What Santa has an Axe? Creepy Camps and Cemeteries at Christmas?
I invite you to visit TheMysticGhostRide Company this holiday season.
The MysticGhostRide Company would like to present to you The Krampus Style Creepy Christmas Boat Tour featuring Santa and the Rougarou out on the Bayou. Tickets are $79.00 per person.
Listen to #mysticmolly unfold masterful storytelling of a spooky Santa Fairytale, while gliding down the bayou. Enjoy the bonfire at the Creepy Camp and bring your own select drink if you dare! Smores and hot chocolate are available for purchase or BYOB Children 12 and up are recommended with parent consent and discretion
Old souls and Christmas traditions, in the mist of the marsh like never before.
Come, come get away from it all; Come if you dare!