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Warner Bros. Studio Tour Hollywood


Зайдіть за об’єктив і відкрийте секрети магії створення фільмів. Наш студійний тур наблизить вас до улюблених розваг, ніж будь-коли. Ви дослідите одну з найзавантаженіших робочих студій у Лос-Анджелесі з вашим господарем, одним із наших експертів-гідів.

Досліджуйте культові декорації та звукові сцени з деяких із найвідоміших фільмів. Дізнайтеся, як магія кіно оживає на Stage 48: від сценарію до екрану від класичних голлівудських костюмів до технології зеленого екрану, що використовується для створення спецефектів.

Пообідайте в нашому розширеному кафе Central Perk Cafe та зробіть покупки в нашому бутику Friends
Великий фінал дає вам змогу поринути у фільми з відтвореними декораціями із Всесвіту DC, де ви можете досліджувати супергероїв і суперлиходіїв. Потім гортайте Гаррі Поттера та Фантастичних звірів і відсортуйте їх за чарівним капелюхом.

З 22 грудня по 1 січня Свята Спеціальна функція Made here на нашому Midwest Backlot, також відомому як Stars Hollow для шанувальників улюблений серіал Дівчата Гілмор
Місто: Лос-Анджелес
Sun 22 Sep
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Починаючи з $69.00
Sun 22 Sep
Починаючи з $69.00
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Фотографії мандрівників
Відгуки (1000)
Jan 2020
I have never really thought about going to Warner Bros. before but it was a fantastic experience! We had Freddy (Alfredo) as our tour guide and he was wonderful! While we were on our tour he provided details that I found very fascinating about how movie magic really works as well as facts about each set. He showcased his knowledge in a very entertaining way as he acted out some scenes that matched the location we were in, which really provided an immersive experience. I also could not help but notice that our tour group was the only one to get out of the tour tram and explore during certain parts of the tour while Freddy continued to explain each set. Fortunately Freddy is fantastic at answering any questions you may have as well and has a very friendly personality which made this tour one of a kind! As for the tram itself you are on the tram for a good amount of time to rest your legs, but there was also plenty of time to walk around. Freddy also did a quick survey at the beginning of our ride to see what movies or television series we were interested in, and Freddy came through! There were fans of Argo, Shameless, and Friends on our tram which Freddy flawlessly added to our experience. He shared facts from all three and so much more! I was the fan of Shameless and he even took us to the set where Shameless was filmed which is called a sound stage! It was a lot of fun to see. If there are any Friends fans this tour is wonderful and highly recommended! there was so much to see that involved Friends and it is truly an experience not to miss. We also were able to go into an area called the archives that showcased props and costumes from various movies like Wonder Women and Harry Potter. Then we were taken to a room that stored a lot of Batman vehicles from various movies which was very interesting to me. This whole tour was definitely worth it and if you can I would request Freddy as your tour guide as he does a phenomenal job! Looking forward to our next visit.
Відповідь від хоста
Jan 2020
Glad you had such a great time on the Studio Tour! Thanks for sharing your experience.
Jan 2020
This tour was so exciting! All the people on the cart had different interests, and our guide Freddy (Alfredo) tried to show us at least something from all the shows and movies. He even had interesting anecdotes and facts about filming! I'd do the tour again for sure!
Відповідь від хоста
Jan 2020
Happy to hear that you had a great time on the tour. We appreciate the feedback!
Jan 2020
We've taken this tour several times, we took my parents this time (October,2019) and it had been 2 years since our last tour. Of course Warner Bros Tour is one of our very favorites, there is so much to see, it's really very fun and very interesting and the "museum part" at the end of the tour is AWESOME! B..U..T... this time was very different from all the other times. IT WAS EXTREMELY RUSHED!! and I mean really RUSHED! It was so rushed that it really left a "bad taste in my mouth" and I was so disappointed as it was the first time my parents had taken that tour and we had really talked it up as a great tour. We basically had to run through the Prop Warehouse portion only to be scolded by our Tour guide. UGH! Which was another issue... Our tour guide was awful, all he did was scolded everyone... constantly... "hurry up," or "well, because you are so slow and not listening, you've ruined it for group," and wouldn't allow anyone time to take any pictures. Seriously... it was ridiculous! I'm not exaggerating... really.... I can't even believe I'm writing this. (Insert EyeRoll). and it's so sad because we have really enjoyed this tour in the past. The only SAVING GRACE was that once we got to the end... the "Museum" part there were employees, including some management that I think could see the disgust on my face and asked me how we enjoyed the tour... (but I think he already knew the answer) and I am not one to complain and I tried very hard to be fair but I just couldn't lie.. haha Anyway, THANK YOU to the employee (sorry I can't remember names) and management that went out of their way to help with the situation, to help make up for the awful experience. I am very grateful to those employees for doing that for my parents, it was a very nice thing to do and we are very appreciative for that. My parents very much enjoyed that extra time they took and they did have smiles on their faces afterward. So again... THANK YOU SO MUCH - Warner Bros. employees/management!!! But, to end this long winded review..... IS WARNER BROS. TOUR WORTH IT - YES, if you've never gone, you should go. You will have fun! Although, I really hope that this was a fluke and that we just got a bad tour guide because I would hate for this to now be the "NORM" for Warner Bros Tours, because we really loved this tour and felt it was the best tour for the money!! Please don't "rush" your tours to move more people through - to make more money. Warner Bros. Tour was the BEST, super fun, super informative tour ever and I would hate for that to change. KUDOS AND BIG THANK YOU TO THE WARNER BROS. EMPLOYEES, Y'ALL ARE AWESOME!!!!
Відповідь від хоста
Jan 2020
We're so sorry to hear about your Studio Tour experience and appreciate you sharing your feedback. Please contact [email protected] so that he can provide additional assistance.

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