Dec 2019
You have to be on a tour in order to enter any of the cemeteries now due to vandalism. That said in a way they have you captive. I did get some interesting information along the way and there is no denying that our guide DJ was informed and intelligent. The however, comes from feeling like there are some kickbacks involved. He said midway through (2 hours long) they stop for 10-15 minute break. You don't have to purchase anything. The end of the tour is the VooDoo museum where I know most people made additional purchases. I don't think the majority of people on the tours would have sought out either of these places. During the tour, there were many comments that were confusing- for example, he stated I don't practice Voodoo, then rattled off all the gods of the religion and stated he had voodoo paraphernalia at his home. The 14 minutes we spent in the cemetery were interesting but due to so many other groups there, you spent about 4 minutes at Marie Laveau's grave. There was a general commentary on the history of New Orleans and brief information about only one other building on the tour (Madam Johns Legacy). The overall feeling was disappointment that I spent 2 hours standing and walking for a 14- minute visit to the cemetery.