity required advanced reservation. For additional information regarding operating times and reservations, please check Go City app or digital guide provided.
Brooklyn Bridge and DUMBO Walking Tour - There's no better way to experience Brooklyn Bridge than taking a stroll across the architectural icon. It's one of the most photographed landmarks in NYC, and you'll get to see it from all angles on this walking tour. PLEASE NOTE: This activity required advanced reservation. For additional information regarding operating times and reservations, please check Go City app or digital guide provided.
The Official Chinatown Walking Tour - Experience the sights, sounds and smells of Manhattan’s vibrant Chinatown with a guided walk through its narrow streets. PLEASE NOTE: This activity required advanced reservation. For additional information regarding operating times and reservations, please check Go City app or digital guide provided.
High Line – Chelsea – Meatpacking District Neighborhood Walking Tour - Explore the famous elevated railway-turned-park high above the streets and get a totally unique perspective on New York City’s Chelsea and Meatpacking Districts. PLEASE NOTE: This activity required advanced reservation. For additional information regarding operating times and reservations, please check Go City app or digital guide provided.
Artechouse NYC
For an immersive exhibition which crosses the boundaries of art, science and technology, head to ARTECHOUSE - New York's Original Home for Digital Art!
Empire State Building
Synonymous with New York City, the Empire State Building is an American icon and one of the Seven Wonders of the Modern World. Head to the top and enjoy views of up to 80 miles on a clear day, taking in Central Park, Manhattan, New Jersey, Connecticut and even out to Pennsylvania and Massachusetts. PLEASE NOTE: reservations are required for this attraction. For additional information regarding operating times and reservations, please check Go City app or digital guide provided. It's not possible to reserve a time slot for sunset hours with your pass. We recommend visiting after to enjoy views of the city at night!
One World Observatory
Situated in Lower Manhattan, One World Observatory offers a state-of-the-art viewing platform 102 stories above ground. Travel straight to the top in 47 seconds in the SkyPod Elevator and delve into the cities cultural and financial history with interactive displays, and interesting talks led by the Tour Ambassadors. PLEASE NOTE: you will need to wait in line to receive a time slot. For additional information regarding operating times, please check Go City app or digital guide provided.
Statue of Liberty
Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island Ferry - *Does not include entry to pedestal or crown levels inside Statue of Liberty - must be purchased separately.* No New York visit is complete without an official welcome from Lady Liberty. Visit the Statue of Liberty and explore Ellis Island, where more than 12 million immigrants were processed upon their arrived in the United States. PLEASE NOTE: this activity requires advanced reservations. For additional information regarding operating times and reservations, please check Go City app or digital guide provided.
Top of the Rock
Breathtaking panoramas stretching miles in all directions, Top of the Rock has the best view in NYC with its perfect view of the Empire State Building. Day and night, gaze across the city's great landmarks and skyscrapers. PLEASE NOTE: you will need to wait in line to receive a time slot. For additional information regarding operating times, please check Go City app or digital guide provided.
The National 9/11 Memorial & Museum
The 9/11 museum takes an in-depth look at the story through artifacts, testimonies and first-hand accounts. Gaze into the reflecting pools of the memorial and take in the tranquil pavilion of the 9/11 memorial before learning more about the Twin Towers tragedies through respectful interactive exhibits. PLEASE NOTE: you will need to wait in line to receive a time slot. For additional information regarding operating times, please check Go City app or digital guide provided.
Edge NYC
Take to the open air on a glass platform 100 stories in the sky and be wowed by the state-of-the-art architecture. Edge is New York City’s most exciting new attraction, set high above the fabulous, glimmering, brand new Hudson Yards! PLEASE NOTE: Please note: Visit any kiosk outside the Edge entrance to reserve your entry in the next available time slot. For additional information including operating times check the Go City app or digital guide provided.
The Museum of Modern Art (MoMA)
Opened in 1929, MoMA's collection of contemporary art has grown to be one of the best and largest in the world. Rotating permanent exhibitions, visiting collections and iconic masterpieces - the Museum of Modern Art is a New York icon. PLEASE NOTE: Head to the MoMA ticket desk and present your pass to be issued a ticket for the next available time slot. For additional information including operating times check the Go City app or digital guide provided.
American Museum of Natural History
Ignite your curiosity about the universe at the beloved 148-year old American Natural History Museum. From show-stopping displays such as the 94-foot blue whale and Tyrannosaurus Rex, to taxidermy specimens, fossils and anthropological artifacts, the Natural History Museum can't be missed. PLEASE NOTE: This activity required advanced reservation. For additional information regarding operating times and reservations, please check Go City app or digital guide provided.
Circle Line Sightseeing Cruises - Midtown
See New York's iconic skyline from the water with your choice of boat tour, from the best of NYC to a sunset cruise of the harbor lights and more. Marvel at the beauty of New York's waterfront and spot the city's landmarks aboard Circle Line Sightseeing cruises. Award-winning guides, famous routes, state-of-the-art boats and magnificent views of the NYC skyline, complete your New York adventure with Circle Line cruises (choice of five NYC cruises). PLEASE NOTE: you will have to wait in line to secure a boarding pass for one of the day's cruises. For additional information including operating times check the Go City app or digital guide provided.
Madame Tussauds New York
With over 85,000 square feet of interactive entertainment, including Mission: Undead experience and Marvel Super Hero 4D Experience, the world-famous wax attraction is bigger and better than ever.
Big Bus New York
A scenic and stress-free way to explore the city - relax as Big Bus tours take you across Manhattan, discovering all the sights and landmarks including Empire State Building, Times Square, Central Park and the Statue of Liberty. TripAdvisor's top-rated NYC bus tour, Big Bus New York is the only sightseeing bus with live commentary and hop-on-hop-off access at 25+ bus stops located across the city. PLEASE NOTE: Pass is only valid for the Uptown and Downtown loops.
Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum
A NYC architectural masterpiece, the Guggenheim museum is home to one of the finest modern art collections in the world. Ascend the landmark's grand spiral and experience its special exhibitions and permanent collections. Designed by visionary architect Frank Lloyd Wright and completed in 1959, the Guggenheim Museum is one of the most recognized museums in NYC, curating one of the most incredible collections of Impressionist, Post-Impressionist, early Modern and contemporary art in the world.
Intrepid Museum
A floating museum - get up close to the aircraft carrier USS Intrepid, the space shuttle Enterprise, a British Airways Concorde and submarine Growler, wander through interactive exhibitions, explore historic artifacts and discover the history of American innovation and bravery. An American military and maritime history museum, the collection of museum ships and aircraft at Intrepid Museum is one of America's leading historic, cultural and educational institutions. PLEASE NOTE: Head to the admissions counter and present your pass to be issued a ticket for the next available time slot. For additional information including operating times check the Go City app or digital guide provided.
Museum of Sex New York City
Jump into the most raunchy museum that New York City has to offer! For over fifteen years, the Museum of Sex has sustained its mission to preserve and present the history, evolution and cultural significance of human sexuality. The Museum produces exhibitions, experiences, and programs that bring the best of current art science and the study of sexuality to the widest possible audiences. Explore the vast collection of unique artifacts covering over 22,000 square feet of galleries and exhibitions. Experience more by visiting the acclaimed retail store or having a drink in the captivating Night Fever Bar. Please note: No patrons under the age of 18 are allowed in the museum. This is an adults-only attraction.
Ground Zero Museum Workshop
The award-winning 9/11 Ground Zero Museum Workshop is the first-stop for tourists before visiting the World Trade Center site. Known as the “Kid-Friendly 9/11 Museum” for it’s non-graphic and interactive ability to teach kids about this tough subject in a gentle way, the Workshop allows guests to pick up WTC artifacts and won Trip Advisor’s “Top 25 Museums in the USA” Award. PLEASE NOTE: This activity required advanced reservation. For additional information regarding operating times and reservations, please check Go City app or digital guide provided.
Whitney Museum of American Art
Explore one of New York City's most prominent art museums, the Whitney Museum of American Art specializing in art from the 20th and 21st centuries. The Whitney is among the top tier of art museums in New York City and has built up a world renowned collection of American art. Upon your visit to the museum, you'll find pieces from some of the legends like Georgia O'Keeffe, Edward Hopper, Jasper Johns and Jackson Pollock. You'll also find art from newer artists as the Whitney has made a reputation for purchasing art from the creators within the same year that it is made.
Rockefeller Center Tour
One of the greatest buildings from the Great Depression Era, discover the history and treasures within the Art-Deco-style Rockefeller Center. Famous for its annual Christmas tree and ice-skating, the building is also home to an incredible collection of art and sculptures. PLEASE NOTE: Capacity is limited to 10 guests per tour and tours are available on a first-come, first-serve basis. For additional information including operating times check the Go City app or digital guide provided.
Yankee Stadium
Yankee Stadium (Classic Tour) - Take a tour of Yankee Stadium and learn the history about the 27-time World Series Champion New York Yankees! Get up close to historic baseball artifacts, visit exclusive locations and learn about the various events that have taken place at the Stadium throughout history. Each tour is led by one of our knowledgeable and experienced tour guides to make sure everyone's trip to Yankee Stadium is complete. PLEASE NOTE: Yankee Stadium Tours are popular, we suggest arriving 15 minutes prior to your redeemed Classic Tour start time at the box office and please allow time for security. For additional information including operating times check the Go City app or digital guide provided.
Museum of the City of New York
Located at the top of Museum Mile on Fifth Avenue, the Museum of the City of New York is the place to explore the city's past, celebrate its present, and imagine its future. The engaging exhibitions educate New Yorkers and visitors from around the world about the city's distinctive character, especially its heritage of diversity, opportunity, and perpetual transformation.
The New York Historical
Explore four centuries of New York City history when you visit the New York Historical Society Museum. Right across the street from Central Park, learn more about the city of New York and all of the Americans who have created bits of history within this country. When you visit the museum, you'll be served the culture of NYC on a silver platter. With the use of photographs, paintings and literature, the New York Historical Society puts together amazing exhibits and installations that are a testament to the rich history of the United States.
Cathedral Church of Saint John the Divine
Explore one of the nation's premiere religious centers, the Cathedral of St. John the Divine, and learn the rich history that this landmark has built in New York City. Take a tour of the world’s largest cathedral and see the beautiful Romanesque and Gothic architecture that was designed in 1888. The Cathedral of St. John the Divine also features stunning gardens in which you can spot peacocks wandering.
Museum of Arts and Design
Located in the heart of Columbus Circle, the Museum of Arts and Design gives you a chance to stop and take in a great piece of culture added to the fast pace of New York City.
Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum
Visit the Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum and explore the country's one and only museum dedicated to historic, contemporary design. The unique Cooper Hewitt museum features over 210,000 objects in their massive collection that has been built since the museum's founding in 1897. The objects displayed inside span back as far as 30 centuries but also feature cutting edge technology from years in the future.
South Street Seaport Museum
Dive into New York City's rich maritime history by paying a visit to the South Street Seaport Museum! View the cabins and decks of six historic ships dating back to the 19th Century in New York. Inside you will get to see many interesting artifacts and exhibitions that beautifully depict the origins of the city and early discoveries that were made at sea.
International Center of Photography Museum
Take a trip to the world's leading photography and visual culture institution, the International Center of Photography Museum. Hosting up to six exhibitions each year, the ICP showcases cutting edge photo technology and skills. You'll find presentations that focus on the history of image making as well as lectures and programs within the museum.
Visit one of the oldest and largest nonprofit art institutions in the United States and view the marvelous exhibition space at MoMA PS1. Discover some of the experimental art pieces displayed at the MoMA PS1 and experience the many performances that take place inside of the museum. Located in Long Island City, the museum is a great excuse to organize a trip to the borough of Queens. The MoMA PS1 attracts around 200,000 visitors each year that come to view their unique and historical displays.
Little Italy
The Official Little Italy Walking Tour - Walk the ‘mean streets’ that inspired the young Martin Scorsese to become a filmmaker and discover the often troubled history of this cosmopolitan neighborhood. PLEASE NOTE: This activity required advanced reservation. For additional information regarding operating times and reservations, please check Go City app or digital guide provided.
New York Botanical Garden
Explore the multitude of gardens and plant life waiting for you at the beautiful New York Botanical Garden in the Bronx. Become enthralled in the massive plant collection at the New York Botanical Garden. You can roam the 250 acres and see the 50 plus gardens that are on display. There's something at the garden for everyone, no matter their age. They even feature a children's garden with 40 interactive games and activities to entertain children while they learn about plant life.
Museum of Jewish Heritage
A Living Memorial to the Holocaust this museum is New York’s contribution to the global responsibility to never forget. The Museum is committed to the crucial mission of educating diverse visitors about Jewish life before, during, and after the Holocaust. The third largest Holocaust museum in the world, the Museum anchors the southernmost tip of Manhattan, completing the cultural and educational landscape it shares with the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island.
New York Hall of Science
Have a blast while learning at the exciting and educational New York Hall of Science! This hands-on technology center features over 450 interactive exhibits that teach you about science with fun and engaging activities. The NYSCI has served over a half million students with their educational programs and high-tech facility. Children of all ages are welcome to explore the 30,000 square feet occupied by the Science Playground from March through December.
Skyscraper Museum
View New York City's great skyscrapers and architecture from Battery Park when you visit the Skyscraper Museum. The Skyscraper Museum is a gem for architectural design within the city of New York. You can explore some of the city's greatest landmarks and skyscrapers while learning about their history and technology. Inside of the museum, you will also get to learn about the designers and architects that crafted the illustrious New York City skyline.
Guided Harlem Highlights Bike Tour by Unlimited Biking - Explore the northern section of Manhattan on a fully-guided 2-hour Harlem Bike Tour and get to know this historic, yet the up-and-coming area of New York City. With your enthusiastic and knowledgeable tour guide, you'll learn all about Harlem's history, culture, and population and how various economic booms and busts have shaped, and continue to shape the neighborhood. your guide will even give you a glimpse into what's to come for the borough as it continues to develop in proximity to downtown Manhattan. PLEASE NOTE: Please come in on the day to check-in for the next available tour, at least one hour in advance.
Staten Island Museum at Snug Harbor
Visit one of Staten Island's cultural gems and find exciting exhibits displaying the arts and science at the Staten Island Museum. Also known as the Staten Island Institute of Arts & Sciences, the Staten Island Museum holds an impressive collection of historic artifacts, fine art works and elements of natural sciences. Many artifacts held inside of the museum can be dated back to contemporary and ancient time periods. In addition to the museum's permanent collection, they also showcase artifacts that teach about the many species of the world and the history of Staten Island.
Staten Island Children's Museum
Stop by the Staten Island Children's Museum and experience New York's one and only indoor-outdoor interactive museum for children. Kids will have a blast at the museum as they learn and play with several hands-on exhibitions that will teach them about bugs, water and world exploration. You will also find children's workshops and special performances are the norm at the Staten Island Children's Museum. This is a great environment for kids to learn more about the world around them as well as make friends with other children.
Staten Island Zoo
Explore the wide spectrum of wildlife inhabiting the Staten Island Zoo and learn about your favorite species. Take a stroll around Staten Island's famous Zoo and enjoy the energetic and charismatic animals living within the 8 acres of land that the zoo occupies. Not only will you be able to visit a few of your favorite animals, you will also have the opportunity to learn about new species that you may have never seen before.
LEGOLAND Discovery Center Westchester
Step into an Entirely LEGO®-themed world and experience 12 totally LEGO®, totally entertaining attractions at LEGOLAND® Discovery Center in Westchester, New York. PLEASE NOTE: Please Note: Adults must be accompanied by a child to enter LEGOLAND® Discovery Center at all times. "Adults-only nights" are not included with your pass.
Escape Virtuality
Escape Virtuality is a cutting-edge VR and AR experience that allows you to go beyond the headsets into a virtual world. Escape rooms are private and require a minimum of four players. Smaller parties or those without a reservation may be offered a choice of virtual reality experiences. Weekdays have the best availability. PLEASE NOTE: This activity required advanced reservation. For additional information regarding operating times and reservations, please check Go City app or digital guide provided.
Museum At Eldridge Street
Discover the synagogue that holds such deep significance in the Jewish History of the Lower East Side and the many artifacts that the Museum at Eldridge St. has to show. Inside of the historic synagogue is the museum in which you can find a massive collection of written letters and artifacts from the congregation of Eldridge St. The New York Times has described the museum as "gasp-inducing". You'll certainly enjoy the museum's nostalgic feel and interactive digital displays.
Grand Central Terminal
Marvel & DC Superheroes Tour - Visit famous NYC landmarks that are linked to iconic comic book moments, such as the Grand Central Terminal and the United Nations building in this fun and engaging tour. PLEASE NOTE: This activity required advanced reservation. For additional information regarding operating times and reservations, please check Go City app or digital guide provided.
Basilica Of St. Patrick's Old Cathedral
The Catacombs by Candlelight Tour - Delve beneath St. Patrick’s Basilica into New York's underground passages and explore the historic Catacombs lead by atmospheric candlelight. This 1.5-hour guided tour will take you into the nave of the Basillica of St. Patrick's Old Cathedral where you will explore the faithfully departed's final resting place in the historic crypts. PLEASE NOTE: This activity required advanced reservation. For additional information regarding operating times and reservations, please check Go City app or digital guide provided.
Fotografiska New York
Anything but an ordinary museum, Fotografiska New York uses the power of photography to inspire a more conscious world with powerful, unparalleled exhibitions showcasing some of the world’s best photographers, housed in a historic landmark building located in the Flatiron District.
Central Park
Central Park Bike Rental by Unlimited Biking - You’ll be surprised how much sightseeing you can cram into four hours with the added freedom (and speed) a bike provides. So don your helmet, saddle up and set off to see The Big Apple’s best bits.
Wall Street
How Money Was Made: Wall Street Walking Tour - In this 2.5 informative tour your guide will take you through a history of Wall Street and introduce you to the pioneers and visionaries who made it the global financial institution it is today. PLEASE NOTE: This activity required advanced reservation. For additional information regarding operating times and reservations, please check Go City app or digital guide provided.
NYC Bus Tour of Bronx, Brooklyn, and Queens - From the birthplace of hip-hop to the home of the much-loved Mets and plenty of cultural hotspots in between, on this tour, you'll get to grips with the Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens, Harlem, and more. PLEASE NOTE: This activity required advanced reservation. For additional information regarding operating times and reservations, please check Go City app or digital guide provided.
Broadway & Times Square Walking Tour - Looking for things to see in New York? Walk in the footsteps of the stars and lift the curtain on two of New York City's glittering districts – Broadway and Times Square. PLEASE NOTE: This activity required advanced reservation. For additional information regarding operating times and reservations, please check Go City app or digital guide provided.
Brooklyn Bridge and DUMBO Walking Tour - There's no better way to experience Brooklyn Bridge than taking a stroll across the architectural icon. It's one of the most photographed landmarks in NYC, and you'll get to see it from all angles on this walking tour. PLEASE NOTE: This activity required advanced reservation. For additional information regarding operating times and reservations, please check Go City app or digital guide provided.
The Official Chinatown Walking Tour - Experience the sights, sounds and smells of Manhattan’s vibrant Chinatown with a guided walk through its narrow streets. PLEASE NOTE: This activity required advanced reservation. For additional information regarding operating times and reservations, please check Go City app or digital guide provided.
High Line – Chelsea – Meatpacking District Neighborhood Walking Tour - Explore the famous elevated railway-turned-park high above the streets and get a totally unique perspective on New York City’s Chelsea and Meatpacking Districts. PLEASE NOTE: This activity required advanced reservation. For additional information regarding operating times and reservations, please check Go City app or digital guide provided.
Artechouse NYC
For an immersive exhibition which crosses the boundaries of art, science and technology, head to ARTECHOUSE - New York's Original Home for Digital Art!
Empire State Building
Synonymous with New York City, the Empire State Building is an American icon and one of the Seven Wonders of the Modern World. Head to the top and enjoy views of up to 80 miles on a clear day, taking in Central Park, Manhattan, New Jersey, Connecticut and even out to Pennsylvania and Massachusetts. PLEASE NOTE: reservations are required for this attraction. For additional information regarding operating times and reservations, please check Go City app or digital guide provided. It's not possible to reserve a time slot for sunset hours with your pass. We recommend visiting after to enjoy views of the city at night!
One World Observatory
Situated in Lower Manhattan, One World Observatory offers a state-of-the-art viewing platform 102 stories above ground. Travel straight to the top in 47 seconds in the SkyPod Elevator and delve into the cities cultural and financial history with interactive displays, and interesting talks led by the Tour Ambassadors. PLEASE NOTE: you will need to wait in line to receive a time slot. For additional information regarding operating times, please check Go City app or digital guide provided.
Statue of Liberty
Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island Ferry - *Does not include entry to pedestal or crown levels inside Statue of Liberty - must be purchased separately.* No New York visit is complete without an official welcome from Lady Liberty. Visit the Statue of Liberty and explore Ellis Island, where more than 12 million immigrants were processed upon their arrived in the United States. PLEASE NOTE: this activity requires advanced reservations. For additional information regarding operating times and reservations, please check Go City app or digital guide provided.
Top of the Rock
Breathtaking panoramas stretching miles in all directions, Top of the Rock has the best view in NYC with its perfect view of the Empire State Building. Day and night, gaze across the city's great landmarks and skyscrapers. PLEASE NOTE: you will need to wait in line to receive a time slot. For additional information regarding operating times, please check Go City app or digital guide provided.
The National 9/11 Memorial & Museum
The 9/11 museum takes an in-depth look at the story through artifacts, testimonies and first-hand accounts. Gaze into the reflecting pools of the memorial and take in the tranquil pavilion of the 9/11 memorial before learning more about the Twin Towers tragedies through respectful interactive exhibits. PLEASE NOTE: you will need to wait in line to receive a time slot. For additional information regarding operating times, please check Go City app or digital guide provided.
Edge NYC
Take to the open air on a glass platform 100 stories in the sky and be wowed by the state-of-the-art architecture. Edge is New York City’s most exciting new attraction, set high above the fabulous, glimmering, brand new Hudson Yards! PLEASE NOTE: Please note: Visit any kiosk outside the Edge entrance to reserve your entry in the next available time slot. For additional information including operating times check the Go City app or digital guide provided.
The Museum of Modern Art (MoMA)
Opened in 1929, MoMA's collection of contemporary art has grown to be one of the best and largest in the world. Rotating permanent exhibitions, visiting collections and iconic masterpieces - the Museum of Modern Art is a New York icon. PLEASE NOTE: Head to the MoMA ticket desk and present your pass to be issued a ticket for the next available time slot. For additional information including operating times check the Go City app or digital guide provided.
American Museum of Natural History
Ignite your curiosity about the universe at the beloved 148-year old American Natural History Museum. From show-stopping displays such as the 94-foot blue whale and Tyrannosaurus Rex, to taxidermy specimens, fossils and anthropological artifacts, the Natural History Museum can't be missed. PLEASE NOTE: This activity required advanced reservation. For additional information regarding operating times and reservations, please check Go City app or digital guide provided.
Circle Line Sightseeing Cruises - Midtown
See New York's iconic skyline from the water with your choice of boat tour, from the best of NYC to a sunset cruise of the harbor lights and more. Marvel at the beauty of New York's waterfront and spot the city's landmarks aboard Circle Line Sightseeing cruises. Award-winning guides, famous routes, state-of-the-art boats and magnificent views of the NYC skyline, complete your New York adventure with Circle Line cruises (choice of five NYC cruises). PLEASE NOTE: you will have to wait in line to secure a boarding pass for one of the day's cruises. For additional information including operating times check the Go City app or digital guide provided.
Madame Tussauds New York
With over 85,000 square feet of interactive entertainment, including Mission: Undead experience and Marvel Super Hero 4D Experience, the world-famous wax attraction is bigger and better than ever.
Big Bus New York
A scenic and stress-free way to explore the city - relax as Big Bus tours take you across Manhattan, discovering all the sights and landmarks including Empire State Building, Times Square, Central Park and the Statue of Liberty. TripAdvisor's top-rated NYC bus tour, Big Bus New York is the only sightseeing bus with live commentary and hop-on-hop-off access at 25+ bus stops located across the city. PLEASE NOTE: Pass is only valid for the Uptown and Downtown loops.
Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum
A NYC architectural masterpiece, the Guggenheim museum is home to one of the finest modern art collections in the world. Ascend the landmark's grand spiral and experience its special exhibitions and permanent collections. Designed by visionary architect Frank Lloyd Wright and completed in 1959, the Guggenheim Museum is one of the most recognized museums in NYC, curating one of the most incredible collections of Impressionist, Post-Impressionist, early Modern and contemporary art in the world.
Intrepid Museum
A floating museum - get up close to the aircraft carrier USS Intrepid, the space shuttle Enterprise, a British Airways Concorde and submarine Growler, wander through interactive exhibitions, explore historic artifacts and discover the history of American innovation and bravery. An American military and maritime history museum, the collection of museum ships and aircraft at Intrepid Museum is one of America's leading historic, cultural and educational institutions. PLEASE NOTE: Head to the admissions counter and present your pass to be issued a ticket for the next available time slot. For additional information including operating times check the Go City app or digital guide provided.
Museum of Sex New York City
Jump into the most raunchy museum that New York City has to offer! For over fifteen years, the Museum of Sex has sustained its mission to preserve and present the history, evolution and cultural significance of human sexuality. The Museum produces exhibitions, experiences, and programs that bring the best of current art science and the study of sexuality to the widest possible audiences. Explore the vast collection of unique artifacts covering over 22,000 square feet of galleries and exhibitions. Experience more by visiting the acclaimed retail store or having a drink in the captivating Night Fever Bar. Please note: No patrons under the age of 18 are allowed in the museum. This is an adults-only attraction.
Ground Zero Museum Workshop
The award-winning 9/11 Ground Zero Museum Workshop is the first-stop for tourists before visiting the World Trade Center site. Known as the “Kid-Friendly 9/11 Museum” for it’s non-graphic and interactive ability to teach kids about this tough subject in a gentle way, the Workshop allows guests to pick up WTC artifacts and won Trip Advisor’s “Top 25 Museums in the USA” Award. PLEASE NOTE: This activity required advanced reservation. For additional information regarding operating times and reservations, please check Go City app or digital guide provided.
Whitney Museum of American Art
Explore one of New York City's most prominent art museums, the Whitney Museum of American Art specializing in art from the 20th and 21st centuries. The Whitney is among the top tier of art museums in New York City and has built up a world renowned collection of American art. Upon your visit to the museum, you'll find pieces from some of the legends like Georgia O'Keeffe, Edward Hopper, Jasper Johns and Jackson Pollock. You'll also find art from newer artists as the Whitney has made a reputation for purchasing art from the creators within the same year that it is made.
Rockefeller Center Tour
One of the greatest buildings from the Great Depression Era, discover the history and treasures within the Art-Deco-style Rockefeller Center. Famous for its annual Christmas tree and ice-skating, the building is also home to an incredible collection of art and sculptures. PLEASE NOTE: Capacity is limited to 10 guests per tour and tours are available on a first-come, first-serve basis. For additional information including operating times check the Go City app or digital guide provided.
Yankee Stadium
Yankee Stadium (Classic Tour) - Take a tour of Yankee Stadium and learn the history about the 27-time World Series Champion New York Yankees! Get up close to historic baseball artifacts, visit exclusive locations and learn about the various events that have taken place at the Stadium throughout history. Each tour is led by one of our knowledgeable and experienced tour guides to make sure everyone's trip to Yankee Stadium is complete. PLEASE NOTE: Yankee Stadium Tours are popular, we suggest arriving 15 minutes prior to your redeemed Classic Tour start time at the box office and please allow time for security. For additional information including operating times check the Go City app or digital guide provided.
Museum of the City of New York
Located at the top of Museum Mile on Fifth Avenue, the Museum of the City of New York is the place to explore the city's past, celebrate its present, and imagine its future. The engaging exhibitions educate New Yorkers and visitors from around the world about the city's distinctive character, especially its heritage of diversity, opportunity, and perpetual transformation.
The New York Historical
Explore four centuries of New York City history when you visit the New York Historical Society Museum. Right across the street from Central Park, learn more about the city of New York and all of the Americans who have created bits of history within this country. When you visit the museum, you'll be served the culture of NYC on a silver platter. With the use of photographs, paintings and literature, the New York Historical Society puts together amazing exhibits and installations that are a testament to the rich history of the United States.
Cathedral Church of Saint John the Divine
Explore one of the nation's premiere religious centers, the Cathedral of St. John the Divine, and learn the rich history that this landmark has built in New York City. Take a tour of the world’s largest cathedral and see the beautiful Romanesque and Gothic architecture that was designed in 1888. The Cathedral of St. John the Divine also features stunning gardens in which you can spot peacocks wandering.
Museum of Arts and Design
Located in the heart of Columbus Circle, the Museum of Arts and Design gives you a chance to stop and take in a great piece of culture added to the fast pace of New York City.
Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum
Visit the Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum and explore the country's one and only museum dedicated to historic, contemporary design. The unique Cooper Hewitt museum features over 210,000 objects in their massive collection that has been built since the museum's founding in 1897. The objects displayed inside span back as far as 30 centuries but also feature cutting edge technology from years in the future.
South Street Seaport Museum
Dive into New York City's rich maritime history by paying a visit to the South Street Seaport Museum! View the cabins and decks of six historic ships dating back to the 19th Century in New York. Inside you will get to see many interesting artifacts and exhibitions that beautifully depict the origins of the city and early discoveries that were made at sea.
International Center of Photography Museum
Take a trip to the world's leading photography and visual culture institution, the International Center of Photography Museum. Hosting up to six exhibitions each year, the ICP showcases cutting edge photo technology and skills. You'll find presentations that focus on the history of image making as well as lectures and programs within the museum.
Visit one of the oldest and largest nonprofit art institutions in the United States and view the marvelous exhibition space at MoMA PS1. Discover some of the experimental art pieces displayed at the MoMA PS1 and experience the many performances that take place inside of the museum. Located in Long Island City, the museum is a great excuse to organize a trip to the borough of Queens. The MoMA PS1 attracts around 200,000 visitors each year that come to view their unique and historical displays.
Little Italy
The Official Little Italy Walking Tour - Walk the ‘mean streets’ that inspired the young Martin Scorsese to become a filmmaker and discover the often troubled history of this cosmopolitan neighborhood. PLEASE NOTE: This activity required advanced reservation. For additional information regarding operating times and reservations, please check Go City app or digital guide provided.
New York Botanical Garden
Explore the multitude of gardens and plant life waiting for you at the beautiful New York Botanical Garden in the Bronx. Become enthralled in the massive plant collection at the New York Botanical Garden. You can roam the 250 acres and see the 50 plus gardens that are on display. There's something at the garden for everyone, no matter their age. They even feature a children's garden with 40 interactive games and activities to entertain children while they learn about plant life.
Museum of Jewish Heritage
A Living Memorial to the Holocaust this museum is New York’s contribution to the global responsibility to never forget. The Museum is committed to the crucial mission of educating diverse visitors about Jewish life before, during, and after the Holocaust. The third largest Holocaust museum in the world, the Museum anchors the southernmost tip of Manhattan, completing the cultural and educational landscape it shares with the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island.
New York Hall of Science
Have a blast while learning at the exciting and educational New York Hall of Science! This hands-on technology center features over 450 interactive exhibits that teach you about science with fun and engaging activities. The NYSCI has served over a half million students with their educational programs and high-tech facility. Children of all ages are welcome to explore the 30,000 square feet occupied by the Science Playground from March through December.
Skyscraper Museum
View New York City's great skyscrapers and architecture from Battery Park when you visit the Skyscraper Museum. The Skyscraper Museum is a gem for architectural design within the city of New York. You can explore some of the city's greatest landmarks and skyscrapers while learning about their history and technology. Inside of the museum, you will also get to learn about the designers and architects that crafted the illustrious New York City skyline.
Guided Harlem Highlights Bike Tour by Unlimited Biking - Explore the northern section of Manhattan on a fully-guided 2-hour Harlem Bike Tour and get to know this historic, yet the up-and-coming area of New York City. With your enthusiastic and knowledgeable tour guide, you'll learn all about Harlem's history, culture, and population and how various economic booms and busts have shaped, and continue to shape the neighborhood. your guide will even give you a glimpse into what's to come for the borough as it continues to develop in proximity to downtown Manhattan. PLEASE NOTE: Please come in on the day to check-in for the next available tour, at least one hour in advance.
Staten Island Museum at Snug Harbor
Visit one of Staten Island's cultural gems and find exciting exhibits displaying the arts and science at the Staten Island Museum. Also known as the Staten Island Institute of Arts & Sciences, the Staten Island Museum holds an impressive collection of historic artifacts, fine art works and elements of natural sciences. Many artifacts held inside of the museum can be dated back to contemporary and ancient time periods. In addition to the museum's permanent collection, they also showcase artifacts that teach about the many species of the world and the history of Staten Island.
Staten Island Children's Museum
Stop by the Staten Island Children's Museum and experience New York's one and only indoor-outdoor interactive museum for children. Kids will have a blast at the museum as they learn and play with several hands-on exhibitions that will teach them about bugs, water and world exploration. You will also find children's workshops and special performances are the norm at the Staten Island Children's Museum. This is a great environment for kids to learn more about the world around them as well as make friends with other children.
Staten Island Zoo
Explore the wide spectrum of wildlife inhabiting the Staten Island Zoo and learn about your favorite species. Take a stroll around Staten Island's famous Zoo and enjoy the energetic and charismatic animals living within the 8 acres of land that the zoo occupies. Not only will you be able to visit a few of your favorite animals, you will also have the opportunity to learn about new species that you may have never seen before.
LEGOLAND Discovery Center Westchester
Step into an Entirely LEGO®-themed world and experience 12 totally LEGO®, totally entertaining attractions at LEGOLAND® Discovery Center in Westchester, New York. PLEASE NOTE: Please Note: Adults must be accompanied by a child to enter LEGOLAND® Discovery Center at all times. "Adults-only nights" are not included with your pass.
Escape Virtuality
Escape Virtuality is a cutting-edge VR and AR experience that allows you to go beyond the headsets into a virtual world. Escape rooms are private and require a minimum of four players. Smaller parties or those without a reservation may be offered a choice of virtual reality experiences. Weekdays have the best availability. PLEASE NOTE: This activity required advanced reservation. For additional information regarding operating times and reservations, please check Go City app or digital guide provided.
Museum At Eldridge Street
Discover the synagogue that holds such deep significance in the Jewish History of the Lower East Side and the many artifacts that the Museum at Eldridge St. has to show. Inside of the historic synagogue is the museum in which you can find a massive collection of written letters and artifacts from the congregation of Eldridge St. The New York Times has described the museum as "gasp-inducing". You'll certainly enjoy the museum's nostalgic feel and interactive digital displays.
Grand Central Terminal
Marvel & DC Superheroes Tour - Visit famous NYC landmarks that are linked to iconic comic book moments, such as the Grand Central Terminal and the United Nations building in this fun and engaging tour. PLEASE NOTE: This activity required advanced reservation. For additional information regarding operating times and reservations, please check Go City app or digital guide provided.
Basilica Of St. Patrick's Old Cathedral
The Catacombs by Candlelight Tour - Delve beneath St. Patrick’s Basilica into New York's underground passages and explore the historic Catacombs lead by atmospheric candlelight. This 1.5-hour guided tour will take you into the nave of the Basillica of St. Patrick's Old Cathedral where you will explore the faithfully departed's final resting place in the historic crypts. PLEASE NOTE: This activity required advanced reservation. For additional information regarding operating times and reservations, please check Go City app or digital guide provided.
Fotografiska New York
Anything but an ordinary museum, Fotografiska New York uses the power of photography to inspire a more conscious world with powerful, unparalleled exhibitions showcasing some of the world’s best photographers, housed in a historic landmark building located in the Flatiron District.
Central Park
Central Park Bike Rental by Unlimited Biking - You’ll be surprised how much sightseeing you can cram into four hours with the added freedom (and speed) a bike provides. So don your helmet, saddle up and set off to see The Big Apple’s best bits.
Wall Street
How Money Was Made: Wall Street Walking Tour - In this 2.5 informative tour your guide will take you through a history of Wall Street and introduce you to the pioneers and visionaries who made it the global financial institution it is today. PLEASE NOTE: This activity required advanced reservation. For additional information regarding operating times and reservations, please check Go City app or digital guide provided.
NYC Bus Tour of Bronx, Brooklyn, and Queens - From the birthplace of hip-hop to the home of the much-loved Mets and plenty of cultural hotspots in between, on this tour, you'll get to grips with the Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens, Harlem, and more. PLEASE NOTE: This activity required advanced reservation. For additional information regarding operating times and reservations, please check Go City app or digital guide provided.
Broadway & Times Square Walking Tour - Looking for things to see in New York? Walk in the footsteps of the stars and lift the curtain on two of New York City's glittering districts – Broadway and Times Square. PLEASE NOTE: This activity required advanced reservation. For additional information regarding operating times and reservations, please check Go City app or digital guide provided.
Brooklyn Bridge and DUMBO Walking Tour - There's no better way to experience Brooklyn Bridge than taking a stroll across the architectural icon. It's one of the most photographed landmarks in NYC, and you'll get to see it from all angles on this walking tour. PLEASE NOTE: This activity required advanced reservation. For additional information regarding operating times and reservations, please check Go City app or digital guide provided.
The Official Chinatown Walking Tour - Experience the sights, sounds and smells of Manhattan’s vibrant Chinatown with a guided walk through its narrow streets. PLEASE NOTE: This activity required advanced reservation. For additional information regarding operating times and reservations, please check Go City app or digital guide provided.
High Line – Chelsea – Meatpacking District Neighborhood Walking Tour - Explore the famous elevated railway-turned-park high above the streets and get a totally unique perspective on New York City’s Chelsea and Meatpacking Districts. PLEASE NOTE: This activity required advanced reservation. For additional information regarding operating times and reservations, please check Go City app or digital guide provided.
Artechouse NYC
For an immersive exhibition which crosses the boundaries of art, science and technology, head to ARTECHOUSE - New York's Original Home for Digital Art!
Empire State Building
Synonymous with New York City, the Empire State Building is an American icon and one of the Seven Wonders of the Modern World. Head to the top and enjoy views of up to 80 miles on a clear day, taking in Central Park, Manhattan, New Jersey, Connecticut and even out to Pennsylvania and Massachusetts. PLEASE NOTE: reservations are required for this attraction. For additional information regarding operating times and reservations, please check Go City app or digital guide provided. It's not possible to reserve a time slot for sunset hours with your pass. We recommend visiting after to enjoy views of the city at night!
One World Observatory
Situated in Lower Manhattan, One World Observatory offers a state-of-the-art viewing platform 102 stories above ground. Travel straight to the top in 47 seconds in the SkyPod Elevator and delve into the cities cultural and financial history with interactive displays, and interesting talks led by the Tour Ambassadors. PLEASE NOTE: you will need to wait in line to receive a time slot. For additional information regarding operating times, please check Go City app or digital guide provided.
Statue of Liberty
Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island Ferry - *Does not include entry to pedestal or crown levels inside Statue of Liberty - must be purchased separately.* No New York visit is complete without an official welcome from Lady Liberty. Visit the Statue of Liberty and explore Ellis Island, where more than 12 million immigrants were processed upon their arrived in the United States. PLEASE NOTE: this activity requires advanced reservations. For additional information regarding operating times and reservations, please check Go City app or digital guide provided.
Top of the Rock
Breathtaking panoramas stretching miles in all directions, Top of the Rock has the best view in NYC with its perfect view of the Empire State Building. Day and night, gaze across the city's great landmarks and skyscrapers. PLEASE NOTE: you will need to wait in line to receive a time slot. For additional information regarding operating times, please check Go City app or digital guide provided.
The National 9/11 Memorial & Museum
The 9/11 museum takes an in-depth look at the story through artifacts, testimonies and first-hand accounts. Gaze into the reflecting pools of the memorial and take in the tranquil pavilion of the 9/11 memorial before learning more about the Twin Towers tragedies through respectful interactive exhibits. PLEASE NOTE: you will need to wait in line to receive a time slot. For additional information regarding operating times, please check Go City app or digital guide provided.
Edge NYC
Take to the open air on a glass platform 100 stories in the sky and be wowed by the state-of-the-art architecture. Edge is New York City’s most exciting new attraction, set high above the fabulous, glimmering, brand new Hudson Yards! PLEASE NOTE: Please note: Visit any kiosk outside the Edge entrance to reserve your entry in the next available time slot. For additional information including operating times check the Go City app or digital guide provided.
The Museum of Modern Art (MoMA)
Opened in 1929, MoMA's collection of contemporary art has grown to be one of the best and largest in the world. Rotating permanent exhibitions, visiting collections and iconic masterpieces - the Museum of Modern Art is a New York icon. PLEASE NOTE: Head to the MoMA ticket desk and present your pass to be issued a ticket for the next available time slot. For additional information including operating times check the Go City app or digital guide provided.
American Museum of Natural History
Ignite your curiosity about the universe at the beloved 148-year old American Natural History Museum. From show-stopping displays such as the 94-foot blue whale and Tyrannosaurus Rex, to taxidermy specimens, fossils and anthropological artifacts, the Natural History Museum can't be missed. PLEASE NOTE: This activity required advanced reservation. For additional information regarding operating times and reservations, please check Go City app or digital guide provided.
Circle Line Sightseeing Cruises - Midtown
See New York's iconic skyline from the water with your choice of boat tour, from the best of NYC to a sunset cruise of the harbor lights and more. Marvel at the beauty of New York's waterfront and spot the city's landmarks aboard Circle Line Sightseeing cruises. Award-winning guides, famous routes, state-of-the-art boats and magnificent views of the NYC skyline, complete your New York adventure with Circle Line cruises (choice of five NYC cruises). PLEASE NOTE: you will have to wait in line to secure a boarding pass for one of the day's cruises. For additional information including operating times check the Go City app or digital guide provided.
Madame Tussauds New York
With over 85,000 square feet of interactive entertainment, including Mission: Undead experience and Marvel Super Hero 4D Experience, the world-famous wax attraction is bigger and better than ever.
Big Bus New York
A scenic and stress-free way to explore the city - relax as Big Bus tours take you across Manhattan, discovering all the sights and landmarks including Empire State Building, Times Square, Central Park and the Statue of Liberty. TripAdvisor's top-rated NYC bus tour, Big Bus New York is the only sightseeing bus with live commentary and hop-on-hop-off access at 25+ bus stops located across the city. PLEASE NOTE: Pass is only valid for the Uptown and Downtown loops.
Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum
A NYC architectural masterpiece, the Guggenheim museum is home to one of the finest modern art collections in the world. Ascend the landmark's grand spiral and experience its special exhibitions and permanent collections. Designed by visionary architect Frank Lloyd Wright and completed in 1959, the Guggenheim Museum is one of the most recognized museums in NYC, curating one of the most incredible collections of Impressionist, Post-Impressionist, early Modern and contemporary art in the world.
Intrepid Museum
A floating museum - get up close to the aircraft carrier USS Intrepid, the space shuttle Enterprise, a British Airways Concorde and submarine Growler, wander through interactive exhibitions, explore historic artifacts and discover the history of American innovation and bravery. An American military and maritime history museum, the collection of museum ships and aircraft at Intrepid Museum is one of America's leading historic, cultural and educational institutions. PLEASE NOTE: Head to the admissions counter and present your pass to be issued a ticket for the next available time slot. For additional information including operating times check the Go City app or digital guide provided.
Museum of Sex New York City
Jump into the most raunchy museum that New York City has to offer! For over fifteen years, the Museum of Sex has sustained its mission to preserve and present the history, evolution and cultural significance of human sexuality. The Museum produces exhibitions, experiences, and programs that bring the best of current art science and the study of sexuality to the widest possible audiences. Explore the vast collection of unique artifacts covering over 22,000 square feet of galleries and exhibitions. Experience more by visiting the acclaimed retail store or having a drink in the captivating Night Fever Bar. Please note: No patrons under the age of 18 are allowed in the museum. This is an adults-only attraction.
Ground Zero Museum Workshop
The award-winning 9/11 Ground Zero Museum Workshop is the first-stop for tourists before visiting the World Trade Center site. Known as the “Kid-Friendly 9/11 Museum” for it’s non-graphic and interactive ability to teach kids about this tough subject in a gentle way, the Workshop allows guests to pick up WTC artifacts and won Trip Advisor’s “Top 25 Museums in the USA” Award. PLEASE NOTE: This activity required advanced reservation. For additional information regarding operating times and reservations, please check Go City app or digital guide provided.
Whitney Museum of American Art
Explore one of New York City's most prominent art museums, the Whitney Museum of American Art specializing in art from the 20th and 21st centuries. The Whitney is among the top tier of art museums in New York City and has built up a world renowned collection of American art. Upon your visit to the museum, you'll find pieces from some of the legends like Georgia O'Keeffe, Edward Hopper, Jasper Johns and Jackson Pollock. You'll also find art from newer artists as the Whitney has made a reputation for purchasing art from the creators within the same year that it is made.
Rockefeller Center Tour
One of the greatest buildings from the Great Depression Era, discover the history and treasures within the Art-Deco-style Rockefeller Center. Famous for its annual Christmas tree and ice-skating, the building is also home to an incredible collection of art and sculptures. PLEASE NOTE: Capacity is limited to 10 guests per tour and tours are available on a first-come, first-serve basis. For additional information including operating times check the Go City app or digital guide provided.
Yankee Stadium
Yankee Stadium (Classic Tour) - Take a tour of Yankee Stadium and learn the history about the 27-time World Series Champion New York Yankees! Get up close to historic baseball artifacts, visit exclusive locations and learn about the various events that have taken place at the Stadium throughout history. Each tour is led by one of our knowledgeable and experienced tour guides to make sure everyone's trip to Yankee Stadium is complete. PLEASE NOTE: Yankee Stadium Tours are popular, we suggest arriving 15 minutes prior to your redeemed Classic Tour start time at the box office and please allow time for security. For additional information including operating times check the Go City app or digital guide provided.
Museum of the City of New York
Located at the top of Museum Mile on Fifth Avenue, the Museum of the City of New York is the place to explore the city's past, celebrate its present, and imagine its future. The engaging exhibitions educate New Yorkers and visitors from around the world about the city's distinctive character, especially its heritage of diversity, opportunity, and perpetual transformation.
The New York Historical
Explore four centuries of New York City history when you visit the New York Historical Society Museum. Right across the street from Central Park, learn more about the city of New York and all of the Americans who have created bits of history within this country. When you visit the museum, you'll be served the culture of NYC on a silver platter. With the use of photographs, paintings and literature, the New York Historical Society puts together amazing exhibits and installations that are a testament to the rich history of the United States.
Cathedral Church of Saint John the Divine
Explore one of the nation's premiere religious centers, the Cathedral of St. John the Divine, and learn the rich history that this landmark has built in New York City. Take a tour of the world’s largest cathedral and see the beautiful Romanesque and Gothic architecture that was designed in 1888. The Cathedral of St. John the Divine also features stunning gardens in which you can spot peacocks wandering.
Museum of Arts and Design
Located in the heart of Columbus Circle, the Museum of Arts and Design gives you a chance to stop and take in a great piece of culture added to the fast pace of New York City.
Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum
Visit the Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum and explore the country's one and only museum dedicated to historic, contemporary design. The unique Cooper Hewitt museum features over 210,000 objects in their massive collection that has been built since the museum's founding in 1897. The objects displayed inside span back as far as 30 centuries but also feature cutting edge technology from years in the future.
South Street Seaport Museum
Dive into New York City's rich maritime history by paying a visit to the South Street Seaport Museum! View the cabins and decks of six historic ships dating back to the 19th Century in New York. Inside you will get to see many interesting artifacts and exhibitions that beautifully depict the origins of the city and early discoveries that were made at sea.
International Center of Photography Museum
Take a trip to the world's leading photography and visual culture institution, the International Center of Photography Museum. Hosting up to six exhibitions each year, the ICP showcases cutting edge photo technology and skills. You'll find presentations that focus on the history of image making as well as lectures and programs within the museum.
Visit one of the oldest and largest nonprofit art institutions in the United States and view the marvelous exhibition space at MoMA PS1. Discover some of the experimental art pieces displayed at the MoMA PS1 and experience the many performances that take place inside of the museum. Located in Long Island City, the museum is a great excuse to organize a trip to the borough of Queens. The MoMA PS1 attracts around 200,000 visitors each year that come to view their unique and historical displays.
Little Italy
The Official Little Italy Walking Tour - Walk the ‘mean streets’ that inspired the young Martin Scorsese to become a filmmaker and discover the often troubled history of this cosmopolitan neighborhood. PLEASE NOTE: This activity required advanced reservation. For additional information regarding operating times and reservations, please check Go City app or digital guide provided.
New York Botanical Garden
Explore the multitude of gardens and plant life waiting for you at the beautiful New York Botanical Garden in the Bronx. Become enthralled in the massive plant collection at the New York Botanical Garden. You can roam the 250 acres and see the 50 plus gardens that are on display. There's something at the garden for everyone, no matter their age. They even feature a children's garden with 40 interactive games and activities to entertain children while they learn about plant life.
Museum of Jewish Heritage
A Living Memorial to the Holocaust this museum is New York’s contribution to the global responsibility to never forget. The Museum is committed to the crucial mission of educating diverse visitors about Jewish life before, during, and after the Holocaust. The third largest Holocaust museum in the world, the Museum anchors the southernmost tip of Manhattan, completing the cultural and educational landscape it shares with the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island.
New York Hall of Science
Have a blast while learning at the exciting and educational New York Hall of Science! This hands-on technology center features over 450 interactive exhibits that teach you about science with fun and engaging activities. The NYSCI has served over a half million students with their educational programs and high-tech facility. Children of all ages are welcome to explore the 30,000 square feet occupied by the Science Playground from March through December.
Skyscraper Museum
View New York City's great skyscrapers and architecture from Battery Park when you visit the Skyscraper Museum. The Skyscraper Museum is a gem for architectural design within the city of New York. You can explore some of the city's greatest landmarks and skyscrapers while learning about their history and technology. Inside of the museum, you will also get to learn about the designers and architects that crafted the illustrious New York City skyline.
Guided Harlem Highlights Bike Tour by Unlimited Biking - Explore the northern section of Manhattan on a fully-guided 2-hour Harlem Bike Tour and get to know this historic, yet the up-and-coming area of New York City. With your enthusiastic and knowledgeable tour guide, you'll learn all about Harlem's history, culture, and population and how various economic booms and busts have shaped, and continue to shape the neighborhood. your guide will even give you a glimpse into what's to come for the borough as it continues to develop in proximity to downtown Manhattan. PLEASE NOTE: Please come in on the day to check-in for the next available tour, at least one hour in advance.
Staten Island Museum at Snug Harbor
Visit one of Staten Island's cultural gems and find exciting exhibits displaying the arts and science at the Staten Island Museum. Also known as the Staten Island Institute of Arts & Sciences, the Staten Island Museum holds an impressive collection of historic artifacts, fine art works and elements of natural sciences. Many artifacts held inside of the museum can be dated back to contemporary and ancient time periods. In addition to the museum's permanent collection, they also showcase artifacts that teach about the many species of the world and the history of Staten Island.
Staten Island Children's Museum
Stop by the Staten Island Children's Museum and experience New York's one and only indoor-outdoor interactive museum for children. Kids will have a blast at the museum as they learn and play with several hands-on exhibitions that will teach them about bugs, water and world exploration. You will also find children's workshops and special performances are the norm at the Staten Island Children's Museum. This is a great environment for kids to learn more about the world around them as well as make friends with other children.
Staten Island Zoo
Explore the wide spectrum of wildlife inhabiting the Staten Island Zoo and learn about your favorite species. Take a stroll around Staten Island's famous Zoo and enjoy the energetic and charismatic animals living within the 8 acres of land that the zoo occupies. Not only will you be able to visit a few of your favorite animals, you will also have the opportunity to learn about new species that you may have never seen before.
LEGOLAND Discovery Center Westchester
Step into an Entirely LEGO®-themed world and experience 12 totally LEGO®, totally entertaining attractions at LEGOLAND® Discovery Center in Westchester, New York. PLEASE NOTE: Please Note: Adults must be accompanied by a child to enter LEGOLAND® Discovery Center at all times. "Adults-only nights" are not included with your pass.
Escape Virtuality
Escape Virtuality is a cutting-edge VR and AR experience that allows you to go beyond the headsets into a virtual world. Escape rooms are private and require a minimum of four players. Smaller parties or those without a reservation may be offered a choice of virtual reality experiences. Weekdays have the best availability. PLEASE NOTE: This activity required advanced reservation. For additional information regarding operating times and reservations, please check Go City app or digital guide provided.
Museum At Eldridge Street
Discover the synagogue that holds such deep significance in the Jewish History of the Lower East Side and the many artifacts that the Museum at Eldridge St. has to show. Inside of the historic synagogue is the museum in which you can find a massive collection of written letters and artifacts from the congregation of Eldridge St. The New York Times has described the museum as "gasp-inducing". You'll certainly enjoy the museum's nostalgic feel and interactive digital displays.
Grand Central Terminal
Marvel & DC Superheroes Tour - Visit famous NYC landmarks that are linked to iconic comic book moments, such as the Grand Central Terminal and the United Nations building in this fun and engaging tour. PLEASE NOTE: This activity required advanced reservation. For additional information regarding operating times and reservations, please check Go City app or digital guide provided.
Basilica Of St. Patrick's Old Cathedral
The Catacombs by Candlelight Tour - Delve beneath St. Patrick’s Basilica into New York's underground passages and explore the historic Catacombs lead by atmospheric candlelight. This 1.5-hour guided tour will take you into the nave of the Basillica of St. Patrick's Old Cathedral where you will explore the faithfully departed's final resting place in the historic crypts. PLEASE NOTE: This activity required advanced reservation. For additional information regarding operating times and reservations, please check Go City app or digital guide provided.
Fotografiska New York
Anything but an ordinary museum, Fotografiska New York uses the power of photography to inspire a more conscious world with powerful, unparalleled exhibitions showcasing some of the world’s best photographers, housed in a historic landmark building located in the Flatiron District.
Central Park
Central Park Bike Rental by Unlimited Biking - You’ll be surprised how much sightseeing you can cram into four hours with the added freedom (and speed) a bike provides. So don your helmet, saddle up and set off to see The Big Apple’s best bits.
Wall Street
How Money Was Made: Wall Street Walking Tour - In this 2.5 informative tour your guide will take you through a history of Wall Street and introduce you to the pioneers and visionaries who made it the global financial institution it is today. PLEASE NOTE: This activity required advanced reservation. For additional information regarding operating times and reservations, please check Go City app or digital guide provided.
NYC Bus Tour of Bronx, Brooklyn, and Queens - From the birthplace of hip-hop to the home of the much-loved Mets and plenty of cultural hotspots in between, on this tour, you'll get to grips with the Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens, Harlem, and more. PLEASE NOTE: This activity required advanced reservation. For additional information regarding operating times and reservations, please check Go City app or digital guide provided.
Broadway & Times Square Walking Tour - Looking for things to see in New York? Walk in the footsteps of the stars and lift the curtain on two of New York City's glittering districts – Broadway and Times Square. PLEASE NOTE: This activity required advanced reservation. For additional information regarding operating times and reservations, please check Go City app or digital guide provided.
Brooklyn Bridge and DUMBO Walking Tour - There's no better way to experience Brooklyn Bridge than taking a stroll across the architectural icon. It's one of the most photographed landmarks in NYC, and you'll get to see it from all angles on this walking tour. PLEASE NOTE: This activity required advanced reservation. For additional information regarding operating times and reservations, please check Go City app or digital guide provided.
The Official Chinatown Walking Tour - Experience the sights, sounds and smells of Manhattan’s vibrant Chinatown with a guided walk through its narrow streets. PLEASE NOTE: This activity required advanced reservation. For additional information regarding operating times and reservations, please check Go City app or digital guide provided.
High Line – Chelsea – Meatpacking District Neighborhood Walking Tour - Explore the famous elevated railway-turned-park high above the streets and get a totally unique perspective on New York City’s Chelsea and Meatpacking Districts. PLEASE NOTE: This activity required advanced reservation. For additional information regarding operating times and reservations, please check Go City app or digital guide provided.
Artechouse NYC
For an immersive exhibition which crosses the boundaries of art, science and technology, head to ARTECHOUSE - New York's Original Home for Digital Art!
Empire State Building
Synonymous with New York City, the Empire State Building is an American icon and one of the Seven Wonders of the Modern World. Head to the top and enjoy views of up to 80 miles on a clear day, taking in Central Park, Manhattan, New Jersey, Connecticut and even out to Pennsylvania and Massachusetts. PLEASE NOTE: reservations are required for this attraction. For additional information regarding operating times and reservations, please check Go City app or digital guide provided. It's not possible to reserve a time slot for sunset hours with your pass. We recommend visiting after to enjoy views of the city at night!
One World Observatory
Situated in Lower Manhattan, One World Observatory offers a state-of-the-art viewing platform 102 stories above ground. Travel straight to the top in 47 seconds in the SkyPod Elevator and delve into the cities cultural and financial history with interactive displays, and interesting talks led by the Tour Ambassadors. PLEASE NOTE: you will need to wait in line to receive a time slot. For additional information regarding operating times, please check Go City app or digital guide provided.
Statue of Liberty
Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island Ferry - *Does not include entry to pedestal or crown levels inside Statue of Liberty - must be purchased separately.* No New York visit is complete without an official welcome from Lady Liberty. Visit the Statue of Liberty and explore Ellis Island, where more than 12 million immigrants were processed upon their arrived in the United States. PLEASE NOTE: this activity requires advanced reservations. For additional information regarding operating times and reservations, please check Go City app or digital guide provided.
Top of the Rock
Breathtaking panoramas stretching miles in all directions, Top of the Rock has the best view in NYC with its perfect view of the Empire State Building. Day and night, gaze across the city's great landmarks and skyscrapers. PLEASE NOTE: you will need to wait in line to receive a time slot. For additional information regarding operating times, please check Go City app or digital guide provided.
The National 9/11 Memorial & Museum
The 9/11 museum takes an in-depth look at the story through artifacts, testimonies and first-hand accounts. Gaze into the reflecting pools of the memorial and take in the tranquil pavilion of the 9/11 memorial before learning more about the Twin Towers tragedies through respectful interactive exhibits. PLEASE NOTE: you will need to wait in line to receive a time slot. For additional information regarding operating times, please check Go City app or digital guide provided.
Edge NYC
Take to the open air on a glass platform 100 stories in the sky and be wowed by the state-of-the-art architecture. Edge is New York City’s most exciting new attraction, set high above the fabulous, glimmering, brand new Hudson Yards! PLEASE NOTE: Please note: Visit any kiosk outside the Edge entrance to reserve your entry in the next available time slot. For additional information including operating times check the Go City app or digital guide provided.
The Museum of Modern Art (MoMA)
Opened in 1929, MoMA's collection of contemporary art has grown to be one of the best and largest in the world. Rotating permanent exhibitions, visiting collections and iconic masterpieces - the Museum of Modern Art is a New York icon. PLEASE NOTE: Head to the MoMA ticket desk and present your pass to be issued a ticket for the next available time slot. For additional information including operating times check the Go City app or digital guide provided.
American Museum of Natural History
Ignite your curiosity about the universe at the beloved 148-year old American Natural History Museum. From show-stopping displays such as the 94-foot blue whale and Tyrannosaurus Rex, to taxidermy specimens, fossils and anthropological artifacts, the Natural History Museum can't be missed. PLEASE NOTE: This activity required advanced reservation. For additional information regarding operating times and reservations, please check Go City app or digital guide provided.
Circle Line Sightseeing Cruises - Midtown
See New York's iconic skyline from the water with your choice of boat tour, from the best of NYC to a sunset cruise of the harbor lights and more. Marvel at the beauty of New York's waterfront and spot the city's landmarks aboard Circle Line Sightseeing cruises. Award-winning guides, famous routes, state-of-the-art boats and magnificent views of the NYC skyline, complete your New York adventure with Circle Line cruises (choice of five NYC cruises). PLEASE NOTE: you will have to wait in line to secure a boarding pass for one of the day's cruises. For additional information including operating times check the Go City app or digital guide provided.
Madame Tussauds New York
With over 85,000 square feet of interactive entertainment, including Mission: Undead experience and Marvel Super Hero 4D Experience, the world-famous wax attraction is bigger and better than ever.
Big Bus New York
A scenic and stress-free way to explore the city - relax as Big Bus tours take you across Manhattan, discovering all the sights and landmarks including Empire State Building, Times Square, Central Park and the Statue of Liberty. TripAdvisor's top-rated NYC bus tour, Big Bus New York is the only sightseeing bus with live commentary and hop-on-hop-off access at 25+ bus stops located across the city. PLEASE NOTE: Pass is only valid for the Uptown and Downtown loops.
Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum
A NYC architectural masterpiece, the Guggenheim museum is home to one of the finest modern art collections in the world. Ascend the landmark's grand spiral and experience its special exhibitions and permanent collections. Designed by visionary architect Frank Lloyd Wright and completed in 1959, the Guggenheim Museum is one of the most recognized museums in NYC, curating one of the most incredible collections of Impressionist, Post-Impressionist, early Modern and contemporary art in the world.
Intrepid Museum
A floating museum - get up close to the aircraft carrier USS Intrepid, the space shuttle Enterprise, a British Airways Concorde and submarine Growler, wander through interactive exhibitions, explore historic artifacts and discover the history of American innovation and bravery. An American military and maritime history museum, the collection of museum ships and aircraft at Intrepid Museum is one of America's leading historic, cultural and educational institutions. PLEASE NOTE: Head to the admissions counter and present your pass to be issued a ticket for the next available time slot. For additional information including operating times check the Go City app or digital guide provided.
Museum of Sex New York City
Jump into the most raunchy museum that New York City has to offer! For over fifteen years, the Museum of Sex has sustained its mission to preserve and present the history, evolution and cultural significance of human sexuality. The Museum produces exhibitions, experiences, and programs that bring the best of current art science and the study of sexuality to the widest possible audiences. Explore the vast collection of unique artifacts covering over 22,000 square feet of galleries and exhibitions. Experience more by visiting the acclaimed retail store or having a drink in the captivating Night Fever Bar. Please note: No patrons under the age of 18 are allowed in the museum. This is an adults-only attraction.
Ground Zero Museum Workshop
The award-winning 9/11 Ground Zero Museum Workshop is the first-stop for tourists before visiting the World Trade Center site. Known as the “Kid-Friendly 9/11 Museum” for it’s non-graphic and interactive ability to teach kids about this tough subject in a gentle way, the Workshop allows guests to pick up WTC artifacts and won Trip Advisor’s “Top 25 Museums in the USA” Award. PLEASE NOTE: This activity required advanced reservation. For additional information regarding operating times and reservations, please check Go City app or digital guide provided.
Whitney Museum of American Art
Explore one of New York City's most prominent art museums, the Whitney Museum of American Art specializing in art from the 20th and 21st centuries. The Whitney is among the top tier of art museums in New York City and has built up a world renowned collection of American art. Upon your visit to the museum, you'll find pieces from some of the legends like Georgia O'Keeffe, Edward Hopper, Jasper Johns and Jackson Pollock. You'll also find art from newer artists as the Whitney has made a reputation for purchasing art from the creators within the same year that it is made.
Rockefeller Center Tour
One of the greatest buildings from the Great Depression Era, discover the history and treasures within the Art-Deco-style Rockefeller Center. Famous for its annual Christmas tree and ice-skating, the building is also home to an incredible collection of art and sculptures. PLEASE NOTE: Capacity is limited to 10 guests per tour and tours are available on a first-come, first-serve basis. For additional information including operating times check the Go City app or digital guide provided.
Yankee Stadium
Yankee Stadium (Classic Tour) - Take a tour of Yankee Stadium and learn the history about the 27-time World Series Champion New York Yankees! Get up close to historic baseball artifacts, visit exclusive locations and learn about the various events that have taken place at the Stadium throughout history. Each tour is led by one of our knowledgeable and experienced tour guides to make sure everyone's trip to Yankee Stadium is complete. PLEASE NOTE: Yankee Stadium Tours are popular, we suggest arriving 15 minutes prior to your redeemed Classic Tour start time at the box office and please allow time for security. For additional information including operating times check the Go City app or digital guide provided.
Museum of the City of New York
Located at the top of Museum Mile on Fifth Avenue, the Museum of the City of New York is the place to explore the city's past, celebrate its present, and imagine its future. The engaging exhibitions educate New Yorkers and visitors from around the world about the city's distinctive character, especially its heritage of diversity, opportunity, and perpetual transformation.
The New York Historical
Explore four centuries of New York City history when you visit the New York Historical Society Museum. Right across the street from Central Park, learn more about the city of New York and all of the Americans who have created bits of history within this country. When you visit the museum, you'll be served the culture of NYC on a silver platter. With the use of photographs, paintings and literature, the New York Historical Society puts together amazing exhibits and installations that are a testament to the rich history of the United States.
Cathedral Church of Saint John the Divine
Explore one of the nation's premiere religious centers, the Cathedral of St. John the Divine, and learn the rich history that this landmark has built in New York City. Take a tour of the world’s largest cathedral and see the beautiful Romanesque and Gothic architecture that was designed in 1888. The Cathedral of St. John the Divine also features stunning gardens in which you can spot peacocks wandering.
Museum of Arts and Design
Located in the heart of Columbus Circle, the Museum of Arts and Design gives you a chance to stop and take in a great piece of culture added to the fast pace of New York City.
Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum
Visit the Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum and explore the country's one and only museum dedicated to historic, contemporary design. The unique Cooper Hewitt museum features over 210,000 objects in their massive collection that has been built since the museum's founding in 1897. The objects displayed inside span back as far as 30 centuries but also feature cutting edge technology from years in the future.
South Street Seaport Museum
Dive into New York City's rich maritime history by paying a visit to the South Street Seaport Museum! View the cabins and decks of six historic ships dating back to the 19th Century in New York. Inside you will get to see many interesting artifacts and exhibitions that beautifully depict the origins of the city and early discoveries that were made at sea.
International Center of Photography Museum
Take a trip to the world's leading photography and visual culture institution, the International Center of Photography Museum. Hosting up to six exhibitions each year, the ICP showcases cutting edge photo technology and skills. You'll find presentations that focus on the history of image making as well as lectures and programs within the museum.
Visit one of the oldest and largest nonprofit art institutions in the United States and view the marvelous exhibition space at MoMA PS1. Discover some of the experimental art pieces displayed at the MoMA PS1 and experience the many performances that take place inside of the museum. Located in Long Island City, the museum is a great excuse to organize a trip to the borough of Queens. The MoMA PS1 attracts around 200,000 visitors each year that come to view their unique and historical displays.
Little Italy
The Official Little Italy Walking Tour - Walk the ‘mean streets’ that inspired the young Martin Scorsese to become a filmmaker and discover the often troubled history of this cosmopolitan neighborhood. PLEASE NOTE: This activity required advanced reservation. For additional information regarding operating times and reservations, please check Go City app or digital guide provided.
New York Botanical Garden
Explore the multitude of gardens and plant life waiting for you at the beautiful New York Botanical Garden in the Bronx. Become enthralled in the massive plant collection at the New York Botanical Garden. You can roam the 250 acres and see the 50 plus gardens that are on display. There's something at the garden for everyone, no matter their age. They even feature a children's garden with 40 interactive games and activities to entertain children while they learn about plant life.
Museum of Jewish Heritage
A Living Memorial to the Holocaust this museum is New York’s contribution to the global responsibility to never forget. The Museum is committed to the crucial mission of educating diverse visitors about Jewish life before, during, and after the Holocaust. The third largest Holocaust museum in the world, the Museum anchors the southernmost tip of Manhattan, completing the cultural and educational landscape it shares with the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island.
New York Hall of Science
Have a blast while learning at the exciting and educational New York Hall of Science! This hands-on technology center features over 450 interactive exhibits that teach you about science with fun and engaging activities. The NYSCI has served over a half million students with their educational programs and high-tech facility. Children of all ages are welcome to explore the 30,000 square feet occupied by the Science Playground from March through December.
Skyscraper Museum
View New York City's great skyscrapers and architecture from Battery Park when you visit the Skyscraper Museum. The Skyscraper Museum is a gem for architectural design within the city of New York. You can explore some of the city's greatest landmarks and skyscrapers while learning about their history and technology. Inside of the museum, you will also get to learn about the designers and architects that crafted the illustrious New York City skyline.
Guided Harlem Highlights Bike Tour by Unlimited Biking - Explore the northern section of Manhattan on a fully-guided 2-hour Harlem Bike Tour and get to know this historic, yet the up-and-coming area of New York City. With your enthusiastic and knowledgeable tour guide, you'll learn all about Harlem's history, culture, and population and how various economic booms and busts have shaped, and continue to shape the neighborhood. your guide will even give you a glimpse into what's to come for the borough as it continues to develop in proximity to downtown Manhattan. PLEASE NOTE: Please come in on the day to check-in for the next available tour, at least one hour in advance.
Staten Island Museum at Snug Harbor
Visit one of Staten Island's cultural gems and find exciting exhibits displaying the arts and science at the Staten Island Museum. Also known as the Staten Island Institute of Arts & Sciences, the Staten Island Museum holds an impressive collection of historic artifacts, fine art works and elements of natural sciences. Many artifacts held inside of the museum can be dated back to contemporary and ancient time periods. In addition to the museum's permanent collection, they also showcase artifacts that teach about the many species of the world and the history of Staten Island.
Staten Island Children's Museum
Stop by the Staten Island Children's Museum and experience New York's one and only indoor-outdoor interactive museum for children. Kids will have a blast at the museum as they learn and play with several hands-on exhibitions that will teach them about bugs, water and world exploration. You will also find children's workshops and special performances are the norm at the Staten Island Children's Museum. This is a great environment for kids to learn more about the world around them as well as make friends with other children.
Staten Island Zoo
Explore the wide spectrum of wildlife inhabiting the Staten Island Zoo and learn about your favorite species. Take a stroll around Staten Island's famous Zoo and enjoy the energetic and charismatic animals living within the 8 acres of land that the zoo occupies. Not only will you be able to visit a few of your favorite animals, you will also have the opportunity to learn about new species that you may have never seen before.
LEGOLAND Discovery Center Westchester
Step into an Entirely LEGO®-themed world and experience 12 totally LEGO®, totally entertaining attractions at LEGOLAND® Discovery Center in Westchester, New York. PLEASE NOTE: Please Note: Adults must be accompanied by a child to enter LEGOLAND® Discovery Center at all times. "Adults-only nights" are not included with your pass.
Escape Virtuality
Escape Virtuality is a cutting-edge VR and AR experience that allows you to go beyond the headsets into a virtual world. Escape rooms are private and require a minimum of four players. Smaller parties or those without a reservation may be offered a choice of virtual reality experiences. Weekdays have the best availability. PLEASE NOTE: This activity required advanced reservation. For additional information regarding operating times and reservations, please check Go City app or digital guide provided.
Museum At Eldridge Street
Discover the synagogue that holds such deep significance in the Jewish History of the Lower East Side and the many artifacts that the Museum at Eldridge St. has to show. Inside of the historic synagogue is the museum in which you can find a massive collection of written letters and artifacts from the congregation of Eldridge St. The New York Times has described the museum as "gasp-inducing". You'll certainly enjoy the museum's nostalgic feel and interactive digital displays.
Grand Central Terminal
Marvel & DC Superheroes Tour - Visit famous NYC landmarks that are linked to iconic comic book moments, such as the Grand Central Terminal and the United Nations building in this fun and engaging tour. PLEASE NOTE: This activity required advanced reservation. For additional information regarding operating times and reservations, please check Go City app or digital guide provided.
Basilica Of St. Patrick's Old Cathedral
The Catacombs by Candlelight Tour - Delve beneath St. Patrick’s Basilica into New York's underground passages and explore the historic Catacombs lead by atmospheric candlelight. This 1.5-hour guided tour will take you into the nave of the Basillica of St. Patrick's Old Cathedral where you will explore the faithfully departed's final resting place in the historic crypts. PLEASE NOTE: This activity required advanced reservation. For additional information regarding operating times and reservations, please check Go City app or digital guide provided.
Fotografiska New York
Anything but an ordinary museum, Fotografiska New York uses the power of photography to inspire a more conscious world with powerful, unparalleled exhibitions showcasing some of the world’s best photographers, housed in a historic landmark building located in the Flatiron District.
Central Park
Central Park Bike Rental by Unlimited Biking - You’ll be surprised how much sightseeing you can cram into four hours with the added freedom (and speed) a bike provides. So don your helmet, saddle up and set off to see The Big Apple’s best bits.
Wall Street
How Money Was Made: Wall Street Walking Tour - In this 2.5 informative tour your guide will take you through a history of Wall Street and introduce you to the pioneers and visionaries who made it the global financial institution it is today. PLEASE NOTE: This activity required advanced reservation. For additional information regarding operating times and reservations, please check Go City app or digital guide provided.
NYC Bus Tour of Bronx, Brooklyn, and Queens - From the birthplace of hip-hop to the home of the much-loved Mets and plenty of cultural hotspots in between, on this tour, you'll get to grips with the Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens, Harlem, and more. PLEASE NOTE: This activity required advanced reservation. For additional information regarding operating times and reservations, please check Go City app or digital guide provided.
Broadway & Times Square Walking Tour - Looking for things to see in New York? Walk in the footsteps of the stars and lift the curtain on two of New York City's glittering districts – Broadway and Times Square. PLEASE NOTE: This activity required advanced reservation. For additional information regarding operating times and reservations, please check Go City app or digital guide provided.
Brooklyn Bridge and DUMBO Walking Tour - There's no better way to experience Brooklyn Bridge than taking a stroll across the architectural icon. It's one of the most photographed landmarks in NYC, and you'll get to see it from all angles on this walking tour. PLEASE NOTE: This activity required advanced reservation. For additional information regarding operating times and reservations, please check Go City app or digital guide provided.
The Official Chinatown Walking Tour - Experience the sights, sounds and smells of Manhattan’s vibrant Chinatown with a guided walk through its narrow streets. PLEASE NOTE: This activity required advanced reservation. For additional information regarding operating times and reservations, please check Go City app or digital guide provided.
High Line – Chelsea – Meatpacking District Neighborhood Walking Tour - Explore the famous elevated railway-turned-park high above the streets and get a totally unique perspective on New York City’s Chelsea and Meatpacking Districts. PLEASE NOTE: This activity required advanced reservation. For additional information regarding operating times and reservations, please check Go City app or digital guide provided.
Artechouse NYC
For an immersive exhibition which crosses the boundaries of art, science and technology, head to ARTECHOUSE - New York's Original Home for Digital Art!
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Mar 2025
Go City are liars and thiefs. They validate activities you have never done by validating them in the app. So you pay for the activities you have never experienced!
Mar 2025
Easy to use. Would definitely recommend to friends and family. Saved loads using the pass. Contacted go city chat as had some issue booking one of the tours, issue was quickly resolved with ease. Thank you Go City.
Mar 2025
Very cost-effective. Easy to use. Lots of attractions, including the most important ones. Everyone will find something for themselves

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March 2025