You are booking this tour through a THIRD PARTY. Dive Kauai is the activity Provider and we know how to run and operate scuba diving tours on Kauai. Viator is simply a third party booking system. Once you make your reservation with us, you will receive our very detailed confirmation email which will be your final confirmation for the tour. This email will outline all of the necessary information for the tour from us directly that will help to answer all of your questions, address our policies and provide helpful information for your upcoming tour. Viator simply doesn't allow any space for this to happen prior to you booking. Again, the activity provider is Dive Kauai.
Guaranteed small and personalized groups of 4 divers or less
Detailed instruction, site and marine ecology briefing before each dive
Upgrade to 2nd dive right at dive site! 1 dive may not be enough!!
We will put you face to face with the famous Hawaiian Green Sea Turtles!