With its founding in 1750, this cemetery is the city of Savannah's oldest active cemetery. In the course of its lengthy existence, it has undergone numerous name and ownership changes. There are actually many burials outside the park's current boundaries because the park is a fraction of the size it once was. In 1853, the last burial took place here.
Join us on this exclusive tour to experience Savannah's past from a completely different angle! View the city through the eyes of its previous occupants, some of whose ghosts are supposed to still be present. Discover the intriguing and occasionally problematic history of the cemetery. Visit the Habersham Vault to see where the famous family is interred. A fascinating tale about Button Gwinnett, one of the two Georgians who signed the Declaration of Independence, and who may or may not be interred within the cemetery's grounds, will be told. Our Colonial Park Cemetery Tour includes all of this information and more.