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Водоспад гори Західний Мауї та океанська екскурсія на конях

Maui Mountain Activities пропонує кінні прогулянки, які піднімуть вас у гори Західного Мауї, щоб побачити водоспади (сезонно) на відстані, а потім спустяться до узбережжя, щоб покататися вздовж Тихого океану. Відчуйте спокій рідних тропічних лісів Мауї та красу його вод. Є місце для пробіжки, де ви можете пробігти свого коня, якщо хочете (якщо дозволяє погода), і ваші гіди фотографуватимуть вас на камеру по дорозі. Здійсніть екскурсію контактним зоопарком і познайомтеся з багатьма тваринами, серед яких можуть бути міні-коні, гуси, кролики, морські свинки, свині та вівці. Це 2-годинний тур. Безалкогольні напої надаються безкоштовно.
Місто: Мауї
Sat 26 Oct
Обрати дату можна вже на сайті бронювання
Починаючи з $145.83
Sat 26 Oct
Починаючи з $145.83
Що включено
Надаються підсідельні сумки та шоломи
Усі заходи будуть супроводжуватися
Закуски (газована вода, сік, вода) будуть доступні та безкоштовні.
Додаткова інформація
  • Не рекомендовано для мандрівників із травмами хребта
  • Не рекомендовано для вагітних мандрівників
  • Не рекомендовано для мандрівників із поганим серцево-судинним здоров’ям
  • Мандрівники повинні мати принаймні помірний рівень фізичної підготовки
  • Рекомендовано довгі штани, закрите взуття, сонцезахисний крем і фотоапарат
  • Мінімальний вік 7 років
  • Обмеження ваги 230 фунтів (104,54 кг) суворо дотримується
  • ТОЧНА вага тіла є обов’язковою. Якщо ви перевищите надану нам масу тіла на 15 фунтів, ми спробуємо побачити, чи є кінь, який зможе вас прийняти. Якщо у нас немає коня для вас, ви не зможете їздити верхи та не отримаєте відшкодування.
  • Дотримується всіх правил і норм округу Мауї. Маски не потрібні.
Політика скасування
Щоб отримати повне відшкодування, скасуйте принаймні за 24 години до запланованого часу відправлення.
Фотографії мандрівників
Відгуки (461)
Mar 2021
I am honestly shocked at the good reviews for this place. From start to finish, this was the worst possible horse back riding experience I have ever been on. First, they have us meet at the bottom of a hill so we can “shuttle” up the mountain together. The “shuttle” is actually everyone’s own vehicle driving along in a caravan, which is totally understandable given COVID concerns - the problem is that to get to the farm you will now need to drive your own vehicle up a mile long off-road trail that is steep and rocky. Needless to say, when we rented a 2-door sedan for the weekend, we didn’t expect to take it off road. They need to change their parking instructions on the details page and let people know they’ll be driving their own cars up the mountain. After parking our car, we get out and notice the completely run down “farm” filled with very malnourished, sad animals. A few dogs were locked away in a cage and one dog, that didn’t look well, tied up to a tree. It was so sad to see how dirty and not well taken care of the animals looked. It was also filled with skinny cats - if the cats were properly fixed, the cat population wouldn’t be so out of hand. Their bathrooms are porta potties, which I did not enter so I don’t know if they were clean or not. Our departure time was set for 8:15, we didn’t get on our horses and start our tour until 9:30. The horses were all dirty and not well kept at all. It had been very rainy the past few days, but these horses did not look well bathed or taken care of, regardless of the rain. Now for the actual tour - I would not recommend it to amateur riders. The terrain was very bumpy and very steep. There were so many holes everywhere, my horse slipped in them a few times. They will also gallop whether you like it or not. At the end they give you the option to let them “run” which is such a bad idea. A lady fell off of her horse as it was running and I have a feeling that happens more often than not. Even if you say no to the running, you better be ready for your horse to trot anyway, because it’s absolutely going to. By the end of the trip, my horse was so exhausted and hot - I hope he wasn’t forced to do another tour that day. There were so many things wrong with this tour - I could go on and on. Maybe it’s the animal lover in me and seeing how bad the animals looked that left a bad taste in my mouth, but man, it was rough. I would not recommend this tour to anyone. It seems maybe they should sell some of their ATVs so they can properly take care of their animals? Just a thought.
Mar 2021
The views are amazing. I like how the tour guides gave us some history on each area we went through.
Mar 2021
I like that it was a longer ride. The view was nice but it wasn’t a relaxing scenic trail. It’s up hill and down hill the whole way and that’s hard on the horses and just not as fun. **as a horse owner I have a problem with a few of the ways that they do things. Specifically having one designated spot for them to run. As we were approaching it the horses were getting very hot and they were becoming hard to control for some of the people that this was their first ride. They would get to a spot and take off. I pulled mine back because they should never do anything you didn’t ask of them. That is so dangerous. It’s common horse knowledge ... just like don’t get off by the gate or they get gate sour etc. so I would recommend they change that or find a new route.

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