I should start with, these guys helped me out - at short notice. An anchorage based tour i was supposed to be doing was cancelled with little notice as not enough participants, as it was the tail end of the season. As a solo traveller, minimum attendees can be a curse. These guys were able to schedule something with a couple of days notice - and for that i'm super greatful. I paid a solo traveller supplement, and combined glacier landing with the bear 30 min to make the most of my time (& after seeing the Bear glacier pic on the website), losing several hours to the round trip from Anchorage to Seward. After paying the solo traveller supplement, i was somehwat surprised i wasnt a solo traveller and a local woman joined the tour, and the lady from the company joined too for a full helicopter. As a result of the full helicopter, and the route/angles taken i was really disappointed not to be able to photograph Bear from the POV of the water, as i had seen on the website. Had the pilot done a slightly different route, let both sides see the best view, or had one of the other seats been empty i may have gotten the shot i paid a lot of money and gave up a full day for. The rest of my pictures are fine, and the people were incredibly nice - and like i said, they helped me out last minute, but it was a little bittersweet.