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Спостереження за китами з Фрайдей Харбор

Найкраще спостерігати за косатками можна з Фрайдей-Харбор на острові Сан-Хуан, просто одноденної подорожі з центру Сіетла. Острови Сан-Хуан вважаються «перлиною» тихоокеанського північного заходу, розташовані в Пьюджет-Саунді.
Місто: Острови Сан-Хуан
Fri 25 Oct
Обрати дату можна вже на сайті бронювання
Починаючи з $135.00
Fri 25 Oct
Починаючи з $135.00
Що включено
Круїз зі спостереженням за китами
Місцеві податки
Додаткова інформація
  • Дозволено поводирів
  • Доступні спеціальні дитячі крісла
  • Підходять для будь-якого рівня фізичної підготовки
  • Для максимальної безпеки діти віком до 2 років повинні перебувати в ремінь безпеки, прив’язаний до одного з батьків, і залишатися в каюті
  • Тур «Спеціальний обмежений» не рекомендований для дітей віком до 13 років
  • На борту човна є туалети
  • Потрібні маски для мандрівників у громадських місцях
  • Маски для обличчя необхідні для гідів у громадських місцях
  • Дезінфікуючий засіб для рук доступний для мандрівників і персоналу
  • Дотримання соціального дистанціювання протягом всього досвіду
  • Регулярно дезінфікувати зони з інтенсивним рухом людей
  • Спорядження/обладнання дезінфікувати між використаннями
  • Провідники повинні регулярно мити руки
  • Оплачуване перебування -політика перебування вдома для персоналу з симптомами
  • 50% місткості судин
Чого очікувати
Острів Сан-Хуан
Острів Сан-Хуан вважається найкращим місцем для спостереження за косатками, оскільки лосось, який є для них головним джерелом їжі (приблизно 95% того, що вони їдять), подорожує вгору та вниз західним узбережжям острова Сан-Хуан і віддаленими районами. Візьміть участь у цій екскурсії зі спостереженням за китами та подивіться на китів-косаток, яких спостерігали під час понад 90% турів, а ймовірність помітити малих, горбатих і сірих китів ще більше. Коли найкраще побачити китів-косаток? Будь-коли. Вони весь день на вулиці. Ви гарантовано побачите морських ссавців і повернетесь із спогадами на все життя! Насолоджуйтесь красою острова Сан-Хуан під час ексклюзивного круїзу зі спостереженням за китами з Фрайдей Харбор. Пліть на борту швидкого, нового 55-футового MV Sea Lion (з віконною кабіною з підігрівом, яка вміщує до 24 гостей). 40 або менше гостей на борту цього комфортабельного човна з прогулянкою по палубі.
Політика скасування
Щоб отримати повне відшкодування, скасуйте принаймні за 24 години до запланованого часу відправлення.
Фотографії мандрівників
Відгуки (660)
Jul 2019
I had a day off Friday so walked on the Anacortes ferry to Friday harbor . Rode on M/V Kestrel for whale tour. Smooth riding vessel, on the open water. Gabe was our skipper and Jordan our naturalist ....Fun. Knowledgable. Full of facts and great information that just added to a great day on the water. We saw it all. Bald eagles. Seals( and baby seal nursing!). And then we found the humpback whales... 2!!! Jordan shared so much info on the whales mating, birth, migration, etc. ,etc. Her passion for what she loves just added to our enjoyment. The whales didnt disappointment. We saw their tails on three differnet dives, as they went down. And on the last display , " "Stitch", the younger of the two whales came up close to our boat.. he came to us, rolled and flapped his tail as if to show it off to us... and with a splash he was gone. It was a grand finale... fin ale... ha ha.
Відповідь від хоста
Jul 2019
Hi rslowell! Thank you so much for joining us out on the water, and for your kind review of your experience! We are so happy that you had an amazing day on your Adventure Tour with Jordan and Gabe, it sounds like you had a once in a lifetime experience! Come see us again soon! Brian Goodremont and the crew at San Juan Safaris Owner & Operator San Juan Safaris
Jul 2019
On my 53rd Birthday my family took me out with San Juan Safaris with the hopes I’d get to witness the beloved orca of the region. I was in these same waters 20 years ago on a similar tour, but all we saw that day was a Gray Whale. This time would be different...or would it? Most times they go out there are plenty of orca (so I’m told), but on this day? Once again - 1 Gray Whale, 0 Orca. Ha! I mean, what are the odds? Nonetheless, this is an environmentally responsible and highly professional tour company, and obviously they have no control over when and where the free creatures of the sea will be hanging out on any given day. Gray Whales are cool, too! Just be advised that there are no guarantees of orca. Oh well, it just gives me a good reason to come back soon and try again :)
Відповідь від хоста
Jul 2019
Hi garyaber1966! Thank you so much for joining us out on the water, and thank you so much for taking the time to leave a review of your experience. Thank you for acknowledging our professionalism and environmental ethics in operation around wildlife. We take great pride in being one of the leaders in our industry and love being able to share this ecosystem respectfully and responsibly with our guests. We are so happy that we were able to share an amazing gray whale with you! Gray whales (contrary to your experience!) are actually a fairly rare sighting for us! We work within one of the most extensive whale spotting network on the west coast, if not the world, and that helps to raise the chances of all whale sightings... gray whales, humpback whales, minke whales, and, of course, orcas. Thank you for your amazing attitude an appreciation for the natural world. We can't wait to host you again, and, fingers-crossed, to share some orcas with you! Visit again soon! Brian Goodremont and the crew at San Juan Safaris Owner & Operator San Juan Safaris
Patrizia S
Jul 2019
Today we made an excursion with San Juan Safari. We are a little disappointed, because we would make 92% change to see orcas and whales. We saw only 1 whale 100 meters away and a few seals. The captain and naturalist were friendly, but we expected to see more on one of the best places in the world to see orca’s and whales
Відповідь від хоста
Jul 2019
Hello Patrizia, I am sorry to read that our tour did not meet your expectations. That is certainly never our goal here at San Juan Safaris and I would like to take the time to explain some details of how we operate and the whales we see. Marine mammals are federally protected under the Marine Mammal Protection Act, which states that humans are not to approach closer than 100 yards to any marine mammal. Here in Washington State, Bigg’s orcas have a 200 yard federally enforced viewing distance. We are proud to uphold these regulations and our Captains work very hard to ensure that we follow best viewing practices. Of course, whales do not know these regulations, and sometimes we do get closer looks. In these instances, we either maneuver out of the whale’s path, or shut down completely to allow the whale to move past our vessel. Close views are exciting as a guest, but something we try to avoid as a company working to follow federal regulations and to have as little impact as possible on wildlife. Orcas can travel over 100 miles per day, and while we are encountering orcas on most of our tours, there are some days that these whales are not found in our area. We partner with over 30 companies in the area as part of the Pacific Whale Watch Association and know of all whale sighting in real time. If we are not seeing orcas, no one in our area is. The San Juan Islands continue to be one of the best places in the world to view wild orcas. Humpback whales are becoming more and more common here in the Salish Sea and we love seeing these giants of the ocean. When here for the summer, humpbacks will typically travel solo or in small groups. Seeing humpbacks in the Salish Sea more regularly gives us hope that these beautiful creatures are returning to our region. For decades we did not see humpbacks often due to a steep decline in their population from commercial whaling. Seeing humpback whales is a positive sign and we love getting the chance to share their story and show people a whale that can reach over 50 ft in length. It sounds like on the day you joined us, there were not orcas in the area and only one humpback within reach of our vessel. Between orcas and humpbacks, we encounter whales on over 95% of our tours in the summer months. We do our best to be upfront and honest about how whales travel and the possibility of seeing whales, which is why we do not offer a guarantee. I am sorry that you were disappointed to not see more individuals or orcas, but it sounds like you had a respectful trip with a humpback. We always aim to provide our guests with excellent service and an exceptional experience, and it does not seem like we lived up to your expectations. As small family-owned and operated business like ours we are always willing to work with guests to resolve issues and explain any tour information. In the future I would urge you to reach out directly to us or any other company to resolve problems, before writing a review. I hope this helps and please feel free to reach me at our San Juan Safaris office if you have any further questions regarding what you saw or our viewing distances for your tour. Sincerely, Brian Goodremont Owner/Operator San Juan Safaris

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