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Centre spatial Kennedy à Cap Canaveral : discuter avec un astronaute

Passez la journée ultime à explorer le fascinant centre spatial Kennedy à Cap Canaveral, à seulement 45 minutes d'Orlando. Découvrez l'histoire du programme spatial américain et regardez de superbes films IMAX. Ne manquez pas l'occasion de marcher sous une fusée Saturn V, d'essayer vos compétences dans un simulateur de navette et de faire l'expérience d'un moonwalk virtuel. De plus : Au cours de votre conversation de 45 minutes avec un astronaute, vous découvrirez ce que c'est vraiment de vivre et de travailler dans l'espace. Vous pourrez profiter d'un petit-déjeuner continental le matin (option 10h) ou de dégustations culinaires l'après-midi (option 14h) comprenant une boisson alcoolisée par billet adulte. Pour faire durer les souvenirs, vous pouvez emporter chez vous un portrait dédicacé de l'astronaute accompagné d'un petit cadeau.
Ville: Plage de cacao
Tue 11 Mar
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À partir de $133.99
Tue 11 Mar
À partir de $133.99
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Ce qui est inclu
Heroes and Legends Exhibit
Kennedy Space Center Bus Tour (when available)
Local Taxes
Space Shuttle Atlantis
Shuttle Launch Experience
Chat with an Astronaut
Heroes and Legends Exhibit
Itinéraire et carte
Point de rencontre
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Comté de Brevard
Space Commerce Way
Point final
Cette activité se termine au point de rendez-vous.
Information additionnelle
  • Les bébés et les petits enfants peuvent monter dans un landau ou une poussette
  • Les bébés doivent s'asseoir sur les genoux d'un adulte
  • Convient à tous les niveaux de forme physique
  • Des chenils pour animaux de compagnie sont disponibles sans frais supplémentaires au comptoir d'information à l'intérieur de l'entrée
  • Des poussettes sont disponibles à la location à payer à la boutique de l'espace
  • Les billets pour assister à un lancement ne sont pas inclus avec cette visite et doit être acheté séparément
  • Invités handicapés :
  • Des fauteuils roulants sont disponibles à la location
  • Des systèmes de sous-titrage sont disponibles pour les présentations du théâtre IMAX
  • Une narration descriptive est disponible pour les présentations du théâtre IMAX pour les invités aveugles ou malvoyants
  • Les membres de l'équipage sont disponibles pour récupérer des objets et aider si nécessaire
  • Les visites et les expositions peuvent être modifié ou fermé pendant les besoins opérationnels
  • Après les mises à jour de sécurité COVID-19 - Nous vous demandons poliment de vous abstenir de faire cette visite si vous commencez à vous présentant l'un des symptômes associés à la COVID-19, ou si vous présentez un risque élevé de contracter la maladie. Les masques faciaux sont recommandés mais pas obligatoires, veuillez donc apporter le vôtre si vous souhaitez en porter un.
  • Désinfectant pour les mains disponible pour les voyageurs et le personnel
  • Zones à fort trafic régulièrement désinfectées
  • Équipement/équipement désinfecté entre chaque utilisation
  • Véhicules de transport régulièrement désinfecté
  • Guides nécessaires pour se laver régulièrement les mains
  • Les couvre-visages sont facultatifs. Cela inclut dans toutes les installations, les attractions et lors de la conduite en bus. Pour les invités/membres d'équipage qui ne sont pas complètement vaccinés, les masques sont toujours fortement recommandés.
À quoi s'attendre
NASA Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex
Have a chat with an actual Astronaut! Get as close to space as possible during this new 45-Minute experience. Daily Astronauts sit down in a small group setting to answer your most pressing questions. You get to enjoy a continental breakfast in the morning or culinary samplings in the afternoon including one alcoholic beverage per adult ticket. You’ll find out about what it’s really like to live and work in space. To make the memories last, you can take home a signed portrait of the Astronaut along with a small gift. Also included with your admission is the Shuttle Launch Experience, Space Shuttle Atlantis, Apollo/Saturn V Rocket Center, astronaut encounter, two IMAX films, all shows and exhibits.
U.S. Astronaut Hall of Fame
In the Apollo/Saturn V Center, relive the wonder and excitement of the Apollo era in this one-of-a-kind exhibit that celebrates the unprecedented achievement of putting a man on the moon and the joy that was realized in that moment around the world. Also, take a bus tour past some of the most iconic NASA landmarks. Meet a veteran NASA astronaut at the Astronaut Encounter Show. Visit the impressive Rocket Garden, featuring the first rocket to break free from gravity, and honor NASA’s fallen heroes at the 'Heroes and Legends' exhibit featuring the U.S. Astronaut Hall of Fame®. Then learn more about what it takes to explore Mars at Journey to Mars: Explorers Wanted.
Space Shuttle Atlantis
The journey starts in the Atlantis theater with a close-up view of Space Shuttle Atlantis and more than 60 interactive exhibits. It's a moving celebration of humankind’s greatest achievements. Then in the Shuttle Launch Experience, discover the sights, sounds and feelings of a real Space Shuttle launch. Buckle up and get ready for launch in a one-of-a-kind, custom-designed crew cabin.
NASA Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex
Have a chat with an actual Astronaut! Get as close to space as possible during this new 45-Minute experience. Daily Astronauts sit down in a small group setting to answer your most pressing questions. You get to enjoy a continental breakfast in the morning or culinary samplings in the afternoon including one alcoholic beverage per adult ticket. You’ll find out about what it’s really like to live and work in space. To make the memories last, you can take home a signed portrait of the Astronaut along with a small gift. Also included with your admission is the Shuttle Launch Experience, Space Shuttle Atlantis, Apollo/Saturn V Rocket Center, astronaut encounter, two IMAX films, all shows and exhibits.
U.S. Astronaut Hall of Fame
In the Apollo/Saturn V Center, relive the wonder and excitement of the Apollo era in this one-of-a-kind exhibit that celebrates the unprecedented achievement of putting a man on the moon and the joy that was realized in that moment around the world. Also, take a bus tour past some of the most iconic NASA landmarks. Meet a veteran NASA astronaut at the Astronaut Encounter Show. Visit the impressive Rocket Garden, featuring the first rocket to break free from gravity, and honor NASA’s fallen heroes at the 'Heroes and Legends' exhibit featuring the U.S. Astronaut Hall of Fame®. Then learn more about what it takes to explore Mars at Journey to Mars: Explorers Wanted.
Space Shuttle Atlantis
The journey starts in the Atlantis theater with a close-up view of Space Shuttle Atlantis and more than 60 interactive exhibits. It's a moving celebration of humankind’s greatest achievements. Then in the Shuttle Launch Experience, discover the sights, sounds and feelings of a real Space Shuttle launch. Buckle up and get ready for launch in a one-of-a-kind, custom-designed crew cabin.
NASA Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex
Have a chat with an actual Astronaut! Get as close to space as possible during this new 45-Minute experience. Daily Astronauts sit down in a small group setting to answer your most pressing questions. You get to enjoy a continental breakfast in the morning or culinary samplings in the afternoon including one alcoholic beverage per adult ticket. You’ll find out about what it’s really like to live and work in space. To make the memories last, you can take home a signed portrait of the Astronaut along with a small gift. Also included with your admission is the Shuttle Launch Experience, Space Shuttle Atlantis, Apollo/Saturn V Rocket Center, astronaut encounter, two IMAX films, all shows and exhibits.
U.S. Astronaut Hall of Fame
In the Apollo/Saturn V Center, relive the wonder and excitement of the Apollo era in this one-of-a-kind exhibit that celebrates the unprecedented achievement of putting a man on the moon and the joy that was realized in that moment around the world. Also, take a bus tour past some of the most iconic NASA landmarks. Meet a veteran NASA astronaut at the Astronaut Encounter Show. Visit the impressive Rocket Garden, featuring the first rocket to break free from gravity, and honor NASA’s fallen heroes at the 'Heroes and Legends' exhibit featuring the U.S. Astronaut Hall of Fame®. Then learn more about what it takes to explore Mars at Journey to Mars: Explorers Wanted.
Space Shuttle Atlantis
The journey starts in the Atlantis theater with a close-up view of Space Shuttle Atlantis and more than 60 interactive exhibits. It's a moving celebration of humankind’s greatest achievements. Then in the Shuttle Launch Experience, discover the sights, sounds and feelings of a real Space Shuttle launch. Buckle up and get ready for launch in a one-of-a-kind, custom-designed crew cabin.
NASA Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex
Have a chat with an actual Astronaut! Get as close to space as possible during this new 45-Minute experience. Daily Astronauts sit down in a small group setting to answer your most pressing questions. You get to enjoy a continental breakfast in the morning or culinary samplings in the afternoon including one alcoholic beverage per adult ticket. You’ll find out about what it’s really like to live and work in space. To make the memories last, you can take home a signed portrait of the Astronaut along with a small gift. Also included with your admission is the Shuttle Launch Experience, Space Shuttle Atlantis, Apollo/Saturn V Rocket Center, astronaut encounter, two IMAX films, all shows and exhibits.
U.S. Astronaut Hall of Fame
In the Apollo/Saturn V Center, relive the wonder and excitement of the Apollo era in this one-of-a-kind exhibit that celebrates the unprecedented achievement of putting a man on the moon and the joy that was realized in that moment around the world. Also, take a bus tour past some of the most iconic NASA landmarks. Meet a veteran NASA astronaut at the Astronaut Encounter Show. Visit the impressive Rocket Garden, featuring the first rocket to break free from gravity, and honor NASA’s fallen heroes at the 'Heroes and Legends' exhibit featuring the U.S. Astronaut Hall of Fame®. Then learn more about what it takes to explore Mars at Journey to Mars: Explorers Wanted.
Space Shuttle Atlantis
The journey starts in the Atlantis theater with a close-up view of Space Shuttle Atlantis and more than 60 interactive exhibits. It's a moving celebration of humankind’s greatest achievements. Then in the Shuttle Launch Experience, discover the sights, sounds and feelings of a real Space Shuttle launch. Buckle up and get ready for launch in a one-of-a-kind, custom-designed crew cabin.
Complexe des visiteurs du centre spatial Kennedy de la NASA
Discutez avec un vrai astronaute ! Rapprochez-vous le plus possible de l'espace lors de cette nouvelle expérience de 45 minutes. Les astronautes quotidiens s'assoient en petit groupe pour répondre à vos questions les plus urgentes. Vous pourrez profiter d'un petit-déjeuner continental le matin ou de dégustations culinaires l'après-midi, comprenant une boisson alcoolisée par billet adulte. Vous découvrirez ce que c'est vraiment de vivre et de travailler dans l'espace. Pour faire durer les souvenirs, vous pouvez emporter chez vous un portrait dédicacé de l'astronaute accompagné d'un petit cadeau. Votre admission comprend également l'expérience de lancement de la navette, la navette spatiale Atlantis, le centre de fusée Apollo/Saturn V, la rencontre avec les astronautes, deux films IMAX, tous les spectacles et expositions.
Temple de la renommée des astronautes américains
Au centre Apollo/Saturn V, revivez l'émerveillement et l'excitation de l'ère Apollo dans cette exposition unique en son genre qui célèbre la réalisation sans précédent de mettre un homme sur la lune et la joie qui a été réalisée à ce moment autour du monde. Faites également un tour en bus devant certains des monuments les plus emblématiques de la NASA. Rencontrez un astronaute vétéran de la NASA au Astronaut Encounter Show. Visitez l'impressionnant Rocket Garden, avec la première fusée à s'être libérée de la gravité, et honorez les héros tombés au combat de la NASA lors de l'exposition « Heroes and Legends » mettant en vedette le U.S. Astronaut Hall of Fame®. Alors apprenez-en plus sur ce qu'il faut pour explorer Mars à Journey to Mars: Explorers Wanted.
Navette spatiale Atlantis
Le voyage commence dans le théâtre Atlantis avec une vue rapprochée de la navette spatiale Atlantis et plus de 60 expositions interactives. C'est une célébration émouvante des plus grandes réalisations de l'humanité. Ensuite, dans l'expérience de lancement de navette, découvrez les images, les sons et les sensations d'un véritable lancement de navette spatiale. Bouclez votre ceinture et préparez-vous pour le lancement dans une cabine d'équipage unique en son genre, conçue sur mesure.
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Commentaires (15)
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Heather M
Nov 2019
So much to do and see at the Kennedy Space Center. If you want to see and experience every thing, you'll need all day. Go to the Shuttle experience first or else you'll spend all day in queues. There is a but. There needs to be much clearer info about when the gates open and when the site itself opens. If people are self positioning, the gates open at 08:00. Also, the tickets issued need to swapped at the Center but the numbers issued don't match anything on the KSC's systems. Fortunately, a name search found us.
Réponse de l'hôte
Dec 2019
Thank you for your feedback! I am very happy to hear that you had a great time at the kennedy space center and that there was a lot to do. Please keep us in mind next time you are in town. As for being clearer on the time and info, thank you for letting us know we will definitely work on that and improve for you.
Oct 2019
Great day. Had lunch with an astronaut, followed by an extended bus tour (we were the only ones on the tour so we had our very own private tour). Lots to do and see. Worth the trip from Orlando area.
Réponse de l'hôte
Oct 2019
We are very happy to know that you had a wonderful time at Kennedy Space Center. We agree that it is worth taking the time to see. Thank you for your feedback and look forward to having you again soon!
Jul 2019
We planned our visit not knowing that a launch was going to take place on that day. Car parking was $10 but there was no supervisors or transfer to the entrance. We passed through bag search and purchased our tickets and were surprised that we didn’t have to pay full price but put that down to the fact that there was no busses to take you to the launch pad.. We looked at one attraction but had to pay extra for that so we went to the imax screening which was very interesting. We tried to buy food but the queues were extremely long with no guarantee of a table as people seemed to have eaten and staying put until the launch. Restrooms were smelly and the ice cream seller didn’t have vanilla ice cream or Orio.
Réponse de l'hôte
Jul 2019
Hello, Thank you for your feedback. I'm assuming that you booked our Kennedy Space Center Ticket Only option. A memo did go out to all of our guest who booked the Ticket Only option. This memo states that there will be a rocket launch on Wednesday, July 24, 2019. We suggest visiting Kennedy Space Center’s website for updates and advised arriving early as on launch days there will be more visitors than on normal days. Kennedy Space Center can be very busy on launch dates and has filled to capacity in the past. We also did advise that the tickets that have been sent to you is not date specific and can be used on another date if you wish. If you have any further questions or concerns please feel free to reach out to us!

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