The only ghost tour in the world based on the first ever photo-study of ghosts! Real ghost photos, featured in the books Haunted Historic Colonial Williamsburg Virginia with Breakthrough Ghost Photography, Parts 1 & 2, are shown at each stop on a large computer notebook (Samsung Galaxy). Guides will point out the exact location around or in the house or building where the photo was taken and encourage travelers to take their own photos. Tour guides will give relevant historical information pertaining to the haunting as well as personal stories encountered by the book's author and others, including interpreters and security guards from Colonial Williamsburg. Travelers will be given choices about where they would like to stop based on their interests--no tour is ever the same! The East Tour starts at the Capital and continues down Duke of Gloucester Street to the Courthouse of 1770 and walking across the Market Square to the last stop--Williamsburg's most haunted: Peyton Randolph House.