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Découvrez Yosemite : cours de photographie pour débutants ou avancés

Entrez dans la peau d'Ansel Adams, Charles Weed, Carlton Watkins et Edward Weston lors d'une leçon de photographie de base ou avancée dans le magnifique parc national de Yosemite. Apportez votre appareil photo pour capturer les pics déchiquetés, les prairies, les rivières, les lacs et la faune de la vallée de Yosemite ou de la High Sierra, tout en affinant vos compétences en photographie et en apprenant de nouvelles techniques avec votre instructeur expert. Vous visiterez des lieux emblématiques et moins connus du parc. Cette expérience est ouverte aux passionnés de photo de tous niveaux.
Ville: Parc National de Yosemite
Fri 20 Sep
Vous pouvez déjà choisir la date sur le site de réservation
À partir de $575.00
Fri 20 Sep
À partir de $575.00
Faire une réservation
Ce qui est inclu
Local guide
Custom Tour Location (you must contact us upon confirmation to discuss)
Professional Photography Instructor
Local guide
Custom Tour Location (you must contact us upon confirmation to discuss)
Professional Photography Instructor
Guide expérimenté
Information additionnelle
  • Déconseillé aux voyageurs enceintes
  • Déconseillé aux voyageurs ayant une mauvaise santé cardiovasculaire
  • Déconseillé aux voyageurs souffrant de lésions de la colonne vertébrale
  • Animaux d'assistance autorisés
  • Convient à tous les niveaux de condition physique
  • Veuillez fournir votre hôtel et vos coordonnées (numéro de téléphone, e-mail et hébergement) dans la case Exigences particulières lors du paiement. Informations sur l'hôtel afin que nous puissions vous envoyer un e-mail indiquant l'itinéraire vers le lieu de la réunion ; le ramassage /retour n'est pas inclus.
  • Sous réserve de conditions météorologiques favorables. En cas d'annulation en raison du mauvais temps, vous aurez la possibilité d'une autre date ou d'un remboursement complet.
  • Articles recommandés à apporter : appareil photo, trépied solide, objectifs, filtres, cartes mémoire supplémentaires, piles supplémentaires, gants , couche supplémentaire de vêtements, veste, crème solaire, chapeau, collations et eau
  • Veuillez vous habiller avec des vêtements de sport
  • Nous sommes limités dans la disponibilité des guides cette année en raison de Covid-19. Veuillez comprendre si votre réservation n'est pas acceptée en raison de cette restriction.
À quoi s'attendre
Yosemite Valley
You will enter Yosemite National Park at one of the entrance gates to pay admission into the park.
Yosemite Valley
Our photo tours visit various locations at different times of the year. Yosemite Valley is the most popular destination for our tours. From here, you will have the opportunity to photograph many features such as peaks, cliffs, and waterfalls with a professional photographer.
Lembert Dome
Our photo tours visit various locations at different times of the year. Lembert Dome is a diverse landscape that is only visited in summer.
Olmsted Point
Our photo tours visit various locations at different times of the year. Olmsted is a diverse landscape that is only visited in summer.
Tenaya Lake
Our photo tours visit various locations at different times of the year. Tenaya Lake is a diverse landscape that is only visited in summer.
Tuolumne Meadows
Our photo tours visit various locations at different times of the year. Tuolumne Meadows is a diverse landscape that is only visited in summer.
Glacier Point
Our photo tours visit various locations at different times of the year. Glacier is a diverse landscape that is only visited in summer.
Yosemite Valley
You will enter Yosemite National Park at one of the entrance gates to pay admission into the park.
Yosemite Valley
Our photo tours visit various locations at different times of the year. Yosemite Valley is the most popular destination for our tours. From here, you will have the opportunity to photograph many features such as peaks, cliffs, and waterfalls with a professional photographer.
Lembert Dome
Our photo tours visit various locations at different times of the year. Lembert Dome is a diverse landscape that is only visited in summer.
Olmsted Point
Our photo tours visit various locations at different times of the year. Olmsted is a diverse landscape that is only visited in summer.
Tenaya Lake
Our photo tours visit various locations at different times of the year. Tenaya Lake is a diverse landscape that is only visited in summer.
Tuolumne Meadows
Our photo tours visit various locations at different times of the year. Tuolumne Meadows is a diverse landscape that is only visited in summer.
Glacier Point
Our photo tours visit various locations at different times of the year. Glacier is a diverse landscape that is only visited in summer.
Yosemite Valley
You will enter Yosemite National Park at one of the entrance gates to pay admission into the park.
Yosemite Valley
Our photo tours visit various locations at different times of the year. Yosemite Valley is the most popular destination for our tours. From here, you will have the opportunity to photograph many features such as peaks, cliffs, and waterfalls with a professional photographer.
Lembert Dome
Our photo tours visit various locations at different times of the year. Lembert Dome is a diverse landscape that is only visited in summer.
Olmsted Point
Our photo tours visit various locations at different times of the year. Olmsted is a diverse landscape that is only visited in summer.
Tenaya Lake
Our photo tours visit various locations at different times of the year. Tenaya Lake is a diverse landscape that is only visited in summer.
Tuolumne Meadows
Our photo tours visit various locations at different times of the year. Tuolumne Meadows is a diverse landscape that is only visited in summer.
Glacier Point
Our photo tours visit various locations at different times of the year. Glacier is a diverse landscape that is only visited in summer.
Vallée de Yosemite
Vous entrerez dans le parc national de Yosemite par l'une des portes d'entrée pour payer l'entrée dans le parc.
Vallée de Yosemite
Nos visites photographiques visitent divers endroits à différents moments de l'année. La vallée de Yosemite est la destination la plus populaire pour nos circuits. De là, vous aurez l'occasion de photographier de nombreux éléments tels que des pics, des falaises et des cascades avec un photographe professionnel.
Dôme Lembert
Nos visites photographiques visitent divers endroits à différents moments de l'année. Lembert Dome est un paysage diversifié qui n'est visité qu'en été.
Pointe Olmsted
Nos visites photographiques visitent divers endroits à différents moments de l'année. Olmsted est un paysage diversifié qui n'est visité qu'en été.
Lac Tenaya
Nos visites photographiques visitent divers endroits à différents moments de l'année. Le lac Tenaya est un paysage diversifié qui n'est visité qu'en été.
Prés de Tuolumne
Nos visites photographiques visitent divers endroits à différents moments de l'année. Tuolumne Meadows est un paysage diversifié qui n'est visité qu'en été.
Pointe des Glaciers
Nos visites photographiques visitent divers endroits à différents moments de l'année. Le glacier est un paysage diversifié qui n'est visité qu'en été.
Show 25 plus d'arrêts
Politique d'annulation
Pour un remboursement complet, annulez au moins 24 heures avant l'heure de départ prévue.
Commentaires (6)
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Oct 2018
I went on the photo workshop with Jay Sousa. He was excellent - a professional photographer and very easy going. I was nervous about the session but he soon put me at ease and it was very relaxed and enjoyable. I have been reluctant to shoot in manual but after the session, the rest of my holiday photos were shot in this way - this is a massive step up for me! I finally feel a lot more in control of my images. Jay took us to the best locations for the time of day and available light - it was an excellent day!
Réponse de l'hôte
Mar 2019
Thank you. We are happy you had such an excellent day.
Jun 2018
Our guide, Jay, met us near the Half Dome Village shuttle stop. We walked from there to several scenic locations where the light was appropriate for that time of day photo shooting. After a short exchange Jay was able to key into areas to focus on for our 4 hour session. While walking we chatted about photo composition and exposure. While at the various locations Jay would explain the shot, demonstrate on his camera, then I would compose the shot, exposure, and adjust as necessary to get a great shot. It was great to have Jay reinforce some existing photo practices and correct others; this class is tailored for beginner to expert depending on the individual . Jay is a very knowledgeable photo professional and is also very familiar with Yosemite National Park. My wife attended as an observer and picked Jay’s brain about the park and various hikes we could do during our stay. We timed our visit to go to Lower Yosemite Falls during a full moon for the “moon bow” shot -rainbow at night during a full moon. What an amazing sight.
Denny R
Aug 2016

Great coach! Al provides tons of insight of Yosemite I have benefited from the later stay!

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