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Круїз зі спостереженням за китами з відкритим баром з пляжу Каанапалі

НАЙКРАЩИЙ спосіб побачити величних тихоокеанських горбатих китів зблизька та особисто. Води біля берегів Каанапалі Мауї є місцем проживання найбільшої популяції горбатих китів на планеті. Наші навчені натуралісти навчатимуть і дадуть відповіді на запитання, поки ми збираємося переглянути найактивніші стручки, які ми можемо знайти. Розслабтеся з мімозою, Кривавою Мері чи іншими острівними коктейлями! Відкритий бар включено!
Місто: Мауї
Tue 17 Sep
Обрати дату можна вже на сайті бронювання
Починаючи з $85.73
Tue 17 Sep
Починаючи з $85.73
Що включено
Необмежена кількість напоїв (відкритий бар)
Усі податки, збори та плата за обробку
Живі коментарі досвідчених натуралістів на борту
Безкоштовне підтвердження паркування до 3 годин
Додаткова інформація
  • Немовлят і маленьких дітей можна катати в колясці
  • Дозволено поводження з тваринами-поводинами
  • Поруч є зупинки громадського транспорту
  • Підходить для всіх Рівень фізичної підготовки
  • Мінімальний вік для вживання алкоголю становить 21 рік
  • Реєстрація за 1/2 години до часу відправлення
  • Не рекомендовано для мандрівників з проблемами пересування, оскільки ми завантажені від пляжу
Політика скасування
Щоб отримати повне відшкодування, скасуйте принаймні за 24 години до запланованого часу відправлення.
Фотографії мандрівників
Відгуки (136)
David B
Mar 2018
We had soooooo much fun! The crew was a blast, and safety was their utmost concern. We added the SNUBA experience with Noni as our guide. On the ride over to the snorkel area we were treated to a really good breakfast, eggs, bacon, and sausage....not just your typical danish, a real breakfast! Also on the way the Capt'n stopped a couple of times as we past a huge sea turtle floating along, and again as a pod of dolphins swam/leapt around us. After our dive we enjoyed a tasty lunch and an open bar! Try the POG with dark rum :).
Відповідь від хоста
Mar 2018
Yes! SNUBA is a blast, so glad you guys tried it. Thank you so much for your super awesome review. It’s mean a lot to us! We go over each and every one with the staff. Mahalo!!
Jessica H
Mar 2018
amazing!!!!! This was our favorite part of the trip. Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE was so freaking nice and sweet. Pete, Emily, Captain Bob, Sweet the photographer, and our SNUBA instructor, Drew. SNUBA is so worth it! My fiancé and I got up close to turtles, actually swimming with them. Sea urchents, schools of fish and tons of whales on the way to and from the snorkeling site. Best customer service experience ever, and the best experience ever!!!!!
Відповідь від хоста
Mar 2018
Hahaha that’s awesome! We feed off of good energy so thank you for being so freakin awesome! Lol. We truly enjoy what we get to do out there everyday and watching our guests have a good time is addicting. Mahalo for sharing this! It’s a huge help and means more than you know to all of us! Aloha.
jennifer y
Feb 2018
So Sea Maui and island adventures are the same outfit. I had originally signed up for SUP lesson. I was there 20 min early, per instruction, but instructor was not. I was skeptical if it was going to happen or not as other activity providers were not in the water despite only the yellow flag being up. I waited for 20 minutes after my scheduled time to be told it wasn't going to happen. They had been cancelling things all day but hadn't tried to call. I decided to give them a second chance and had a whale cruise later that week. The swells were huge at their put in point and they had to move up the coast. They knew this before the start time. By the time they finally had the transportation sorted out for the change we were 1/2 late starting. Another group had plans immediately after the cruise and 3 people in their group never showed up to the launch. This company has been around for a while, but in sore need of a tune up. However...despite not sailing Nd just motoring out to find whales, Captain Bobby, Emily and Molly were great hosts with enthusiasm for their work. Very friendly, informative and accommodating to the older folks of the watch. We did see whales, some with babies learning to breach. The ride was a blast and they don't mind you sitting on the net. Had a great time.

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