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Promenade en bateau d'aventure à Manhattan

L'expérience touristique personnalisée ultime dans le port de New York ! Profitez de la ville depuis de superbes points de vue et photographiez la ligne d'horizon de renommée mondiale sur le même bateau que les agences de presse pour couvrir les dernières nouvelles ! Notre Adventure Sightseeing Tour vous emmène dans une balade inoubliable à travers le port. La visite commentée indique plus de 40 sites sur les voies navigables locales. Vous découvrirez la ville à partir de points de vue uniques, soigneusement choisis en tenant compte de l'intérêt du photographe. Nous vous amènerons à quelques mètres des principales attractions et créerons une distance suffisante pour voir la ligne d'horizon panoramique. Nos capitaines arrêtent le bateau à de nombreux endroits le long du chemin pour vous donner la possibilité de prendre des photos emblématiques. C'est le moyen idéal pour vous familiariser avec la géographie de New York lors de votre visite et beaucoup de plaisir pour les touristes et les locaux !
Ville: La ville de New York
Sat 08 Feb
Vous pouvez déjà choisir la date sur le site de réservation
À partir de $99.00
Sat 08 Feb
À partir de $99.00
Faire une réservation
Ce qui est inclu
U.S. Coast Guard licensed Captain
Landing and facility fees
TripAdvisor Experiences brokerage fee
Local taxes
U.S. Coast Guard licensed Captain
Landing and facility fees
TripAdvisor Experiences brokerage fee
Information additionnelle
  • Déconseillé aux voyageuses enceintes
  • Les bébés et les jeunes enfants peuvent monter dans un landau ou une poussette
  • Animaux d'assistance autorisés
  • Les options de transport en commun sont disponible à proximité
  • Déconseillé aux voyageurs souffrant de lésions de la colonne vertébrale
  • Convient à tous les niveaux de condition physique
  • Nos circuits se déroulent avec un minimum de 4 passagers
  • L'âge minimum est de 4 ans ; les mineurs doivent être accompagnés d'un adulte.
  • Le tarif adulte s'applique à tous les passagers
  • Aucun remboursement ne sera effectué si la visite/l'activité est manquée en raison de votre arrivée tardive
  • Pas de talons hauts ; chaussures plates uniquement
  • Recommandé : apportez des lunettes de soleil et votre appareil photo !
À quoi s'attendre
Empire State Building
We’ll leave Manhattan and head out on the Hudson River to get spectacular views of downtown and midtown with the Empire State and Chrysler buildings.
Chelsea Piers Sports & Entertainment Complex
Going north on the Hudson you'll see, the FDNY Fireboat Station, Chelsea Piers, the VIP Heliport, Hudson Yards Project, The Highline and the Jacob Javits Convention Center before stopping at the Intrepid Aircraft Carrier and Cruise Ship Terminal.
New Jersey
We will cross over to the New Jersey shoreline and run south for panoramic views of the entire skyline.
Financial District
From Hoboken we cross back over to Manhattan and stop right in front of the Financial District and Freedom Tower.
Battery Park City
Rounding Battery Park, we enter the East River where you'll see the helicopters take-off and land, as we cruise past South Street Seaport, go under the Brooklyn Bridge and to the Manhattan Bridge. After taking in the iconic views, we run along the Brooklyn waterfront, past the Red Hook Container Terminal and around Governors Island.
Statue of Liberty
Crossing the Upper Bay you'll see commercial vessels such as tug boats, oil barges, and the Staten Island Ferry while making our way to the Statue of Liberty. We stop right outside the security zone so you can get an up-close and unobstructed view of Lady Liberty. We stop right outside the security zone so you can get an up-close and unobstructed view of Lady Liberty.
Ellis Island
Returning to Manhattan, we pass Ellis Island, and you'll have great views of the entire world-famous NYC downtown skyline. We hope to welcome you aboard! At each of our 12 tour stops the captain positions the boat so that every guest can get a perfect photo and will help guests with any photo requests.
Brooklyn Bridge
Our captain will take you under the Brooklyn Bridge and stop just north of there so you can take those iconic photos of the Manhattan skyline with the Brooklyn Bridge in the foreground
Hudson Yards
We'll stop the boat right infront of the Hudson Yards Complex so you can see The Vessel and all the other new buildings.
Governors Island
Our captain will show you some of the old buildings from the water on this island, which once was an Army base then a Coast Guard Station and now a large park.
Empire State Building
We’ll leave Manhattan and head out on the Hudson River to get spectacular views of downtown and midtown with the Empire State and Chrysler buildings.
Chelsea Piers Sports & Entertainment Complex
Going north on the Hudson you'll see, the FDNY Fireboat Station, Chelsea Piers, the VIP Heliport, Hudson Yards Project, The Highline and the Jacob Javits Convention Center before stopping at the Intrepid Aircraft Carrier and Cruise Ship Terminal.
New Jersey
We will cross over to the New Jersey shoreline and run south for panoramic views of the entire skyline.
Financial District
From Hoboken we cross back over to Manhattan and stop right in front of the Financial District and Freedom Tower.
Battery Park City
Rounding Battery Park, we enter the East River where you'll see the helicopters take-off and land, as we cruise past South Street Seaport, go under the Brooklyn Bridge and to the Manhattan Bridge. After taking in the iconic views, we run along the Brooklyn waterfront, past the Red Hook Container Terminal and around Governors Island.
Statue of Liberty
Crossing the Upper Bay you'll see commercial vessels such as tug boats, oil barges, and the Staten Island Ferry while making our way to the Statue of Liberty. We stop right outside the security zone so you can get an up-close and unobstructed view of Lady Liberty. We stop right outside the security zone so you can get an up-close and unobstructed view of Lady Liberty.
Ellis Island
Returning to Manhattan, we pass Ellis Island, and you'll have great views of the entire world-famous NYC downtown skyline. We hope to welcome you aboard! At each of our 12 tour stops the captain positions the boat so that every guest can get a perfect photo and will help guests with any photo requests.
Brooklyn Bridge
Our captain will take you under the Brooklyn Bridge and stop just north of there so you can take those iconic photos of the Manhattan skyline with the Brooklyn Bridge in the foreground
Hudson Yards
We'll stop the boat right infront of the Hudson Yards Complex so you can see The Vessel and all the other new buildings.
Governors Island
Our captain will show you some of the old buildings from the water on this island, which once was an Army base then a Coast Guard Station and now a large park.
Empire State Building
We’ll leave Manhattan and head out on the Hudson River to get spectacular views of downtown and midtown with the Empire State and Chrysler buildings.
Chelsea Piers Sports & Entertainment Complex
Going north on the Hudson you'll see, the FDNY Fireboat Station, Chelsea Piers, the VIP Heliport, Hudson Yards Project, The Highline and the Jacob Javits Convention Center before stopping at the Intrepid Aircraft Carrier and Cruise Ship Terminal.
New Jersey
We will cross over to the New Jersey shoreline and run south for panoramic views of the entire skyline.
Financial District
From Hoboken we cross back over to Manhattan and stop right in front of the Financial District and Freedom Tower.
Battery Park City
Rounding Battery Park, we enter the East River where you'll see the helicopters take-off and land, as we cruise past South Street Seaport, go under the Brooklyn Bridge and to the Manhattan Bridge. After taking in the iconic views, we run along the Brooklyn waterfront, past the Red Hook Container Terminal and around Governors Island.
Statue of Liberty
Crossing the Upper Bay you'll see commercial vessels such as tug boats, oil barges, and the Staten Island Ferry while making our way to the Statue of Liberty. We stop right outside the security zone so you can get an up-close and unobstructed view of Lady Liberty. We stop right outside the security zone so you can get an up-close and unobstructed view of Lady Liberty.
Ellis Island
Returning to Manhattan, we pass Ellis Island, and you'll have great views of the entire world-famous NYC downtown skyline. We hope to welcome you aboard! At each of our 12 tour stops the captain positions the boat so that every guest can get a perfect photo and will help guests with any photo requests.
Brooklyn Bridge
Our captain will take you under the Brooklyn Bridge and stop just north of there so you can take those iconic photos of the Manhattan skyline with the Brooklyn Bridge in the foreground
Hudson Yards
We'll stop the boat right infront of the Hudson Yards Complex so you can see The Vessel and all the other new buildings.
Governors Island
Our captain will show you some of the old buildings from the water on this island, which once was an Army base then a Coast Guard Station and now a large park.
Empire State Building
We’ll leave Manhattan and head out on the Hudson River to get spectacular views of downtown and midtown with the Empire State and Chrysler buildings.
Chelsea Piers Sports & Entertainment Complex
Going north on the Hudson you'll see, the FDNY Fireboat Station, Chelsea Piers, the VIP Heliport, Hudson Yards Project, The Highline and the Jacob Javits Convention Center before stopping at the Intrepid Aircraft Carrier and Cruise Ship Terminal.
New Jersey
We will cross over to the New Jersey shoreline and run south for panoramic views of the entire skyline.
Financial District
From Hoboken we cross back over to Manhattan and stop right in front of the Financial District and Freedom Tower.
Battery Park City
Rounding Battery Park, we enter the East River where you'll see the helicopters take-off and land, as we cruise past South Street Seaport, go under the Brooklyn Bridge and to the Manhattan Bridge. After taking in the iconic views, we run along the Brooklyn waterfront, past the Red Hook Container Terminal and around Governors Island.
Statue of Liberty
Crossing the Upper Bay you'll see commercial vessels such as tug boats, oil barges, and the Staten Island Ferry while making our way to the Statue of Liberty. We stop right outside the security zone so you can get an up-close and unobstructed view of Lady Liberty. We stop right outside the security zone so you can get an up-close and unobstructed view of Lady Liberty.
Ellis Island
Returning to Manhattan, we pass Ellis Island, and you'll have great views of the entire world-famous NYC downtown skyline. We hope to welcome you aboard! At each of our 12 tour stops the captain positions the boat so that every guest can get a perfect photo and will help guests with any photo requests.
Brooklyn Bridge
Our captain will take you under the Brooklyn Bridge and stop just north of there so you can take those iconic photos of the Manhattan skyline with the Brooklyn Bridge in the foreground
Hudson Yards
We'll stop the boat right infront of the Hudson Yards Complex so you can see The Vessel and all the other new buildings.
Governors Island
Our captain will show you some of the old buildings from the water on this island, which once was an Army base then a Coast Guard Station and now a large park.
Empire State Building
We’ll leave Manhattan and head out on the Hudson River to get spectacular views of downtown and midtown with the Empire State and Chrysler buildings.
Chelsea Piers Sports & Entertainment Complex
Going north on the Hudson you'll see, the FDNY Fireboat Station, Chelsea Piers, the VIP Heliport, Hudson Yards Project, The Highline and the Jacob Javits Convention Center before stopping at the Intrepid Aircraft Carrier and Cruise Ship Terminal.
New Jersey
We will cross over to the New Jersey shoreline and run south for panoramic views of the entire skyline.
Financial District
From Hoboken we cross back over to Manhattan and stop right in front of the Financial District and Freedom Tower.
Battery Park City
Rounding Battery Park, we enter the East River where you'll see the helicopters take-off and land, as we cruise past South Street Seaport, go under the Brooklyn Bridge and to the Manhattan Bridge. After taking in the iconic views, we run along the Brooklyn waterfront, past the Red Hook Container Terminal and around Governors Island.
Statue of Liberty
Crossing the Upper Bay you'll see commercial vessels such as tug boats, oil barges, and the Staten Island Ferry while making our way to the Statue of Liberty. We stop right outside the security zone so you can get an up-close and unobstructed view of Lady Liberty. We stop right outside the security zone so you can get an up-close and unobstructed view of Lady Liberty.
Ellis Island
Returning to Manhattan, we pass Ellis Island, and you'll have great views of the entire world-famous NYC downtown skyline. We hope to welcome you aboard! At each of our 12 tour stops the captain positions the boat so that every guest can get a perfect photo and will help guests with any photo requests.
Brooklyn Bridge
Our captain will take you under the Brooklyn Bridge and stop just north of there so you can take those iconic photos of the Manhattan skyline with the Brooklyn Bridge in the foreground
Hudson Yards
We'll stop the boat right infront of the Hudson Yards Complex so you can see The Vessel and all the other new buildings.
Governors Island
Our captain will show you some of the old buildings from the water on this island, which once was an Army base then a Coast Guard Station and now a large park.
Empire State Building
Nous quitterons Manhattan et nous dirigerons sur la rivière Hudson pour profiter de vues spectaculaires sur le centre-ville et le centre-ville avec les bâtiments Empire State et Chrysler.
Complexe sportif et de divertissement Chelsea Piers
En allant vers le nord sur l'Hudson, vous verrez la station de pompiers FDNY, Chelsea Piers, l'héliport VIP, le projet Hudson Yards, la Highline et le Jacob Javits Convention Center avant de vous arrêter au porte-avions Intrepid et au terminal de croisière.
New Jersey
Nous traverserons le littoral du New Jersey et nous dirigerons vers le sud pour une vue panoramique sur toute la ligne d'horizon.
Quartier financier
De Hoboken, nous retraversons Manhattan et nous nous arrêtons juste en face du Financial District et de la Freedom Tower.
Batterie Park City
En contournant Battery Park, nous entrons dans l'East River où vous verrez les hélicoptères décoller et atterrir, tandis que nous passerons devant South Street Seaport, passerons sous le pont de Brooklyn et jusqu'au pont de Manhattan. Après avoir admiré les vues emblématiques, nous longeons le front de mer de Brooklyn, passons devant le terminal à conteneurs Red Hook et autour de Governors Island.
Statue de la Liberté
En traversant la baie supérieure, vous verrez des navires commerciaux tels que des remorqueurs, des barges pétrolières et le ferry de Staten Island tout en vous dirigeant vers la Statue de la Liberté. Nous nous arrêtons juste à l'extérieur de la zone de sécurité afin que vous puissiez avoir une vue rapprochée et dégagée de Lady Liberty. Nous nous arrêtons juste à l'extérieur de la zone de sécurité afin que vous puissiez avoir une vue rapprochée et dégagée de Lady Liberty.
l'île d'Ellis
De retour à Manhattan, nous passons devant Ellis Island et vous aurez une vue imprenable sur l'ensemble de la ligne d'horizon du centre-ville de New York, mondialement connue. Nous espérons vous accueillir à bord ! À chacun de nos 12 arrêts, le capitaine positionne le bateau afin que chaque invité puisse obtenir une photo parfaite et aidera les invités pour toute demande de photo.
le pont de Brooklyn
Notre capitaine vous emmènera sous le pont de Brooklyn et s'arrêtera juste au nord pour que vous puissiez prendre ces photos emblématiques de la ligne d'horizon de Manhattan avec le pont de Brooklyn au premier plan.
Chantiers d'Hudson
Nous arrêterons le bateau juste devant le complexe Hudson Yards afin que vous puissiez voir le navire et tous les autres nouveaux bâtiments.
Île des Gouverneurs
Notre capitaine vous montrera quelques-uns des anciens bâtiments de l'eau sur cette île, qui était autrefois une base militaire puis une station de garde-côtes et maintenant un grand parc.
Show 57 plus d'arrêts
Politique d'annulation
Pour un remboursement complet, annulez au moins 24 heures avant l'heure de départ prévue.
Photos de voyageurs
Commentaires (383)
Nov 2022
Very easy to find the boat . Very friendly and informative captain . Very comfortable ride . I was with my 70 plus mother and my 20 year old daughter and her friend and we all had an excellent time . Highly recommended.
Oct 2022
Just the best way of seeing Manhattan from the rivers, as well as Brooklyn, Jersey City and the Statue of Liberty. The boat is quick and the ride is fun - but you get to stop very 5 minutes or so and the captain is highly knowledgable, whether he’s pointing out the cultural hotspots and new buildings in the Manhattan skyline or talking through a brief history of Ellis Island. Would highly recommend to anyone - an unusually thrilling tour experience!
Oct 2022
Amazing trip knowledgable captain. Stopped at regular times for photo opportunities. Speedy way to see lots of New York from the water. Contacted us to change day due to poor weather - very accommodating and excellent communication. Would recommend for the whole family.

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