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Manta Magic - Plongée en apnée nocturne avec les raies manta au village de Manta, Kona, Hawaii

Évitez les foules des autres «bateaux à bestiaux» à Kona et profitez d'une expérience de plongée en apnée avec des raies manta en petit groupe avec un maximum de 12 passagers.

Cette excursion part du port de Keahou dans le sud de Kona et profite d'un court 5 -minute en bateau jusqu'à notre site de plongée en apnée, Manta Village.

Votre capitaine et votre guide de plongée vous renseigneront sur les célèbres raies manta de Kona et discuteront de notre approche sûre et humaine pour interagir avec les gentils géants.

br>Après être entré dans l'eau, vous vous accrocherez à notre planche lumineuse, les pieds soutenus par des dispositifs de flottaison, tandis que les raies manta effectueront un ballet gracieux sous vous. Les raies manta se nourrissent de filtre de plancton qui se rassemble naturellement à la surface juste avant le coucher du soleil, puis s'accumule sous nos lumières. C'est l'occasion de profiter d'une soirée sur l'eau et de regarder avec émerveillement les raies manta glisser et danser pour vous.

Nous sommes fiers d'être une entreprise inscrite sur la liste verte et nous adoptons une approche respectueuse de l'environnement pour nos interactions avec les raies manta.
Ville: Grande île d'Hawaï
Sat 19 Oct
Vous pouvez déjà choisir la date sur le site de réservation
À partir de $125.00
Sat 19 Oct
À partir de $125.00
Faire une réservation
Ce qui est inclu
Professional guide
Wetsuit (optional)
Use of Snorkelling equipment
Local taxes
Professional guide
Wetsuit (optional)
Information additionnelle
  • Déconseillé aux voyageurs souffrant de lésions médullaires
  • Déconseillé aux femmes enceintes
  • Déconseillé aux voyageurs ayant une mauvaise santé cardiovasculaire
  • Les voyageurs devraient avoir au moins un niveau de forme physique modéré
  • Doit être capable de nager sans l'aide d'un dispositif de flottaison.
  • Un billet est requis pour tous les passagers, quel que soit leur âge ou s'ils sont entrer dans l'eau.
  • Poids maximum de 280 livres par voyageur.
  • Déconseillé aux voyageurs ayant des problèmes de cou.
  • L'équipement de plongée est désinfecté entre les utilisations.
Politique d'annulation
Pour un remboursement complet, annulez au moins 24 heures avant l'heure de départ prévue.
Photos de voyageurs
Commentaires (858)
Robbert v
May 2016
Awesome crew, very knowledgeable and friendly. The manta ray tour was incredible. The first night we didn't see any manta's (yeah, that happens sometimes in nature), but the crew gave us a refund in the form of another tour the next day. On that second day we saw around 6 huge manta rays, which was a magical experience. They swim up to 10 cm from your face, which is obviously pretty cool :) Small note: as the boat ride is on open sea, it's quite bumpy, make sure you take measures against motion sickness.
May 2016
I was greeted by a crew (3) that were incredibly friendly. I felt like I was right at home with my friends. I have been on many dive/snorkel boats in my time and this was by far, the most exceptional experience. First thing I was educated about is this is a boat that is 100% GREEN! YES! A company whom harms ZERO sea live no anchoring to coral! They also quickly educated us why we could not handle the manta rays because of their protective membrane layer. I loved this, because everyone wants to grab sea life. They fully educated us about the manta's and their markings, male v.s female and down to their bodily markings as well. No two are alike. They come into this area to feed off the plankton. That night we not only got to snorkel the local reef in this spot, I saw the largest and smallest starfish and sea star uber bonus we also saw 12 manta's! This company is in the business of you and your experience and having fun! They take photos for your enjoyment not as an extra side business to make more money at the end. Your photos will be posted on the website to share away after your experience. All boat staff is certified in Manta Rays this is a program you have to go through. Clearly they are vested in time and education. I loved this, they love the ocean and want all customers to walk away educated and happy. You leave this experience elated and so blown away by what you have seen its magic and a gift from Hawaii. I am so happy I went with Hawaii Oceanic. All members on board are certified for emergencies and there was even an RN on board too. They feed you and have plenty to drink and had ginger chews for nausea if needed. Now this is what The Ritz feels like a total 5 star experience.
Apr 2016
This experience was to say the least... AWESOME!!!!! With no experience snorkeling, Captain Jason and his able bodied assistant Ashley put all fears to rest. They are part of the Green Conscious movement, so they tied off to a mooring at the bottom of the bay that would not cause any harm to the coral below. We got to the site early and were able to get our "feet wet" before the main attraction. Besides the buoyant wet suit provided, they also had additional flotation devices to put your mind at ease. We were able to snorkel and see the fish that frequent the location. When the time came, we grabbed on to the lighted float and Ashley escorted us to the location. It was not long before we saw our first manta ray. The manta performed several loop to loop maneuvers scooping up plankton just an arms length away. The night just got better. Soon we had 5 to 6 mantas all performing an underwater ballet below us. We were also treated to a species of seal that are native to the waters off Kona, Hawaii. THANK YOU CAPTAIN JASON AND ASHLEY will never forget the magic and how awesome it was to see the Manta's up close.

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