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Sous-marin Atlantis Kona - Île d'Hawaï

Découvrez notre monde sous les vagues avec Atlantis Submarines Kona ! Nos navires alimentés par batterie sont les sous-marins à passagers les plus avancés au monde sur le plan technologique. Un bonus supplémentaire spécial de cette expérience de visite est également de voir le littoral de Kona tout en conduisant notre bateau-navette.

Plongez à 100 pieds sous la surface et découvrez les mystères marins de Kona, mis en évidence par un magnifique et immaculé récif de corail naturel de 25 acres jardin créé par une ancienne coulée de lave. Le site de plongée de Kona est fréquenté par une vie marine fascinante comme le barracuda, le tang jaune, l'anguille et le poisson perroquet. Découvrez par vous-même comment les navires coulés se sont combinés à Mère Nature pour créer des habitats autonomes qui attirent et nourrissent la vie marine au large des côtes de Kona.

Ville: Grande île d'Hawaï
Thu 24 Oct
Vous pouvez déjà choisir la date sur le site de réservation
À partir de $164.39
Thu 24 Oct
À partir de $164.39
Faire une réservation
Ce qui est inclu
Live English narration provided by our underwater naturalist.
Audio narration is available in Japanese, Mandarin, Spanish, and Korean.
Sightseeing shuttle to submarine dive site
Submarine dive aboard the 48-passenger submarine
Live English narration provided by our underwater naturalist.
Audio narration is available in Japanese, Mandarin, Spanish, and Korean.
Sightseeing shuttle to submarine dive site
Information additionnelle
  • Les bébés et les jeunes enfants peuvent monter dans un landau ou une poussette
  • Des options de transport en commun sont disponibles à proximité
  • Convient à tous les niveaux de forme physique
  • Toutes les visites sont en anglais. Des casques offrant une narration en japonais sont disponibles sur demande
  • Les enfants doivent mesurer 36 pouces ou plus pour monter à bord du sous-marin
  • Les enfants de moins de 3 ans qui satisfont à l'exigence de 36 pouces sont autorisés à monter à bord du sous-marin sous-marin et un billet enfant doit être acheté.
  • La durée réelle de la visite sous-marine est de 45 minutes. Le trajet en bateau-navette de l'embarcadère au sous-marin et le transfert sont de 5 minutes dans chaque sens
  • Les passagers doivent être capable de monter et de descendre une échelle presque verticale pour monter à bord du sous-marin
  • Masques faciaux requis pour les voyageurs dans les espaces publics
  • Masques faciaux requis pour les guides dans les espaces publics
  • Désinfectant pour les mains à la disposition des voyageurs et du personnel
  • Zones à fort trafic régulièrement désinfectées
  • Équipement/équipement désinfecté entre chaque utilisation
  • Véhicules de transport régulièrement désinfectés
  • Guides tenus de se laver régulièrement les mains
  • Contrôles de température réguliers pour le personnel
  • Contrôles de température pour les voyageurs à l'arrivée
À quoi s'attendre
Atlantis Submarines Kona
An unforgettable 45-minute journey aboard an Atlantis 48-passenger submarine, as featured in National Geographic television specials, where guests explore a 25-acre natural coral reef and its marine inhabitants! Allow Atlantis Submarines to show you the other 96% of Kona you can't see any other way. Treat yourself to Kona's most beautiful and captivating scenery, habitats, and isolated treasures. You'll descend 100 feet into another version of paradise -- one hidden even from the people of Hawaii for centuries. Atlantis Submarines Kona offers a journey aboard a 48-passenger submarine. Guests will discover an 18,000-year-old, 25-acre fringing coral reef, which boasts a vibrant ecosystem. Passengers view coral formations and tropical fish.Headset providing narrations in Japanese, Korean, Mandarin and Spanish are available upon request at no additional cost. Our escorts will assist you to our shuttle vessel from our Atlantis office which will take you out to the submarine.
Atlantis Submarines Kona
An unforgettable 45-minute journey aboard an Atlantis 48-passenger submarine, as featured in National Geographic television specials, where guests explore a 25-acre natural coral reef and its marine inhabitants! Allow Atlantis Submarines to show you the other 96% of Kona you can't see any other way. Treat yourself to Kona's most beautiful and captivating scenery, habitats, and isolated treasures. You'll descend 100 feet into another version of paradise -- one hidden even from the people of Hawaii for centuries. Atlantis Submarines Kona offers a journey aboard a 48-passenger submarine. Guests will discover an 18,000-year-old, 25-acre fringing coral reef, which boasts a vibrant ecosystem. Passengers view coral formations and tropical fish.Headset providing narrations in Japanese, Korean, Mandarin and Spanish are available upon request at no additional cost. Our escorts will assist you to our shuttle vessel from our Atlantis office which will take you out to the submarine.
Atlantis Submarines Kona
An unforgettable 45-minute journey aboard an Atlantis 48-passenger submarine, as featured in National Geographic television specials, where guests explore a 25-acre natural coral reef and its marine inhabitants! Allow Atlantis Submarines to show you the other 96% of Kona you can't see any other way. Treat yourself to Kona's most beautiful and captivating scenery, habitats, and isolated treasures. You'll descend 100 feet into another version of paradise -- one hidden even from the people of Hawaii for centuries. Atlantis Submarines Kona offers a journey aboard a 48-passenger submarine. Guests will discover an 18,000-year-old, 25-acre fringing coral reef, which boasts a vibrant ecosystem. Passengers view coral formations and tropical fish.Headset providing narrations in Japanese, Korean, Mandarin and Spanish are available upon request at no additional cost. Our escorts will assist you to our shuttle vessel from our Atlantis office which will take you out to the submarine.
Atlantis Submarines Kona
An unforgettable 45-minute journey aboard an Atlantis 48-passenger submarine, as featured in National Geographic television specials, where guests explore a 25-acre natural coral reef and its marine inhabitants! Allow Atlantis Submarines to show you the other 96% of Kona you can't see any other way. Treat yourself to Kona's most beautiful and captivating scenery, habitats, and isolated treasures. You'll descend 100 feet into another version of paradise -- one hidden even from the people of Hawaii for centuries. Atlantis Submarines Kona offers a journey aboard a 48-passenger submarine. Guests will discover an 18,000-year-old, 25-acre fringing coral reef, which boasts a vibrant ecosystem. Passengers view coral formations and tropical fish.Headset providing narrations in Japanese, Korean, Mandarin and Spanish are available upon request at no additional cost. Our escorts will assist you to our shuttle vessel from our Atlantis office which will take you out to the submarine.
Atlantis Submarines Kona
An unforgettable 45-minute journey aboard an Atlantis 48-passenger submarine, as featured in National Geographic television specials, where guests explore a 25-acre natural coral reef and its marine inhabitants! Allow Atlantis Submarines to show you the other 96% of Kona you can't see any other way. Treat yourself to Kona's most beautiful and captivating scenery, habitats, and isolated treasures. You'll descend 100 feet into another version of paradise -- one hidden even from the people of Hawaii for centuries. Atlantis Submarines Kona offers a journey aboard a 48-passenger submarine. Guests will discover an 18,000-year-old, 25-acre fringing coral reef, which boasts a vibrant ecosystem. Passengers view coral formations and tropical fish.Headset providing narrations in Japanese, Korean, Mandarin and Spanish are available upon request at no additional cost. Our escorts will assist you to our shuttle vessel from our Atlantis office which will take you out to the submarine.
Atlantis Submarines Kona
An unforgettable 45-minute journey aboard an Atlantis 48-passenger submarine, as featured in National Geographic television specials, where guests explore a 25-acre natural coral reef and its marine inhabitants! Allow Atlantis Submarines to show you the other 96% of Kona you can't see any other way. Treat yourself to Kona's most beautiful and captivating scenery, habitats, and isolated treasures. You'll descend 100 feet into another version of paradise -- one hidden even from the people of Hawaii for centuries. Atlantis Submarines Kona offers a journey aboard a 48-passenger submarine. Guests will discover an 18,000-year-old, 25-acre fringing coral reef, which boasts a vibrant ecosystem. Passengers view coral formations and tropical fish.Headset providing narrations in Japanese, Korean, Mandarin and Spanish are available upon request at no additional cost. Our escorts will assist you to our shuttle vessel from our Atlantis office which will take you out to the submarine.
Atlantis Submarines Kona
An unforgettable 45-minute journey aboard an Atlantis 48-passenger submarine, as featured in National Geographic television specials, where guests explore a 25-acre natural coral reef and its marine inhabitants! Allow Atlantis Submarines to show you the other 96% of Kona you can't see any other way. Treat yourself to Kona's most beautiful and captivating scenery, habitats, and isolated treasures. You'll descend 100 feet into another version of paradise -- one hidden even from the people of Hawaii for centuries. Atlantis Submarines Kona offers a journey aboard a 48-passenger submarine. Guests will discover an 18,000-year-old, 25-acre fringing coral reef, which boasts a vibrant ecosystem. Passengers view coral formations and tropical fish.Headset providing narrations in Japanese, Korean, Mandarin and Spanish are available upon request at no additional cost. Our escorts will assist you to our shuttle vessel from our Atlantis office which will take you out to the submarine.
Atlantis Submarines Kona
An unforgettable 45-minute journey aboard an Atlantis 48-passenger submarine, as featured in National Geographic television specials, where guests explore a 25-acre natural coral reef and its marine inhabitants! Allow Atlantis Submarines to show you the other 96% of Kona you can't see any other way. Treat yourself to Kona's most beautiful and captivating scenery, habitats, and isolated treasures. You'll descend 100 feet into another version of paradise -- one hidden even from the people of Hawaii for centuries. Atlantis Submarines Kona offers a journey aboard a 48-passenger submarine. Guests will discover an 18,000-year-old, 25-acre fringing coral reef, which boasts a vibrant ecosystem. Passengers view coral formations and tropical fish.Headset providing narrations in Japanese, Korean, Mandarin and Spanish are available upon request at no additional cost. Our escorts will assist you to our shuttle vessel from our Atlantis office which will take you out to the submarine.
Atlantis Submarines Kona
An unforgettable 45-minute journey aboard an Atlantis 48-passenger submarine, as featured in National Geographic television specials, where guests explore a 25-acre natural coral reef and its marine inhabitants! Allow Atlantis Submarines to show you the other 96% of Kona you can't see any other way. Treat yourself to Kona's most beautiful and captivating scenery, habitats, and isolated treasures. You'll descend 100 feet into another version of paradise -- one hidden even from the people of Hawaii for centuries. Atlantis Submarines Kona offers a journey aboard a 48-passenger submarine. Guests will discover an 18,000-year-old, 25-acre fringing coral reef, which boasts a vibrant ecosystem. Passengers view coral formations and tropical fish.Headset providing narrations in Japanese, Korean, Mandarin and Spanish are available upon request at no additional cost. Our escorts will assist you to our shuttle vessel from our Atlantis office which will take you out to the submarine.
Sous-marins Atlantis Kona
Un voyage inoubliable de 45 minutes à bord d'un sous-marin Atlantis de 48 passagers, tel que présenté dans les émissions spéciales télévisées de National Geographic, où les invités explorent un récif de corail naturel de 25 acres et ses habitants marins ! Permettez à Atlantis Submarines de vous montrer les 96 % restants de Kona que vous ne pouvez pas voir autrement. Offrez-vous les paysages, les habitats et les trésors isolés les plus beaux et les plus captivants de Kona. Vous descendrez à 100 pieds dans une autre version du paradis, cachée même aux habitants d'Hawaï pendant des siècles. Atlantis Submarines Kona propose un voyage à bord d'un sous-marin de 48 passagers. Les clients découvriront un récif corallien frangeant de 18 000 ans et de 25 acres, qui possède un écosystème dynamique. Les passagers observent les formations coralliennes et les poissons tropicaux. Des écouteurs offrant des commentaires en japonais, coréen, mandarin et espagnol sont disponibles sur demande sans frais supplémentaires. Nos accompagnateurs vous assisteront jusqu'à notre navette depuis notre bureau Atlantis qui vous conduira au sous-marin.
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Pour un remboursement complet, annulez au moins 24 heures avant l'heure de départ prévue.
Photos de voyageurs
Commentaires (340)
Jul 2021
1) Extremely poor communication and planning with no regard for the person paying for trip in mind. People are asked to line up 30 mins in advance, and walk a mile with young children to waiting area. We were the first ones to be on the waiting area per their ask, but there was no communication for a trip delayed by 20 min despite several calls despite the team already aware of the delay - they still asked us to wait in the sun at the dock and head in advance knowing total wait time is 50 mins which might not be suitable for young children in hot and humid weather while they have been travelling 2) No shade or designated area for people to wait. Homeless people close to waiting area might attack you if you try to use the nearby shade area(which unfortunately happened to us) 3) No empathy or care shown by customer care at the waiting area when the concerns were discussed - she asked us to cancel and leave if we wanted to, knowing we had waited 50 minutes and travelled long distance to have this wasteful event on our itinerary (just for our daughter) 4) No Honu turtles were seen at ALL. Having been on the Atlantis trip in Oahu, this one was significantly worse as almost none of the marine animals or interesting creatures were seen. 5) No concern for covid as full capacity was operational. The whole trip from the crew was about clapping for themselves and cracking poor jokes while people push each other to see one or two fishes (you could frankly see more in your own aquarium) So, a complete waste of time on an island like Big Island in Hawaii with great beaches and so much more to offer. Give this one a skip.
Réponse de l'hôte
Jul 2021
Aloha, and thank you for sharing your review. We are very disappointed to learn that your overall experience was less than exceptional and we sincerely apologize for any inconvenience you experienced. Please privately message us with the name your reservation was under, the date and time of your tour, and your contact information so that we may have a team member reach out to you directly. You may email: [email protected] and include Review in subject line. We hope to have the opportunity to welcome you aboard in the future. Mahalo!
Jul 2021
Saw a lot of really pretty fish. I’d say it is perfect for anyone who isn’t able to snorkel well. Crew did a great job.
Réponse de l'hôte
Jul 2021
Aloha Collin! Thank you for your review. We are thrilled to hear you enjoyed your deep sea adventure with us. We love hearing about our guests experiences, and we are happy that you had a memorable one. We hope we have the pleasure of hosting you again. Mahalo for taking the time to write a review!
Jul 2021
One of the best. We did the one in Maui too few years back. The shipwrecks were teaming with fish and it was great to see them.
Réponse de l'hôte
Jul 2021
Aloha Rames ! It is an honor to have you as a returning guest, and we greatly appreciate your lovely review. We're thrilled you enjoyed our unique underwater adventure! It is indeed often a once-in-a-lifetime experience to see marine life up close while diving in a real submarine, and we're happy to know you've had a positive experience on your tours from beginning to end! Thank you for your kind words and recommendation. We look forward to our next journey under the sea together! Mahalo.

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