Seeing the Grand Canyon has been a goal of mine since my grandparents came back from a trip when I was only eight years old. My grandfather talked about how being in front of this natural wonder was an experience he would never forget. I have to agree!
While on this amazing tour with our incredible guide, Taylor, we also had the joy of being able to celebrate the 98th birthday of one of our group members. I have to say that this opportunity to be there when someone who reminded me so much of my grandfather was seeing something so incredible for the first time made my trip ever more special. I think we all felt that. Taylor took extra time to ensure we saw all of the most meaningful places and he shared his deep knowledge from years of exploring on his own and guiding guests on hiking trips. We learned about the history of the area, stories from Taylor’s adventures, and some of the legends and myths. I felt so awestruck by this experience. It was a very long day, but it was so worth it!
Taylor said he doesn’t read the reviews, but his daughter does. Since he proudly talked about her, I hope she also feels joy when she hears about the incredible experience her father crafted for all of us, a shimmering memory and moment in time to treasure for a lifetime.