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Visite de la ville d'Anchorage avec goût de saumon fumé sauvage et de saucisse de renne

Laissez un initié montrer la voie autour d'Anchorage lors de cette visite d'une demi-journée de la ville, avec des arrêts dans des attractions incontournables telles que Ship Creek et Alaska Wild Berry Products. Approfondissez votre compréhension de la culture locale en apprenant l'histoire d'Anchorage et de l'Alaska. Vous en apprendrez plus sur l'histoire, la faune et les cultures locales. Profitez de vues imprenables sur les montagnes Chugach et Kenai le long de certains des arrêts pittoresques. Visitez quelques-uns des meilleurs magasins d'Anchorage, comme le facteur Ulu, où des couteaux ulu artisanaux sont fabriqués et vendus. Admirez la plus haute fontaine de chocolat au monde et Alaska Wildberry Products et goûtez à certains de leurs célèbres chocolats fabriqués localement. Vous aurez également l'occasion de goûter à certaines des meilleures saucisses de saumon fumé et de renne. Cette visite comprend des échantillons chez Alaska Sausage and Seafood and Wildberry Products. Plusieurs arrêts comprendront également des opportunités de voir la faune de l'Alaska et des hydravions au départ de l'aéroport de petits avions le plus fréquenté au monde.
Ville: Ancrage
Sun 20 Oct
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À partir de $65.00
Sun 20 Oct
À partir de $65.00
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Ce qui est inclu
Local guide
Pick up at Anchorage Downtown Visitors Center 546 W 5th Avenue
Local guide
Pick up at Anchorage Downtown Visitors Center 546 W 5th Avenue
Local guide
Pick up at Anchorage Downtown Visitors Center 546 W 5th Avenue
Local guide
Information additionnelle
  • Des options de transport en commun sont disponibles à proximité
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  • Un nombre minimum s'applique. Il y a une possibilité d'annulation après confirmation s'il n'y a pas assez de passagers pour répondre aux exigences. Dans ce cas, un remboursement alternatif ou complet vous sera proposé
À quoi s'attendre
Ship Creek
View Salmon running up the river and wall to wall fisher people trying to catch their limit.
Earthquake Park
View the 2 story drop in elevation and six foot rolling land from the 9.2 earthquake which happened in 1964 and hear about the devastation from your guide.
Point Woronzof
See jaw dropping scenic view of Anchorage, Denali, Talkeetna Mountain Range and Chugach Mountain Range that stretches from Anchorage to Valdez. There is always a 65 percent chance to see a moose.
Alaska Wild Berry Products
View the largest chocolate waterfall in the world and taste made from wolfberries picked by locals. Here you will also be able to sample the chocolates before you buy.
The Ulu Factory
See the factory works make Ulu's which the Natives used to filet whale blubber and salmon. Now their invention is commercialized for your use in your kitchen.
Beluga Point
Scenic views of Turnagain Arm the most beautiful part of Alaska with a chance to see Beluga Wales and Dahl Sheep on the mountains.
Alaska Sausage and Seafood Company
Taste a tasted Alaska! Here you will be able to sample four types of salmon and reindeer sausage.
Lake Hood Harbor
Operating continuously and open to the public, Lake Hood is the world's busiest seaplane base, handling an average of 190 flights per day. It is located on Lakes Hood and Spenard and you will get a chance to see float planes landing on the lake.
Ship Creek
View Salmon running up the river and wall to wall fisher people trying to catch their limit.
Earthquake Park
View the 2 story drop in elevation and six foot rolling land from the 9.2 earthquake which happened in 1964 and hear about the devastation from your guide.
Point Woronzof
See jaw dropping scenic view of Anchorage, Denali, Talkeetna Mountain Range and Chugach Mountain Range that stretches from Anchorage to Valdez. There is always a 65 percent chance to see a moose.
Alaska Wild Berry Products
View the largest chocolate waterfall in the world and taste made from wolfberries picked by locals. Here you will also be able to sample the chocolates before you buy.
The Ulu Factory
See the factory works make Ulu's which the Natives used to filet whale blubber and salmon. Now their invention is commercialized for your use in your kitchen.
Beluga Point
Scenic views of Turnagain Arm the most beautiful part of Alaska with a chance to see Beluga Wales and Dahl Sheep on the mountains.
Alaska Sausage and Seafood Company
Taste a tasted Alaska! Here you will be able to sample four types of salmon and reindeer sausage.
Lake Hood Harbor
Operating continuously and open to the public, Lake Hood is the world's busiest seaplane base, handling an average of 190 flights per day. It is located on Lakes Hood and Spenard and you will get a chance to see float planes landing on the lake.
Ship Creek
View Salmon running up the river and wall to wall fisher people trying to catch their limit.
Earthquake Park
View the 2 story drop in elevation and six foot rolling land from the 9.2 earthquake which happened in 1964 and hear about the devastation from your guide.
Point Woronzof
See jaw dropping scenic view of Anchorage, Denali, Talkeetna Mountain Range and Chugach Mountain Range that stretches from Anchorage to Valdez. There is always a 65 percent chance to see a moose.
Alaska Wild Berry Products
View the largest chocolate waterfall in the world and taste made from wolfberries picked by locals. Here you will also be able to sample the chocolates before you buy.
The Ulu Factory
See the factory works make Ulu's which the Natives used to filet whale blubber and salmon. Now their invention is commercialized for your use in your kitchen.
Beluga Point
Scenic views of Turnagain Arm the most beautiful part of Alaska with a chance to see Beluga Wales and Dahl Sheep on the mountains.
Alaska Sausage and Seafood Company
Taste a tasted Alaska! Here you will be able to sample four types of salmon and reindeer sausage.
Lake Hood Harbor
Operating continuously and open to the public, Lake Hood is the world's busiest seaplane base, handling an average of 190 flights per day. It is located on Lakes Hood and Spenard and you will get a chance to see float planes landing on the lake.
Ship Creek
View Salmon running up the river and wall to wall fisher people trying to catch their limit.
Earthquake Park
View the 2 story drop in elevation and six foot rolling land from the 9.2 earthquake which happened in 1964 and hear about the devastation from your guide.
Point Woronzof
See jaw dropping scenic view of Anchorage, Denali, Talkeetna Mountain Range and Chugach Mountain Range that stretches from Anchorage to Valdez. There is always a 65 percent chance to see a moose.
Alaska Wild Berry Products
View the largest chocolate waterfall in the world and taste made from wolfberries picked by locals. Here you will also be able to sample the chocolates before you buy.
The Ulu Factory
See the factory works make Ulu's which the Natives used to filet whale blubber and salmon. Now their invention is commercialized for your use in your kitchen.
Beluga Point
Scenic views of Turnagain Arm the most beautiful part of Alaska with a chance to see Beluga Wales and Dahl Sheep on the mountains.
Alaska Sausage and Seafood Company
Taste a tasted Alaska! Here you will be able to sample four types of salmon and reindeer sausage.
Lake Hood Harbor
Operating continuously and open to the public, Lake Hood is the world's busiest seaplane base, handling an average of 190 flights per day. It is located on Lakes Hood and Spenard and you will get a chance to see float planes landing on the lake.
Ship Creek
View Salmon running up the river and wall to wall fisher people trying to catch their limit.
Earthquake Park
View the 2 story drop in elevation and six foot rolling land from the 9.2 earthquake which happened in 1964 and hear about the devastation from your guide.
Point Woronzof
See jaw dropping scenic view of Anchorage, Denali, Talkeetna Mountain Range and Chugach Mountain Range that stretches from Anchorage to Valdez. There is always a 65 percent chance to see a moose.
Alaska Wild Berry Products
View the largest chocolate waterfall in the world and taste made from wolfberries picked by locals. Here you will also be able to sample the chocolates before you buy.
The Ulu Factory
See the factory works make Ulu's which the Natives used to filet whale blubber and salmon. Now their invention is commercialized for your use in your kitchen.
Beluga Point
Scenic views of Turnagain Arm the most beautiful part of Alaska with a chance to see Beluga Wales and Dahl Sheep on the mountains.
Alaska Sausage and Seafood Company
Taste a tasted Alaska! Here you will be able to sample four types of salmon and reindeer sausage.
Lake Hood Harbor
Operating continuously and open to the public, Lake Hood is the world's busiest seaplane base, handling an average of 190 flights per day. It is located on Lakes Hood and Spenard and you will get a chance to see float planes landing on the lake.
Navire Creek
Observez le saumon qui remonte la rivière et les pêcheurs mur à mur essayant d'attraper leur limite.
Parc du tremblement de terre
Observez la chute d'altitude de 2 étages et le terrain vallonné de six pieds du tremblement de terre de 9,2 qui s'est produit en 1964 et découvrez la dévastation de votre guide.
Point Woronzof
Admirez la vue panoramique à couper le souffle sur Anchorage, Denali, la chaîne de montagnes Talkeetna et la chaîne de montagnes Chugach qui s'étend d'Anchorage à Valdez. Il y a toujours 65 % de chances de voir un orignal.
Produits de baies sauvages d'Alaska
Admirez la plus grande cascade de chocolat au monde et dégustez des gojis cueillis par les habitants. Ici, vous pourrez également déguster les chocolats avant d'acheter.
L'Usine Ulu
Voir les usines de fabrication d'Ulu's que les autochtones utilisaient pour fileter la graisse de baleine et le saumon. Maintenant, leur invention est commercialisée pour votre utilisation dans votre cuisine.
Pointe Béluga
Vues panoramiques sur Turnagain Arm, la plus belle partie de l'Alaska, avec une chance de voir Beluga Wales et Dahl Sheep sur les montagnes.
Compagnie de saucisses et de fruits de mer d'Alaska
Goûtez un Alaska goûté! Ici, vous pourrez déguster quatre types de saucisses de saumon et de renne.
Port du lac Hood
Fonctionnant en continu et ouverte au public, Lake Hood est la base d'hydravions la plus fréquentée au monde, avec une moyenne de 190 vols par jour. Il est situé sur les lacs Hood et Spenard et vous aurez la chance de voir des hydravions atterrir sur le lac.
Show 45 plus d'arrêts
Politique d'annulation
Pour un remboursement complet, annulez au moins 24 heures avant l'heure de départ prévue.
Photos de voyageurs
Commentaires (239)
Nov 2019
Great tour of the area, great guide, great price. Lots of time to see the sights and the tour of the game reserve was the highlight.
Oct 2019
The tour seems more like - souvenir purchasing tour ULU Factory - 3 minutes explanation then ready for your purchase Alaska Wild Berry Products Factory - you are in your own - is a store to purchase souvenir's Not a lot of info about Alaska's history and culture The best part is the collections of Alaska Native art at the Alaska Native Medical Center - recommended - but the first stop was at the gift shop before they close it.
Réponse de l'hôte
Oct 2019
I am sorry to see that we did not meet your expectation while taking our tour. I take pride that our tour offers opportunity to stop at the most highly sought out of the way stops while highlighting Alaska Native culture and history. I really thought we hit it out of the park when you said you were from Jamaica and loved the cultural tour while getting out and giving a $20.00 tip. Let me recap what I provided that day and if you can call me to let me know how I can improve the tour. We visited the ULU Factory where they gave a narrative on the history and origins behind the ULU knife used by Natives to cut up whale blubber and fish. We then went to the earthquake exhibits where I gave a narrative on the devastation of the world’s second largest earthquake. You were then given time to review the earthquake murals. I then took you down Main Street pointing out bronze statues of Balto the dog credit for running serum to Nome for the diphtheria outbreak and the bronze statue of an Aleut in honor of their service for holding Japanese from reaching Anchorage. I also pointed out several great spots to eat as well as the visitor’s center that shows three free movies on the earthquake, wildlife and glaciers. We talked about how Anchorage started out and became known as "tent city". We went further to talk about the pipeline and Anchorage once again becoming "tent city" to house the people building the pipeline. We talked about the Permanent Fund Dividend. I showed you the underground house, Earthquake Park and a skyline view of Anchorage and where Denali could be seen on a clear day. After we looked for a moose, went to Lake Hood to watch a plane take off from the busiest float plane lake. You were treated to a visit at Alaska Sausage and Seafood where they brought out four types of smoked salmon, halibut, lox and salmon strips. They also brought out reindeer sausage, reindeer salami and hunter sticks. We went to Wildberry products to see the largest chocolate waterfall in the world. On our way to the Alaska Native Hospital we talked about the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act and the fact that it was the largest land claims settlement totaling 1 billion dollars and 44 million acres of land. We later talked about the Indian Self Determination Act. An act that was the direct result of the Alaska Native Hospital being born. Later you were taken directly to the Native gift shop where you had the opportunity to purchase Native art by a local volunteer who greeted you and gave you complimentary pictures of the display of art and spent a great deal of time talking to you about Native history and why the gift shop was established. She also let you know that they only mark up the Native art by 20 percent as opposed to downtown which is marked up by 150 percent. It is to keep the culture alive and thriving. All of the above is explained in the narrative on our website as well as third party vendors. I take pride in being Alaska Native owned and showing you a cultural experience which none of the other tours have yet to offer. Reviews are designed to improve a tour and so I ask that you please let me know how I can put more into this 3 hour tour so that I can meet or exceed others expectations.
Oct 2019
I enjoyed this trip. I do recommend using Groupon for a better rate, would not pay full price for what you receive!

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