I know that whale watching tours can be great or a bust, depending on where the whales are and other variables beyond human control. We were blessed with a truly awesome one!! The people who did our tour: Our awesome guide, Mike, Capt. Mike, and Sarah, really had it together! We saw a humpback and were fortunate to get to watch several Orcas over a period of time. The one had a huge dorsal fin and it was truly stunning to watch them swimming, spouting and diving. I had never seen whales in the wild and I am so happy with this trip! We also toured about on the boat and saw a large bald eagle, as well as other varied animals. Our guide, Mike, was very knowledgeable and told us many things that we had not known before. The whole trip was just amazing. If you are hesitating because of cost, it was SOOOOO worth it!We tipped generously! Of course, there are no guarantees with this sort of thing, but I think that if the whales are out there, these guys will find them!