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Приватний екскурсійний бутик VIP по нижній петлі Йеллоустоуну - Вест-Йеллоустоун, Монтана

Globe Trekkers — це надання вам VIP та уваги, на яку ви заслуговуєте! Це приватні тури (тільки для вашої вечірки), трансфер із готелю та висадка включені, ви телефонуєте на зупинки, ми робимо ваші фотографії для вас, а також пропонуємо безкоштовні закуски та напої.

Приватна одноденна екскурсія Єллоустонським національним парком. Всі грандіозні родзинки парку. Гід виконує функції водія, гіда та фотографа.

Найкращий спосіб побачити Єллоустоун за один день! Ми підберемо вас у будь-якому місці в радіусі 15 км.

*Зверніть увагу, що з 16 квітня по 16 травня деякі ділянки парку все ще можуть бути недоступні через налипання снігу взимку.
Місто: Західний Єллоустоун
Sat 11 Jan
Обрати дату можна вже на сайті бронювання
Починаючи з $350.00
Sat 11 Jan
Починаючи з $350.00
Що включено
Особистий транспорт
Вода в пляшках
Транспортний засіб з кондиціонером
Усі збори та податки
До готелю або AirBnB включено трансфер і трансфер.
Додаткова інформація
  • Пристосовано для інвалідного візка
  • Немовлята та маленькі діти можуть їздити в дитячому візку
  • Поруч є зупинки громадського транспорту
  • Доступ для транспорту — інвалідний візок доступний
  • Підходить для будь-якого рівня фізичної підготовки
  • Дезінфікуючий засіб для рук доступний для мандрівників і персоналу
  • Регулярно дезінфікуються місця з інтенсивним рухом людей
  • Спорядження/обладнання дезінфікується між використаннями
  • Регулярно дезінфікуються транспортні засоби
  • Порадники повинні регулярно мити руки
  • Безконтактні платежі чайових і надбавок
Чого очікувати
Firehole Canyon Drive
Красиві стіни вулканічної форми, бурхлива вода та водоспад.
Firehole Lake Drive
Побачте потужні та дивовижні джерела та гейзери, яких більшість відвідувачів не бачать на цій історичній бічній дорозі.
Старий вірний
Всесвітньо відомий гейзер і багато інших.
Каскади Кеплера
Один з найдивовижніших водоспадів у нижній петлі.
Басейн гейзерів West Thumb
Красиві геотермальні об’єкти вздовж берегів Єллоустонського озера.
Велике призматичне джерело
Найбільше джерело в парку. Ця зупинка, якщо дозволяє погода. У гостей є можливість піднятися на вершину оглядового майданчика або прогулятися вздовж джерела.
Рибальський міст
Подивіться на історичний міст, на якому ранні відвідувачі зловили форель-головоріз, що виходила з Єллоустонського озера, прямуючи вгору по річці Єллоустоун.
Хайден Веллі
Найкраще місце для огляду зубрів на нижній петлі. Великі краєвиди та спостереження за дикою природою в достатку.
Гейзери Єллоустоун - район грязьових вулканів
Подивіться на химерні бурхливі гейзери, тусовку бізонів і дивовижну Печеру Дракона.
Artist Point
Одне з найкрасивіших і захоплюючих місць у парку. Вид на Великий Єллоустонський каньйон і водоспад.
Берилове джерело
Одне з найгарячіших джерел у всьому парку. Справжній ревучий паровий отвір.
Озеро Єллоустоун
Гарний історичний готель на березі Єллоустонського озера. Є гастроном на обід і чудова зупинка для подарунків і сувенірів.
Show 9 більше зупинок
Політика скасування
Щоб отримати повне відшкодування, скасуйте принаймні за 24 години до запланованого часу відправлення.
Фотографії мандрівників
Відгуки (125)
May 2022
The Grand Canyon portion of the park was the most beautiful part of the park as well as the entire drive. Our guide Dennis was the best tour guide I have ever had. His knowledge of the area,animals and the trees and plants of the area was amazing. Dennis was the most accommodating guide and made our trip very special. He picked us up and had water and snacks at the ready for us. He took us to Old Faithful and as I am a person who hates to wait he timed it perfectly as we only had to wait for Old Faithful to erupt for about 10 minutes. It was a sight to see!! He knew the best vantage point to see it and took us there. We had a front row view to watch it erupt. Afterwards he took us to a nice lunch and the really cool general store where I was able to get a few gifts. He was never in a hurry and he seemed to genuinely enjoy taking us around showing us one of the most beautiful places on earth. I really didn’t know the history of Yellowstone but he did and explained it very well and answered all my questions. I love the fact that it was a private tour and he took just me and my friend. He was really able to focus on what me and my friend were interested in. I am not really big on guided tours but for an area as big as Yellowstone I felt we really needed someone “in the know”. I was very pleased with my decision to choose Globe Trekkers. We are already planning our next trip to Asheville and will be using Globe Trekkers.
May 2022
Full experience! Wow! Thank you for making our time in Yellowstone the best it could be and more. I leave Yellowstone now with a deeper knowledge and respect of its creation, the energy below our feet and it’s wild terrain. Thank you, Dennis. We’ll definitely see you again!
May 2022
Our driver was an hour late and when we got to Yellowstone gate his credit card wouldn’t work for the 35 dollar charge to get in !! Had to give him mine just so we could go in ( he offered to go back to town to ATM) which made no sense but whatever!! Took us to old faithful and geysers we hiked a mile or so to another one went up to Grand Canyon of Yellowstone which was beautiful then he was rushing saying nothing else really to see and wanted to return however I had map and we went to several more geysers while he sat in parking lot and giibson falls … returned way before dark and he Stated he would buy us supper for the money of 35 .:,. We told him to keep it we were in for the night !! Was not worth 700 dollars by any means !! 35 dollars is gate entry we actually could have paid that ourselves and did our own little tour of what we saw !! Yes some places were still closed due to snow but our guide did not know what and he was unfamiliar with a lot !!! He had a nice personality but it was No VIP tour !! Only had water in back for us nothing else but I had brought food !! If you can drive and don’t mind looking at a map don’t waste 700 dollars cause it’s only 35 to get in and 10 dollars if you want to hear a guide… their are cheaper tours but I guess we had impression that we would be gone 12 hours with elite service and go and go as we wanted !! Over all ok tour saw some really wonderful beautiful things but will be aware next time not to pay for something we don’t need or get !!
Відповідь від хоста
May 2022
Hi Mr and Mrs Newton, After speaking with you today directly we wanted to address the concerns we discussed. We sincerely apologize for the tour you recieved. While we were initially led to believe (by what we were told by the guide) that this was a case of mistaken expectations vs what is listed in the itinerary, we now know that the guide took it upon himself to alter the tour. While we do understand that his intentions were good and he thought he was providing a service by suggesting the longer hikes and things that were not initially listed in an attempt to make up for areas that were closed due to weather, he should not have made that decision himself. The issue with the gate fees is still be addressed. All of our guide are provided with funds either by cash or company credit card for the entrance fees. We do understand you concern about the const of entry, but for anyone reading the review and this response please understand, as a business we are required to pay a different amount when we takes guests into the park. Most companies don't offer to cover the entrance fees to avoid situations like this, but we include those costs in our pricing to make it easier for our customers. You having to pay the entrance is not acceptable and goes against our business model. Also, please understand, that we do not make the amount that you were charged. There are additional fees added on by third parties for use of the booking system that we have no control over. As far as the guide not knowing where to go, a lot of time in the spring, we have unexpected winter weather that will close areas that have been open or delay areas that should be open, and we have little to no notice of those areas so our guides try to make adjustments but will not alway be aware of changes prior to entering the park. On the lack of snacks, this is very concerning to us also as our guides are provided either actually water and snacks or if they are in an area far from the office area, funds are sent to them to purchase the supplies they need. There should never be an instance that our guide does not have water and snacks at a minimum. Please rest assured that this situation will be thoroughly discussed and disciplinary actions will be taken. As we discussed, to make up for this event, we are refunding you 50% of the cost of the tour as you requested. Globe Trekkers takes the quality of our tours very seriously and will not tolerate the type of behavior you experienced. Please accept our apologies and we do hope at some point in the future we will have the chance to try to re-earn your business. Sincerely Globe Trekkers Tour Co

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