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Visite de la ville d'Anchorage avec goût de saumon fumé sauvage et de saucisse de renne

Laissez un initié montrer la voie autour d'Anchorage lors de cette visite d'une demi-journée de la ville, avec des arrêts dans des attractions incontournables telles que Ship Creek et Alaska Wild Berry Products. Approfondissez votre compréhension de la culture locale en apprenant l'histoire d'Anchorage et de l'Alaska. Vous en apprendrez plus sur l'histoire, la faune et les cultures locales. Profitez de vues imprenables sur les montagnes Chugach et Kenai le long de certains des arrêts pittoresques. Visitez quelques-uns des meilleurs magasins d'Anchorage, comme le facteur Ulu, où des couteaux ulu artisanaux sont fabriqués et vendus. Admirez la plus haute fontaine de chocolat au monde et Alaska Wildberry Products et goûtez à certains de leurs célèbres chocolats fabriqués localement. Vous aurez également l'occasion de goûter à certaines des meilleures saucisses de saumon fumé et de renne. Cette visite comprend des échantillons chez Alaska Sausage and Seafood and Wildberry Products. Plusieurs arrêts comprendront également des opportunités de voir la faune de l'Alaska et des hydravions au départ de l'aéroport de petits avions le plus fréquenté au monde.
Ville: Ancrage
Sat 19 Oct
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À partir de $65.00
Sat 19 Oct
À partir de $65.00
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Ce qui est inclu
Local guide
Pick up at Anchorage Downtown Visitors Center 546 W 5th Avenue
Local guide
Pick up at Anchorage Downtown Visitors Center 546 W 5th Avenue
Local guide
Pick up at Anchorage Downtown Visitors Center 546 W 5th Avenue
Local guide
Information additionnelle
  • Des options de transport en commun sont disponibles à proximité
  • Convient à tous les niveaux de condition physique
  • Un nombre minimum s'applique. Il y a une possibilité d'annulation après confirmation s'il n'y a pas assez de passagers pour répondre aux exigences. Dans ce cas, un remboursement alternatif ou complet vous sera proposé
À quoi s'attendre
Ship Creek
View Salmon running up the river and wall to wall fisher people trying to catch their limit.
Earthquake Park
View the 2 story drop in elevation and six foot rolling land from the 9.2 earthquake which happened in 1964 and hear about the devastation from your guide.
Point Woronzof
See jaw dropping scenic view of Anchorage, Denali, Talkeetna Mountain Range and Chugach Mountain Range that stretches from Anchorage to Valdez. There is always a 65 percent chance to see a moose.
Alaska Wild Berry Products
View the largest chocolate waterfall in the world and taste made from wolfberries picked by locals. Here you will also be able to sample the chocolates before you buy.
The Ulu Factory
See the factory works make Ulu's which the Natives used to filet whale blubber and salmon. Now their invention is commercialized for your use in your kitchen.
Beluga Point
Scenic views of Turnagain Arm the most beautiful part of Alaska with a chance to see Beluga Wales and Dahl Sheep on the mountains.
Alaska Sausage and Seafood Company
Taste a tasted Alaska! Here you will be able to sample four types of salmon and reindeer sausage.
Lake Hood Harbor
Operating continuously and open to the public, Lake Hood is the world's busiest seaplane base, handling an average of 190 flights per day. It is located on Lakes Hood and Spenard and you will get a chance to see float planes landing on the lake.
Ship Creek
View Salmon running up the river and wall to wall fisher people trying to catch their limit.
Earthquake Park
View the 2 story drop in elevation and six foot rolling land from the 9.2 earthquake which happened in 1964 and hear about the devastation from your guide.
Point Woronzof
See jaw dropping scenic view of Anchorage, Denali, Talkeetna Mountain Range and Chugach Mountain Range that stretches from Anchorage to Valdez. There is always a 65 percent chance to see a moose.
Alaska Wild Berry Products
View the largest chocolate waterfall in the world and taste made from wolfberries picked by locals. Here you will also be able to sample the chocolates before you buy.
The Ulu Factory
See the factory works make Ulu's which the Natives used to filet whale blubber and salmon. Now their invention is commercialized for your use in your kitchen.
Beluga Point
Scenic views of Turnagain Arm the most beautiful part of Alaska with a chance to see Beluga Wales and Dahl Sheep on the mountains.
Alaska Sausage and Seafood Company
Taste a tasted Alaska! Here you will be able to sample four types of salmon and reindeer sausage.
Lake Hood Harbor
Operating continuously and open to the public, Lake Hood is the world's busiest seaplane base, handling an average of 190 flights per day. It is located on Lakes Hood and Spenard and you will get a chance to see float planes landing on the lake.
Ship Creek
View Salmon running up the river and wall to wall fisher people trying to catch their limit.
Earthquake Park
View the 2 story drop in elevation and six foot rolling land from the 9.2 earthquake which happened in 1964 and hear about the devastation from your guide.
Point Woronzof
See jaw dropping scenic view of Anchorage, Denali, Talkeetna Mountain Range and Chugach Mountain Range that stretches from Anchorage to Valdez. There is always a 65 percent chance to see a moose.
Alaska Wild Berry Products
View the largest chocolate waterfall in the world and taste made from wolfberries picked by locals. Here you will also be able to sample the chocolates before you buy.
The Ulu Factory
See the factory works make Ulu's which the Natives used to filet whale blubber and salmon. Now their invention is commercialized for your use in your kitchen.
Beluga Point
Scenic views of Turnagain Arm the most beautiful part of Alaska with a chance to see Beluga Wales and Dahl Sheep on the mountains.
Alaska Sausage and Seafood Company
Taste a tasted Alaska! Here you will be able to sample four types of salmon and reindeer sausage.
Lake Hood Harbor
Operating continuously and open to the public, Lake Hood is the world's busiest seaplane base, handling an average of 190 flights per day. It is located on Lakes Hood and Spenard and you will get a chance to see float planes landing on the lake.
Ship Creek
View Salmon running up the river and wall to wall fisher people trying to catch their limit.
Earthquake Park
View the 2 story drop in elevation and six foot rolling land from the 9.2 earthquake which happened in 1964 and hear about the devastation from your guide.
Point Woronzof
See jaw dropping scenic view of Anchorage, Denali, Talkeetna Mountain Range and Chugach Mountain Range that stretches from Anchorage to Valdez. There is always a 65 percent chance to see a moose.
Alaska Wild Berry Products
View the largest chocolate waterfall in the world and taste made from wolfberries picked by locals. Here you will also be able to sample the chocolates before you buy.
The Ulu Factory
See the factory works make Ulu's which the Natives used to filet whale blubber and salmon. Now their invention is commercialized for your use in your kitchen.
Beluga Point
Scenic views of Turnagain Arm the most beautiful part of Alaska with a chance to see Beluga Wales and Dahl Sheep on the mountains.
Alaska Sausage and Seafood Company
Taste a tasted Alaska! Here you will be able to sample four types of salmon and reindeer sausage.
Lake Hood Harbor
Operating continuously and open to the public, Lake Hood is the world's busiest seaplane base, handling an average of 190 flights per day. It is located on Lakes Hood and Spenard and you will get a chance to see float planes landing on the lake.
Ship Creek
View Salmon running up the river and wall to wall fisher people trying to catch their limit.
Earthquake Park
View the 2 story drop in elevation and six foot rolling land from the 9.2 earthquake which happened in 1964 and hear about the devastation from your guide.
Point Woronzof
See jaw dropping scenic view of Anchorage, Denali, Talkeetna Mountain Range and Chugach Mountain Range that stretches from Anchorage to Valdez. There is always a 65 percent chance to see a moose.
Alaska Wild Berry Products
View the largest chocolate waterfall in the world and taste made from wolfberries picked by locals. Here you will also be able to sample the chocolates before you buy.
The Ulu Factory
See the factory works make Ulu's which the Natives used to filet whale blubber and salmon. Now their invention is commercialized for your use in your kitchen.
Beluga Point
Scenic views of Turnagain Arm the most beautiful part of Alaska with a chance to see Beluga Wales and Dahl Sheep on the mountains.
Alaska Sausage and Seafood Company
Taste a tasted Alaska! Here you will be able to sample four types of salmon and reindeer sausage.
Lake Hood Harbor
Operating continuously and open to the public, Lake Hood is the world's busiest seaplane base, handling an average of 190 flights per day. It is located on Lakes Hood and Spenard and you will get a chance to see float planes landing on the lake.
Navire Creek
Observez le saumon qui remonte la rivière et les pêcheurs mur à mur essayant d'attraper leur limite.
Parc du tremblement de terre
Observez la chute d'altitude de 2 étages et le terrain vallonné de six pieds du tremblement de terre de 9,2 qui s'est produit en 1964 et découvrez la dévastation de votre guide.
Point Woronzof
Admirez la vue panoramique à couper le souffle sur Anchorage, Denali, la chaîne de montagnes Talkeetna et la chaîne de montagnes Chugach qui s'étend d'Anchorage à Valdez. Il y a toujours 65 % de chances de voir un orignal.
Produits de baies sauvages d'Alaska
Admirez la plus grande cascade de chocolat au monde et dégustez des gojis cueillis par les habitants. Ici, vous pourrez également déguster les chocolats avant d'acheter.
L'Usine Ulu
Voir les usines de fabrication d'Ulu's que les autochtones utilisaient pour fileter la graisse de baleine et le saumon. Maintenant, leur invention est commercialisée pour votre utilisation dans votre cuisine.
Pointe Béluga
Vues panoramiques sur Turnagain Arm, la plus belle partie de l'Alaska, avec une chance de voir Beluga Wales et Dahl Sheep sur les montagnes.
Compagnie de saucisses et de fruits de mer d'Alaska
Goûtez un Alaska goûté! Ici, vous pourrez déguster quatre types de saucisses de saumon et de renne.
Port du lac Hood
Fonctionnant en continu et ouverte au public, Lake Hood est la base d'hydravions la plus fréquentée au monde, avec une moyenne de 190 vols par jour. Il est situé sur les lacs Hood et Spenard et vous aurez la chance de voir des hydravions atterrir sur le lac.
Show 45 plus d'arrêts
Politique d'annulation
Pour un remboursement complet, annulez au moins 24 heures avant l'heure de départ prévue.
Photos de voyageurs
Commentaires (239)
Jul 2019
Very rarely do I ever publish a negative review on Trip Advisor, but unfortunately we had a very poor experience during our vacation with the Anchorage All Around City Tour by Alaska's Finest Tours & Cruises. Let me start this out by explaining that I tried to reach out to the company numerous times through email before publishing this review. I wanted to speak to the owner or a manager to share our concerns with them, but we never got a response so apparently they don't care. The tour itself was fine, it was our tour guide that was undoubtedly the worst guide we have ever had in all of our travels! The day did not start out well and sadly it went down from there. The instructions said to meet at the Sheraton in Anchorage for the 8am tour, so we were there at 740am waiting out front. At about 805am the tour guide calls me asking our location, I responded that we were waiting at the front entrance of the Sheraton. He said well I'm in the back of the hotel and then drove around and picked us up. I mentioned to him that if we were supposed to meet in back, that should be spelled out in the pickup instructions. He said he would mention it to his boss. I could not help but notice that Tim (our tour guide) looked as if he just rolled out of bed and forgot to brush his hair or put on a clean shirt... first impressions? We started the tour and he rattled off where we would be going. As we drove around there was virtually no mention of the general layout of the city or its neighborhoods. Nothing about the history or how Anchorage became a city. The typical interesting facts and figures one would normally hear on a "city" tour. Nothing about the economy or its residents. What did we listen to? Tim complaining about his van and how he wanted his boss to purchase a Mercedes van for him to drive instead. He then asked about where we were from, and I mentioned that I was retired career Army with 30 years. Tim then asked if I had been in "rehab" because he apparently thought a lot of retired Army personnel were alcoholics? I didn't really know how to respond to that besides saying "no" in a confused tone. Considering my wife's father was a retired Army officer and Vietnam vet, we didn't appreciate the remark. He then shared with me that he did a few years in the Navy. As we drove around and made some stops, we weren't really sure where we were in relation to the downtown area because he was not giving us any idea of how the city was laid out. To further confuse us, he would call out look "left" or "right" but then would correct himself because he was calling out the wrong directions to look the windows! The stops we made were mainly shopping opportunities along with the airport, float plane base, Earthquake Park, and a building that featured some history of the great earthquake. Tim gave very little in the way of information about our stops, in fact when we were at each stop, he spent most of his time preoccupied on his phone and not paying attention to the group. In fact, he temporarily lost track of one tour guest who went walking off on his own. At another native gift shop, Tim thought it was really funny to point out a carving that was made from a walrus penis to our future daughter in law. She started to grow uneasy when he continued to point it out to her and nobody else, all while making inappropriate comments and discussing his personal life with her! If this was not all bad enough, the worst was when Tim started trying to tell my son he committed a felony while under the watchful eye of my son's professor. Tim explained that like my son, he also majored in computers in college. When they were chatting and discussing each other's final project to graduate, Tim made this ridiculous claim that my son somehow violated the law. My son explained to Tim that the final project was given by his professor and was a sanctioned event by his college. Tim continued to tell my son he was a felon throughout the entire tour! He even told our future daughter in law that he was a felon, and that "it was not too late to leave the relationship because of my son being a felon! Oh and wait... there's more... he then began telling other guests not part of our party that there was a felon on the tour and he pointed out my son to them!!! Can you believe this guy's unprofessionalism? To have the gall to falsely accuse my son of something so ridiculous was just beyond unbelievable! So let's run this down... 1) lack of communication on pick up point 2) unprofessional appearance 3) no information about the city on a "city tour" 4) insulting comments directed toward Army veterans 5) giving out incorrect directions to view points of interest 6) preoccupied on his phone while losing track of tour guests at stops 7) making immature and inappropriate comments to our future daughter in law about a carving 8) flirting with my future daughter in law and discussing his personal life 9) making false accusations against my son to his face about a college final project 10) telling my future daughter in law that she was with a felon and telling her its not too late to leave him 12) telling other tour guests not in our party that my son was a felon and pointing him out. Now let me ask you... why would you EVER do business with a company that has this guy on the payroll? The next day we saw Tim with another tour bus full of guests and apparently he was training a new driver. So not only is this guy giving tours but he is a trainer too! Wow what a fine example he is setting! Never in our life have we experienced such an unprofessional individual. My wife and I have travelled all over the world and never anything like this. Trip Advisor community... do yourself a huge favor and AVOID Tim and Alaska's Finest Tours & Cruises. I really hope the owner of this company who couldn't take the time to contact us reads this review and sees the face of who is representing his/her company.
Jul 2019
We were in Anchorage preparing to head to Sewart to begin our cruise, but we flew in one day early so we could look around Anchorage. We decided to do the All Around City Tour. They picked us up at the Airport and the bus was great and the tour guide was very knowledgeable and funny. We learned so mush about Anchorage and Alaska that I would highly recommend it and I would do it again.
Jul 2019
Good tour but if you are unfamiliar with Anchorage (and this is certainly not Viator's fault), it is kind of hard to get to their pickup site!

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