Jackson Browne and Glen Frey of the Eagles wrote a song called "Take It Easy" in 1972, one of the popular lines in the song goes, "Standing on the corner in Winslow Arizona". In 1999, in response to the lyrics that made it famous, the city of Winslow erected a life-size bronze statue and mural commemorating the song, then in 2016 after Frey's passing a life-sized statue of of him was added to the Standin' on the Corner Park. So as we stop in Winslow for our lunch we can take the opportunity to snap a photo at this world famous location. Also in town is the last Harvey House (La Posada Hotel), designed by Mary Colter, opened in 1930. The hotel closed in 1957 and was used by the Santa Fe Railway for offices. The railroad abandoned La Posada in 1994 and announced plans to tear it down. It was bought, restored and now serves as a hotel. Lunch will be at the La Posada and is included in your tour fee (up to $20 per person).