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Canyonlands National Park Needles District en 4x4

Explorez le paysage impressionnant du parc Chesler, situé dans le district de Needles du parc national de Canyonlands. Cette excursion d'une journée complète en 4x4 (4x4) visite des parties reculées de la nature vierge. Votre guide expert parcourt certaines des pistes hors route les plus accidentées de l'Utah vers des points forts tels que Elephant Hill, Devil's Kitchen, Devil's Lane et SOB Hill. Faites une randonnée facultative de 3 miles (4,8 km) sur l'incroyable Joint Trail pour découvrir de plus près la beauté à couper le souffle de ce parc national.
Ville: Moab
Sun 22 Sep
Vous pouvez déjà choisir la date sur le site de réservation
À partir de $316.46
Sun 22 Sep
À partir de $316.46
Faire une réservation
Ce qui est inclu
Professional guide
Hotel pick-up and drop-off (depending on location)
Transport by 4x4 vehicle
Ice Water
Buffet-style lunch
Professional guide
Hotel pick-up and drop-off (depending on location)
Information additionnelle
  • Les voyageurs doivent avoir au moins un niveau de forme physique modéré
  • Choses à apporter : bouteille réutilisable (votre guide aura beaucoup d'eau supplémentaire disponible), protection solaire/appareil photo/tenue appropriée et chaussures adaptées à la météo
  • NAVTEC Expeditions est un concessionnaire autorisé du parc national de Canyonlands et Arches
  • Si vous avez un laissez-passer annuel pour les parcs nationaux, veuillez l'apporter pour vos frais d'entrée au parc, sinon vous devra acheter un laissez-passer d'une journée pour 15 $
  • Chaque excursion en 4x4 nécessite un minimum de 3 personnes pour fonctionner. Si votre voyage ne respecte pas le minimum la veille, d'autres options de visite vous seront proposées ou vous obtiendrez un remboursement complet (une autre option consiste à payer le 3ème tarif)
À quoi s'attendre
NAVTEC Expeditions - Day Tours
Make your own way to the conveniently located meeting point in Moab, then hop into the sturdy and comfortable 4WD vehicle for the scenic 2-hour drive to Chesler Park, located in the heart of the Needles District of Canyonlands National Park.
Needles District Visitor Center
The Needles District offers awe-inspiring landscapes and scenic vistas at every turn. Admire towering multicolored rock formations, ancient rock art, desert landscapes dotted with cactus and the vibrant blue southwestern sky. Keep an eye out for a variety of critters including birds, lizards, mule deer and big horn sheep, and enjoy the scent of pinyon, juniper and sage brush in the desert air.
Elephant Hill
Your guide expertly maneuvers the 4WD over Elephant Hill, known as one of the most challenging 4WD trails in southeastern Utah. Pass Devil's Kitchen and cruise down Devil's Lane before encountering SOB Hill, another challenge to the driving skills of your guide.
Canyonlands National Park
At midday, enjoy a delicious buffet-style picnic lunch at a gorgeous viewpoint. Afterward, have the option to hike the Joint Trail to the spacious meadows of Chesler Park, one of Canyonlands' most spectacular spots. Expect to walk a 3-mile loop on a well-groomed trail that passes between enormous boulders and side canyons. The trail has a good walking surface and steep uphill pitch in parts, making for a challenging hike suitable for strong hikers. Or skip the hike and simply relax at the vehicle with time to soak up the beauty around you. Either way, your 4WD tour takes you to some of the more remote parts of the Canyonlands so that you can experience this stunning landscape firsthand.
Utah Scenic Byway 279 Rock Art Sites
In an area filled with challenging mountain passes, technical terrain and plenty of level 2, 3 and 4 hikes, the Rock Art Sites of Moab offer travelers easy access to ancient drawings scattered along paths even a novice can navigate.
After a full day of exploring by 4WD, your guide returns you to your starting point in Moab to end your tour.
NAVTEC Expeditions - Day Tours
Make your own way to the conveniently located meeting point in Moab, then hop into the sturdy and comfortable 4WD vehicle for the scenic 2-hour drive to Chesler Park, located in the heart of the Needles District of Canyonlands National Park.
Needles District Visitor Center
The Needles District offers awe-inspiring landscapes and scenic vistas at every turn. Admire towering multicolored rock formations, ancient rock art, desert landscapes dotted with cactus and the vibrant blue southwestern sky. Keep an eye out for a variety of critters including birds, lizards, mule deer and big horn sheep, and enjoy the scent of pinyon, juniper and sage brush in the desert air.
Elephant Hill
Your guide expertly maneuvers the 4WD over Elephant Hill, known as one of the most challenging 4WD trails in southeastern Utah. Pass Devil's Kitchen and cruise down Devil's Lane before encountering SOB Hill, another challenge to the driving skills of your guide.
Canyonlands National Park
At midday, enjoy a delicious buffet-style picnic lunch at a gorgeous viewpoint. Afterward, have the option to hike the Joint Trail to the spacious meadows of Chesler Park, one of Canyonlands' most spectacular spots. Expect to walk a 3-mile loop on a well-groomed trail that passes between enormous boulders and side canyons. The trail has a good walking surface and steep uphill pitch in parts, making for a challenging hike suitable for strong hikers. Or skip the hike and simply relax at the vehicle with time to soak up the beauty around you. Either way, your 4WD tour takes you to some of the more remote parts of the Canyonlands so that you can experience this stunning landscape firsthand.
Utah Scenic Byway 279 Rock Art Sites
In an area filled with challenging mountain passes, technical terrain and plenty of level 2, 3 and 4 hikes, the Rock Art Sites of Moab offer travelers easy access to ancient drawings scattered along paths even a novice can navigate.
After a full day of exploring by 4WD, your guide returns you to your starting point in Moab to end your tour.
NAVTEC Expeditions - Day Tours
Make your own way to the conveniently located meeting point in Moab, then hop into the sturdy and comfortable 4WD vehicle for the scenic 2-hour drive to Chesler Park, located in the heart of the Needles District of Canyonlands National Park.
Needles District Visitor Center
The Needles District offers awe-inspiring landscapes and scenic vistas at every turn. Admire towering multicolored rock formations, ancient rock art, desert landscapes dotted with cactus and the vibrant blue southwestern sky. Keep an eye out for a variety of critters including birds, lizards, mule deer and big horn sheep, and enjoy the scent of pinyon, juniper and sage brush in the desert air.
Elephant Hill
Your guide expertly maneuvers the 4WD over Elephant Hill, known as one of the most challenging 4WD trails in southeastern Utah. Pass Devil's Kitchen and cruise down Devil's Lane before encountering SOB Hill, another challenge to the driving skills of your guide.
Canyonlands National Park
At midday, enjoy a delicious buffet-style picnic lunch at a gorgeous viewpoint. Afterward, have the option to hike the Joint Trail to the spacious meadows of Chesler Park, one of Canyonlands' most spectacular spots. Expect to walk a 3-mile loop on a well-groomed trail that passes between enormous boulders and side canyons. The trail has a good walking surface and steep uphill pitch in parts, making for a challenging hike suitable for strong hikers. Or skip the hike and simply relax at the vehicle with time to soak up the beauty around you. Either way, your 4WD tour takes you to some of the more remote parts of the Canyonlands so that you can experience this stunning landscape firsthand.
Utah Scenic Byway 279 Rock Art Sites
In an area filled with challenging mountain passes, technical terrain and plenty of level 2, 3 and 4 hikes, the Rock Art Sites of Moab offer travelers easy access to ancient drawings scattered along paths even a novice can navigate.
After a full day of exploring by 4WD, your guide returns you to your starting point in Moab to end your tour.
NAVTEC Expeditions - Day Tours
Make your own way to the conveniently located meeting point in Moab, then hop into the sturdy and comfortable 4WD vehicle for the scenic 2-hour drive to Chesler Park, located in the heart of the Needles District of Canyonlands National Park.
Needles District Visitor Center
The Needles District offers awe-inspiring landscapes and scenic vistas at every turn. Admire towering multicolored rock formations, ancient rock art, desert landscapes dotted with cactus and the vibrant blue southwestern sky. Keep an eye out for a variety of critters including birds, lizards, mule deer and big horn sheep, and enjoy the scent of pinyon, juniper and sage brush in the desert air.
Elephant Hill
Your guide expertly maneuvers the 4WD over Elephant Hill, known as one of the most challenging 4WD trails in southeastern Utah. Pass Devil's Kitchen and cruise down Devil's Lane before encountering SOB Hill, another challenge to the driving skills of your guide.
Canyonlands National Park
At midday, enjoy a delicious buffet-style picnic lunch at a gorgeous viewpoint. Afterward, have the option to hike the Joint Trail to the spacious meadows of Chesler Park, one of Canyonlands' most spectacular spots. Expect to walk a 3-mile loop on a well-groomed trail that passes between enormous boulders and side canyons. The trail has a good walking surface and steep uphill pitch in parts, making for a challenging hike suitable for strong hikers. Or skip the hike and simply relax at the vehicle with time to soak up the beauty around you. Either way, your 4WD tour takes you to some of the more remote parts of the Canyonlands so that you can experience this stunning landscape firsthand.
Utah Scenic Byway 279 Rock Art Sites
In an area filled with challenging mountain passes, technical terrain and plenty of level 2, 3 and 4 hikes, the Rock Art Sites of Moab offer travelers easy access to ancient drawings scattered along paths even a novice can navigate.
After a full day of exploring by 4WD, your guide returns you to your starting point in Moab to end your tour.
NAVTEC Expeditions - Day Tours
Make your own way to the conveniently located meeting point in Moab, then hop into the sturdy and comfortable 4WD vehicle for the scenic 2-hour drive to Chesler Park, located in the heart of the Needles District of Canyonlands National Park.
Needles District Visitor Center
The Needles District offers awe-inspiring landscapes and scenic vistas at every turn. Admire towering multicolored rock formations, ancient rock art, desert landscapes dotted with cactus and the vibrant blue southwestern sky. Keep an eye out for a variety of critters including birds, lizards, mule deer and big horn sheep, and enjoy the scent of pinyon, juniper and sage brush in the desert air.
Elephant Hill
Your guide expertly maneuvers the 4WD over Elephant Hill, known as one of the most challenging 4WD trails in southeastern Utah. Pass Devil's Kitchen and cruise down Devil's Lane before encountering SOB Hill, another challenge to the driving skills of your guide.
Canyonlands National Park
At midday, enjoy a delicious buffet-style picnic lunch at a gorgeous viewpoint. Afterward, have the option to hike the Joint Trail to the spacious meadows of Chesler Park, one of Canyonlands' most spectacular spots. Expect to walk a 3-mile loop on a well-groomed trail that passes between enormous boulders and side canyons. The trail has a good walking surface and steep uphill pitch in parts, making for a challenging hike suitable for strong hikers. Or skip the hike and simply relax at the vehicle with time to soak up the beauty around you. Either way, your 4WD tour takes you to some of the more remote parts of the Canyonlands so that you can experience this stunning landscape firsthand.
Utah Scenic Byway 279 Rock Art Sites
In an area filled with challenging mountain passes, technical terrain and plenty of level 2, 3 and 4 hikes, the Rock Art Sites of Moab offer travelers easy access to ancient drawings scattered along paths even a novice can navigate.
After a full day of exploring by 4WD, your guide returns you to your starting point in Moab to end your tour.
Expéditions NAVTEC - Excursions d'une journée
Rendez-vous par vos propres moyens au point de rendez-vous idéalement situé à Moab, puis montez dans le véhicule 4x4 robuste et confortable pour le trajet panoramique de 2 heures jusqu'au parc Chesler, situé au cœur du district de Needles dans le parc national de Canyonlands.
Centre d'accueil du district d'aiguilles
Le Needles District offre des paysages grandioses et des vues panoramiques à chaque tournant. Admirez les imposantes formations rocheuses multicolores, l'art rupestre ancien, les paysages désertiques parsemés de cactus et le ciel bleu vif du sud-ouest. Gardez un œil sur une variété de créatures, notamment des oiseaux, des lézards, des cerfs mulets et des mouflons à grandes cornes, et profitez de l'odeur du pinyon, du genévrier et de la sauge dans l'air du désert.
Colline des éléphants
Votre guide manœuvre habilement le 4x4 sur Elephant Hill, connu comme l'un des sentiers 4x4 les plus difficiles du sud-est de l'Utah. Passez devant Devil's Kitchen et descendez Devil's Lane avant de rencontrer SOB Hill, un autre défi pour les compétences de conduite de votre guide.
Parc national de Canyonlands
À midi, savourez un délicieux pique-nique sous forme de buffet à un point de vue magnifique. Ensuite, vous avez la possibilité de parcourir le Joint Trail jusqu'aux vastes prairies du parc Chesler, l'un des endroits les plus spectaculaires de Canyonlands. Attendez-vous à parcourir une boucle de 3 miles sur un sentier bien entretenu qui passe entre d'énormes rochers et des canyons latéraux. Le sentier a une bonne surface de marche et une montée raide par endroits, ce qui en fait une randonnée difficile adaptée aux randonneurs forts. Ou sautez la randonnée et détendez-vous simplement dans le véhicule avec le temps de vous imprégner de la beauté qui vous entoure. Quoi qu'il en soit, votre visite en 4x4 vous emmène dans certaines des parties les plus reculées des Canyonlands afin que vous puissiez découvrir ce paysage magnifique de première main.
Utah Scenic Byway 279 sites d'art rupestre
Dans une région remplie de cols de montagne difficiles, de terrains techniques et de nombreuses randonnées de niveau 2, 3 et 4, les sites d'art rupestre de Moab offrent aux voyageurs un accès facile aux dessins anciens dispersés le long des sentiers, même un novice peut naviguer.
Après une journée complète d'exploration en 4x4, votre guide vous ramène à votre point de départ à Moab pour terminer votre visite.
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Politique d'annulation
Pour un remboursement complet, annulez au moins 24 heures avant l'heure de départ prévue.
Photos de voyageurs
Commentaires (220)
betsy k
May 2019
Our guide through the Needles District was Ben. He was an extremely competent driver and very knowledgeable about Canyonlands and local history. He was extremely personable and told us great stories. The ride through the back country of Canyonlands was exciting and amazing! I had never experienced anything like it before. I absolutely loved it! In addition we went on a 2-hour round trip hike on Joint Trail and I was so glad that this was part of the excursion. It was an unusual experience going through the rock formations and at the end we were treated to a spectacular view! I wholeheartedly recommend this trip!
Apr 2019
We did the full day Chesler tour. We had Buzz as our guide and he was outstanding. Incredible knowledge about the geology and land formations. Also a very skilled driver which gave us complete confidence going over Elephant Hill and Corona. The natural beauty of that area is remarkable and very much less travelled by large groups of tourists. I strongly recommend this trip!
Apr 2019
I had never explored the back country of canyonlands national park, so I was excited when I saw this company’s website, and even more excited when I called them to talk about the different destination options. The company, the drivers (Ben and Buzz), the landscape, the guides’ stories - everything was amazing! This is a family trip, so we filled two vehicles. Buzz was the geologist, Ben was the history buff. We should have swapped vehicles/guides at each stop! This was a long day, over 10 hours, but that’s exactly what we wanted.

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