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26 Glacier Tour - Auto-conduite d'Anchorage

Pour les clients d'Anchorage ou de Girdwood avec leur propre moyen de transport, cette croisière de 5 heures offre une croisière en douceur pour observer les glaciers dynamiques et une faune variée, entourés par la nature sauvage immaculée de Prince William Sound.

L'itinéraire de croisière couvre 140 miles et comprend des zones telles que Port Wells, Esther Passage, College Fjord, Harriman fjord ou Blackstone Bay. En raison de la météo, des courants de glace et de l'activité de la faune, nos capitaines s'adaptent à ces conditions changeantes pour offrir la meilleure expérience de croisière, tout en gardant votre sécurité et votre confort une priorité absolue. Notre équipage amical et attentif s'efforcera de faire de cette croisière un moment fort de vos vacances en Alaska.

Notre garantie anti-mal de mer exclusive à l'industrie garantit que chaque invité naviguera confortablement tout en profitant de notre croisière. Toutes les croisières sont opérées sur des catamarans à grande vitesse de première classe qui offrent une croisière extrêmement stable et peuvent naviguer en douceur à travers les fjords étroits et les coulées de glace pour atteindre la face des glaciers massifs.

Ville: Ancrage
Mon 23 Sep
Vous pouvez déjà choisir la date sur le site de réservation
À partir de $225.84
Mon 23 Sep
À partir de $225.84
Faire une réservation
Ce qui est inclu
Smoke-free vessels
No Seasickness Guarantee - or your money back!
Wild Alaska smoked salmon chowder, oyster crackers, fresh Julienne vegetable salad, cheese stick, fruit snack, and York Peppermint Pattie. Vegetarian Chili or Kids’ Meal on request 48 hours prior.
USB Charging Stations at every table. Wifi is NOT available.
ADA Accessible providing a safe and comfortable way for everyone to see the glaciers.
Restroom on board
Coffee, hot tea, and ice water.
Information additionnelle
  • Les bébés doivent s'asseoir sur les genoux d'un adulte
  • Animaux d'assistance autorisés
  • Convient à tous les niveaux de forme physique
  • Accessible aux fauteuils roulants
  • Soyez conscient de l'espace autour de vous pour la distanciation sociale
  • Tous les membres d'équipage et les invités doivent porter un masque ou un couvre-visage conformément aux procédures COVID-19 en vigueur.
À quoi s'attendre
Anton Anderson Memorial Tunnel
Travel time from Anchorage to Whittier is 90 minutes. From Girdwood to Whittier, allow 45 minutes. Please plan your day with this travel time in mind. (The cruise portion is 5 hours.) All cruises depart from Whittier, AK. Bring your photo I.D. and check in at least one hour before your cruise departs. Being late may cause the cancellation of reserved seats and/or an entire reservation. To reach Whittier, you will travel through North America’s longest shared rail and vehicle tunnel, the Anton Anderson Memorial Tunnel. This tunnel allows one-way traffic access to and from Whittier on a strict schedule. The tunnel opens going to Whittier thirty minutes past the hour (9:30 AM, 10:30 AM, 11:30 AM). We recommend the 10:30 AM tunnel opening for your cruise to allow time to park and check in. Transportation to Whittier, tunnel toll, and parking fee are not included. After your cruise, the tunnel will be open hourly, on the hour, until 11:00 PM.
Explore the town of Whittier, Alaska as you stroll along the harbor boardwalk, visit local shops and restaurants, the Prince William Sound Museum (admission not included) or hike a local trail. When you are ready to depart Whittier, the tunnel will be open on the hour, every hour until 11:00 PM.
Anton Anderson Memorial Tunnel
Travel time from Anchorage to Whittier is 90 minutes. From Girdwood to Whittier, allow 45 minutes. Please plan your day with this travel time in mind. (The cruise portion is 5 hours.) All cruises depart from Whittier, AK. Bring your photo I.D. and check in at least one hour before your cruise departs. Being late may cause the cancellation of reserved seats and/or an entire reservation. To reach Whittier, you will travel through North America’s longest shared rail and vehicle tunnel, the Anton Anderson Memorial Tunnel. This tunnel allows one-way traffic access to and from Whittier on a strict schedule. The tunnel opens going to Whittier thirty minutes past the hour (9:30 AM, 10:30 AM, 11:30 AM). We recommend the 10:30 AM tunnel opening for your cruise to allow time to park and check in. Transportation to Whittier, tunnel toll, and parking fee are not included. After your cruise, the tunnel will be open hourly, on the hour, until 11:00 PM.
Explore the town of Whittier, Alaska as you stroll along the harbor boardwalk, visit local shops and restaurants, the Prince William Sound Museum (admission not included) or hike a local trail. When you are ready to depart Whittier, the tunnel will be open on the hour, every hour until 11:00 PM.
Anton Anderson Memorial Tunnel
Travel time from Anchorage to Whittier is 90 minutes. From Girdwood to Whittier, allow 45 minutes. Please plan your day with this travel time in mind. (The cruise portion is 5 hours.) All cruises depart from Whittier, AK. Bring your photo I.D. and check in at least one hour before your cruise departs. Being late may cause the cancellation of reserved seats and/or an entire reservation. To reach Whittier, you will travel through North America’s longest shared rail and vehicle tunnel, the Anton Anderson Memorial Tunnel. This tunnel allows one-way traffic access to and from Whittier on a strict schedule. The tunnel opens going to Whittier thirty minutes past the hour (9:30 AM, 10:30 AM, 11:30 AM). We recommend the 10:30 AM tunnel opening for your cruise to allow time to park and check in. Transportation to Whittier, tunnel toll, and parking fee are not included. After your cruise, the tunnel will be open hourly, on the hour, until 11:00 PM.
Explore the town of Whittier, Alaska as you stroll along the harbor boardwalk, visit local shops and restaurants, the Prince William Sound Museum (admission not included) or hike a local trail. When you are ready to depart Whittier, the tunnel will be open on the hour, every hour until 11:00 PM.
Tunnel commémoratif d'Anton Anderson
Le temps de trajet d'Anchorage à Whittier est de 90 minutes. De Girdwood à Whittier, comptez 45 minutes. Veuillez planifier votre journée en tenant compte de ce temps de trajet. (La partie croisière est de 5 heures.) Toutes les croisières partent de Whittier, AK. Apportez votre photo d'identité. et enregistrez-vous au moins une heure avant le départ de votre croisière. Un retard peut entraîner l'annulation des places réservées et/ou de la totalité de la réservation. Pour atteindre Whittier, vous traverserez le plus long tunnel ferroviaire et routier partagé d'Amérique du Nord, le tunnel commémoratif Anton Anderson. Ce tunnel permet un accès à sens unique au trafic vers et depuis Whittier selon un horaire strict. Le tunnel s'ouvre vers Whittier trente minutes après l'heure (9h30, 10h30, 11h30). Nous recommandons l'ouverture du tunnel à 10 h 30 pour votre croisière afin de vous laisser le temps de vous garer et de vous enregistrer. Le transport vers Whittier, le péage du tunnel et les frais de stationnement ne sont pas inclus. Après votre croisière, le tunnel sera ouvert toutes les heures, toutes les heures, jusqu'à 23h00.
Explorez la ville de Whittier, en Alaska, en vous promenant le long de la promenade du port, visitez les magasins et restaurants locaux, le Prince William Sound Museum (entrée non incluse) ou parcourez un sentier local. Lorsque vous serez prêt à quitter Whittier, le tunnel sera ouvert toutes les heures, toutes les heures jusqu'à 23h00.
Show 5 plus d'arrêts
Politique d'annulation
Pour un remboursement complet, annulez au moins 24 heures avant l'heure de départ prévue.
Photos de voyageurs
Commentaires (42)
Aug 2021
I’m from Alaska, but showing my friends the beauty and majesty of the glaciers always renews my own love of Alaska. The windows were very dirty tho so that was disappointing.
Aug 2021
Friendly and helpful crew. Great ride and narration and facts. The weather was also fantastic! Very nice, indeed. Food was quite nice, too.
Jul 2021
From the time we got on the catamaran, the greatness arrived. First Mate Sam Malone and Captain Cody took us on a superb tour of the glaciers. We saw sea lions, seals, the Northwestern Fishing ship and of course the floating ice and the glaciers. WOW. Stunning. The Salmon Chowder served to kick off the trip was delicious. The staff was so nice and helpful. The views, sounds and sights were captivating to say the least. I will tell everyone about this being the best tour. You just have to get there, which any way that will be for you. AND, during the tour, the staff snags some real glacier ICE and can make your drink using that! We did it. Have you?

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